View Full Version : Do the Dems want the talks with the NORKS to fail?

06-11-18, 13:16
Just an observation on my part, but it seems like CNN is undermining any success.
The Canadians aren't being helpful either.
It would appear a nuclear NORK is more palatable than trade sanctions or POTUS Trump being successful.

06-11-18, 13:26
They want Trump to fail.

If Trump found the cure to cancer, the dems as well as some of the RINOs would try to derail that too.

06-11-18, 13:32
But at what cost Sam?
We've got a glimmer of hope here.
A chance to not only disarm the NORKs but the chance to end the Korean War, reunite the Koreans, open new markets and bring US forces out of Korea.
Instead, the Left and CNN politicizes this and hope he fails?

Doc Safari
06-11-18, 13:34
They want Trump to fail.

If Trump found the cure to cancer, the dems as well as some of the RINOs would try to derail that too.

Pretty much nails it. The Dems feel their influence slipping away with every breath Trump takes.

06-11-18, 13:40
But at what cost Sam?

If it costs Trump's presidency, it's worth it to the dems/libs/rinos. World's citizens lives are just pawns. Trump must fail.

06-11-18, 13:58
Really it's two parts, primary reason is the DS wanting to control the NK nukes to be used against us later and their media outlets feeding the anti-Trump narrative. Basically the globalists 16 year plan for America was that they were going to nuke us, start WW III, and use emergency powers to take over the country. This is essentially direct from the Wiki-leaks that came from their own internal communications.

However the one part missing was how they would start WW III but if you follow the Q links, that had to do with NK. Now the rumors floating around the web are that the false alert of the incoming missile in Hawaii wasn't a false alert after all. Instead it was an actual missile from the DS/NK's attempt to start WW III. Remember for a while NK was launching missiles over neighboring countries. We supposedly swatted the one bound for Hawaii down with some advanced tech but didn't announce it in order to use as a bargaining chip. Instead we told Kim- you can denuclearize or expect full military retaliation. He chose to come to the table which is where we are now.


06-11-18, 14:00
Do the Dems want the talks with the NORKS to fail?

They want Trump to fail.

They want AMERICA to fail. Like it did under O' Bumbles.

Doc Safari
06-11-18, 14:01
Really it's two parts, primary reason is the DS wanting to control the NK nukes to be used against us later and their media outlets feeding the anti-Trump narrative. Basically the globalists 16 year plan for America was that they were going to nuke us, start WW III, and use emergency powers to take over the country. This is essentially direct from the Wiki-leaks that came from their own internal communications.

However the one part missing was how they would start WW III but if you follow the Q links, that had to do with NK. Now the rumors floating around the web are that the false alert of the incoming missile in Hawaii wasn't a false alert after all. Instead it was an actual missile from the DS/NK's attempt to start WW III. Remember for a while NK was launching missiles over neighboring countries. We supposedly swatted the one bound for Hawaii down with some advanced tech but didn't announce it in order to use as a bargaining chip. Instead we told Kim- you can denuclearize or expect full military retaliation. He chose to come to the table which is where we are now.


I think you may be onto something there. I thought the Chicoms might have gotten a gut full of his crap and told him to pipe down, but since when has he listened to the Chinese?

06-11-18, 14:07
I think you may be onto something there. I thought the Chicoms might have gotten a gut full of his crap and told him to pipe down, but since when has he listened to the Chinese?

Remember the three generals that NK terminated a couple weeks back? Some speculate on other forums that those are likely the DS assets. Lot of the NK stuff Q was discussing over a year ago. Stuff like this wouldn't be getting out other than intelligence white hats trying to combat the fake MSM narrative.


06-11-18, 15:56
But at what cost Sam?
We've got a glimmer of hope here.
A chance to not only disarm the NORKs but the chance to end the Korean War, reunite the Koreans, open new markets and bring US forces out of Korea.
Instead, the Left and CNN politicizes this and hope he fails?

When you're grabbing for all the power you can, no cost is too high...and I think with the Marxist Dems the destruction of the country isn't too high.

06-11-18, 21:18
I hope that Trump brings Dennis Rodman into the talks at some point, at the very least as a friendly face. Rodman is a crazy guy but somehow he befriended Kim and he's been trying for years to get some dialogue going between our two countries. Have to give him credit for that. Here's his interview on CNN that I couldn't find anywhere but this one youtube channel.


06-11-18, 23:09
I think the bigger question to ask is why do the Democrats want America to fail? I think especially over the last several years it is increasingly evident that the core of the Democratic party has strong anti-American tendencies.

06-11-18, 23:22
Easy to answer, because they are commie rats. This is not something new, they have been laying the groundwork for 50 years, infiltrate the education system and brainwash generations of children, demonize Christian beliefs, destroy black families, destroy morality and murder millions of babies.

06-12-18, 05:51
Easy to answer, because they are commie rats. This is not something new, they have been laying the groundwork for 50 years, infiltrate the education system and brainwash generations of children, demonize Christian beliefs, destroy black families, destroy morality and murder millions of babies.

