View Full Version : For Memorial Day, call someone before they are a memory

05-27-18, 23:06
Time moves fast for our older veterans.

If you have one in the family you don’t live near by or get to see much, take the time to give them a nice long call.

I tried to call my Uncle that married my father’s sister. He was in one of the units that drove the Engineer bridges in Korea. No answer. He is in such poor health I don’t think he can get up to answer a phone if someone is not there with him.

I called my father’s oldest brother. The last one living among his siblings. Born in 1930, he was caught trying to join the Army faking his age for WWII. He was successful the second time, trained in early EOD type stuff at APG, then glider/jump School and off to the 101st. He got there after the fighting was over, and they shipped home. He went back to APG and then Okinawa and then back to the states. He saw recruiting ads for the Rangers and when through basically Ranger School class number two. He and other graduates of Alpha Ranger Company were put in 7th Ranger Company and told they would stay at Benning to be cadre. He and some others were not very happy about this, they got together with the Company Commander and First Sergeant and managed to get shipped to Korea to be replacements for combat losses in the in country formed 8th Ranger Company. But were shortly split up after that to 5th Ranger Company, the 187th, etc.
He got home, concluded his enlistment, and got out.

An uncle married to my mother’s sister joined the NG in the 1960s so he would not get drafted for VN. He did not get a call.

My FIL tried like hell not to get drafted, and once he did fought tooth and nail to get any course, training, etc. that got him a stateside assignment and managed to finish his time without going to VN. No call.

Now, when all is said and done, Memorial Day is to honor those fallen in combat. I am not saying not to do that. But, you may have some older friends and relatives that went to combat and made it back. Soon you won’t be able to see or talk to them anymore.

05-28-18, 03:25


My Granddad, Col. William S. Harbour US Army Air Corps. 1937-1947, US Army 1947-1972

Squadron Commander 1942-1943 - 8th Bomber Command, 2nd Air Division, 93rd Bomb Group- based out of North Africa:
Flew 17 missions in a B-24C. Flew missions for operation in Salerno, support the invasion of Sicily, bombed air fields and rail ways in Italy and participated in the famous 1000 ton low-level attack on enemy oil installations at Ploesti. Crashed in Egypt in 1942 due to engine failure or was out of gas after crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

Deputy Wing Commander 1943-1944 - 8th Bomber Command, 2nd Bomb Division, 14th Combat bomb wing, 44th Bomb Group- based out of England:
Flew 12 mission in a B-24D, bombed naval installations at Kiel, bombed submarine pens in the Bay of Biscay, bombed V-1 and V-2 rocket sites in France and Germany, participated in "big week" bombing German aircraft manufactures in early 1944, supported D-Day invasion and supported Battle of the Bulge. Crashed in England in 1944 due to flak damage

Was invited to join Air Force in 1947, declined, thought they wouldn't last more than a couple years. Stayed in the army, was assigned to III corps, 1st armored division - hated it! Served in Korea. Later was assigned to 49th armored division- hated it! Than in 1962, was assigned to US Army Adjutant General's Corps and spent his time doing things outside of the Army. He oversaw and built 9 golf courses for the US army including Ft Rucker, Ft Benning, Ft Hood and White Sands.

Never really talked about WW2, Never really talked about Korea, spent his whole life talking about golf!