View Full Version : Umbrella Corp

26 Inf
05-09-18, 23:28
Does anyone know if they are ever going to make lowers again?

05-09-18, 23:45
I sold my Lower last month.

But what what I’ve heard, I guess Umbrella is a pet project for the owner. He does stuff and releases items when he wants and has the time.

I guess there is new batch of lowers coming, but when is anybody’s guess. They were supposed to be released at the end of last year and never were.

05-10-18, 00:09
Does anyone know if they are ever going to make lowers again?

I would guess they will, it is certainly one of the things people seem to want most from the company. I've had one of the early ones, it was well machined and the logo was very clean. I no longer have it, but that is a different story.

05-10-18, 00:26
I would guess they will, it is certainly one of the things people seant most from the company. I've had one of the early ones, it was well machined and the logo was very clean. I no longer have it, but that is a different story.

Kinda like that 1955 Chevy Bel Air I owned right before I PCS’d to Germany....

A story best served with a cold one. Or 19.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-10-18, 00:44
Damn it!! I thought/hoped this would be a thread about their return to production.

05-10-18, 08:30
What is the mystique about Umbrella Corp lowers that makes them so desirable?
Extremely high quality?
I’m genuinely curious, I have never heard why.

05-10-18, 08:40
What is the mystique about Umbrella Corp lowers that makes them so desirable?
Extremely high quality?
I’m genuinely curious, I have never heard why.No, something far more important: Milla Jovovich

05-10-18, 09:51
What is the mystique about Umbrella Corp lowers that makes them so desirable?
Extremely high quality?
I’m genuinely curious, I have never heard why.

Novelty of the roll mark to children of the 90’s & 00s that played the games, and scarcity.

I had a UCWRG lower that I recently sold off, quality was never a word I associated with that lower. It was from the 3rd gen run I’ve come to find out, and it was an absolute horrible finish on the lower. But maybe I just got a bad one from that run.

Definitely not Milla whatever.


05-10-18, 10:03
I have two of their early lowers, I bought after joining the queue on BookFace. The lowers aren't anything special, but that logo :cool:

26 Inf
05-10-18, 10:32
The logo is what I'm wanting the lower for, nothing more.

The other day I'm at coffee and a guy walks in wearing an Umbrella Corp tee shirt, full color logo. I ask him, what do you have, I have the type 23 grips on all my builds. He goes 'What?' That is when I found out it was also a game.

05-10-18, 10:46
Funny, I love my Mega Lower that was made without a rollmark. It's just a lower after all.

In fact most of the ones I have with rollmarks get it covered by a small thin blue line sticker.

05-10-18, 12:08
No, something far more important: Milla Jovovich


05-10-18, 13:47
...The other day I'm at coffee and a guy walks in wearing an Umbrella Corp tee shirt, full color logo. I ask him, what do you have, I have the type 23 grips on all my builds. Hey goes 'What?' That is when I found out it was also a game.

This. Right. Here. Pretty much how I feel about my life most days.

05-10-18, 22:08
Reading this thread reminded me of my Umbrella Corp gun that I built in 2012...

I know this isn't a picture thread, but maybe this will give the OP something to think about during his search for the elusive Umbrella logo...

Here's a link to the original article and a few pictures. Yes, I was a huge fan of the game. All my guns are tools except for this one. Once I saw this receiver set, something clicked and I had to do something stupid. One of these days I'll get around to removing the color fill and cerakoting it.



05-14-18, 01:48
No, something far more important: Milla Jovovich
Meh. Not that hot despite being a redhead, and a Gun Grabbing Foaming-at-Mouth Leftist to boot.

The girlfriend, however, is a *huge* fan of the Resident Evil movies, so if I found one or two at the right price and cash-flow allowed I might pick 'em up to have on-hand for building "her" irons around. However, my calculations of the odds on that... well, until UC can match a fully-assembled Colt lower group for $250-275, it's largely paying for a rollmark as far as I can see. (Then again, with the build plan on what we're penciling out being a matched His/Hers set of M4 and Canadian C8 clones... the flashy Umbrella lower wouldn't be in keeping with the spirit of "lookalike service weapon.")

Bluto, interesting barrel there... the "finned/rings" heatsinks remind me of the early Thompsons.

05-14-18, 04:28
interesting barrel there... the "finned/rings" heatsinks remind me of the early Thompsons.

You can buy a finned barrel from Green Mountain, if that floats your boat.

05-14-18, 07:37
Meh. Not that hot despite being a redhead, and a Gun Grabbing Foaming-at-Mouth Leftist to boot.

AND this from another thread:

Just spitballing an idea... take it with a grain of salt, my last rifle session of ANY kind was fifteen years ago in college and I'm long overdue.

Dude, ya gotta get out more! Someone hand this guy a carbine and take him shooting!

I'll have to find the clip of Milla on the Russian talk show. Quite funny. And has the knack of being in movies we all think will suck but turn out to be better than we thought. "Fifth Element" being the extreme example.