^^^^And there it is. Yet 50% of Americans still vote for them.

06-12-18, 07:47
IMHO, the current Democratic Party is a pathetic, dysfunctional , cluster_ _ _ _ of a party . They have no answers, just resist Trump and try to play the race card. They do nothing but obstruct and are backed by the opposition fake news media. Look at the state of things in California and you can see the end result of their failed policies. If Trump could walk on water, the fake news media would say, yeah but he can’t swim. Obama could deceive with a pretty speech but then get nothing done, except trying to tear down and destroy the things that made America great for everybody. Trump, is probably not as good at making speeches, but he sure gets a whole lot more done, and gets results unlike most politicians who just run their mouth and kick the can down the road.

06-12-18, 08:03
I find this thread appropriate for this article (even though it is the Atlantic)


The best distillation of the Trump Doctrine I heard, though, came from a senior White House official with direct access to the president and his thinking. I was talking to this person several weeks ago, and I said, by way of introduction, that I thought it might perhaps be too early to discern a definitive Trump Doctrine.

“No,” the official said. “There’s definitely a Trump Doctrine.”

“What is it?” I asked. Here is the answer I received:

“The Trump Doctrine is ‘We’re America, Bitch.’ That’s the Trump Doctrine.”

06-12-18, 08:37
Anyone who doubts Q, well he stated this was going to happen.

A while back Q posted pictures of flying over the Korean peninsula, which some thought was when Pompeo went to NK. So it added some legitimacy that Q was an insider for the Trump admin. The interesting thing is, we're now finding out the actual NK documents were signed back in April.

Q wrote April 27, 2018:

"Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn't big news?
Should we drop a MOAB on that?
Timetable shift.
[Next Week]

Q then later posting photos of supposedly Trump's pen and some documents laying on a wooden desk. The desk however didn't match the desk in the oval office. Since the desk didn't match the one in the oval office, people were trying to figure out what it meant and where the desk was. However now that I'm thinking it over, I think the desk was in Singapore during their first meeting in April and the documents were the actual NK peace agreement being posted by Q as a teaser. The later June meeting in Singapore was more ceremonial for the two leaders to actually shake hands for the press. Which makes sense because Trump isn't going to go in blind on this and fail. Trump needed to make sure prior that this was going to work before making it official.

So now here's the interesting thing, "I'm with Rudy" twitter handle, which may be Rudy Giuliani's actual twitter account wrote yesterday:

"The meeting is the second between the two leaders, with the first having taken place at the same location on April 27 and resulting in the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration."

This is a great time in our history to be alive.


Doc Safari
06-12-18, 08:42
IMHO, the current Democratic Party is a pathetic, dysfunctional , cluster_ _ _ _ of a party . They have no answers, just resist Trump and try to play the race card. They do nothing but obstruct and are backed by the opposition fake news media. Look at the state of things in California and you can see the end result of their failed policies. If Trump could walk on water, the fake news media would say, yeah but he can’t swim. Obama could deceive with a pretty speech but then get nothing done, except trying to tear down and destroy the things that made America great for everybody. Trump, is probably not as good at making speeches, but he sure gets a whole lot more done, and gets results unlike most politicians who just run their mouth and kick the can down the road.

When they took God out of their party platform, the countdown began to their destruction. Don't mess with the Man.

06-12-18, 10:45

06-12-18, 10:56
Sure, whatever it takes to bring Trump down. Trump lives rent free in a dem's head and it's driven them insane.

06-12-18, 10:58
When they took God out of their party platform, the countdown began to their destruction. Don't mess with the Man.


06-12-18, 15:04
I feel this is a historic moment in time. Looking back, the US has had several opportunities and many leaders who could have taken the time and energy to talk one on one in hopes to bring about peace to an area that is known for hostility. I have always been a Trump supporter and I admire his courage in stepping up and leading as so many of our past presidents have failed to do so. President Trump said that this meeting was successful and laid the ground work towards denuclearization and stability in North Korea. Kim Jong Un stated that he was thankful Trump was willing to talk and negotiate. Both Trump and Kim were pleased with the results of this Singapore Summit. This is a major win, not just for the US or North Korea but that entire area. Kim stated that he was looking forward to working with other leaders in the area and building relationships.

There is a lot of disapproval by a lot of people around the world, a lot of our own government seems to see the glass half empty but I remain optimistic. Possibly, Trump was the only candidate out of the rest of the group of world leaders that had the experience, stamina, energy and tenacity to work through a complex problem that has continued for over 50 years. Perhaps, just maybe, Trump can do exactly what he says he can do.

06-12-18, 15:12

26 Inf
06-12-18, 15:15
I hope it works also. You'd have to be a moron not to.

Many people believe that President Trump is going to end up doing exactly what they complained about President Obama doing with the Iran deal. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if that would be that bad a deal.

I think the one thing that President Trump got right was the face-to-face aspect of the negotiation. Up to this point, previous administrations have used underlings, President TRump acknowledged Kim's position as a peer.

I hope President Trump gets this done.

