View Full Version : what's different about this election

30 cal slut
10-24-08, 07:22
alas, i fear that there might be some substance to the poll numbers out there.

while i agree that BHO is the leftist media's darling, there are some things that are different about this election than the last.

- GWB was behind in some polls by as much as 14% to John Kerry. However, that lead was essentially destroyed by an October surprise - an appearance by OBL which motivated the soccer mom vote to get behind GWB.

- The economy and the stock market are in the tank, and as I type this, stock index futures are lock limit down which means that today's gonna be yet another ugly day. This does not reflect well on the incumbent (and by extension McCain), even though most of this mess is not GWB's fault. (This mess was 20 years in the making ... but that's another story).

- Early voting programs are clearly benefiting BHO.

- Some senior Republicans are jumping ship and endorsing BHO.

now, partially offsetting this is BHO's media barrage, which could motivate some otherwise apathetic folk to get off their butts and vote for McCain. alas, i fear it won't be enough.

frankly, if the credit and housing bubble didn't blow up in September, McCain would have had a solid chance at winning.

but it really does boil down to the economy, methinks.

in any event, i shall dutifully cast my vote for mccain/palin when the day comes.

closed because any election stuff is supposed to go to this thread https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=20727
