View Full Version : Mexican Pres Candidate says, "Flood the US with immigrants"

Doc Safari
06-22-18, 16:40

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

He then declared it as “a human right we will defend,” eluniversal.com reports.

While the election is not until July 1, Obrador is by far the frontrunner.


06-22-18, 16:47
My take: Mr. President: Build a wall of lead

Oh Yoni that is too harsh.

Bottom line sooner or later if you want to keep the Constitution and what is left of the Republic it is going to take violence.

For the deck has been stacked for 50 years to destroy this great country.

06-22-18, 17:05
Seems to me that call to flood the border is a justifiable reason to put armed troops on the border, and I don't mean just NG.

06-22-18, 17:09
Bottom line sooner or later if you want to keep the Constitution and what is left of the Republic it is going to take violence.*********************************

Truer words have never been spoken, Harden Your Hearts !

06-22-18, 17:19
What a jackass. How about they kill all the narco traffickers, and lock up the corrupt politicians and public servants?

06-22-18, 17:22
I'm all for immigration.

But an army of illegal invaders is something quite different. End NAFTA, close the border. Sending all of our auto and electronics production to Mexico hasn't improved anything, the delivery of those products back to the US only created uncontrollable smuggling routes for drugs, illegals and other shit we don't need.

Start building that stuff in the US again, I'll gladly pay twice the cost of a TV made in the US. Maybe we can get Detroit back to work again making cars.

06-22-18, 17:22
My take: Mr. President: Build a wall of lead

Oh Yoni that is too harsh.

Bottom line sooner or later if you want to keep the Constitution and what is left of the Republic it is going to take violence.

For the deck has been stacked for 50 years to destroy this great country.

I'd like to subscribe to your blog!

06-22-18, 17:24
Seems to me that call to flood the border is a justifiable reason to put armed troops on the border, and I don't mean just NG.

Yep. Make it like the DMZ or the old Berlin wall. I didn't used to feel that extreme but my views are rapidly changing. VERY rapidly.

Doc Safari
06-22-18, 17:33
I'm thinking Trump should take the rhetoric from the North Korea playbook and threaten to end the Mexican regime. That would make them sit up and take notice.

06-22-18, 17:34
Yep. Make it like the DMZ or the old Berlin wall. I didn't used to feel that extreme but my views are rapidly changing. VERY rapidly.

I know the feeling.

06-22-18, 18:30
Mine the border.

06-22-18, 19:09
Early in my Army aviation career, I was flying experimental radar jamming gear between Libby AAF at Fort Huachuca to Laguna AAF at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona. That was the early Spring of 1983. Used to fly over the desert north of Ajo, Arizona and during night operations would see illegals crossing the desert. We'd radio Border Patrol and occasionally orbit the location until the immigration folks could arrive.

What made that area so interesting was it was the Luke Air Force Base bombing range. I always wondered if some of those illegals ever expired in that area due to heat or US Air Force bombing training.

06-22-18, 19:34
Is he calling for the abolition of his own borders? That includes Mexico’s Southern.

06-22-18, 19:38
Early in my Army aviation career, I was flying experimental radar jamming gear between Libby AAF at Fort Huachuca to Laguna AAF at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona. That was the early Spring of 1983. Used to fly over the desert north of Ajo, Arizona and during night operations would see illegals crossing the desert. We'd radio Border Patrol and occasionally orbit the location until the immigration folks could arrive.

What made that area so interesting was it was the Luke Air Force Base bombing range. I always wondered if some of those illegals ever expired in that area due to heat or US Air Force bombing training.

Maybe unintentional, but id imagine that would send a message.

06-22-18, 20:58
We have been a safety valve for Mexico for decades. Their oligarchic government doesn't have to do anything for its people, and the more ambitious go North. Exporting any potential for change, ever. WIN for the Mexican government, WIN for Democrats, WIN for Republicans. WIN for social justice warriors.

I particularly like the deafening, years-long silence of Mexico's bishops on MEXICO'S failure to improve the lot of their people; and the incredibly stupid statements of American bishops on the subject. (As a Catholic, I get to talk like that...)

Ed Abbey once said that we should give a rifle and a case of ammo to every illegal we send back. Let THEM sort it out.

06-22-18, 21:36
I say we build the wall and empty all of our super-max prisons and send all the criminals down to Mexico, they’ve sent their felons for years, I say it’s our turn to return the favor.

06-22-18, 22:00
Ed Abbey once said that we should give a rifle and a case of ammo to every illegal we send back. Let THEM sort it out.

I had Edward Abbey for a semester English Literature class at the University of Arizona (Spring Semester 1981). He was a guest "Professor". One of the best classes I ever took. He was in the process of moving to Oracle, Arizona during that period.

At the time when I signed up for the class, I didn't fully understand his fame. We did have a common theme between us. I spent a month at Arches National Monument, Moab, Utah, in July 1976 with a Boy Scout Troop, picking up trash, stocking portapotties and helping mark hiking trails.

06-23-18, 00:43
Meanwhile, 18 mayoral candidates (and something like 120 political candidates) have been killed in Mexico in the run-up to the country's 1 July elections.