Getting a bit old for the action thing, but she was doing the Scar-Jo thing when Scar-Jo was still a tween.

05-14-18, 15:21
Dude, ya gotta get out more! Someone hand this guy a carbine and take him shooting!
Hard to get out much when you're stuck taking care of an invalid parent... :( Have iron, have a little ammo for checkout shooting, NEED time and a range that isn't full of Fuddtards that shit themselves into empty skins at the mere mention of anything other than their beloved Bolt-Action Bambi-Blasters.

05-14-18, 17:29
Free their minds.

26 Inf
11-30-18, 15:24
Bringing this back from near death.

In one of the various Black Friday good deals threads I someone posted that UCWRG lowers were available and would remain available. I hightailed it over to the UC site and found this:



Sounds like they are taking orders, so I thought, okay, I'll order one. No Fvcking Way. I get the old 'sign in to be notified when this is available.'

So, I gotta ask, are they serious about being in business?


11-30-18, 20:07
Jill Valentine has just a regular Colt M4 in Resident Evil 3, just saying.

I wonder how these people sell trademarked novelty lowers with Umbrella logos and Punisher skulls without getting totally reamed by lawyers over trademarks

12-01-18, 07:37
Bringing this back from near death.

In one of the various Black Friday good deals threads I someone posted that UCWRG lowers were available and would remain available. I hightailed it over to the UC site and found this:



Sounds like they are taking orders, so I thought, okay, I'll order one. No Fvcking Way. I get the old 'sign in to be notified when this is available.'

So, I gotta ask, are they serious about being in business?


Maybe a few zombies disrupted production?

12-01-18, 08:50
I would have thought that "Umbrella Corporation" would have been trademarked by the gaming or movie production company.

26 Inf
12-01-18, 10:09
I don't know anything about the movie or the game, I just want a receiver with the logo for my collection.

12-01-18, 11:12
I don't know anything about the movie or the game, I just want a receiver with the logo for my collection.

Bruh, I would almost give you my old PlayStation and the first three games. You are missing out.

I want a Samurai Edge from part 3. It’s just a Brigadier Beretta with the fancy grips and a stainless barrel but...what can I say... I think it looks neat.

The first movie was a’ight. The second movie was a little better because that was peak Sienna Miller in a tube top, miniskirt, and whore boots killing zombies. The other movies are stuff you watch at 2 a.m. when you are kinda bored and there is nothing on. Mila Jovovich only gets naked in the first two. There was that one in the desert where one guy is a cowboy with an SA80 and it was amusing to watch only once.

Also be advised, Umbrella are the bad guys.

ETA not to thread drift but the second movie wasted Jill Valentine a smidge. They gave her a 5906 when in the game she had a Beretta. If they have her a Beretta with just blank wood grips it would have made it more fun. Her signature gun in almost all the games was a Beretta and an ARWEN launcher that shot explosive grenades.

12-01-18, 11:26
The first movie was a’ight. The second movie was a little better because that was peak Sienna Miller in a tube top, miniskirt, and whore boots killing zombies.

Rarely does moviedom get better than this.

Also be advised, Umbrella are the bad guys.
And sometimes after looking at the prices I feel this is still true

ETA not to thread drift but the second movie wasted Jill Valentine a smidge. They gave her a 5906 when in the game she had a Beretta. If they have her a Beretta with just blank wood grips it would have made it more fun. Her signature gun in almost all the games was a Beretta and an ARWEN launcher that shot explosive grenades.
Do you ever go to those sports bars with the trivia game and completely assassinate every other player in the country? If not. You should. I’d buy the beer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-01-18, 12:50
I see they are out of stock now. Interesting for a product that doesn’t ship till January. I guess that’s part of the deal. I almost bought a set over BF weekend before I came to my senses I realized I don’t need it.

12-01-18, 13:16
I wonder how these people sell trademarked novelty lowers with Umbrella logos and Punisher skulls without getting totally reamed by lawyers over trademarks

In this case, they have paid for, and gone through the legal channels to create the Umbrella product line.

12-01-18, 13:44
In this case, they have paid for, and gone through the legal channels to create the Umbrella product line.

I see.
Umbrella still the bad guy though.

26 Inf
12-01-18, 14:46
I see they are out of stock now. Interesting for a product that doesn’t ship till January. I guess that’s part of the deal. I almost bought a set over BF weekend before I came to my senses I realized I don’t need it.

I tried to backorder, couldn't get it done.

26 Inf
12-01-18, 14:48
I see.
Umbrella still the bad guy though.

I was, you are a cop. Recently, I've come to the realization that to many forum members, we are the bad guys.

12-01-18, 18:40
I was, you are a cop. Recently, I've come to the realization that to many forum members, we are the bad guys.

True but if we go by the games, the police are the good guys and they carry slicked out Berettas and 870 Shotguns.

