View Full Version : Post your Lifting schedule,

06-04-18, 14:19
I'm interested in what others are doing.
I tend to work out five to six days a week and cycle through a Leg day, a Shoulders and Back day and a Chest and Arms day. I begin each work out with twenty minutes of jogging breaking it up with one minute of jogging and one minute of sprinting.

I'm getting good results but, I'm having issues with my old legs not recovering as quick as I would like and some general annoying soreness. I would prefer to refine it a bit and see if I cant do better.
Is there something I'm missing?

06-04-18, 14:36
I'm interested in what others are doing.
I tend to work out five to six days a week and cycle through a Leg day, a Shoulders and Back day and a Chest and Arms day. I begin each work out with twenty minutes of jogging breaking it up with one minute of jogging and one minute of sprinting.

I'm getting good results but, I'm having issues with my old legs not recovering as quick as I would like and some general annoying soreness. I would prefer to refine it a bit and see if I cant do better.
Is there something I'm missing?

For all but a small % of lifters, most people will derive best bang for % doing whole body, or at least upper/lower splits. Staley always has good intel:


I tend to workout every other day in terms of RT, and between that, ride my bike, swim, walk dog on beach, etc. Some times I replace a leg day with HIIT, may just do a whole body circuit conditioning work and mobility work, foam rolling and such. Non impactive conditioning work.

Goals: Maintenance of FFM and general health, not adding to existing injuries (torn rotator mostly) or causing new injuries due to my 50+ year old brain/ego thinking I have a 20+ year old body.

06-05-18, 12:55
My workout schedule is actually almost exactly the same. I also do about 20 min of cardio.

The biggest difference for me in regards to recovery has been my diet all Whole Foods and supplementation and of course plenty of sleep.

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Don Robison
06-05-18, 16:44
I workout every other day; either whole body or upper/lower split days depending on what my trainer has programmed for the week. They are crossfit(ish) as in a crossfit type workout but utilizing proper technique and form. i.e no kipping etc. Each workout has at least one 3 circuit set or AMREPS for time, but the focus never gives up form and technique for time.

06-08-18, 19:12
Sunday- chest/triceps/core
Monday- back/biceps/calfs
Tuesday- shoulders/forearms/core
Thursday- chest/back/shoulders/core, 2 sets per body part, lighter weight-higher reps
Friday/Saturday are either rest or makeup days.
Cardio 20 mins 3-4 days per week

06-28-18, 08:44
For all but a small % of lifters, most people will derive best bang for % doing whole body, or at least upper/lower splits. Staley always has good intel:


I tend to workout every other day in terms of RT, and between that, ride my bike, swim, walk dog on beach, etc. Some times I replace a leg day with HIIT, may just do a whole body circuit conditioning work and mobility work, foam rolling and such. Non impactive conditioning work.

Goals: Maintenance of FFM and general health, not adding to existing injuries (torn rotator mostly) or causing new injuries due to my 50+ year old brain/ego thinking I have a 20+ year old body.

Thanks Will. Good article from Staley. I've used every split on earth over the last 25 years of training. I'm 45 years old 6'3" approximately 225 lbs and approximately 12% bf. I agree the whole body 3 x per week is effective but my issue is it makes going to the gym tedious as you can only hit basic lifts to get the whole body and not have 90 +minute workouts. Whole body causes me to mentally lose interest and takes away the "fun" which at this point I'm just training for life and to not be a fat boy. As I'm not expecting much hypertrophy after 25 years of training without AAS (not my thing)

Personally I prefer Upper / lower 2x per week

or my current

1. Chest / back
2. Lower body
3. Shouders / arms

My 2 cents..

06-28-18, 09:13
I used to break up my workouts but now I do cardio two days in a row (stairs / Elliptical rotation) and then one day of lifting. Sunday is fun day with guns and barley Pops. I stretch 15 minutes before I work out. My lifting is a full body with 10-15 reps on each body part, 3 good sets. When I turned 50, I said Im going to kill it and was lifting my ass off, benching 315 for triples bla bla bla..damn my elbows hurt, back hurt, eff that.

