View Full Version : Know your enemy

06-17-18, 16:29
Anybody else notice the mainstreaming of Democracy Now and Freespeech.org TV ?
Watched this afternoon, someone is spending a massive amount of money to initiate
the latest generation in us vs. them propagandizing.

06-17-18, 16:37
Our enemy has gone full potato. :rolleyes:

06-17-18, 22:08
I'm grooving on the new narrative.
You bring some kids across an international border
Your kids? Can you prove that? Because without documentation, we are going on your words alone.
But if we remove the kids, like we do whenever someone commits a serious crime, well, Trump is Hitler.
Nucking Futs.
Nobody gets to commit a crime with a juvenile and then bring the kids to jail with them.
Anyone remember the "deal" the POTUS offered to the socialists? They don't mention that they wouldn't sit down at the table and even discuss it, do they?

06-18-18, 10:50
Stupid Americans respond to emotional narrative , feeewiiiiiings !!!

06-18-18, 12:48
And CNNs headline was about how this is the biggest crisis of Trump’s admin....

I wonder how Elian Gonzolaes feels about all this.

You want to see a flood at the border, make it so that showing up with a kid a free pass in.

Doc Safari
06-18-18, 14:08
I'm betting all this actually causes Trump's poll numbers to go UP.

The CNN'ers will be defecating themselves shortly.

06-18-18, 16:41
All you need to do to think that the MSM is full of idiots and is biased is watch a WH daily press briefing. Full stupid on display for hours on end....

06-18-18, 17:45
Its a new week, with a new outrage from the left. Im Half suprised we havent heard a list of who didnt wish Trump a happy fathers day yesterday.

Last week Trump was literally hitler when he met with North Koreas hitler to discuss denuclearization. This week he is literally hitler for sorting and categorizing and processing illegal aliens at the border. In accordance with the law too. Although, He did mention taking the first steps towards what could possibly be a galactic empire....

Im on board though, f@&k space. Let the colonizing and laser fighting begin!!!

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06-19-18, 01:16
It's hilarious to see the butt hurt eruption on social media.

The same people wailing and gnashing over the illegal alien children are the same one's that scream for abortion.