View Full Version : Dems pushing gun licensing & registration

Doc Safari
06-11-18, 13:04

Democrats in the House and Senate are pushing firearm licensing and registration requirements.
The push is contained in legislation titled, “Blair Holt Firearm Owner Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2018.” It is being sponsored by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL).

The text of the legislation says, “To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.” The phrase “certain firearms” refers to “a handgun; or a semiautomatic rifle that is capable of accepting a detachable ammunition feeding device.”

The legislation defines and “ammunition feeding device” as a device “capable of being detached from a semiautomatic rifle; and has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

In order to legally possess semiautomatic handguns or rifles a citizen would have to possess a “firearm owner license” or a “state firearm license.”

My take: they will never ever, ever, ever, EVER give up. So we can't either. Let's stop fighting defensive battles. We need to push for repeal of some of the laws already on the books: NFA, GCA '68, section 922(r).....

06-11-18, 13:12
So Tammy, you want Illinois FOID laws national? How many kids are you going to kill with your plan that takes the failed gun control scheme that gave us Chicago's near genocidal rates of black murders to the national level? Why do you continue to foist the failed policies that lead to more dead kids rather than do something that would actually save lives? Is your virtue signaling to your peers more important than actually stopping violence---

--- was never said by any MSM reporter or interviewer.

The blood is on their hands, and all over the checks they get from Soros.

06-11-18, 13:27
You know this is getting to the point of being sickening to me.
I can't believe that no matter how much evidence to the contrary is delivered, the Left still pushes disarmament.
I'm wondering how many men with guns guard Soros, Clinton and Pelosi and why are there lives more valuable than the average Citizens?

Doc Safari
06-11-18, 13:33
I can't believe that no matter how much evidence to the contrary is delivered, the Left still pushes disarmament.

That's because it's not about crime control; it's about PEOPLE control. We can't have an armed citizenry that might revolt if we screw them too badly.

06-11-18, 13:45
Maybe we should hurry up and revolt before they finish screwing us than.

Oh, better add the disclaimer...
I in no way advocate the overthrow of the US government.

06-11-18, 13:52
Disarmament is for the benefit of the plutocracy, not the people.

06-11-18, 14:21
Can't have their tax slaves getting uppity now can they.

06-11-18, 16:19
As a guy who now resides in southern Wisconsin I find it so difficult to find any reasoning in IL gun control logic. In the towns around where I live every gun store has been broken into by gangsters coming up from Chicago looking to steal guns. They can't see how blatantly moronic efforts like these are because they don't actually stop crime, only prevent people from protecting themselves from it.

06-11-18, 16:37
My black semi-automatic long arms identify as non-binary pansexual matchlocks.

Modes of fire and fire rates are social constructs don't you know...

Doc Safari
06-11-18, 16:47
My black semi-automatic long arms identify as non-binary pansexual matchlocks.

Modes of fire and fire rates are social constructs don't you know...

Then you'll find this interesting:


Gun control activists long ago discovered that if they use the term “assault weapon” to describe a firearm, the vast majority of people reading or hearing such term, will picture in their mind a rifle capable of fully automatic fire; this despite the fact that private possession of fully automatic firearms has been essentially unlawful for more than eight decades.

Relentless use of the term “assault weapon” to color and, in many respects, define the gun control debate over the past three decades, has served the movement well. It greatly facilitates debate that otherwise would force voters and legislators alike to actually understand that there in fact is a significant difference between civilian, semi-automatic versions of military rifles, and those used by the military and law enforcement that may look the same but possess the ability to fire in full automatic mode.

Keeping the debate focused on the false narrative that “assault rifles” have no purpose other than mass murder, makes it easy to skip over the facts that rifles such as the civilian AR-15 often are used in legitimate rifle competition and for hunting. This is because the rifle is extremely accurate. Such rifles also have been used effectively for home defense, as was established as early as 1995 during House Judiciary Committee hearings in which I participated.

So if gun bans and buy-backs don’t serve to reduce crime and enhance public safety, what purpose do they serve? Simple. Such proposals serve as talking points for those politicians whose thirst for control remains focused on the one aspect of American society that has served as a bedrock of individual liberty since the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791 – the right to keep and bear arms.

