View Full Version : Black Panther (Review)

05-18-18, 09:29
As a straight up super hero movie, I enjoyed it. Solid characters, string of good actors, an interesting plot twist, and some great sets and such. Surprisingly, I found the CGI a bit lack luster in spots. Comes off a bit forced in spots. The movie is full of symbolism, references to oppression, etc, etc and I can see how some, considering the highly polarized world we are in, could get hung up on that stuff. In term of the whole "cultural appropriation" thing, I did find myself wondering what African's think of this movie. As a super hero movie, it gets a solid B+ and good simple fun will be had if you dig super hero movies. Considering the $ this movie made, no doubt another already in the works.


05-18-18, 20:43
Honestly it was one of my favorite Marvel movies to date. When in expectiing it to be meh and came out really impressed.

I also liked that it shows the danger of extremist views.

05-18-18, 22:54
It really didn't do anything for me. I walked out of the theater thinking that was a waist of time and money. That being said, I have a hard time enjoying anything Hollywood puts out these days. I am looking forward to the next mission impossible movie.

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05-18-18, 22:59
I've not seen it yet, so without giving anything away, is there anything in this movie the should be seen or leads up to the new Avengers movie?

05-19-18, 08:17
I've not seen it yet, so without giving anything away, is there anything in this movie the should be seen or leads up to the new Avengers movie?

I have not seen the new Avengers movie, so can't say.

05-19-18, 11:45
I've not seen it yet, so without giving anything away, is there anything in this movie the should be seen or leads up to the new Avengers movie?

The 3rd act makes more sense when you have seen Black Panther. Otherwise you are left wondering why the hell they are where they are.

05-19-18, 13:12
The 3rd act makes more sense when you have seen Black Panther. Otherwise you are left wondering why the hell they are where they are.

Thanks man!