I mean if you just want the lower for the roll mark, understandable. We have our predilections, but if we wanna be like the game; we need them Berettas to save Raccoon city.

Another slight tangent. I keep a little poster board of patches I have acquired over the years either of places I worked for or with, from buddies from other agencies, or a foreign patch or two when some folks from another country came by and gave out patches to folks. But I also have the Raccoon City Police S.T.A.R.S. patch there too and most folks over 40 are like “What State is Raccoon City in?” because it’s actually a pretty well made patch like it could be a real thing.

Because hey, I like to have fun.

12-01-18, 19:25
The second movie was a little better because that was peak Sienna Miller in a tube top, miniskirt, and whore boots killing zombies.

I thinks its Sienna Guillory...my wife loves watching the Res Evil movies :)

06-11-19, 23:16
Well I'm resurrecting this thread. I finally got my shipping notice for my receiver set. Should be at my FFL on Thursday. I still don't have an idea of what or if I will assemble, out of this receiver set. Once in hand I will put up some photos. Yea I'm a nerd, I have no other reason for buying this receiver set and the biggest and best reason of all "This is America" and I can. God Bless America.

06-12-19, 08:07
I have one of the early ones that I SBR'ed. I think in 2012 & 2013 when they were all the rage they were solid high quality lowers and also one of the few lowers at the time with a nice mag bevel. Kind of the Hodge of their day.

They said they were going to go into full production but as of a few months ago were still having issues. Thats awesome that they are finally shipping. I hope it turns out to be an awesome build.

To say they are anal is an understatement. (email from January):
"Good Morning,

It was our expectation to begin shipping both upper and lower receivers yesterday, 1/7/19. That goal was initially in jeopardy for receivers when anodizing was running a couple weeks behind schedule. Luckily, our anodizer made good progress and both receiver types arrived near the end of last week, cutting it much closer than we’d like, but ultimately putting us back on track. Receivers were processed and inspected, cataloged and recorded, with packaging beginning in earnest on Friday. Some solo upper orders were shipped in advance of the weekend with the bulk of our very dedicated personnel working Saturday and Sunday in preparation for meeting Monday’s date.

Meanwhile, Quality was doing a thorough job testing the anodizing work, along with the dry film lube, with yet another round of spot checks to verify manufacturing. Sunday it was discovered that uppers under evaluation suffered an issue with their dry film lube application. This necessitated a new inspection protocol for every single upper receiver resulting in the unboxing of all orders containing an upper. Unfortunately, the problem was pervasive, so all upper receivers have been pulled.

For folks who may have received one of the uppers shipped on Friday we will be issuing pre-paid return shipping labels. And for those who purchased only a lower receiver, orders will continue shipping as scheduled. The rest of you who are waiting on either an upper receiver, or a receiver set, will have an approximate 3-week delay, at least, as replacement uppers are machined and processed.

If you’ve been an Umbrella fan for a while, situations like this are nothing new. You’ve probably heard the stories where, in the past, we’ve scrapped hundreds of receivers because the raw forgings’ surface finish was not up to our standards. Well, it would seem we’ve yet again found ourselves in a similar situation where our refusal to compromise means delayed delivery. And we completely understand if you don’t want to see this through, so of course full refunds are available if you’d rather step out of line. We sincerely apologize for the delay, but we hope you understand that we won’t cut corners when it comes to production of our premium parts.

We hope you stick with us; thank you for your continued support."

06-12-19, 17:27
They were pretty good with their comms coming about every 30 days. Yup I got that feeling they were wound pretty tight about the dry film coat and the anodizing, and every step of the way offering a full refund if one was so inclined. I'm wondering if there will be any of the cancellations up for sale. I've been checking the website regularly and haven't seen them available as yet.

06-12-19, 18:20
If it was straightforward and easy, I'd buy one but that's just too much drama.

06-12-19, 19:30
I agree, but after waiting 8-13 months for my form 4's over the last 3 suppressors and more than likely at least another 12 months for my next 2 I've learned a lot about patience. At least UCWRG sent updates good ol' ATF leaves you hanging in the wind.

06-12-19, 19:39
Oh, NFA stuff I agree. But when every other AR manufacturer sells lowers of the month with different markings, it's weird. I get it that they want them 'awesome', but dang.

06-12-19, 19:45
Yup, my only excuse is I'm such a nerd and enjoyed most of the franchise. Plus the fact that the company was able to carve out a niche right out from under the nose of Sony, dang score one for the little guy.

06-22-19, 15:26
I was excited to get one when they first showed up, but I'm less excited to get one now than they are about manufacturing them.

06-24-19, 10:39
I would guess they will, it is certainly one of the things people seem to want most from the company. I've had one of the early ones, it was well machined and the logo was very clean. I no longer have it, but that is a different story.

I have serial #10. It was my first SBR and will forever stay in my collection. Super excited!