My take: I have to get back to my basic premise on all these things: it's about the gun grabbers RAISING MONEY more than anything else. Yes, there are hardcore leftists that would love to see a gun confiscation, but the dirty little secret is that even they know that's impossible in a country where guns already outnumber people. As long as they can keep scaring the people into donating their ducats to get "assault weapons" banned, or handguns registered, or some other such nonsense, they know those things will never actually do anything to make us safer, nor will they likely pass into law without creating a huge and very organized backlash.

06-11-18, 17:18
The left through their many mechanisms like to control and manipulate language itself.

Merriam-Webster took it upon themselves to redefine semi-automatic rifles based upon features that scare them.


06-11-18, 17:28
So Tammy, you want Illinois FOID laws national?

Exactly. It's an amazing success in Chicago. This silly shit won't go anywhere.

06-11-18, 17:37
Exactly. It's an amazing success in Chicago. This silly shit won't go anywhere.

Not nationally, but it'll definitely continue to make traction at the state level.

Here in Colofornia...I'm fully expecting all these progressive "solutions" and more to be rammed up our asses by the end of the '19 legislative session.

06-11-18, 18:46
That's because it's not about crime control; it's about PEOPLE control. We can't have an armed citizenry that might revolt if we screw them too badly.

You can take a non Big Conspiracy tact with people and say that it ins't about overthrowing and rounding us all up for FEMA camps (though it probably is ;) ), it is that these actions:

-Don't affect anyone they know (they think)
-Don't cost nothing, as long as they don't have to cut any program or wreck their budget- it's all good.
-Let's them do 'something' and virtue signaling.

When Progressives do something to stop gun violence that actually impacts, inconveniences them or costs them money- that is when I'll believe they are real. Look at the bitch they pitched when the clear backpacks was the price they were asked to pay in light of 17 of their friends being murdered.

Maybe we should hurry up and revolt before they finish screwing us than.

Oh, better add the disclaimer...
I in no way advocate the overthrow of the US government.

Restore... I don't overthrow 65 Mustangs, I restore them. Restore. Sucking the useless fat cells out isn't overthrowing your figure, it is restoring it... Restore.

You are way off baseline....

I really think that should be the NRAs response the next public debate. Go through all the things they want us to give up, and ask them what are they willing to give up? And I want to bitch slap every gun grabber that says that they own guns. I have a black friend, still doesn't immunize me from being called a racist.

Alex V
06-11-18, 20:42
Our rights will always be under assault. The only way to stop that is to remove from the planet those who whish to deprive us of our rights. Short of that, the fight will never end.

06-11-18, 21:30
Restore... I don't overthrow 65 Mustangs, I restore them. Restore. Sucking the useless fat cells out isn't overthrowing your figure, it is restoring it... Restore.

You are way off baseline....

That's fair, my terminology was poorly chosen.

Although, regardless of the philosophical differences between the concept of a restoration and an overthrow, the people on the receiving end, the media, and academia are aredoubtedly going to spin it as the latter.

06-11-18, 22:07
Do any of you find it remotely interesting that several major cities and sheriffs offices around the country are buying surplus military armored vehicles at an alarming rate?

Or do you find it odd that while democrats are pushing for gun control, meanwhile, cities like Dallas, Houston, Miami, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Detroit etc. are creating almost Tier 1 like tactical teams that have done away from the traditional police/swat uniform and have started to look more like Seal Teams with multicam, Crye, Opscore etc?

I noticed when watching the news during the Boston Bombing that a particular "Boston Police Department" marked Stryker with a turret mounted RWS M2 was cruising around the city, like wise, a few years ago when a few Dallas Policemen were gunned down at a BLM march, there were at least 6 MRAP's and M1117's driving around down town Dallas.

Makes you think that potentially one day, they will have the resources in place to enforce their gun ban. You and I will still be concerned about shouldering our arm braces and making sure our OAL is 16" plus a few just to be safe.

LMT Shooter
06-11-18, 22:21
Sometimes I feel shame for merely being from Illinois:mad:

06-12-18, 00:36
Do any of you find it remotely interesting that several major cities and sheriffs offices around the country are buying surplus military armored vehicles at an alarming rate?

Or do you find it odd that while democrats are pushing for gun control, meanwhile, cities like Dallas, Houston, Miami, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Detroit etc. are creating almost Tier 1 like tactical teams that have done away from the traditional police/swat uniform and have started to look more like Seal Teams with multicam, Crye, Opscore etc?

I noticed when watching the news during the Boston Bombing that a particular "Boston Police Department" marked Stryker with a turret mounted RWS M2 was cruising around the city, like wise, a few years ago when a few Dallas Policemen were gunned down at a BLM march, there were at least 6 MRAP's and M1117's driving around down town Dallas.

Makes you think that potentially one day, they will have the resources in place to enforce their gun ban. You and I will still be concerned about shouldering our arm braces and making sure our OAL is 16" plus a few just to be safe.

They've been doing this since 2001 and all the Homeland Security grants being spent all over the country. It is simple math. There is not enough law enforcement in this country to collect the firearms of the 10% of the people who will refuse to comply to any type of mandatory gun confiscation.

Alex V
06-12-18, 06:31
Do any of you find it remotely interesting that several major cities and sheriffs offices around the country are buying surplus military armored vehicles at an alarming rate?

Or do you find it odd that while democrats are pushing for gun control, meanwhile, cities like Dallas, Houston, Miami, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Detroit etc. are creating almost Tier 1 like tactical teams that have done away from the traditional police/swat uniform and have started to look more like Seal Teams with multicam, Crye, Opscore etc?

I noticed when watching the news during the Boston Bombing that a particular "Boston Police Department" marked Stryker with a turret mounted RWS M2 was cruising around the city, like wise, a few years ago when a few Dallas Policemen were gunned down at a BLM march, there were at least 6 MRAP's and M1117's driving around down town Dallas.

Makes you think that potentially one day, they will have the resources in place to enforce their gun ban. You and I will still be concerned about shouldering our arm braces and making sure our OAL is 16" plus a few just to be safe.

A local PD in NJ just posted how proud they are of their new MRAP. It's for high water rescue they said. Sure it is slappy, sure it is.

Doc Safari
06-12-18, 08:39
A local PD in NJ just posted how proud they are of their new MRAP. It's for high water rescue they said. See it is slappy, sure it is.

LOL. Or in their view "Hell or High Water".

06-12-18, 10:30
A local PD in NJ just posted how proud they are of their new MRAP. It's for high water rescue they said. Sure it is slappy, sure it is.Indeed, to save everyone from drowning in the refreshing waters of freedom

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

06-12-18, 11:01
Tactical camo for Denver SWAT should be a Che shirt, vap kit and Subaru with a RESIST sticker. Total stealth. Or like I've said- a UPS truck and uniform.

06-12-18, 11:11
The irony here (and there are too many to count) to me is that the folks in government pushing this issue no nothing of history and seemed hell bent on repeating some of the worst of it.
Prohibition, War on Drugs Anyone?
By attempting to prohibit firearms they will simply push that section of the economy underground and any semblance of regulation and control will go out all together, baby and bathwater.
This will simply guarantee that a large number of Americans will be made felons over night and some of them will naturally resent and resist that. The push back will be an underground market for arms and ammunition that will make old school, do it yourself bathtub gin look like trading baseball cards.
By the way, if you're going to jail for Grandpa's 870, or a zip gun you made in the garage, you might as well go all out and turn out a Sten gun that will at least give you a fighting chance when they kick your door in.

06-12-18, 12:08
The left/progressives are like any other enemy America has faced. Only far more dangerous because of their direct impact here on our government and way of life.

The same way Germany had extreme die hard Nazis and insane visionaries, the left has burn Western Civilization, Christian mores, male dominated society to the ground regardless of how much worse they make things types.

The way Germany had proud Germans intent on serving their country thinking they are doing the right thing, the left has a bunch of soccer moms, religious people, and such following the above thinking they are promoting fairness, niceness, and equality and kind of blind to the whole burning it to the ground aspect.

The way Germany had guys who did only knew Jews as financial people that screwed people over, crazy professors promoting nonsense in college, artist and film makers and writers producing smut against their way of life, the left has various malcontents with various reasons why they don’t give a crap if the wrong people get torn down.

I could go own with a half dozen different examples,
Or make comparisons to other enemies, but you get the point.

Some in the left will stop at nothing to disarm the populace, it prevents their end game.
Some really think they are doing something virtuous, with imbelcelic grasp of the situation.
Some are indifferent, along for the ride really thinking things will be better for them.

06-12-18, 12:55
Tactical camo for Denver SWAT should be a Che shirt, vap kit and Subaru with a RESIST sticker. Total stealth. Or like I've said- a UPS truck and uniform.

Our response van was painted UPS BROWN. I drove it back from a call out and when I pulled it down a narrow alley
I scraped it all the way down the side. I told the captain and waited for the butt chewing and write up. Instead he looked at it and said “now it looks like a real UPS van”. Anyway, I digress....

06-12-18, 13:15
UPS, Green? Do you have depth perception and color blindness? Are you a sniper?

Blue, no green! AGhhhhhhh!


06-12-18, 13:24
UPS, Green? Do you have depth perception and color blindness? Are you a sniper?

Blue, no green! AGhhhhhhh!


See edited post......:eek:

06-12-18, 15:16

No words needed!

06-12-18, 16:47
Tactical camo for Denver SWAT should be a Che shirt, vap kit and Subaru with a RESIST sticker. Total stealth. Or like I've said- a UPS truck and uniform.Next will be relaxed grooming standards, ironic beards and man buns will be the new department hotness

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Bubba FAL
06-12-18, 20:37
The irony here (and there are too many to count) to me is that the folks in government pushing this issue no nothing of history and seemed hell bent on repeating some of the worst of it.
Prohibition, War on Drugs Anyone?
By attempting to prohibit firearms they will simply push that section of the economy underground and any semblance of regulation and control will go out all together, baby and bathwater.
This will simply guarantee that a large number of Americans will be made felons over night and some of them will naturally resent and resist that. The push back will be an underground market for arms and ammunition that will make old school, do it yourself bathtub gin look like trading baseball cards.
By the way, if you're going to jail for Grandpa's 870, or a zip gun you made in the garage, you might as well go all out and turn out a Sten gun that will at least give you a fighting chance when they kick your door in.

This exactly. Make me an overnight felon? Nah, I'll earn it, by God!

06-12-18, 22:24

I remember in the 80s and even into the 90s people talked about having stuff for when SHTF.

You would hear people saying have the stuff on hand for your APERs and stuff 37mm, to make some of the easy full auto parts kits, etc.

The logic they were using was, don’t do a crime now, but when things get bad and it does not matter have it on hand.
(Minus the constructive intent bullshit there is now)

If you make someone a felon, it’s just game on. These sickening courts are hammering gun owners with consequences worse than the gangbanger gunning down someone and taking a manslaughter charge, or the pedophile rapist with 90 days probation.

You guys can speak for the circles you run in.

In the circles I run in, there are a bunch of 40, 50, even 60 year old former SOF guys with a ton of experience that remember a much freer country, let alone the closing vice of insanity. The left seemed very happy slowly bringing the frog to a boil, but totally lost it and went full retard when about 99% of the surface area of the country voted for Trump.

Things are already bad enough I really wonder what is going to go down when one finds out they have colon cancer, their daughter or grand daughter OD’d at college, or was raped by a refuge, has a brain tumor and expected to live for six months or something.

When some more laws come down and things get worse, most guys with families and kids in school are going to toe the line.

But beware the former silverbacks that are no longer breeding.

06-17-18, 22:57
A local PD in NJ just posted how proud they are of their new MRAP. It's for high water rescue they said. Sure it is slappy, sure it is.The problem is the police are local and have families. Actually when guns are banned 99.4% of the people will turn them in.. I have been in the game a long time.

06-18-18, 11:06
Tammy Duckworth is a traumatically double amputated former Army helicopter pilot who used her disabled veteran status to get into Congress.
Now the Demoncrats are using her for their emotional anti gun bill, Tammy; she just wants to stay in Congress, it beats working for a living.

06-18-18, 12:41
Do any of you find it remotely interesting that several major cities and sheriffs offices around the country are buying surplus military armored vehicles at an alarming rate?

Or do you find it odd that while democrats are pushing for gun control, meanwhile, cities like Dallas, Houston, Miami, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Detroit etc. are creating almost Tier 1 like tactical teams that have done away from the traditional police/swat uniform and have started to look more like Seal Teams with multicam, Crye, Opscore etc?

I noticed when watching the news during the Boston Bombing that a particular "Boston Police Department" marked Stryker with a turret mounted RWS M2 was cruising around the city, like wise, a few years ago when a few Dallas Policemen were gunned down at a BLM march, there were at least 6 MRAP's and M1117's driving around down town Dallas.

Makes you think that potentially one day, they will have the resources in place to enforce their gun ban. You and I will still be concerned about shouldering our arm braces and making sure our OAL is 16" plus a few just to be safe.

I’ve been talking about that one thing ever since it happened. The optics of it were just bad. I’ve been in a lot of discussions with people,non LEO, who were all for it in the name of protecting the public and the people responsible for it.

I pointed out that it’s not a huge jump in logic to imagine that same armored patrol roving around your street to enforce curfew during “time of national need.”

06-18-18, 15:10
I pointed out that it’s not a huge jump in logic to imagine that same armored patrol roving around your street to enforce curfew during “time of national need.”

Check out the images and footage from the man hunt in Boston after the marathon bombing.

One particular picture shows a SWAT officer pointing his rifle at a citizen peering out their living room window as they rolled down main street in their Bearcat.

Doc Safari
06-18-18, 15:44
Hillary Clinton called for more gun control while speaking to some activists in San Francisco.

......And I refuse to quote it or post a link to it because it's time for the irrelevant bitch to go away.

06-18-18, 16:05
Makes you think that potentially one day, they will have the resources in place to enforce their gun ban. You and I will still be concerned about shouldering our arm braces and making sure our OAL is 16" plus a few just to be safe.
They certainly will. The finest military equipment Uncle Sam can donate will be brought to bear to accomplish this task.

The police are not your friends, and are not "on our side". Sure, many individual officers are good people who just want to help others, however the institution of law enforcement is a tool of the state and it will not hesitate to enforce the state's will. When the orders come down, any officers that refuse or protests will be replaced with others who will have no issue with the task. Don't kid yourself...There are no shortage of people in this world who would relish the opportunity to strap on a badge and murder citizens under color of authority. They'll wake up early, load the MRAPs, steamroll your ass, then go have a breakfast burrito. And, at the end of the day, most everyone else in society will think you got what you deserved because only criminals need firearms and you didn't sheepishly hand over your shit when they shot a concussion grenade through your window and into your wife.

LMT Shooter
06-18-18, 18:19
They certainly will. The finest military equipment Uncle Sam can donate will be brought to bear to accomplish this task.

The police are not your friends, and are not "on our side". Sure, many individual officers are good people who just want to help others, however the institution of law enforcement is a tool of the state and it will not hesitate to enforce the state's will. When the orders come down, any officers that refuse or protests will be replaced with others who will have no issue with the task. Don't kid yourself...There are no shortage of people in this world who would relish the opportunity to strap on a badge and murder citizens under color of authority. They'll wake up early, load the MRAPs, steamroll your ass, then go have a breakfast burrito. And, at the end of the day, most everyone else in society will think you got what you deserved because only criminals need firearms and you didn't sheepishly hand over your shit when they shot a concussion grenade through your window and into your wife.

I don't completely agree on this. The overwhelming majority of LE agencies are small or medium sized city & county agencies, with zero, or nearly zero, control directly exerted by state or federal government authorities. I'm referring to cities with a population of under 100,000 and the counties these cities are in. These agencies are staffed by mostly pro-gun folks who deal with the ugliness of the real world, so they know a lot of truths that folks voted into office who've never worked a real job of any kind will never know. There certainly are kool-aid drinkers who will follow any order, but they're a minority. LE is comprised of normal folks, with some differences, but far more in common with every other citizen. I'm not thinking there'll be a lot of these agencies openly telling state & federal officials to pound sand, but I don't anticipate overwhelming support for gun confiscation, let alone these small LE agencies initiating action to enforce gun confiscation. Some will, but I think very few. When you live in a smaller (under 100,000) community, you are known to your neighbors, how many LE folks do you think wanna run into friends & neighbors at a high school football game, or in a restaurant, or at Wal-Mart, and get asked, "why the hell did you go to my cousins house and confiscate his guns/arrest him? Other than not turning in his guns, he never broke a law in his life." The chiefs & sheriffs in these communities dont want to face this either.

Large LE agencies get most of the media coverage on everything, and I do think that large LE agencies are much more likely to have anti-2A administrators, but even there the rank & file folks working the streets are pretty pro-2A. My experience is limited, so I may be wrong, but I think that if you live outside of a large city, LE is very much your friends and they are on your side regarding the Second Amendment, as well as most everything else.

06-19-18, 00:21
The overwhelming majority of LE agencies are small or medium sized city & county agencies, with zero, or nearly zero, control directly exerted by state or federal government authorities.

When things go pear shaped in this country, ALL municipal, county and state LE will be absorbed into the Federal mechanism. If you paid attention to Holder's ramblings during the Obama administration's War on Police you could pick up on the fact that this is one of their goals. To Federalize ALL LE in the country. The US is really the only nation on the planet to have so many LE agencies. Many countries only have a national police force.

LMT Shooter
06-19-18, 09:48
When things go pear shaped in this country, ALL municipal, county and state LE will be absorbed into the Federal mechanism. If you paid attention to Holder's ramblings during the Obama administration's War on Police you could pick up on the fact that this is one of their goals. To Federalize ALL LE in the country. The US is really the only nation on the planet to have so many LE agencies. Many countries only have a national police force.
Absorbed how?

06-19-18, 10:24
When things go pear shaped in this country, ALL municipal, county and state LE will be absorbed into the Federal mechanism. If you paid attention to Holder's ramblings during the Obama administration's War on Police you could pick up on the fact that this is one of their goals. To Federalize ALL LE in the country. The US is really the only nation on the planet to have so many LE agencies. Many countries only have a national police force.

Absorbed how?

The same way they absorbed the National Guard, under Federal Law, I would imagine.
Remember how Ferguson Missouri went sideways after the "Gentle Giant" was shot? First the State LEO's were brought in and then the Fed's. Could it have been handled locally or even at the State level? Certainly it could have.
I look at Ferguson as the test case for this plan and they manipulated it and it worked.
While the locals didn't want to quell the violence with more violence and take control of a spinning out of control situation, the Governor, a Dem I believe, played along until the Fed's got there.
So, I can see this happening without much push back if the right, or perhaps the left politicians are willing to play along.

06-19-18, 13:00
Absorbed how?

NDAA, COG, et al.

Kind of like how a sheriff deputizes citizens for a posse in the old Westerns (bad example I know) but same in principle.

LMT Shooter
06-19-18, 13:41
I don't know what COG is, & google was no help, can you fill me in, please?

06-19-18, 14:39
I don't know what COG is, & google was no help, can you fill me in, please?

Continuity Of Government: The principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event.

Also lots or things written in the various EO's (Executive Orders) and PD's (Presidential Directives) over the years.

LMT Shooter
06-19-18, 14:56
I understand what's being said, but I still think it's highly unlikely that we'd see a high percentage of small LE agencies complying. Large cities, yes, the administration would likely cooperate, and the number of line officers drinking the Koolaid would be adequate to accomplish some confiscation. Hopefully we never find out if I'm wrong.

06-19-18, 15:14
I understand what's being said, but I still think it's highly unlikely that we'd see a high percentage of small LE agencies complying. Large cities, yes, the administration would likely cooperate, and the number of line officers drinking the Koolaid would be adequate to accomplish some confiscation. Hopefully we never find out if I'm wrong.

I wasn't saying every LEO in the country would go along it. Simply stating what is on the books for "in case of emergency break glass".

Look at the Katrina response. Most local LEOs were AWOL, so Feds stepped in and brought in LE from all over the country then the local officials implemented gun confiscation from the law abiding citizenry.

06-19-18, 15:16
I understand what's being said, but I still think it's highly unlikely that we'd see a high percentage of small LE agencies complying. Large cities, yes, the administration would likely cooperate, and the number of line officers drinking the Koolaid would be adequate to accomplish some confiscation. Hopefully we never find out if I'm wrong.

Some years ago when things were far uglier and we were being held hostage by some Clinton Gun crap and confiscation was looking like a possibility I asked a couple of Local Law Enforcement Officers while eating breakfast.
I introduced myself, sat down and essentially interviewed them about confiscation over some omelets and breakfast burrito's.
The answer I got was, not no, but hell no.
Now these three guys looked like College aged Linebackers, they weren't fat dumb and happy, these guys were meat eaters and to a man none of them were willing to confiscate one gun, or knock on one door to enforce such a thing. The essential group thought was A) It isn't right, B) This is Texas damn it and C) We wouldn't live to make it to the end of the block.
I paid the tab.

06-19-18, 16:31
Look at the Katrina response. Most local LEOs were AWOL, so Feds stepped in and brought in LE from all over the country then the local officials implemented gun confiscation from the law abiding citizenry.

Feds and PMC's (Blackwater for sure). I was onsite immediately after Katrina made landfall and then again a few weeks after. Accidentally ended in an elevator with some Blackwater guys. If they were not badasses, they were making sure everyone thought they were. Like they were above the law. May have been righteous do-gooders, but that was not the vibe. Creepy. Not long after, I read about the blackwater civvy shooting incident at the overpass, and thought "I'd believe it. Probably those same guys".

06-19-18, 16:55
Feds and PMC's (Blackwater for sure). I was onsite immediately after Katrina made landfall and then again a few weeks after. Accidentally ended in an elevator with some Blackwater guys. If they were not badasses, they were making sure everyone thought they were. Like they were above the law. May have been righteous do-gooders, but that was not the vibe. Creepy. Not long after, I read about the blackwater civvy shooting incident at the overpass, and thought "I'd believe it. Probably those same guys".

The NOPD SWAT team was deployed to protect the Federal Reserve Bank as the city slipped into chaos after the storm hit. SWAT teams go where they are told to, shows where the .gov's priorities are. People need to be prepared to shelter in place/self-rescue as needed.

As for Blackwater, I had a cousin who is a master electrician that was contracted by a major telecommunications company to help restore their infrastructure in NO after the storm. They had people shoot at them while they were up working on transmission towers so the company hired Blackwater to go out with them and "handle" things. No one shot at them anymore after a few incidents. As for the overpass incident, are you referring to the Danziger Bridge shootings? If so that was NOPD not Blackwater.

I have known two guys who were with Blackwater in IQ, both of which are consummate professionals. I can't speak for the rest of them.

06-19-18, 18:00
As for Blackwater, I had a cousin who is a master electrician that was contracted by a major telecommunications company to help restore their infrastructure in NO after the storm. They had people shoot at them while they were up working on transmission towers so the company hired Blackwater to go out with them and "handle" things. No one shot at them anymore after a few incidents. As for the overpass incident, are you referring to the Danziger Bridge shootings? If so that was NOPD not Blackwater.

I have known two guys who were with Blackwater in IQ, both of which are consummate professionals. I can't speak for the rest of them.

There was another reported incident by one PMC "head of security" involving returning fire at gangbangers on an overpass. Similar, but not as blatant (or documented) as Danzinger bridge.

Blackwater claims they did not fire a shot the whole time in NO. Some see them as saviors. Others as extralegal Interlopers claiming they were empowered by DHS.

I don't know the real answer. But suspect it's somewhere in the middle.

I'm sure there are some fine PMCs as well.

But back to the original point, feds and PMCs do surface. And your rights are not always at the top of their list.