View Full Version : California 3 state proposal:

06-13-18, 14:25
Lets talk about this:

This will be on the ballot in November:

First, why is California even considering dividing up into 3 separate states?

Will this be beneficial for the rest of the US?

Will this help with the current political climate in California?

The map shows the New California to be mostly L.A. and all of Orange County, while "Southern California would make up San Diego, Palm Springs and Death Valley while Northern California would encompass San Francisco, Sacramento, Napa Valley and Eureka.

In my opinion, it seems like the "New California" is keeping all the "Hot beach properties" while letting each Southern and Northern keep a major city. Is this about real estate? Or is this about liberals having a louder voice. This whole radical proposal was started by a Silicon Valley billionaire, VC Timothy Draper.

06-13-18, 15:54
While I don't believe Drapers motives, this particular plan to divvy up the state would not be beneficial to the US. This plan would effectively create 4 liberal Senators with 2 conservative... maybe. It could be a total of 6 liberals. Just what we need, right?

I like the State of Jefferson plan much better.

06-13-18, 16:02
I just want California to break off and fall into the sea.

06-13-18, 16:04
You just want ocean front property on the cheap...
Can't fool me.

06-13-18, 16:05
While I don't believe Drapers motives, this particular plan to divvy up the state would not be beneficial to the US. This plan would effectively create 4 liberal Senators with 2 conservative... maybe. It could be a total of 6 liberals. Just what we need, right?

That and the effect it would have on the Electoral College.

Personally I'm surprised CA has not virtue signaled yet and left the US altogether to join Mexico.

06-13-18, 16:06
With all due respect, I really, really doubt any of the dividing or seceding plans will ever happen in my lifetime. But yeah, the Jefferson plan is better.

06-13-18, 16:07
I just want California to break off and fall into the sea.

Not before I moved to Idaho, please!!!

06-13-18, 16:08
Theory is it will allow the state and local governments to better provide for their constituents. I think it will pass in CA as they are generally clueless about ballot initiatives (part of the problem from moving away from a representative government) and most of far northern CA hates the south and san fran hates LA.

If it were to pass they will have massive interstate commerce issues along with what to do with existing water rights. Even if it passes it would never pass the US Congress.

06-13-18, 16:49
This plan would effectively create 4 liberal Senators with 2 conservative... maybe. It could be a total of 6 liberals.

That's kinda how I see this unfolding. Basically a power grab. A liberal progressive movement.

Theory is it will allow the state and local governments to better provide for their constituents.
If it were to pass they will have massive interstate commerce issues along with what to do with existing water rights. Even if it passes it would never pass the US Congress.

But the state isn't even being divided up equally. I know more people live in the "New California" area, where most of the money is and influence is. Would this have to pass the US Congress?

06-13-18, 16:52
That and the effect it would have on the Electoral College.

Personally I'm surprised CA has not virtue signaled yet and left the US altogether to join Mexico.

If the CA legislature had their way, they would.

06-13-18, 16:53
With all due respect, I really, really doubt any of the dividing or seceding plans will ever happen in my lifetime. But yeah, the Jefferson plan is better.
I agree

06-13-18, 16:57
But the state isn't even being divided up equally. I know more people live in the "New California" area, where most of the money is and influence is. Would this have to pass the US Congress?

Its divided based on population. Yes It has to pass the US Congress.

26 Inf
06-13-18, 17:11
That's kinda how I see this unfolding. Basically a power grab. A liberal progressive movement.

But the state isn't even being divided up equally. I know more people live in the "New California" area, where most of the money is and influence is. Would this have to pass the US Congress?


Article IV - The States Section 3

Clause 1:

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

06-13-18, 17:30
When I look at the map of the new 3 part California, I see 6 democratic senators in DC if this passes.

Coal Dragger
06-13-18, 17:36
It won’t pass muster with the rest of the country.

Not overly concerned with this.

06-13-18, 17:54
It won’t pass muster with the rest of the country.

Not overly concerned with this.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the liberal American voters.

06-13-18, 17:56
Maybe we can trade them all for Puerto Rico?

06-13-18, 17:56
Never underestimate the stupidity of the liberal American voters.

It may pass in CA but it will never make it through Congress.

06-13-18, 19:34
It may pass in CA but it will never make it through Congress.And then I guess we get to hear democrats start bitching about states rights...again

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06-13-18, 21:47
I just want California to break off and fall into the sea.


06-13-18, 23:22
I just want California to break off and fall into the sea.

I can’t believe you would say this...

While I agree with your sentiment, any survivors would expect to be entitled to their beach front housing back. They would flood into our lands with their liberal ideologies and contaminate what good we have here.

I’d rather see California break off and float all the way to Europe where they feel the grass is greener.

That or set up borders that would put the 38th Parallel to shame.

06-14-18, 01:37
They've been talking/trying to split the state in two for decades without success now they're going to split it into three? Yeah OK, sounds Californian to me. :blink:

06-14-18, 02:57
Why not let PR and DC in too, just to really nail down the coffin lid.

06-14-18, 11:13
California created the F'ing mess they are in. If it is that bad in California, then why not try another tactic like fiscal conservatism and leaving the laws concerning immigration to the Feds??

