View Full Version : The Murph

05-28-18, 11:53
Went and suffered in silence this morning and completed the Murph. Anyone ever done it before?

05-28-18, 12:41
Not today, but in the past, yes. Here's what it is for those that would like to try it.


05-28-18, 12:44
I will do the "Murphette" 1 mile .....walking.

05-28-18, 12:47
I’ve done it the last two years. This year I’m still recovering from a pretty bad knee injury that will prevent me from running at all and the squats will probably be rough, but I’m kind of looking forward to the misery.

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05-28-18, 13:42
I was doing this today: http://www.carrytheload.org/site/PageServer?pagename=dallas_memorial_march

Doctoring ankles, applying moleskin, and passing out water bottles.

05-28-18, 15:38
I've done it the past three or four years. Fastest time I've finished was 32 minutes and change, however that was without plates. I did it this year for the first time with my PC (Hesco 4400 front and back plates, Velocity Systems IIIA soft armor in cummerbund in a Velocity Systems LWPC) in 45:35. It's more bearable if you're working out with some buddies and you can help motivate each other; doing it alone it really sucks.

05-28-18, 16:23
Jump School at Benning when I was an 18 year old ROTC Cadet. Air Assault at Campbell when I was a 23 year old 1Lt. That was enough. If God intended Man to do the Murph, he wouldn't have invented Rotor Craft.:no:

05-28-18, 17:35
About 50-60 people did the Murph Challenge at the museum today as a new event after the memorial service:


I have some vid on my FB page for anyone who follows it to check out.

05-28-18, 17:45
About 50-60 people did the Murph Challenge at the museum today as a new event after the memorial service:


I have some vid on my FB page for anyone who follows it to check out.

That’s awesome.

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05-28-18, 17:56
That’s awesome.

I'm surprised it was not done sooner all things considered. Weather has been crap but turn out was pretty good

Alex V
05-28-18, 19:13
I keep saying I want to do it and every year I forget. I'm a douche. Should just do it already. Not sure how long it would take me or if I could finish, but I want to try.

05-28-18, 19:25
I keep saying I want to do it and every year I forget. I'm a douche. Should just do it already. Not sure how long it would take me or if I could finish, but I want to try.

Doesn’t have to be on Memorial Day to do it. Most people can finish anything, if they’re willing to take the time and spend the energy. I did my first one in 1:37. I was in decent shape but decided to finish one exercise before moving to the next and the pull-ups took a ridiculous amount of time. I did the second one in 1:06, while recovering from a very painful injury after a serious vehicle accident. Today’s was rough. I’ve had a pretty messed up leg for over six months, to the point that it’s often still hard and painful to do daily tasks. I walked a mile straight for the first time about two weeks ago and it sucked. Today it took 1:56. I had to use a plyo box as a spot for squats, walked the entire first mile, pulled the plate carrier off at the half point, and had a few lengthy pity parties, but I put my plate carrier back on for the second mile and even jogged a little bit, shaving about four minutes off the time of my first mile. It’s done so I can stop being such a mental p***y about my knee. Go for it and let us know how it goes.

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05-28-18, 19:33
Doesn’t have to be on Memorial Day to do it. Most people can finish anything, if they’re willing to take the time and spend the energy. I did my first one in 1:37. I was in decent shape but decided to finish one exercise before moving to the next and the pull-ups took a ridiculous amount of time. I did the second one in 1:06, while recovering from a very painful injury after a serious vehicle accident. Today’s was rough. I’ve had a pretty messed up leg for over six months, to the point that it’s often still hard and painful to do daily tasks. I walked a mile straight for the first time about two weeks ago and it sucked. Today it took 1:56. I had to use a plyo box as a spot for squats, walked the entire first mile, pulled the plate carrier off at the half point, and had a few lengthy pity parties, but I put my plate carrier back on for the second mile and even jogged a little bit, shaving about four minutes off the time of my first mile. It’s done so I can stop being such a mental p***y about my knee. Go for it and let us know how it goes.

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Endeavor to persevere. That’s all that matters Wake. Awesome job 🤘

05-28-18, 20:04
Not today, but in the past, yes. Here's what it is for those that would like to try it.


