View Full Version : Nikki Haley is made of Iron.

05-15-18, 17:29

For months, Palestinians have been protesting along the Gaza-Israeli border in objection to Israel’s 70 years in existence. Protestors have been reportedly burning tires in order to create a thick black cloud of smoke that obfuscates them and enables them to carry out acts of violence. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say Hamas insurgents used the U.S.’s embassy relocation to Jerusalem as an excuse to storm the border and plant explosives. At least 58 Palestinians were killed yesterday, spurring the U.N. to propose investigating the IDF to determine if their actions violated international law — a proposal Haley slammed as preposterous.


05-15-18, 17:41
That woman has more balls than many so-called "men" I've been so unfortunate as to cross paths with. I think she's going to be a rockstar on the national-politics stage... if I were Trump, I'd dump Pence from the '20 ticket and ask her to move up to Vice.

05-15-18, 19:54
Agree—she’s a good one. What a rarity!

I’m currently plodding through a book written by a UN “expert” on human rights. “Human Rights and Personal Self-Defense in International Law”. Essentially he says that natural rights/“inalienable rights” are nothing more than wishful thinking, and that no nation is under any obligation to honor them. If so inclined, though, they might humor the peasants with a few crumbs. Envision the whole world like California in 50 years—that’s apparently their goal. Graft for all politicians in perpetuity.

I might do a quick “book report” on it if I can get past the gag reflexes.

Alex V
05-15-18, 20:40
She did fold on the Confederate flag thing, but otherwise she is a badass.

05-16-18, 01:58
IDF social media pages are doing a great job at posting pics /vids of the "protesters" and their weapons and tactics.

NONE of which are being showed by the MSM surprise, surprise.

05-16-18, 02:34
Every time somebody comes along and explains things to Congress in simple to understand and concise terms, I always wonder why the other members of Congress couldn't figure out all these things all by themselves and arrive at similar conclusions.

I am always baffled, terrified and at times amazed that a representative body such as the US congress can't even figure out who the good guys and the bad guys are, but they don't even have the faintest idea of how to practically solve the problem even if they were made to understand it.

If we were paying them for the qualities of lack of comprehension, indifference, an unwillingness to arrive at a suitable and acceptable solution to problems and the desire to create disorder and non cooperation whenever possible then everything would make complete sense.

05-16-18, 02:40
Every time somebody comes along and explains things to Congress in simple to understand and concise terms, I always wonder why the other members of Congress couldn't figure out all these things all by themselves and arrive at similar conclusions.

Steyr, I think the problem is less the members themselves than the Grima Wormtongues of the Staffs, who get passed around like an STD From Hell and are usually the ones really writing the legislation--the members in the end are puppets doing as their staffs tell them to, with the exception of a few really strong personalities like Ted Cruz.

Oh, man, would they hate me if I were elected... I'd probably outsource firearms policy to an 'advisory panel' with volunteer representatives from here and a few other sites, and try to establish similar connections with SME's who I personally trust on other policy areas.

05-16-18, 09:20
IDF social media pages are doing a great job at posting pics /vids of the "protesters" and their weapons and tactics.

NONE of which are being showed by the MSM surprise, surprise.

You know after I read your post last night I went and did a search on this subject.
It's hard to be all self righteous about being unarmed when you've got guys proned out with their AK's and the barrel is stuck through the fence.
I'm all about letting them handle this their way. If one side wants to defend their border and the other side wants to use women, children and (this made me sick) special needs children as human shields, well, it is pretty easy for me to pick a side to support.

05-16-18, 10:52
A sovereign nation has a right to defend it's borders and choose where it wants it's capital.