On the LA Times website, they have this picture to go with the headline:
A security officer stands guard at a campaign appearance by a Senate candidate in San Luis Acatlan, Guerrero state. (Francisco Robles / AFP/Getty Images)

Imagine being the poor bastard who has to carry a rusty old M1 Carbine and a 1911 to protect against guys armed with AKMs and ARs (plus G3s, Galils, M4s, FX-05s, &c. "liberated" from the Mexican army and police).

06-23-18, 08:25
Meanwhile, 18 mayoral candidates (and something like 120 political candidates) have been killed in Mexico in the run-up to the country's 1 July elections.

On the LA Times website, they have this picture to go with the headline:
A security officer stands guard at a campaign appearance by a Senate candidate in San Luis Acatlan, Guerrero state. (Francisco Robles / AFP/Getty Images)

Imagine being the poor bastard who has to carry a rusty old M1 Carbine and a 1911 to protect against guys armed with AKMs and ARs (plus G3s, Galils, M4s, FX-05s, &c. "liberated" from the Mexican army and police).

He'd either be dead or (more likely) hauling ass out of there at the first crackle of gunfire.

06-23-18, 08:48
Meanwhile, 18 mayoral candidates (and something like 120 political candidates) have been killed in Mexico in the run-up to the country's 1 July elections.

On the LA Times website, they have this picture to go with the headline:
A security officer stands guard at a campaign appearance by a Senate candidate in San Luis Acatlan, Guerrero state. (Francisco Robles / AFP/Getty Images)

Imagine being the poor bastard who has to carry a rusty old M1 Carbine and a 1911 to protect against guys armed with AKMs and ARs (plus G3s, Galils, M4s, FX-05s, &c. "liberated" from the Mexican army and police).

Apparently this problem "Fixes" itself occasionally;

Teams of cartel gunmen executed two mayoral candidates in less than 24 hours in the Mexican state of Michoacan, making the current electoral cycle one of the bloodiest in history. In 10 months, Mexico saw more than 115 murders of political candidates.

It would appear politics on Mexico is a dangerous sport.

06-23-18, 10:38
Clear and present danger...

06-23-18, 11:13
Apparently this problem "Fixes" itself occasionally;

Teams of cartel gunmen executed two mayoral candidates in less than 24 hours in the Mexican state of Michoacan, making the current electoral cycle one of the bloodiest in history. In 10 months, Mexico saw more than 115 murders of political candidates.

It would appear politics on Mexico is a dangerous sport.

and most of us wouldn't run for political office in this country because we don't want the media messing with us and our families. Takes guts to take a stand knowing that you are likely to get killed for it.

06-23-18, 11:40
and most of us wouldn't run for political office in this country because we don't want the media messing with us and our families. Takes guts to take a stand knowing that you are likely to get killed for it.

To be honest, just sneak up behind me and put a bullet in the back of my head, please don't pay off a Porn Actress to claim I diddled her, my wife wouldn't be so kind as an Assassin.

06-23-18, 16:59
“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

Sounds like a story board for a 21st Century skeet range. One of those "if you can make it to the finish line" type deals. The hosts of the show will be Ted Nugent and Chuck Schumer.

06-23-18, 17:02
and most of us wouldn't run for political office in this country because we don't want the media messing with us and our families. Takes guts to take a stand knowing that you are likely to get killed for it.

speaking of which..... Trump supporter and Primary winner in South Carolina ... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/candidate-who-defeated-mark-sanford-seriously-injured-in-car-crash/ar-AAz3scr?li=BBnb7Kz?OCID=ansmsnnews11 ---- it really makes you wonder, although I guess this proves truth is stranger than fiction.

06-23-18, 17:34
Apparently this problem "Fixes" itself occasionally;

Teams of cartel gunmen executed two mayoral candidates in less than 24 hours in the Mexican state of Michoacan, making the current electoral cycle one of the bloodiest in history. In 10 months, Mexico saw more than 115 murders of political candidates.

It would appear politics on Mexico is a dangerous sport.

When are we going to just declare Mexico a narco state? This is basically the same shit Escobar pulled.

06-23-18, 17:35
Hope they have a LOTTA coffin-makers in Mexico - those bodies we catapult back over the river will start adding up after a while... :mad:

06-23-18, 17:40
When are we going to just declare Mexico a narco state? This is basically the same shit Escobar pulled.

Exactly. They should be declared a terrorist state considering the cartels run everything and are basically ISIS without the durka durka aloha ackbar. They are a clear and present danger to the US and Jack Ryan needs to get involved or something.

06-23-18, 17:51
since everyone thinks we steal land and conquer ? maybe we do just that
take all of Mexico for the US then go in with the military and clean house of any and all gang members in a huge super fast sweep
first gather any one with a gang tattoo incl any US gangs etc.. and immediate execution any and all politicians that are known corrupt and do the same which would clear out many of our members at the same time :) win win

sure we could keep going all the way to the canal asking countries if they would like us to clean house for them and join up

06-23-18, 17:54
Exactly. They should be declared a terrorist state considering the cartels run everything and are basically ISIS without the durka durka aloha ackbar. They are a clear and present danger to the US and Jack Ryan needs to get involved or something.

