View Full Version : John McCain and the Bullies at the IRS.

06-21-18, 22:33
This is interesting;


Judicial Watch today released newly obtained internal IRS documents, including material revealing that Sen. John McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel on the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee, Henry Kerner, urged top IRS officials, including then-director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner, to “audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous.” Kerner was appointed by President Trump as Special Counsel for the United States Office of Special Counsel.
The explosive exchange was contained in notes taken by IRS employees at an April 30, 2013, meeting between Kerner, Lerner, and other high-ranking IRS officials. Just ten days following the meeting, former IRS director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner admitted that the IRS had a policy of improperly and deliberately delaying applications for tax-exempt status from conservative non-profit groups.
Lerner and other IRS officials met with select top staffers from the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee in a “marathon” meeting to discuss concerns raised by both Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) that the IRS was not reining in political advocacy groups in response to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. Senator McCain had been the chief sponsor of the McCain-Feingold Act and called the Citizens United decision, which overturned portions of the Act, one of the “worst decisions I have ever seen.”
Judicial Watch previously reported on the 2013 meeting. Senator McCain then issued a statement decrying “false reports claiming that his office was somehow involved in IRS targeting of conservative groups.”
Judicial Watch separately uncovered that Lerner was under significant pressure from both Democrats in Congress and the Obama DOJ and FBI to prosecute and jail the groups the IRS was already improperly targeting. In discussing pressure from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat-Rhode Island) to prosecute these “political groups,” Lerner admitted, “it is ALL about 501(c)(4) orgs and political activity.”
“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans.”

I mean, I know he was a POW and a lot of folks consider him a Hero, but the more I learn about this guy, honestly, I really dislike his character.

06-21-18, 23:28
He has....
Long ago gone in the red for any status his vet/POW status standing bought him in my eyes.

06-22-18, 00:52
Consider the length and depth of this scandal?
These are all documents incriminating some major players in the last administration and these charges are pretty serious.
I'm rather surprised it's gone relatively unnoticed.

06-22-18, 05:52
He has....
Long ago gone in the red for any status his vet/POW status standing bought him in my eyes.

This is my opinion as well. McCain has repeatedly gone against the constitution and people of this Nation in ways I consider almost unforgivable.

06-22-18, 05:54
Consider the length and depth of this scandal?
These are all documents incriminating some major players in the last administration and these charges are pretty serious.
I'm rather surprised it's gone relatively unnoticed.

Surprised, really? This is no where near as important as crying babies in internment camps and evil President Trump who hates kids. Or that the streets are running red with blood from the mass shootings perpetrated by the NRA and Publix.

06-22-18, 07:38
Imagine if some Bush holdovers had similar texts about Obama in 2008?

and again- this is what they talked about on govt computers through servers.... imagine what else there is out there...

06-22-18, 08:11
This is my opinion as well. McCain has repeatedly gone against the constitution and people of this Nation in ways I consider almost unforgivable.

That's right..the sooner he takes a dirt nap, the better off the country will be. I just feel sorry for the people of Arizona, as it seems that Mcstain is planning on making his wife senator after he dies..WTF!! I guess the voters have no say?

06-22-18, 08:13
I believe there is a virtual media black-out on this story.
Although I can do a search and find s lot of information, nothing at all from the major networks.

Alex V
06-22-18, 08:39
I mean, I know he was a POW and a lot of folks consider him a Hero, but the more I learn about this guy, honestly, I really dislike his character.

Just because the man served his country and was capture/tortured 50 years ago doesn't give him a blank check to be an Unamerican scum-bag later in life. Ramairthree has it right, he used up those points long ago.

06-22-18, 09:07
Right scoop has more on this. Never liked the guy.


“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans.”

06-22-18, 10:17
You read something crazy like this and you might almost think for a second that there is some kinda "deep state" and that some of the conspiracy allegations could have a grain of truth behind them. You might even be tempted to question the honesty and integrity of unaccountable bureaucrats and political staffers who live in DC and only venture out to the colonies on rare occasions to ensure that the tax slaves are working as hard as they can.

Almost. And then CNN or Faux News comes back on and your brainwashing returns to its regular schedule. Goodnight.

06-22-18, 12:37
I don't believe that the border drama is in response to this, but I do believe this is pushing the MSM to keep giving CPR to a story that should have died Monday morning at the latest.
This is clearly a violation of both policy and I believe law. If this came out and I truly hope it does and soon, it exposes the swamp and the last administration as brutal thugs and very possibly criminals.
The idea of weaponizing the IRS to ruin the lives of your political enemies is truely and I hate to use this phrase, "Bigger than Watergate" and much easier to prove than "Russian Collusion".
This is the perfect example of why we cannot repair a broken system, if you try, they will ruin you.
We're screwed and both parties are participating in the fornication.

06-22-18, 13:35
I'll never forget the slimey bastard speaking at my Junior High School. Milking his service for future votes. He rubbed me wrong all the way back then. I tend to have a sense of when I'm around shady characters.