Now my goal is to not look like shit and not aggravate my back. I just want to wake up and feel good. Im 56, age is a huge consideration to your workouts. The biggest key is to "just do it", good luck with your progress.

quick thoughts: Hard legs once a week is fine, let them recover between biking etc. Switch up and add dumbells. If your calfs don't look great, do them everyday. Change your workout often, listen to your body. Im sure you look great and feel great, good luck.

06-28-18, 09:38
Thanks Will. Good article from Staley. I've used every split on earth over the last 25 years of training. I'm 45 years old 6'3" approximately 225 lbs and approximately 12% bf. I agree the whole body 3 x per week is effective but my issue is it makes going to the gym tedious as you can only hit basic lifts to get the whole body and not have 90 +minute workouts. Whole body causes me to mentally lose interest and takes away the "fun" which at this point I'm just training for life and to not be a fat boy. As I'm not expecting much hypertrophy after 25 years of training without AAS (not my thing)

Personally I prefer Upper / lower 2x per week

or my current

1. Chest / back
2. Lower body
3. Shouders / arms

My 2 cents..

I like upper/lower myself generally.

06-28-18, 12:39
Currently I'm doing cardio five days a week and lifting five days a week.
I take one day a week off completely and one day a week I will cardio (run) and not lift and one day I will lift and skip cardio
I'm looking to not work major body parts twice a week in order to not over train.
Sometimes I will hit the wall and just be too sore to continue. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here. Usually this happens about once every two weeks or so.

06-28-18, 14:35
Currently I'm doing cardio five days a week and lifting five days a week.
I take one day a week off completely and one day a week I will cardio (run) and not lift and one day I will lift and skip cardio
I'm looking to not work major body parts twice a week in order to not over train.
Sometimes I will hit the wall and just be too sore to continue. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here. Usually this happens about once every two weeks or so.

"I'm doing cardio five days a week and lifting five days a week."

I feel like we have had this discussion before... :cool:

Dr. Bullseye
06-28-18, 17:44
Yeah, I used to do all that crap too but all that is permanent is a bony build-up called arthritis. You guys are all on your way to bad shoulders---I promise and predict and I am way better on this than Q. And you can do squats and dead lifts too and then go in for hip replacement surgery as I just did.

Get a 12 pound maul and a round or stump, hit the round 50 times as fast and hard as you can. Rest, switch sides, repeat. Wait at least 3 days between workouts, but you can skip a whole month without much loss if you like once you build up a level of strength/endurance. The legs stabilize this, everything upward gets direct benefit and works as a functional unit. I stopped everything else to do this and will never go back.

Mr. Goodtimes
06-28-18, 19:20
Day 1 - Shoulders, arms, mobility
Day 2 - back squat squat, legs, mobility
Day 3 - rest, mobility
Day 4 - chest, arms, mobility
Day 5 - DL, legs, mobility
Day 6 - rest, mobility
Day 7 - Rest, Mobility

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07-15-18, 18:57
Sunday: Arms, legs, chest; intervals on bike
Monday: Back, abs, shoulders intervals on bike
Tuesday: 30mins bike, Systema
Wednesday: Arms, legs, chest; intervals on bike
Thursday: 30mins bike, Systema
Friday: Back, abs, shoulders; intervals on bike
Saturday: 30mins bike, Systema

Schedule depends on how intense Systema class goes and how much complaining my non-ACL-having knee does.

08-17-18, 07:54
Monday: chest/delts/tris/abs
Tuesday: back/bis/forearms
Wednesday: legs
Thursday: chest/delts/tris/abs
Friday: back/his/forearms
Saturday: legs
Sunday: off

For chest I do 3 sets of flat or incline bench (alternating). Not including warm ups and 3 sets of cable flyes or crossovers. For delts 3 sets of overhead press (either with barbell or with my trap bar, occasionally i’ll use my multi grip bar) and 3 sets of lateral raises (90% of the time with dumbbells, occasionally I will change it up and do cable lateral raises). For triceps I keep it simple 3-4 sets of either tricep extensions with the EZ curl bar, overhead extensions with the dumbbell (for some reason I really feel these) or dips ( narrow, to focus on triceps). I usually go 3 sets of tris, my triceps grow easy, it may even be unnecessary to train them directly. Abs it is either sits up on the GHD, ab roller or cable crunches.