I'm ready coach. Send me in!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180623/4f4c27b4749967705ee79c912c60f54c.jpg

06-23-18, 18:03
since everyone thinks we steal land and conquer ? maybe we do just that
take all of Mexico for the US then go in with the military and clean house of any and all gang members in a huge super fast sweep
first gather any one with a gang tattoo incl any US gangs etc.. and immediate execution any and all politicians that are known corrupt and do the same which would clear out many of our members at the same time :) win win

sure we could keep going all the way to the canal asking countries if they would like us to clean house for them and join up

No, "nation building" isn't our forte', and Mexico would be one HUGE welfare case.

Treat them as a hostile government at a minimum, with punitive military strikes if necessary. They are NOT our friends.

06-23-18, 18:21
I for one think we should be running normal bombing and drone campaigns against the cartels. At least make it hard on them.

06-23-18, 18:37
I for one think we should be running normal bombing and drone campaigns against the cartels. At least make it hard on them.
How much money moves from the Cartel's to the Politicians?
There are likely more than a few Candidate's fully funded by them.
However, it would seem the numbers of illegal crossers aren't coming from, but rather through Mexico.
How much of this works in the favour of the Cartel's is questionable, but every minute, every dollar we spend messing with these so called "refugees" were not stopping dope coming in to the Country.

06-23-18, 18:59
since everyone thinks we steal land and conquer ? maybe we do just that
take all of Mexico for the US then go in with the military and clean house of any and all gang members in a huge super fast sweep
first gather any one with a gang tattoo incl any US gangs etc.. and immediate execution any and all politicians that are known corrupt and do the same which would clear out many of our members at the same time :) win win

sure we could keep going all the way to the canal asking countries if they would like us to clean house for them and join up

When we won the Mexican American War we could have kept the whole country. But instead opted for the Southwest and California. In hindsight we probably should have kept it-lots of oil, great beach resorts and awesome food.

LMT Shooter
06-23-18, 23:31
since everyone thinks we steal land and conquer ? maybe we do just that
take all of Mexico for the US then go in with the military and clean house of any and all gang members in a huge super fast sweep
first gather any one with a gang tattoo incl any US gangs etc.. and immediate execution any and all politicians that are known corrupt and do the same which would clear out many of our members at the same time :) win win

sure we could keep going all the way to the canal asking countries if they would like us to clean house for them and join up

Exactamundo. They come here for our way of life & standard of living. Let's take those to to them.

The Mexican government would not want this, but who cares.

But why stop at the canal?

06-24-18, 00:21
Exactamundo. They come here for our way of life & standard of living. Let's take those to to them.

The Mexican government would not want this, but who cares.

But why stop at the canal?

You lost me there. What does that mean (what canal?)

06-24-18, 00:23
You lost me there. What does that mean (what canal?)

I said we take over Mexico work our way down country by country cleaning out the gangs etc.. to the Canal :) so the Panama Canal :)

06-24-18, 01:18
I said we take over Mexico work our way down country by country cleaning out the gangs etc.. to the Canal :) so the Panama Canal :)

Maybe we should accomplish that in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York before we start deluding ourselves with notions of gang free Mexico. I think our best viable option is containment. We simply aren't willing to do what would be necessary to eliminate Mexican and South American cartels and even if we were willing, it would make Afghanistan and Iraq look like a joke.

If we started a real "war on drugs" and took it to enemy lands, well funded and American trained special forces would make Al Quida and ISIS look like Antifa. We can't even defeat Saudi oil funded fundamentalists, can you imagine if we went up against cocaine and heroin funded cartels and their private militias?

It would be a never ending shit storm with and endless supply of shit. Would we really want to spend the lives in the special forces community on a fundamentally unachievable goal? Our time would be better spent nation building in Somalia. At least there we can genuinely kick ass if we ever decided to.

06-24-18, 03:17
since everyone thinks we steal land and conquer ? maybe we do just that
take all of Mexico for the US then go in with the military and clean house of any and all gang members in a huge super fast sweep
first gather any one with a gang tattoo incl any US gangs etc.. and immediate execution any and all politicians that are known corrupt and do the same which would clear out many of our members at the same time [emoji4] win win

sure we could keep going all the way to the canal asking countries if they would like us to clean house for them and join up

This strategy has my vote. Mexico is a failed state. They rely on exporting citizens more than non-human natural resources like oil. They admit they don't even want to try to make their country safe for families. If we REALLY CARED about Mexicans, the kindest thing we could do is take over their country and establish order and safe commerce and democracy.

Get rid of cartels by legalizing drugs and let Proctor and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson be the distributors of known quality product at market competitive prices.

06-24-18, 08:24
Thank God it'll never happen 'cause I see some people here wishing for some crazy things. Who the hell wants Mexico? Like Steyr said, containment is the best policy. Use force judiciously if and when necessary; what're they gonna do? Make the border like the DMZ, sealed tight as a drum. NO ONE gets across. We have drones out the wazoo so 24/7 coverage of attempts to cross should be detectable. If the cartels make noise a Hellfire up their leadership's ass in the middle of the night would tamp things down (it isn't like we don't know who their leadership is I'm sure). Right now they only face the "wrath" of a corrupt, inept Mexican government. They would be facing REAL wrath from us.

