View Full Version : Pacific Rim Uprising (Review)

06-22-18, 10:07
Pacific Rim has something of a cult following, and for good reason: It's fun, original, great visuals, fun dialogue, and cheesy monster movie that reminds you of a modern day Godzilla vs Megalon. Pacific Rim Uprising has none of that, and is clearly intended to attract a younger audience and slot it into a Transformers/Power Rangers type franchise. Dialogue is predictable, acting is wooden, visuals are good, but nothing special. All around disappointing. C-/D+


06-22-18, 12:18
Loved Pacific Rim. Bought it on BluRay. I wouldn't spend a dime to see the cookie cutter, box-ticking, quota-filling mess.

06-22-18, 13:48
Yeah, I've heard nothing but bad things about this one, so I watched the major fight scenes on YT- Usually you can tell how much people are over-stating how bad a movie is by the action scenes. More or less, if the action can still draw your interest, you can make it through the rest without to much trouble.

I was actually bored watching the fight scenes from this PR.
All the mechs looked SO power rangers/ transformer-ish, were doing actions that just...weren't believable for a machine of that size/design, and I am SO SICK of the designers constantly trying to come up with ridiculous close-combat weapons for the things that just end up being gimmicky as hell, and pretty unbelievable as something that would be used as a primary weapon system *ON A MECH* in the first place...
Granted, I had a little issue with mech fisticuffs being the primary method of engagement in the first movie, BUT, they managed to make it feel "meaty" and tense, and dangerous.
Ok, so the mini-mech was kind of fun, and I've been waiting for a ground-up scene with a mech firing and massive shells raining down on everything. Other than that... :lazy2:

06-22-18, 15:05
Yeah, I've heard nothing but bad things about this one, so I watched the major fight scenes on YT- Usually you can tell how much people are over-stating how bad a movie is by the action scenes. More or less, if the action can still draw your interest, you can make it through the rest without to much trouble.

I was actually bored watching the fight scenes from this PR.
All the mechs looked SO power rangers/ transformer-ish, were doing actions that just...weren't believable for a machine of that size/design, and I am SO SICK of the designers constantly trying to come up with ridiculous close-combat weapons for the things that just end up being gimmicky as hell, and pretty unbelievable as something that would be used as a primary weapon system *ON A MECH* in the first place...
Granted, I had a little issue with mech fisticuffs being the primary method of engagement in the first movie, BUT, they managed to make it feel "meaty" and tense, and dangerous.
Ok, so the mini-mech was kind of fun, and I've been waiting for a ground-up scene with a mech firing and massive shells raining down on everything. Other than that... :lazy2:

The one built by the 13 year old (who is actually 20 btw) girl? I found that extra annoying personally.

06-23-18, 00:27
I liked the little 'Mech. Scrapper.

The rest was meh. I was legitimately bored during the last fight.