Back day I start with 3 sets of deadlifts (occasional block pulls with wagon wheels, not often), 4 sets of either T-bar rows or overhand barbell rows, then 4 sets of either chin ups or lat pulldowns, 3 sets of barbell or dumbbell curls followed by 2 sets of hammer curls (or reverse curls), 3 sets of hyperextensions (ROM on a GHD isn’t that great here) and finally 2 drop sets on my captains or crush grippers.

Leg day is simple, I start on my bowflex M5 max trainer to warm my legs up doing their version of HIIT, 6 sets of box squats with the safety squat bar (my left knee likely has a partial patella tear, so I don’t go so heavy anymore, but I concentrate on time under tension and high reps), 4 sets of glute raises on the GHD & 4 sets of standing calf raises with the safety squat bar and calf block (I don’t even dink around with seated calf raises anymore).

I’m 36 years old, I over trained a ton when I was younger and I’m in this for the long haul, so I try to keep that in mind. I have my own garage gym so I work within those constraints. My biggest enemy is my appetite, I eat like a horse but if I get that under control I have no doubt I can look incredible again. I am 6’0” 240lbs, and while I carry it very well (very obvious I lift) I’d look best at 205lbs 9-10% body fat. When I was 30 I was 188lbs 6.5% bodyfat (measured with calipers) and I had “carb cycled” to get down to that but IMO I sacrificed too much muscle & strength to get there (looked good on the beach though). Probably this routine doesn’t work for everyone, I used to do the so called “bro split” and pound 1 body part into oblivion for 16-20 sets, since I am not a juicer I have no doubt this stunted gains and certainly caused tendinitis and over use issues. I was doing a push/pull split working each muscle every other day for less sets, that is most likely ideal, however it was a total PITA to be constantly setting up exercises in my garage gym (and I’d imagine it could be a PITA in a commercial gym that is crowded). So this twice a week split works for me, I generally keep my reps between 6-10, of course there is always exceptions, I rarely go with weight I can’t handle for at least 6 reps (risk of injury goes too high). I also spend a good 15 minutes every morning warming up and stretching out, I think this is time we’ll spent.

Alex V
08-17-18, 20:13
I change my workouts around in order to keep my muscles confused and to keep it interesting. In the winter I will out 5 days and 1 day off. In the summer I will work out Monday-Thursday to keep my weekends more free.

My current regiment is this:
Wed-Biceps and Traps
Thursday-Teicep and Shoulders
Friday-play Rec hockey. 1 game. 60m
Sunday-play rec hockey. 1 game. 60m

Usually I will do 20-30m of fasted cardio a couple of weekdays first thing in the morning.

I will also change how I lift every 4 weeks. 4wk heavy 5x5, next 4wks I'll do increasing weight with sets 12-10-8-6, last 4 weeks I will do light weight with 3 sets of 18-24 reps. Then repeat.

08-17-18, 20:22
I don't do this in any order because I try to mix it up as much as I can...
Workouts are usually an hour or more a day...
1.) Arms bis and tris
2.) Shoulders
3.) Chest
4.) Back
5.) Deadlifts
6.) Repeat either Chest or Arms
I will throw a rest day in there somewhere.
Cardio happens sometimes but not often....

08-20-18, 13:59
Twice a week, two to three days between workouts. At 74 I need more recovery time.

1st day, pullups, bench press. squats, standing barbell shoulder press, biceps, shrug.

2nd day, pullups, bench press, dead lifts, standing barbell shoulder pres, triceps, shrug.

09-05-18, 12:22
Twice a week, two to three days between workouts. At 74 I need more recovery time.

1st day, pullups, bench press. squats, standing barbell shoulder press, biceps, shrug.