I'd need a time machine and 8 hours to complete the actual requirements.

05-28-18, 21:15
So can you cycle it? Like 100yds, 10 pulls, 20 pushups, 30 squats, repeat?

I might try it next weekend. I think the pull ups are my weak spot.

05-28-18, 22:50
So can you cycle it? Like 100yds, 10 pulls, 20 pushups, 30 squats, repeat?

I might try it next weekend. I think the pull ups are my weak spot.

I’ve heard some people say that the prescribed workout is to finish each event before moving to the next, but I don’t know how many do that. The first time I did it I was in pretty good shape (aside from pull-ups because I sucked at those) and it really did take forever. I don’t do kipping pull-ups. I think it’s much more common to do the mile, and then five pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats, followed by the second mile which is what I did today.

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05-28-18, 23:21
I visited the Idaho Field of Heroes Memorial with my kids and we paid our respects to Murph at his monument. Being new to Idaho we really appreciate the volunteers who put this together and are grateful for the opportunity to stop and reflect on the sacrifices others have made for our freedom and way of life.

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05-29-18, 09:43
Prescribed (RX) is 1 mile, the movements and 1 mile all with a 20lb vest for men and 14lb vest for women. You can NOT break up the run. You are allowed to break up the movements in between the run however you see fit and still complete it RX so long as you complete the full # of reps and to standard minimums for each movement. Some say that you do it straight through (1mi, 100, 200, 300 & 1mi) to get "True RX" but there's no such thing. This is just a point of pride but not a requirement for RX.

Yesterday I completed the Murph in 58min 54sec RX. This was about 5min slower than last year but I came in 15lbs heavier this year than last as well so I was actually happy with only being 5min slower. I had some injuries leading up to this workout & my diet didn't do me any favors during this time frame either. 100% on me as I could have been more disciplined in light of my not being able to work out as I normally would have but I instead used it as an excuse to eat worse and drink more while I was being lazy. I climbed on the scale at the gym prior to the workout at a "svelte" 240lbs and that was w/o the vest. lol I clocked in at over 260lbs when the clock started for the workout. I don't advise anyone try that. ROFL

My wife killed it. Last year, while were were on vacation in Los Cabos Mexico, she did knee push-ups no vest and completed in about 55 minutes. This year, she donned a 14lb vest, did full push-ups and came within 9 minutes of her time last year at one hour and four minutes. That's insane. I can't even put into words how proud I am that she turned the difficultly up to 10 and still managed to come awfully darn close to her time last year. Just awesome!

While body weight movements and running are something I struggle with I did my best to prepare for this workout starting as soon as the Open ended this year. I came in early and did a 400m run prior to class and then one after. The next week I threw on the 20lb vest and did the same thing. The following week I bumped that to 800m with a vest. I worked my way up until a few weeks ago when I began doing a full mile w/20lb weight vest before and after every Crossfit workout. I even did some two-a-day workouts where I came in later in the day to do strength and technique workouts bookmarked by another weighted mile run. I even had to invest in some actual running shoes because my heels and back were getting a little sore from the running I was doing. I knew I wasn't going to best my time from the previous year but I was going to work my butt off to try to at least match it.

Yesterday all of that went out the window. I was in trouble early and often. At some point though you realize it's not about the prep. It's not about the time or your PR. It's not about your technique or your struggle.

It's about them.

The brave men & women who gave their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could run around in the sun for an hour as free citizens of the greatest country that has even existed. This workout is about them & their memory. This workout, as silly is it seems at times by matter of comparison, is a way for us to show tribute and respect for the incredible price they paid. When you realize that... suddenly being out of breath of having burning quads pales in comparison.

Ever since I started Crossfit I've done this workout on Memorial Day weekend. I've done it all over the country and even in foreign countries. I'm always moved by the people who "get it" even when not on US soil. They understand what it means to us and how important it is not only to our country but to the free-world. To see the amount of respect they give to this workout and what it stands for and I swell with pride as an American.

It's more than just a workout. It's a tribute to honor some of the greatest men and women who ever walked among us mere mortals.

05-29-18, 09:59
Some great pics from the many people who showed up to the museum on their Memorial Day weekend to do The Murph Challenge:
