View Full Version : Might take a 1-year vacation in Afghanistan

10-23-08, 08:02
I was asked for my "military resume" Monday and it looks like I'll be going to Afghanistan real soon if it's impressive enough. Been to Iraq, and a few other lovely places, but this will be a new country for me. Definitely looking at acquiring a 6921, and a SIG P229 40 now. This changes my recent decision to become a LEO because of the HUGE salary difference.

10-23-08, 09:03
Whereabouts in ASTAN? It is definitely heating up over here so watch your six if/when you get over this way.

10-23-08, 09:28
I might get to meet you. Looks like we'll be doing a bit of traveling throughout the country.

10-23-08, 10:16
Just got back in February. It was cool. Definitely different than Iraq.


10-23-08, 10:27
Be safe, and return home quickly.

Dave L.
10-23-08, 10:33
Oh great, just what we need- more "contractors" running around :D
j/k...I might be over their next August if it all works out.
Take care and have fun!

The Archangel
10-23-08, 10:53
I might get to meet you. Looks like we'll be doing a bit of traveling throughout the country.

Are you getting the P229 for your own personal home collection? If you're taking it to the Stan, why .40SW. It's not like you're going to find that ammo at the local Talibani Sports and Outdoor store.

If you're in Bagram, go to the Korean Cafe (by the Korean compound) and get a bowl of cheesy Ramen. Great stuff! Also, I know a hot Kyrgystan chick who's looking for a US Hubby to take her to the land of the Big PX. :p

The Archangel
10-23-08, 10:54
Double Post Sorry.

10-23-08, 11:11
Take care over there. As far as unclassified materials go, you might be interested in reading up on the situation there at STRATFOR. I've found even their free and subscriber based intel reports to be as informative and accurate as later declassified government material. Warlords and AQ to the south. More AQ to the eastern border and in PAK. And a bunch of NATO countries that haven't been kicking in to support the stabilization effort, which may turn into another war effort. Again, congrats if you asked for it and good luck regardless.

10-23-08, 11:16
Definitely looking at acquiring a 6921, and a SIG P229 40 now. This changes my recent decision to become a LEO because of the HUGE salary difference.

Forgot to ask whether the company you may sign on with issues/supplies .40 ammo? Otherwise, isn't there something to be said for sticking with NATO 9mm? The M9 isn't my personal favorite, but I'd probably stick with 9mm. You can't go wrong with a 6921. I'd have one if I could, but will love my 6920 for now. Finally, remember that the HUGE salary difference is available for reasons I am sure you know. . . .

10-23-08, 11:21
I never even thought about the 40 vs 9 issue over there. I'll adjust fire on that one and get the 40 when I get back.
I'll look for that bowl of cheesy Ramen too! Already set on the wife thing so I'll have to pass there.

10-23-08, 11:43
Did some work in Astan myself.

Worked on DoS contract as part of Task Force 11 and "QRF".

Don't get "Spooled Up" or Wrapped around the Axle regarding handgun caliber.

MOST contracts call for Glock 9MM and remember it's a secondary.

Although I understand the significance of a .40 Cal especially on a TWO WAY RANGE, most likely will be a 9mm.

If you need any questions answered, happy to offer an opinion.

I was in Kabul, Bagram, Ghost, Kandahar, Mazari Sharif.


Ah, I miss the Bats, Scorpions, Spiders.

Bring Gatorade or Equiv for ELECTROLYTE maintenence, CiPro, Z- Pak, Amoxicillin/Augmentin, instant coffee (High Octane), Foil pkgs of TUNA, protein powder etc.


10-23-08, 12:08
You can get the P229 in 40 and get an after market 9mm barrel made for the 40 guns to fit the slide and some 9mm 229 mags. That way you have the 40 when you get home and the 90 in the Stan.

10-23-08, 12:10
I never even thought about the 40 vs 9 issue over there. I'll adjust fire on that one and get the 40 when I get back.

On a contract assignment, are you restricted to non HP ammunition? I should probably know the answer to that legal question. If you are, you may want to consider bringing some Federal's EFMJ pistol ammo.

Check: http://www.ammunitiontogo.com/catalog1/product_info.php/pName/500rds-9mm-federal-le-tactical-efmj-124gr-p-ammo

It technically complies with the treaties we've signed or honor, penetrates well, and expands much better than FMJ. Just a random thought.

As for the BTDT guys, listen to HOPLOTHEOS. His advice to me RE my Mexico business trip was spot on.

10-23-08, 13:02
The only personnel that are legally allowed to use HP ammunition that I know of are DoS personnel. Generally speaking if you are using or planning to use privately owned weapons and ammo you will probably have some issues.

If a company does not issue weapons and ammo then I would run far away in the other direction.

On a contract assignment, are you restricted to non HP ammunition? I should probably know the answer to that legal question. If you are, you may want to consider bringing some Federal's EFMJ pistol ammo.

Check: http://www.ammunitiontogo.com/catalog1/product_info.php/pName/500rds-9mm-federal-le-tactical-efmj-124gr-p-ammo

It technically complies with the treaties we've signed or honor, penetrates well, and expands much better than FMJ. Just a random thought.

As for the BTDT guys, listen to HOPLOTHEOS. His advice to me RE my Mexico business trip was spot on.