2nd day, pullups, bench press, dead lifts, standing barbell shoulder pres, triceps, shrug.I want to be this guy!

Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Back
Day 3 Shoulders
Day 4 Bi's and Tri's
Day 5 Legs

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09-09-18, 10:10
I do a different routine every month or six weeks or so with a week off between.

I will sometimes do full body, then focus on powerlifting, then an upper/lower, then an old school 3 day, then I may stay out of the gym and do HIIT type stuff on the range with shooting drills in the rest periods.

Right now I'm in the middle of a basic routine which works pretty well for me because as I close in on 40 I have a hard time recovering from full body workouts and am fizzled out by the end of the week.

Mon: chest/tris
Wed: legs/shoulders/traps
Fri: back/bis

I always include the basic compound barbell lifts: flat benchpress, back squat, overhead press, deadlift.

I stay off of machines totally. There is less than no value in machines.

I don't do cardio because I hate it, it's boring, it sucks, I don't like it, and I ain't gonnafukkindoit.

09-23-18, 20:07
I play around with upper/lower splits. 4-5 days a week; 7-8 sessions a week (I also lift on lunch break sometimes).

Usually I alternate each day, but the past month I've been doing upper body training for the first half of the week and lower body training for the second half. The weights are typically 65-80% of my training max (which is 90% of the actual 1RM). On upper body days I maintain at least a 2:1 pull/push ratio volume-wise (If I do ~25-30 reps on a pressing movement, then I will do at least 60 reps on a pulling movement in that same plane). I train lower body similarly.

I've been playing around with different variations of presses (as in OHP) and squats. Zercher squats and log presses are probably my favorite. I also tend to use the trap bar with the fat grips for deadlifts a lot, which actually helps me a lot on the standard barbell deadlift (namely, it allows me more volume on a hinge movement without exhausting myself).

Cardio happens when I pick up heavy shit and move it over a distance as quickly as possible with it (farmers' walk, yoke walks).

09-24-18, 00:17
I work my way up to working sets in a way very similar to Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" In general, I do two sets of 5 reps with an empty bar or very light weight (e.g. 135 lb deadlift or 15 lb DB Mil Press), then a set of 5 at slightly more weight, then a set of 3, then a set of 2, then working sets. Most days I do everything in a giant quad set, moving from one exercise to the next in circuit. If I know the main lift will be a struggle, I do that by itself before doing the remaining lifts in a circuit, or sometimes I superset the first two lifts & the last two. It depends.

Deadlift: 3 sets of 5
Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 (occasionally do sets of 8 or 10)
Chin-Ups or Pull-ups (alternate between the two each workout): 3 sets as many reps until form deteriorates
Calf Raises

Squats: 3 sets of 5
DB Military Press: 3 sets of 5/6/8/10 reps
Chin-ups or pull-ups with a 45 lb plate: 3 sets
Romanian Deadlift: 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps

Front Squats: 3 sets of 10
Barbell Incline Press: 3 sets of 5/6/8/10
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups w/45 lb plate: 3 sets
DB Lunge Walk: 3 sets of 10 steps

I usually intend to do abs/core exercises and stretches before my workout as my preworkout kicks in, but if I work before working out I almost always skip that. I'm really bad about doing cardio and/or P90X X-Stretch on my non-lifting days, but that's something I want to incorporate with consistency.

10-17-18, 19:39
Here's a cycle I've ran before with pretty great results. Focus is on strength. Find your maxes and work off those numbers. Follow the percentages of 1RM each day. Add 5lbs to each lift, each week. Run the program for 4 weeks and retest maxes.

Bench 4x8 70%
Squat 6x3 70%
Deadlift 5x5 80%

Squat 4x8
Deadlift 6x3
Bench 5x5

Deadlift 3x6 (it should be a 4x8 but I hate doing deads for higher reps)
Bench 6x3
Squat 5x5

Edit: You can split your accessory work on tuesday (upper body) and thursday (lower body) OR do it all on saturday. Your choice of accessory work.

I also couple everything with a running program - currently doing a 10k running program (sub-45min)