06-22-18, 14:48
I'll never forget the slimey bastard speaking at my Junior High School. Milking his service for future votes. He rubbed me wrong all the way back then. I tend to have a sense of when I'm around shady characters.

I have that as well, can see right through people, even their unspoken intentions.

06-26-18, 15:55
Isn't John McCain dead yet?

06-26-18, 16:00
No, just Che and Fidel.

06-26-18, 16:04
Isn't John McCain dead yet?
No, but apparently his soul and good concise died some years ago.

06-26-18, 16:12
I mean, I know he was a POW and a lot of folks consider him a Hero, but the more I learn about this guy, honestly, I really dislike his character.

This is his character.


06-26-18, 18:13
This is his character.


Well, that is something I didn't know.

06-26-18, 18:15
Well, that is something I didn't know.

I have no opinion, but I would like to see the evidence.

06-26-18, 21:38
There’s plenty if you do a search. Here is the first thing that popped up for me.


06-26-18, 23:42
I'm stunned that one of the Keating Five might be subject to financial irregularities.

06-26-18, 23:47
This is his character.


I really don't blame him for anything he did as a POW during the war, especially since there is so much valid stuff to criticize him about after the war. I tend to give ANY POW a lot of latitude because who knows for a fact what anyone might do after a month in Hanoi. If guys can actually hack it they get all the respect they deserve, anyone who couldn't hack it basically gets my understanding.

06-27-18, 00:05
I see your point right up to disclosure of information and technology that may end up putting someone in the cell next to mine.
He has been a career Politician, if he is stabbing constituents in the back for not supporting a two party swamp system, he can spend his remaining life in jail.
He deserves it.

06-27-18, 01:17
I see your point right up to disclosure of information and technology that may end up putting someone in the cell next to mine.
He has been a career Politician, if he is stabbing constituents in the back for not supporting a two party swamp system, he can spend his remaining life in jail.
He deserves it.

Lots of people break, lots of people talk. None of them wanted to, that is why they had to be broken first. If POWs wish to criticize other POWs then they have earned it. I'm not saying it absolves them of anything, only that I can't bring myself to condemn them.

As for myself, I'll confine my criticisms to the many, many dishonorable and illegal acts he has committed since his service.

Ned Christiansen
06-27-18, 07:32
Welcome to the new banana republic, the biggest and best of them all.

06-27-18, 09:22
Why hasn't he just died yet? No really, did he have an inoperable brain tumor?

He is a TOOL and has been playing that POW crap for years to stay in the limelight.

As for the POW stuff....... Don't care. He served and he lost at war. He could have fought to the death, escaped, or died in captivity. All which would have been more Honorable then his actions. It is like celebrating a team for losing at the Super Bowl, at least they showed up........ But they lost. He is the Buffalo Bills of the Military.

06-27-18, 09:30
Why hasn't he just died yet? No really, did he have an inoperable brain tumor?

He is a TOOL and has been playing that POW crap for years to stay in the limelight.

As for the POW stuff....... Don't care. He served and he lost at war. He could have fought to the death, escaped, or died in captivity. All which would have been more Honorable then his actions. It is like celebrating a team for losing at the Super Bowl, at least they showed up........ But they lost. He is the Buffalo Bills of the Military.


Don’t you have LARPing to do?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-27-18, 13:04
Lots of people break, lots of people talk. None of them wanted to, that is why they had to be broken first. If POWs wish to criticize other POWs then they have earned it. I'm not saying it absolves them of anything, only that I can't bring myself to condemn them.

As for myself, I'll confine my criticisms to the many, many dishonorable and illegal acts he has committed since his service.

My only correction is Everyone breaks. Time and resources = everyone eventually breaks.

Now if he got shot down and ran to the nearest VC and started singing that’s one thing. If he held out a while and eventually gave up info; it is what it is. If his “superiors” didn’t take into account what kind of info he could divulge and change SOP that’s on them IMO.

No idea about the factuality MEME above. Not sure that USN pilots know shit about operating Soviet AA weapons, so it’s unlikely that he trained VC personnel. Info he bled may have changed their SOP, but that’s about it.

Plenty of reasons to believe that he is a POS political sell out. Focus on those and if you’re in AZ make sure to not elect another like him

06-27-18, 14:58

Don’t you have LARPing to do?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am LARPing as a Civilian right now at my office....... :jester:

06-27-18, 17:07
My only correction is Everyone breaks. Time and resources = everyone eventually breaks.

Now if he got shot down and ran to the nearest VC and started singing that’s one thing. If he held out a while and eventually gave up info; it is what it is. If his “superiors” didn’t take into account what kind of info he could divulge and change SOP that’s on them IMO.

No idea about the factuality MEME above. Not sure that USN pilots know shit about operating Soviet AA weapons, so it’s unlikely that he trained VC personnel. Info he bled may have changed their SOP, but that’s about it.

Plenty of reasons to believe that he is a POS political sell out. Focus on those and if you’re in AZ make sure to not elect another like him

The one thing that does it for me with McCain is there was a deal in place and he could have left, he chose not to take the deal because "everyone wasn't going home." So whatever he did past or present, he demonstrated a moment of integrity that few could match. And for that alone, he gets carte blanche regarding his time in captivity.

Sadly, he's chosen to squander just about ever ounce of respect and integrity that he earned at a tremendously high personal cost. I don't understand it, maybe it's a kind of stockholm syndrome where he is no longer capable of making objective decisions. Not even sure I care anymore. As a politician he has now done more harm than good and he should retire from office immediately.

06-27-18, 18:02
The one thing that does it for me with McCain is there was a deal in place and he could have left, he chose not to take the deal because "everyone wasn't going home." So whatever he did past or present, he demonstrated a moment of integrity that few could match. And for that alone, he gets carte blanche regarding his time in captivity.
Any future McCain might have had, either in the Navy or in Politics was totally dependent upon him NOT taking that early release.
He never would have had a future had the "Prince" come home early and left his fellow Sailors to rot.

He would likely be some unknown car wash owner in Bisbee Arizona rather than have had the political career he managed to pull off.

06-27-18, 21:49
Any future McCain might have had, either in the Navy or in Politics was totally dependent upon him NOT taking that early release.
He never would have had a future had the "Prince" come home early and left his fellow Sailors to rot.

He would likely be some unknown car wash owner in Bisbee Arizona rather than have had the political career he managed to pull off.

Perhaps, but again at the time he honestly didn't know if they'd actually kill him or not. He certainly wouldn't have been the first POW the Vietnamese executed so I have to think "political considerations" weren't his priority at the time. We can be cynical with our assumptions, but we can't be certain with our assumptions so as I would with any other POW I give McCain the benefit of the doubt lacking any certain evidence to the contrary.

And more importantly, there is so much more post war stuff that he can be criticized for that it is probably at best "poor form" to make unproven allegations about his actions while a POW. The guy was one of the Keating Five for petes sake, how he is still in office after being linked directly to the S&L scandal is beyond me.

06-28-18, 12:47
Because Arizona voters are an enigma !

06-28-18, 18:38
He has....
Long ago gone in the red for any status his vet/POW status standing bought him in my eyes.
My cousin was a pow and a vet and that didn't buy him anything McCain is a pos always was, always will be. Vet, pow or whatever a pos is a pos..

06-28-18, 19:53
My cousin was a pow and a vet and that didn't buy him anything McCain is a pos always was, always will be. Vet, pow or whatever a pos is a pos..
So, how many enlisted guys were captured and lived through being POW's?
Once the NVA got the details from McCain about routes, patterns, altitudes etc, how many more died waiting for CAS that never arrived?
Life isn't fair and being a POW would certainly suck, but you're right McCain had done a lot of dirty stuff during his tenure as a Representative of the people of Arizona.
I'm just willing to bet that pattern of backstabbing, inept self-service started long before he was ever shot down.

06-28-18, 21:34
So, how many enlisted guys were captured and lived through being POW's?
Once the NVA got the details from McCain about routes, patterns, altitudes etc, how many more died waiting for CAS that never arrived?
Life isn't fair and being a POW would certainly suck, but you're right McCain had done a lot of dirty stuff during his tenure as a Representative of the people of Arizona.
I'm just willing to bet that pattern of backstabbing, inept self-service started long before he was ever shot down.

How much of that do we know for a fact? Because if we don't know for sure, we shouldn't go down that road as it starts from a position of basic disrespect for a POW. I don't give a damn about McCain personally, but I have a base level of respect for ALL POWs as a general rule and I need reliable confirmation before I start flipping them shit.

So far off the top of my head the only one I can think of is Bergdahl and even his status as an actual POW is in doubt.

06-29-18, 07:34
How much of that do we know for a fact? Because if we don't know for sure, we shouldn't go down that road as it starts from a position of basic disrespect for a POW. I don't give a damn about McCain personally, but I have a base level of respect for ALL POWs as a general rule and I need reliable confirmation before I start flipping them shit.

So far off the top of my head the only one I can think of is Bergdahl and even his status as an actual POW is in doubt.

Bergdahl, by all accounts was/is a deserter. Not the same as a POW IMO and not deserving of anything other than CM and time in jail.

I’m with you on the rest. Even if McCain was the absolute worst soldier he was still a soldier. AFAWK he didn’t purposely crash/land his aircraft and walk over to the VC. So I’ll give him respect for serving and spending time as a POW. If his chain of command didn’t adjust SOP after having pilots captured that’s on them, not the men being tortured. It is entirely possible that the VC pieced together info from numerous soldiers telling little bits (thinking they were useless). Until I get facts that he did bad things that is.

However, that is NOT an excuse for his actions as a political creature. He is a POS as a senator.