View Full Version : Netflix has sold their “soul”...

05-21-18, 12:11

Jumped on Netflix when we cut the cord, looks like a phone call to them to cut that cord a little shorter is in order.

05-21-18, 12:31
Did he remarry?

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05-21-18, 12:48

Jumped on Netflix when we cut the cord, looks like a phone call to them to cut that cord a little shorter is in order.

LOL, really?

Netflix is part of the entertainment world, which is all SJW anyway. Just ignore what you don't want to watch, IMHO.

05-21-18, 12:49
Dropped Netflix a while back. Heard about the talks with Obama last month. I guess they climbed into bed together.

Obama is only about social engineering.

05-21-18, 12:55
LOL, really?

Netflix is part of the entertainment world, which is all SJW anyway. Just ignore what you don't want to watch, IMHO.

Yep. Quite the dirty feeling knowing your monthly payment gets funneled to the wallet of a Socialist intent on destroying the country.

05-21-18, 12:58
Did he remarry?

Yes, he married a woman this time.

05-21-18, 13:07
And Susan Rice is on the nerflix board.

05-21-18, 14:06
I saw this coming down the pike, disgusting. Maybe if Sessions could do his job it would be harder for them to manage netflix and produce media from prison. I won't hold my breath.

05-21-18, 14:39
Found the trailer for their show . . .


05-21-18, 14:47
I was literally just getting on to make a thread about this.

I am a dumb 26 year old who wants to work in Hollywood. I went to school for it. I just graduated in December, applied to a master's program in film at USC (got rejected) and will apply again. I can't find a job in film, but I'm not quitting. I love film, I love it.

I cancelled my Netflix.

I was reading an article about the season finale of the most morally bereft show of all time, "13 Reasons Why." I couldn't even finish the article without getting disgusted and angry all at the same time. In stereotypical leftist pandering the show's second season is focusing on contemporary sexual issues --which we all know just means problems the Left considers important. In this scene, a bunch of jocks rape a guy with a broom while shouting out homophobic slurs. BINGO. That is the progressive Left's lottery ticket getting punched. It's total crap. Men are rapists. Men need to get instructed about proper sexual consent. Men are cruel. Straight men that disagree with homosexuality must, must be raging and hateful predators waiting to pounce. How can I morally and then financial support a company that takes my money to funnel to this narrative?

Moreover, I feel similarly about the Obama's getting this multi-million dollar pay day. I know what they stand for, I have seen the actions taken as a result of their beliefs. I have never seen a politician so quick to catch a payday, while simultaneously being embraced by the people who control popular culture. Where was the public service of being a president? Seems like they have reduced the office to a silk road to the cash cow.

Maybe I will start back up my service, maybe not, but I needed some form of protest -morally, not politically. I'm 26 and I feel worn out.

05-21-18, 15:12
Yes, he married a woman this time.Oh, OK. Guess he got tired of swordfighting.

I'm not cancelling Netflix. I cut the cable cord over a decade ago, but it was because I was tired of spending $200/ month on 600 channels, just so it took 1 1/2hrs to figure out there wasn't anything I wanted to watch. I watched like 6 shows.

On Netflix, I find a bunch of interesting things to watch.
I can skip obammys show. I skip the show(s) with that commie traitor Jane fonda, I can skip his.

I tried the "moral high ground" of not supporting any liberal leaning company. We've reached a point where if you do that, you spend a lot of time staring at a wall, hungry. Probably naked, or nearly so.

All I got left to say to them is, since I been funding you all these years, when you come for me, you better bring me some cool guns/gear.

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05-21-18, 15:55
The good news about Netflix is that they know exactly what people are watching.

So if you don't like an Obama show, don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, Netflix will drop the show(s).

05-22-18, 13:48
Oh, OK. Guess he got tired of swordfighting.

Yeah, but is Valerie Jarrett really a woman?

05-22-18, 15:23
I vote down programs of no interest without viewing.

05-23-18, 13:48
The good news about Netflix is that they know exactly what people are watching.

So if you don't like an Obama show, don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, Netflix will drop the show(s).

^^This^^, Netflix is a business and the market eventually right itself. I am sure people will watch, but will drop out overtime, just like every other reality tv show.

05-23-18, 19:01
The good news about Netflix is that they know exactly what people are watching.

So if you don't like an Obama show, don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, Netflix will drop the show(s).

