View Full Version : Spreading my wealth

10-24-08, 22:24
Yesterday on my way to lunch at Doe's, I passed one of the homeless guys in
that area, with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." Once
inside the Doe's,even my waiter had on a "Obama 08" tee shirt.

When the bill came, I decided NOT to tip the waiter and explained to him while
he had given me exceptional service, that his tee shirt made me feel he
obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan to redistribute the wealth. I
told him I was going to redistribute his tip to someone that I deemed more in
need--the homeless guy outside. He stood there in disbelief and angrily stormed

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter
inside, as I had decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy looked at
me in disbelief but seemed grateful.

As I got in my truck, I realized this rather unscientific redistribution
experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not earn,
but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn. Well,
I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to catch on with
those doing the work....

10-24-08, 22:30
Nice work spreading the wealth around! This is just a precursor to the "change" that may come. Hope they liked it!

10-24-08, 23:39

thats great :)

10-25-08, 00:00
You sir are my hero

10-25-08, 07:47
That's awesome

10-25-08, 08:44
Thats the coolest thing Ive heard someone do in a while. :cool:

Got this from a bullein on myspace it was posted by Jimmy Houston:

* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.

* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong.

* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.

* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's initiative and independence.

* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could and should, do for themselves.

Very, very wise words, written years ago and we still don't get it.....

10-25-08, 10:10
You sir are my hero

What he said.

10-25-08, 12:11
Simply Awesome, well done and speaks volumes

10-25-08, 12:27
Excellent application of what the sheeple seem to want. I will tell of your experience whenever I get the chance up until election day.

10-25-08, 12:48
Thats the coolest thing Ive heard someone do in a while. :cool:

Got this from a bullein on myspace it was posted by Jimmy Houston:

* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.

* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong.

* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.

* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's initiative and independence.

* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could and should, do for themselves.

Do you recognize the author?

It was Abraham Lincoln

Very, very wise words, written years ago and we still don't get it.....

I'm not so sure Abraham Lincoln said this. It's a great saying none the less, but make sure you credit the correct author. :)

K.L. Davis
10-25-08, 14:37
Thats the coolest thing Ive heard someone do in a while. :cool:

Got this from a bullein on myspace it was posted by Jimmy Houston:

* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.

* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong.

* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.

* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's initiative and independence.

* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could and should, do for themselves.

Do you recognize the author?

It was Abraham Lincoln

Very, very wise words, written years ago and we still don't get it.....

Our leadership academy spent a lot of time on Lincoln... these, I am more than sure, are not is words... brilliant nonetheless; as I recall, this was from a minister or preacher, and mistaken due to the way they were published alongside some quotes from Lincoln?

10-25-08, 15:07
Abe also declared martial law and suspended the constitutional right of habeas corpus.....

10-25-08, 15:39
When I get my income tax bill, instead of paying it, I'm going to give it
to homeless people.

Then I'll write a letter to President Obama and tell him what I've done.

I'll probably get some kind of medal?

10-25-08, 17:01
I got this in an email about four hundred times. Makes me laugh every time I read it.

10-25-08, 17:14
I'm not so sure Abraham Lincoln said this. It's a great saying none the less, but make sure you credit the correct author. :)

This could be the correct author:


If Reagan did indeed use those tenets in a speech in 1992, that is enough validation for me...

10-25-08, 20:41
Our leadership academy spent a lot of time on Lincoln... these, I am more than sure, are not is words... brilliant nonetheless; as I recall, this was from a minister or preacher, and mistaken due to the way they were published alongside some quotes from Lincoln?

Thanks for the correction I didnt know who said it I just copied and pasted the quote.. They are true words none the less.

10-25-08, 22:35
Thanks for the correction I didnt know who said it I just copied and pasted the quote.. They are true words none the less.

Not trying to stir the pot. It is vitally important to do the required research (to maintain accuracy and integrity) when quoting people. It's better than the alternative which is essentially regurgitating something we heard on _____ news or read online. Which inevitably is skewed, tilted or completely inaccurate.

The truth is becoming harder and harder to find with modern day media and the internet. It's still possible to find and know the truth, but it requires something from us as individuals.