It's not going to happen, but if it is even being considered it's the Flim-Flam job of the Century. The liberal tripe they try and force upon their citizens (and non-citizens) brought this upon them, so why not force them to fix it as a State, not States?

26 Inf
06-14-18, 12:09
California created the F'ing mess they are in. If it is that bad in California, then why not try another tactic like fiscal conservatism and leaving the laws concerning immigration to the Feds??

It's not going to happen, but if it is even being considered it's the Flim-Flam job of the Century. The liberal tripe they try and force upon their citizens (and non-citizens) brought this upon them, so why not force them to fix it as a State, not States?

Have you ever watched this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1eNcuGcPW4

06-14-18, 12:39
We should give California back to Mexico since they want to be Mexico so bad anyway.

06-14-18, 13:41
We should give California back to Mexico since they want to be Mexico so bad anyway.

Only with a big ass fence on California's eastern and northern borders.

Coal Dragger
06-14-18, 14:01
Let them divide into 3 different areas. The rest of the country only has to recognize “California”, so whatever chunk still has their original state Capitol can be “California”. The other two areas will just be US territories, and will be treated as such.

06-14-18, 17:49
Have you ever watched this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1eNcuGcPW4

Thank you for sharing. That was educational.

06-15-18, 05:41
Only with a big ass fence on California's eastern and northern borders.


06-15-18, 06:58

I like it!

26 Inf
06-15-18, 12:11

Nah, your trapping a lot of people behind the lines. I'd think this would be closer to realistic. We need to keep San Diego, just because.


Ignore attached thumbnail below - don't know how to delete it.

06-15-18, 15:51
Sorry bro, your just going to have to bail on CA. I will only be slightly less annoyed by having tax dollars fund a Berlin Airlift 2020, SoCal edition than I am by funding their lunacy now as it is. Into the sea with it all.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

26 Inf
06-15-18, 17:24
Sorry bro, your just going to have to bail on CA. I will only be slightly less annoyed by having tax dollars fund a Berlin Airlift 2020, SoCal edition than I am by funding their lunacy now as it is. Into the sea with it all.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

That is exactly what I was going for - there San Diego is, cut off by the pathway from Mexico into the new nation of Californistan. Their only resupply if hostilities break out will be by sea and by airlift.

Kind of gives you the cold war vibe, which, quite frankly is something the Nation is missing.

06-16-18, 02:56
Thank you. Since every idiot who keeps reposting and masturbating over this plan apparently doesn't realize it cannot be done.


Article IV - The States Section 3

Clause 1:

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

06-16-18, 06:00
Thank you. Since every idiot who keeps reposting and masturbating over this plan apparently doesn't realize it cannot be done.

Ha, true. Also the end result will be that we have 2 more liberal voting states if CA were to split into 3 states.

06-17-18, 13:18
Frankly, I was hoping they'd secede from the union, Then, they could be completely cut off, and hung out to dry...Going about a month or two without power, water, regular supplies being brought in, would likely give the state goverment a much needed tune up once the citizens got a good taste of communism, and figured out it wasn't the paradise they were promised it would be...

06-17-18, 16:39
Nah, your trapping a lot of people behind the lines. I'd think this would be closer to realistic. We need to keep San Diego, just because.


Ignore attached thumbnail below - don't know how to delete it.

Yeah, you don't want to give up things like Yosemite, Kings Canyon and most of the Mojave. I love the desert (spring, late fall and winter). The desert is a wonderful place to go shooting and just driving around. Gotta keep them. The coast of Ca. is quite stunning but something has to go and that's where most the commies like to hang.

This is tongue in cheek, I said early on this ain't gonna happen.

06-17-18, 21:34
When I look at the map of the new 3 part California, I see 6 democratic senators in DC if this passes.

Yep. Agreed.

I would prefer to stoke the flames of Calexit.

06-17-18, 22:47
The split is 100% wrong . There needs to be a state of Jefferson .The central valley and the coastal cities which are the libtard havens and Norte Mexico combined. The way the proposed split is done the libtards will have the majority in all 3 states .The Libtards and tech scum destroyed the SF Bay Area and the LA valley sucks big time I am 65 years old and grew up in Millbrae California then after 10 years of contemplating moved to Palo Cedro Calif then after the criminal releases and LA people ruined the area I moved to Idaho. The libs are ruining Idaho real quick like they destroyed Oregon and Washington .

06-18-18, 06:12
The split is 100% wrong . There needs to be a state of Jefferson .The central valley and the coastal cities which are the libtard havens and Norte Mexico combined. The way the proposed split is done the libtards will have the majority in all 3 states .The Libtards and tech scum destroyed the SF Bay Area and the LA valley sucks big time I am 65 years old and grew up in Millbrae California then after 10 years of contemplating moved to Palo Cedro Calif then after the criminal releases and LA people ruined the area I moved to Idaho. The libs are ruining Idaho real quick like they destroyed Oregon and Washington .

Liberalism is a mental disorder. They create overtaxed, crime ridden, rampant homelessness and unliveable (for other than the 1%) cities and states. And then they flee those states because of the conditions they created only to start the process again somewhere else. Remember the old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

06-18-18, 06:16
The libs are ruining Idaho real quick like they destroyed Oregon and Washington .
Really sorry to hear that.