Like I said, I'm on the fence about the Iran deal, gut feeling I think we should have stayed in with the other Nation's. That being said, I think it funny as hell that people who are screaming that the Trump Administration is going to end up getting us nuked by the Iranians, is screaming about President Trump trying to keep us from getting nuked by the NORK's.

Politics and partisanship as usual.

06-12-18, 15:31
I hope it works also. You'd have to be a moron not to.

Many people believe that President Trump is going to end up doing exactly what they complained about President Obama doing with the Iran deal. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if that would be that bad a deal.

I think the one thing that President Trump got right was the face-to-face aspect of the negotiation. Up to this point, previous administrations have used underlings, President TRump acknowledged Kim's position.

I hope President Trump gets this done.

The Iran deal was potentially illegal and is being investigated by the House.

The NK deal is offering them a chance to modernize and grow their economy or face military retribution.

Not the same kind of deal.

Alex V
06-12-18, 16:11
I'm cautiously optimistic. Ben Shapiro was a bit of a Debbie Downer today but he brings up some good points. Documents and signatures are fine, lets see if the NORKS actually follow through. I agree that this did legitimize Rocket Man, but Obammy meeting with Castro wasn't much better. If making that little fat turd feel like he is King Shit for a day ends the Korean war I am okay with that. If not doing joint military training ops with SK allows for NK to get rid of their nuke program, I think it is worth it. Without a hostile NK, SK does not need a full time American Military presence.

06-12-18, 16:34

06-12-18, 16:36
Lots of drivingfor me today and NPR was nonstop with the slights and condescending verbage in regards to the talks. Definitely doing everything in their power to portray this in a questionable or negative way. I never knew liberals were soo frickin supportive of overseas US military exercises or of having US personnel based in S. Korea or of US still being at a state of war with another country for nearly 70 years. Fortunately they had a rough time scrounging up enough americans of korean descent that had much of anything negative to say.

Sent from my SM-J727T using

26 Inf
06-12-18, 16:40
The Iran deal was potentially illegal and is being investigated by the House.

The NK deal is offering them a chance to modernize and grow their economy or face military retribution.

Not the same kind of deal.

End goals the same.

I hope it works, it could work.

On the other hand, I think folks who believe Kim is looking to get outside help in building the economy, etc. are incorrect. He is about maintaining power, because once his power is gone, likely so is he.

That scenario doesn't include the U.S. or anyone other nation coming in and setting up aqn electrical grid through out NORK. If it gets done (the grid) it will be done in a way that makes the population feel Kim did it. Just as with the move toward normalization with ROK can be spun as Kim moving to normalize.

The dicey time for Kim will be when folks are moving back and forth and telling the other North Koreans how well (comparatively) the South Koreans have been living all these years. I'm sure he has some idea of how he is going to manage the process.

BLUF, I think Kim was getting bored and realized he needed to do something so he could get out amongst the other leaders of the world for chit chat and crumpets. I mean really, once you've fed someone to dogs, strapped someone over a cannon, what else is there to occupy your time constructively? :)

06-12-18, 17:16
If you haven't, you need to watch a little bit of CNN.
The level of POTUS hate is spread thick. Blitzer is doing everything but calling the POTUS a complete idiot at this point.
Apparently the deal is worthless and only favours the NORKs.
Nobody mentioned that they've already destroyed the test site.
Sen Ed Marley is claiming that POTUS Trump has fallen for Kim's tricks.
I guess they wanted this hammered out in one sitting and the missile and materials turned over today.

06-12-18, 18:57
If you haven't, you need to watch a little bit of CNN.
The level of POTUS hate is spread thick. Blitzer is doing everything but calling the POTUS a complete idiot at this point.
Apparently the deal is worthless and only favours the NORKs.
Nobody mentioned that they've already destroyed the test site.
Sen Ed Marley is claiming that POTUS Trump has fallen for Kim's tricks.
I guess they wanted this hammered out in one sitting and the missile and materials turned over today.

Trump said from the beginning we would get tired of all the winning. The left just gnashes their teeth, filled with hatred and spin everything involving Trump into some negative view. I'm being optimistically hopeful about the deal with Kim. It could turn out well for us and the NORKs as well.

06-12-18, 19:30
So the Pelosi/Schumer train of thought is "Let's do this again?"

But we'll add some Nukes this time...

06-13-18, 18:13
Trump said from the beginning we would get tired of all the winning. The left just gnashes their teeth, filled with hatred and spin everything involving Trump into some negative view. I'm being optimistically hopeful about the deal with Kim. It could turn out well for us and the NORKs as well.

Well Trump just got officially nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be glorious. Laughs in MAGA.

2 Norwegian lawmakers nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Two Norwegian lawmakers have nominated President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after the Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde and Per-Willy Amundsen, lawmakers with the populist Progress Party, told Norwegian news agency NTB on Wednesday that Trump "had taken a huge and important step in the direction of the disarmament, peace and reconciliation between North and South Korea."


06-13-18, 18:19

They want Trump to fail.

If Trump found the cure to cancer, the dems as well as some of the RINOs would try to derail that too.