Again, isolate and seal off, and let them rot from within. NO ONE crosses to escape, they stew in their own mess. Force if necessary.

06-24-18, 09:22
I said we take over Mexico work our way down country by country cleaning out the gangs etc.. to the Canal :) so the Panama Canal :)

Oh, I missed that.
To be honest, from everything Ive seen, Costa Rica, and Panama are pretty good (and Belize?).
Honduras, San Salvador, and Nicaragua have major issues.

Panama seems to have tighter immigration than we do.

06-24-18, 11:28
Maybe we should accomplish that in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York before we start deluding ourselves with notions of gang free Mexico. I think our best viable option is containment. We simply aren't willing to do what would be necessary to eliminate Mexican and South American cartels and even if we were willing, it would make Afghanistan and Iraq look like a joke.

If we started a real "war on drugs" and took it to enemy lands, well funded and American trained special forces would make Al Quida and ISIS look like Antifa. We can't even defeat Saudi oil funded fundamentalists, can you imagine if we went up against cocaine and heroin funded cartels and their private militias?

It would be a never ending shit storm with and endless supply of shit. Would we really want to spend the lives in the special forces community on a fundamentally unachievable goal? Our time would be better spent nation building in Somalia. At least there we can genuinely kick ass if we ever decided to.

agree more of a joke since the left thinks that is what we do so do what they think we do :)

also those Spanish that cry we stole their country ? hmmmm guess they do not remember their own history when they stole it from the Mayan and Aztecs killed enslaved them so just return the favor

so more tongue in cheek for sure

war on drugs will never happen a bit like asking the wolf to look into who is eating the sheep

06-24-18, 11:54
Thank God it'll never happen 'cause I see some people here wishing for some crazy things. Who the hell wants Mexico? Like Steyr said, containment is the best policy. Use force judiciously if and when necessary; what're they gonna do? Make the border like the DMZ, sealed tight as a drum. NO ONE gets across. We have drones out the wazoo so 24/7 coverage of attempts to cross should be detectable. If the cartels make noise a Hellfire up their leadership's ass in the middle of the night would tamp things down (it isn't like we don't know who their leadership is I'm sure). Right now they only face the "wrath" of a corrupt, inept Mexican government. They would be facing REAL wrath from us.

Again, isolate and seal off, and let them rot from within. NO ONE crosses to escape, they stew in their own mess. Force if necessary.

again tongue in cheek to take over

but Guatemala and some of the areas on Mexico coast are insane beautiful compared to what we have here so would be great to have those options in our country :)

To be honest, from everything Ive seen, Costa Rica, and Panama are pretty good (and Belize?).
Honduras, San Salvador, and Nicaragua have major issues.

Panama seems to have tighter immigration than we do.
I lived in Honduras (Bay Islands Utila) for a year teaching scuba and loved it spent a month back packing Guatemala etc.. freaking most amazing beautiful country great people like here get away from the corrupt cities and so on but sadly the place is so full of criminals everywhere these days from cities to country with road bandits and so on

its so sad cause they had so much potential for tourism but corruption of course has been there since the Spanish took it all over and that is the root cause

06-24-18, 13:45
Someone should spread a rumor that he’s going to go about taking down the cartels. Problem will solve itself quicker than a Hillary leaker.

06-24-18, 20:14
agree more of a joke since the left thinks that is what we do so do what they think we do :)

also those Spanish that cry we stole their country ? hmmmm guess they do not remember their own history when they stole it from the Mayan and Aztecs killed enslaved them so just return the favor

so more tongue in cheek for sure

war on drugs will never happen a bit like asking the wolf to look into who is eating the sheep

Gotcha. Yeah it's always hilarious to hear people talk of a US land snatch with regard to the southwest. They are actually speaking the LANGUAGE of those who conquered them and we acquired the land when WE defeated Spain. So we basically liberated the inhabitants of the area from those who invaded their lands and replaced their culture and sat as an occupying force for centuries.

06-24-18, 20:20
again tongue in cheek to take over

but Guatemala and some of the areas on Mexico coast are insane beautiful compared to what we have here so would be great to have those options in our country :)

Just like nothing in Africa from diamonds to gold is worth the effort of being there, nothing in Mexico is worth the effort currently. Once upon a time it was safe enough for tourism but when we went after the Colombians they simply moved operations to Mexico making it the next narco state. Add to that their world leader status as professional kidnappers and I can't think of anything that would make me want to go to Mexico.

We need to void NAFTA and reestablish those industries back in the US.

06-24-18, 20:31
Seems to me that call to flood the border is a justifiable reason to put armed troops on the border, and I don't mean just NG.

I always thought this would work and otherwise wouldn’t cost us much of anything more than we already spend;

Instead of sending Marine BNs to 29 Stumps for CAX or whatever it’s called now... put em on the border. Just a reallocation of personnel and more lifelike training. Gives the ground guys, the logistics guys, and the air wing solid experience working together in defense of our border.

06-25-18, 11:19
I didn't know exactly where to put this, but I thought it relevant;
Smugglers are using video cameras and small drones to spot vulnerabilities along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the Department of Homeland Security is struggling to stop them.
Reports of unmanned aircraft flying along the Southwest border have spiked in recent months, with more than three dozen sightings since October, when the current fiscal year began. That data point is on a course to quadruple from the previous year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, where officials say they are concerned that criminal groups are using the aircraft for surveillance while seeking paths to traffic drugs and other illicit material into the United States.
While most drones are believed to be flying surveillance missions, at least one made it across the U.S. border carrying drugs worth tens of thousands of dollars. In January, a 25-year-old man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for flying a drone over a fence near the bustling checkpoint between San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. The unmanned aircraft was carrying a plastic bag packed with 13 pounds of methamphetamine.
Since 2011, traffickers have made at least 562 illicit flights across the U.S. border in ultralight aircraft such as helicopters, single-engine planes or gyrocopters, Gabris said. Those pilots often fly their aircraft just above the tree line in rugged areas, making it difficult for border agents to detect or track them. The aircraft typically carry about 200 pounds worth of drugs, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report warning about the flexible smuggling method.

06-25-18, 11:23
I didn't know exactly where to put this, but I thought it relevant;
Smugglers are using video cameras and small drones to spot vulnerabilities along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the Department of Homeland Security is struggling to stop them.
Reports of unmanned aircraft flying along the Southwest border have spiked in recent months, with more than three dozen sightings since October, when the current fiscal year began. That data point is on a course to quadruple from the previous year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, where officials say they are concerned that criminal groups are using the aircraft for surveillance while seeking paths to traffic drugs and other illicit material into the United States.
While most drones are believed to be flying surveillance missions, at least one made it across the U.S. border carrying drugs worth tens of thousands of dollars. In January, a 25-year-old man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for flying a drone over a fence near the bustling checkpoint between San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. The unmanned aircraft was carrying a plastic bag packed with 13 pounds of methamphetamine.
Since 2011, traffickers have made at least 562 illicit flights across the U.S. border in ultralight aircraft such as helicopters, single-engine planes or gyrocopters, Gabris said. Those pilots often fly their aircraft just above the tree line in rugged areas, making it difficult for border agents to detect or track them. The aircraft typically carry about 200 pounds worth of drugs, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report warning about the flexible smuggling method.

Sounds like we need to have an open season on drones in that area, unlimited bag limit.

06-25-18, 11:44
Go to the 2:45 mark and hold on to your seat.
110 political assassinations since the beginning of the political season.
Yeah, just keep that crap down there, we have enough malarkey.

06-25-18, 13:14
Go to the 2:45 mark and hold on to your seat.
110 political assassinations since the beginning of the political season.
Yeah, just keep that crap down there, we have enough malarkey.

kinda like maxine waters basically saying open season on trump folks

yeah its bad and do not need it here but our system is also filled with idiots and some of them want the fall of this country

so I reckon the way around that would be term limits for any and all gov positions

26 Inf
06-25-18, 16:58
so I reckon the way around that would be term limits for any and all gov positions

I tend to agree. One possible problem is they (elected officials) might try to make a career's worth in two terms. Of course the big problem is that getting politicians to vote in term limits is like getting the foxes to help alarm the hen house - not in their best interest.

06-25-18, 17:35
You know the temperature just keeps rising.
I don't care about some restaurant owner asking someone to leave, but when they politely do and the owner follows some of those people across the street to protest them at someone else's restaurant (and that happened) we've got issues.
Maxine Waters has short term memory issues if she doesn't remember that not so long ago a bunch of Republicans were shot to hell on a baseball diamond. Her willingness to twist the thermostat a bit only increases the likelihood that we get a little more like Mexico when it comes to political violence.
When you are royalty, you can do no wrong and everyone wants to do you a favour. The problem is these guys aren't royalty and they need to pay for their crimes.
Calling for your supporters to harass, protest and ramp up the dirty tricks is just a small step away from calling for violence.
The deranged know few boundaries and know few civilities.

06-25-18, 18:20
I tend to agree. One possible problem is they (elected officials) might try to make a career's worth in two terms. Of course the big problem is that getting politicians to vote in term limits is like getting the foxes to help alarm the hen house - not in their best interest.

YUP ditto for sure on the vote for it
I think what would happen is you would have them moving positions to positions that are title change but not what they do change and they would work around it

I also feel it should be tied to military pay with any and all gifts etc.. or other things not allowed

to bad the people do not have a vote that counts anymore :)

06-25-18, 18:59
While Trump was not my first choice in the Republican primaries for 2016, I voted for him in the general election. I don't regret that decision. In fact, I hope he runs and wins in 2020 because I want to see the libtards explode. I want to see if they have the cajones to do what we all know the diehards want to do. That will be make-or-break time for the U.S. as a country.

