View Full Version : Den Of Thieves (Review)

05-20-18, 16:56
This movie is basically an homage to Heat, right down to the running gun fight in traffic, vs just being a remake per se. Tough cop and tough bank robber with a tough crew go head to head. They attempt to give us some reason to care about characters with the usual fare (tough cop getting divorced and misses his kids, drinks too much, yada, yada) and is generally well done with a solid cast, with a few eye rolling moments that knock down what could have been a really good movie. I expected 50 cent to be terrible, but he actually does a decent job of it. Dialogue is ok, some scenes are tense and taught, and it's an overall fun action movie, but Heat or Sicario it aint... But it's not a bad action flick, just not one you'll be talking about the next day or thinking about past seeing it. B-


05-20-18, 16:59
I thought this was another political thread, until I saw Review...


El Vaquero
05-20-18, 17:13
I enjoyed it. Had some good action scenes.

05-20-18, 17:34
I gave it a 3 (liked it) out of 5 stars.

05-21-18, 16:42
I thought it was good. 50 Cent has been in the TV show Power so he's had some practice. I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5.

05-21-18, 17:06
I enjoyed it. I really liked the ending of the film and will throw it in rotation of my zone popcorn action films.

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05-21-18, 21:22
Solid B. The family and I were entertained.

05-21-18, 21:48
I thought it was ok. I didn't care for most of the characters. Much prefer Heat.

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05-22-18, 07:29
I thought it was ok. I didn't care for most of the characters. Much prefer Heat.

There's no better in the genre than Heat, so that goes without saying, though I said in it the OP. :neo:

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-23-18, 22:34
B-. Yet another Heat ripoff but less offensive in doing it than “the town” somehow

05-24-18, 09:00
B-. Yet another Heat ripoff but less offensive in doing it than “the town” somehow

Didn't see it. It had Ben Affleck, and anything with Affleck I will generally pass unless it get raves reviews from people I know. The Accountant one of the few Affleck movies that was not ruined by Affleck being in it.

05-24-18, 11:30
I liked "The Town". Never thought of it as a Heat rip-off

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04-10-20, 07:07
With C19 allowing for plenty of tv time I finally watched this. Had been trying to wait it out until it appeared on Netflix but ultimately rented it from the cable provider. I would not say it was a ‘homage’ as much a rip off of Heat. At times it seemed like they weren’t even trying to hide it. Maybe a little grittier, and definitely portrayed the police as a more fringe element within their force. I found it entertaining, maybe 3.5 out of 5.