I'd only add, I don't begrudge a business trying to make a dollar. It's not public funded so if they think they can make money about a subject I don't support, that is up to them not me. I can vote with my dollars but honestly I feel I'm getting more good than bad concerning Netflix so I'm good.

It's so easy to NOT watch something on NF.

05-24-18, 01:44
You mean Netflix may not be run by people with the same political beliefs as you?!

You mean to tell me that Netflix is a business, and signing the Obama's was probably a great business deal, especially considering another streaming service could have done it first?

Are you saying that you must cancel Netflix because there will be no other options than the Obama show and you will be forced to binge watch it?

Gimme a break. Virtue signalling over this does literally nothing.

05-24-18, 02:49
I guess there are people still out there that value what Obama has to say. Just the other day it was said that Obama had reached out to Jay-Z to convince other rappers/celebrities of color NOT to meet with Trump. Well, when your replacement wipes away your legacy and can do more in 1 year than you could in 8, you almost have to have a TV show to explain yourself.

I was literally just getting on to make a thread about this.

I am a dumb 26 year old who wants to work in Hollywood. I went to school for it. I just graduated in December, applied to a master's program in film at USC (got rejected) and will apply again. I can't find a job in film, but I'm not quitting. I love film, I love it.

I know some people in Hollywood: My friend Preston Jones is an actor on NCIS, my friend James is an associate producer for Mark Burnette and also worked for Jerry Bruckheimer as Director of Photography on Black Hawk Down, CSI, Pirates of the Caribbean, A girl I dated is a producer for Comedy Central and Adult Swim. Its a tough industry. Millions audition, very few get accepted and a lot of people end up working for free. I tried getting an acting gig a couple of years ago on a Michael Mann film (Blackhat) - uncredited role-"a Russian standing in the background". But they chose to use Chinese actors. I'm not an actor but would love to be in a movie just to say I'm a movie star. Hollywood has a lot of problems and there unions usually end up with a lot of your money. There are independent studios popping up all over the place, Amazon has there own studios, Netflix has there own studios, YouTube has there own studios and many more are being started to get away from Hollywood. Full length feature films today are being streamed on Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, DirectTVNow, at a fraction of the cost. And that is the future of film and TV. Amazon is paying good money for talent, so is Netflix. Pretty soon, more and more streaming services will have there own studios and produce there own original content. Its less competitive, consistent salary and locations all across the US.

Doc Safari
05-24-18, 15:53
I have an idea for Obama's first episode on Netflix.


'Nuff Said.

05-24-18, 16:06
netflix is so deep into buying out foreign stuff these days some good some really bad but passes them off as trendy cool ?
that is the main reason I watch less is the quality of content has dropped IMHO

also I prefer watching documentary stuff or other youtube channels about things I love Ronny Dahl off roading WA is a fun channel I prefer over watching some other idiocy of hollywood elites rather help that guy carve out a living
no interest in the popular idiot channels that seem to be so huge with rich boys pranking people being stupid though ? but that is where todays society is at

even playing games online with online friends is more entertaining than movies these days it seem

05-24-18, 19:36
I was thinking about this topic and the women demanding equal pay for movie acting. My conclusion was there will be a lot of things going wrong in the “entertainment” industry in the near future.

05-24-18, 19:37
The good news about Netflix is that they know exactly what people are watching.

So if you don't like an Obama show, don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, Netflix will drop the show(s).

The Obamas are getting paid whether they do a show or not. This is simply funneling money to them. Think of that all important job his wife got after he became senator... then when he became president the job vanished. It was a total payoff to the Obamas, this is no different. Maybe they will make some stuff, maybe not, but it won't do well and they will fade like Bill Clinton did.

05-26-18, 01:57
I have an idea for Obama's first episode on Netflix.


'Nuff Said.

Doesn't really matter, he was born to a mother who was a US citizen who had never renounced her citizenship.

05-26-18, 03:49
I have an idea for Obama's first episode on Netflix.


'Nuff Said.

If it ever comes out...

I think we'll discover he was in fact born in the US, probably WA state. He and his mother lied on his Indonesian madrassah paperwork saying he was born in Kenya, the country of his father's birth and kept the lie up to apply as a foreign student to be accepted into US academia and the Ivy League. His whole life is a lie and he's been groomed from a very early age by leftist for his role. He was mentored as a young man by Frank Marshal Davis and his political career was hatched in the living room of convicted terrorist and professor Bill Ayers.