Am I wishing for what could possibly amount to a low-level civil war? No, of course not. But if they want to show and actually act on their delusions then bring it on. I will absolutely not vote for another candidate just to appease them, hell I despise them. In other words if re-electing Trump meant chaos then bring it bitches. They can kiss my ass.

There is a divide in this country, and I proudly stand on one side of it. I have NO interest in compromise.

06-25-18, 19:29
While Trump was not my first choice in the Republican primaries for 2016, I voted for him in the general election. I don't regret that decision. In fact, I hope he runs and wins in 2020 because I want to see the libtards explode. I want to see if they have the cajones to do what we all know the diehards want to do. That will be make-or-break time for the U.S. as a country.

Am I wishing for what could possibly amount to a low-level civil war? No, of course not. But if they want to show and actually act on their delusions then bring it on. I will absolutely not vote for another candidate just to appease them, hell I despise them. In other words if re-electing Trump meant chaos then bring it bitches. They can kiss my ass.

There is a divide in this country, and I proudly stand on one side of it. I have NO interest in compromise.

We're already going through a soft coup, Democrats have already shown themselves to be violent, and what happens next is likely the real thing unfortunately.

06-25-18, 19:50
We're already going through a soft coup, Democrats have already shown themselves to be violent, and what happens next is likely the real thing unfortunately.
I'm guessing you're correct.
You can't tell "Fire" in a crowded theatre without a bad reaction from the people seated there in the dark.
You cannot call people Nazi's and not expect someone to pick up s gun and shoot one of them.
Were in some dangerous waters now.

Doc Safari
06-25-18, 19:55
We are headed for a civil war. I don't like it. I don't want it to be true. Like all the guys in the action adventure movies say, "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

But it's happening.

And it's happening because the left has a single focused desire to tear down not only what made this country great but simultaneously made them the lunatic fringe.

They will never stop until they succeed, or do I dare say it?--die trying.

06-25-18, 20:26
We are headed for a civil war. I don't like it. I don't want it to be true. Like all the guys in the action adventure movies say, "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

But it's happening.

And it's happening because the left has a single focused desire to tear down not only what made this country great but simultaneously made them the lunatic fringe.

They will never stop until they succeed, or do I dare say it?--die trying.

I'm not sure if we're headed for a civil war or not, but if we are, shoring up our borders is even more important than ever.
How many people could you recruit if you offered a "get out of jail free card" and citizenship?
I'm not sure we're looking at this threat with the seriousness it deserves.


06-26-18, 01:01
While Trump was not my first choice in the Republican primaries for 2016, I voted for him in the general election. I don't regret that decision. In fact, I hope he runs and wins in 2020 because I want to see the libtards explode. I want to see if they have the cajones to do what we all know the diehards want to do. That will be make-or-break time for the U.S. as a country.

Am I wishing for what could possibly amount to a low-level civil war? No, of course not. But if they want to show and actually act on their delusions then bring it on. I will absolutely not vote for another candidate just to appease them, hell I despise them. In other words if re-electing Trump meant chaos then bring it bitches. They can kiss my ass.

There is a divide in this country, and I proudly stand on one side of it. I have NO interest in compromise.

I would only add Ivanka 2024 for the first female president, it would be so effin awesome words couldn't actually explain it. Seeing a clothing designer "trump" Hillary and Warren would be worth whatever retarded policies might be bouncing around in her adorable little head.

06-26-18, 01:09
We are headed for a civil war. I don't like it. I don't want it to be true. Like all the guys in the action adventure movies say, "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

But it's happening.

And it's happening because the left has a single focused desire to tear down not only what made this country great but simultaneously made them the lunatic fringe.

They will never stop until they succeed, or do I dare say it?--die trying.

People have been saying that since the 2000 election. Of course before that they were saying it before the 1980 election. Then they actually came as close as we will ever come during the 1968 election.

We have yet to see anything close to the shit that was pulled in 1968 and we aren't gonna see anything like that because the "powers that be" can't make any real money from civil unrest. They simply polarize the issues to prevent any "reasonable middle ground" kind of person from ever having a real chance and they simply take turns pandering to the extremes while in reality they have more in common with each other than those they claim to represent.

It's funny, but all of this Arrest Hillary and Impeach Trump nonsense is political theater for people who can't see the big game being played right out in the open. Use chaotic events to restrict rights and consolidate power, create phantom issues that demand more funding from tax payers.

Politics is about power and money, issues are almost irrelevant and if you are in Washington and actually care about an issue the people with power and money will make sure you never have enough of either to change anything.

Ordinary people with nothing to lose have been taking it to the streets since the Bonus Army and typically with similar levels of success.

06-26-18, 04:13
When we won the Mexican American War we could have kept the whole country. But instead opted for the Southwest and California. In hindsight we probably should have kept it-lots of oil, great beach resorts and awesome food.

Sam Houston could have done the same thing after defeating the despot Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.

We've had multiple opportunities and are now paying for a our leniency.

Gotcha. Yeah it's always hilarious to hear people talk of a US land snatch with regard to the southwest. They are actually speaking the LANGUAGE of those who conquered them and we acquired the land when WE defeated Spain. So we basically liberated the inhabitants of the area from those who invaded their lands and replaced their culture and sat as an occupying force for centuries.

Yeah the humor is not lost on me. You have a people who practice a religion that was forced upon their ancestors at the point of conquistadores lances, to this day they speak their conquerors language, et al. They also conveniently leave out the multitude of indigenous people groups that once inhabited "their" contested territories.

"Mexican" is not a race it's a nationality. They are a diverse people group comprised of people who are predominantly a mix but not limited to European Spaniards and Mesoamericans.

06-26-18, 05:10
thinking about this not sure we will see a civil war of any kind ?

I do not think the deep state will allow it to happen since they will loose control and not be in control of the outcome which most likely wont go well for the liberals and really most all of us do not want this to happen the ones that do say %5 on each end that would fight and maybe %10 total on each end will be involved with some form of idiocy and that means not population % but those active like those marching only %10 will truly fight ? that is totally my guess

it is much better for them to keep us on the edge of each other and fighting and bickering and so on

I do fear the degrading of what we see in Europe happening and the chaos of liberal idiocy in control of schools and other things that effect us more than a president in power that really does not change things

06-26-18, 05:13
We have yet to see anything close to the shit that was pulled in 1968........................
I was in my 20s at the time and the period of '68 and the years surrounding it were the worst I have seen. Hope to never see it again, but I feel the tension building up to something like it. Hope I am wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960s

06-26-18, 05:20
I see multiple post where members are saying they don't want the country to go to civil war.

I ask why?

Do you think that the leftist/socialist are going to change on their own and become lovers of the Constitution and liberty from massive government interference in our lives?

Since they aren't going to change for the better and only get more radical, how do we keep the country?

The left wants 100% open borders, if 100 million people flooded in would America still be America?

100 million come in, and then the call would be they live here they should be able to vote.

I am sorry, but I have fought in wars and terrorist for decades. I don't see any problem in fighting in one more war to save the country.

But I am not going to be a leader or push for it, for 2 reasons. First I am building my new company, bringing Mossad cyber warriors to the USA market place for the first time. I don't have enough faith that enough so called conservatives in the USA will fight for the future of the Republic.

06-26-18, 06:46
100 million come in, and then the call would be they live here they should be able to vote.

A federal judge has ruled that it is unconstitutional to force someone to prove they are a citizen before they are allowed to vote. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/19/621304260/judge-tosses-kansas-proof-of-citizenship-voter-law-and-rebukes-sec-of-state-koba


06-26-18, 07:02
A federal judge has ruled that it is unconstitutional to force someone to prove they are a citizen before they are allowed to vote. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/19/621304260/judge-tosses-kansas-proof-of-citizenship-voter-law-and-rebukes-sec-of-state-koba


Completely asinine. This is what happens when judges cease to be judges and instead are activists.

06-26-18, 07:57
Promoting this is both foolish and dangerous;

The U.S. Border Patrol rescued 57 undocumented immigrants who were stranded in the Arizona desert, the agency announced on Saturday.
The group of immigrants consisted of 21 adults and 36 minors, including a 1-year-old baby and 17 unaccompanied minors. They came from at least four countries: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
few voters are talking about the wave of Central American migrants that has transfixed the American public in recent days.
The basic reason: The vast majority of migrants crossing Mexico have no intention of settling here.
“Mexico is not their destination,” said José Antonio Crespo, a political analyst at Mexico City’s CIDE university. “At the end of the day, Mexican voters are worried by our own problems—corruption, violence and the economy.”
In Mexico, many migrants risk harassment, kidnapping, extortion and murder from organized-crime groups and often-corrupt immigration authorities and even from police.
“They are mistreated as soon as they enter Mexico, abused by everyone: authorities, security forces, organized crime and society in general,” said Bishop Raúl Vera.

The humanitarian thing to do is to stop them from crossing in to Mexico, but that doesn't seem to be looked at as a problem for Mexico.
That kills and awful lot of people.

Doc Safari
06-26-18, 08:51
People have been saying that since the 2000 election. Of course before that they were saying it before the 1980 election. Then they actually came as close as we will ever come during the 1968 election.

We have yet to see anything close to the shit that was pulled in 1968 and we aren't gonna see anything like that because the "powers that be" can't make any real money from civil unrest. They simply polarize the issues to prevent any "reasonable middle ground" kind of person from ever having a real chance and they simply take turns pandering to the extremes while in reality they have more in common with each other than those they claim to represent.

It's funny, but all of this Arrest Hillary and Impeach Trump nonsense is political theater for people who can't see the big game being played right out in the open. Use chaotic events to restrict rights and consolidate power, create phantom issues that demand more funding from tax payers.

Politics is about power and money, issues are almost irrelevant and if you are in Washington and actually care about an issue the people with power and money will make sure you never have enough of either to change anything.

Ordinary people with nothing to lose have been taking it to the streets since the Bonus Army and typically with similar levels of success.

You could turn out to be right. I'm watching for a "Franz Ferdinand" moment that makes both sides go full retard and "get some."

06-26-18, 11:29
I see multiple post where members are saying they don't want the country to go to civil war.

I ask why?

Do you think that the leftist/socialist are going to change on their own and become lovers of the Constitution and liberty from massive government interference in our lives?

Since they aren't going to change for the better and only get more radical, how do we keep the country?

The left wants 100% open borders, if 100 million people flooded in would America still be America?

100 million come in, and then the call would be they live here they should be able to vote.

I am sorry, but I have fought in wars and terrorist for decades. I don't see any problem in fighting in one more war to save the country.

But I am not going to be a leader or push for it, for 2 reasons. First I am building my new company, bringing Mossad cyber warriors to the USA market place for the first time. I don't have enough faith that enough so called conservatives in the USA will fight for the future of the Republic.

problem is who is going to start it ?
what side is going to start it ?

most all of us have to much to loose as you posted and to busy to go riot in the streets at every demonstration etc..

maybe get rid of sorors and his funding and it all goes away

26 Inf
06-26-18, 12:31
100 million come in, and then the call would be they live here they should be able to vote.

So, how many countries you vote/hold citizenship in?

06-26-18, 12:48
I see multiple post where members are saying they don't want the country to go to civil war.

I ask why?

Do you think that the leftist/socialist are going to change on their own and become lovers of the Constitution and liberty from massive government interference in our lives?

Since they aren't going to change for the better and only get more radical, how do we keep the country?

The left wants 100% open borders, if 100 million people flooded in would America still be America?

100 million come in, and then the call would be they live here they should be able to vote.

I am sorry, but I have fought in wars and terrorist for decades. I don't see any problem in fighting in one more war to save the country.

But I am not going to be a leader or push for it, for 2 reasons. First I am building my new company, bringing Mossad cyber warriors to the USA market place for the first time. I don't have enough faith that enough so called conservatives in the USA will fight for the future of the Republic.

I think being willing to fight if forced to do so is one thing (many folks across the nation fall into that category) and wanting a fight is quite another. Nobody in their right mind WANTS a fight. 1000000x got nobody in their right minds WANTS a civil war. Wanting a violent internal conflict that will potentially kill millions and destroy a fragile economy is silly if it can be avoided. Who wants to go from premier nation on the planet for many things to a self induced Great Depression like life style? I know I don’t and I know I don’t want my kids to go through that while there is still some hope of stepping back from the abyss. Not only that, but you NEVER know how we would come out, if we would come out. When stuff gets bad enough, and a civil war will make things bad, people will demand and accept the craziest of crap.

IMO, the crazies are getting the air time. The crazies on both sides of the aisle are still in the minority. Thankfully. As such there is still time to step away from the abyss and go back to peaceful discourse. Till all else fails, violence must take a back seat.

06-26-18, 12:59
IMO, the crazies are getting the air time. The crazies on both sides of the aisle are still in the minority. Thankfully. As such there is still time to step away from the abyss and go back to peaceful discourse. Till all else fails, violence must take a back seat.

Let's hope cooler heads prevail. Nobody seems to remember cause and effect.
John Brown,John Wilkes Booth, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, Gavrilo Princip were all minor actors living on the fringe until, well, until they weren't anymore.
I'm surprised we've made it these 500 days so far without someone going off the edge and dragging a large portion of society with them.

Of course we still don't know everything about Vegas yet, do we?

06-26-18, 13:26
The basic reason: The vast majority of migrants crossing Mexico have no intention of settling here.
“Mexico is not their destination,” said José Antonio Crespo, a political analyst at Mexico City’s CIDE university. “At the end of the day, Mexican voters are worried by our own problems—corruption, violence and the economy.”
In Mexico, many migrants risk harassment, kidnapping, extortion and murder from organized-crime groups and often-corrupt immigration authorities and even from police.
“They are mistreated as soon as they enter Mexico, abused by everyone: authorities, security forces, organized crime and society in general,” said Bishop Raúl Vera.

The humanitarian thing to do is to stop them from crossing in to Mexico, but that doesn't seem to be looked at as a problem for Mexico.
That kills and awful lot of people.

This can never be overemphasized. These "migrants" are abused, raped, enslaved, murdered all over Mexico but all we hear from our friends on the left is that if you don't want them here your a NAZI, that Trump putting them in concentration camps for genocide, blah blah blah. The ****ing double standard lolirl.

So, how many countries you vote/hold citizenship in?

Not Yoni.

BUT . . .

I'll ass-u-me he has citizenship and the right to vote in the countries which he has LEGALLY gained citizenship in and PAYS HIS TAXES in but you already knew that.

26 Inf
06-26-18, 13:48
I'll ass-u-me he has citizenship and the right to vote in the countries which he has LEGALLY gained citizenship in and PAYS HIS TAXES in but you already knew that.

Never mind.

06-27-18, 14:37
I have a bunch of legit passports, but I don't count myself as a citizen of every country that I happen to hold a passport in.

I am a citizen of the USA and Israel. I have a rule, that I only vote in the country that I am living in on election day. I have never nor would I, ever fly into either place on election day to vote.

So far it comes down to a real pain in the ass. I have shed my blood for both countries and shed blood for both countries and even worse get to deal with the IRS of both countries.

26 Inf
06-27-18, 14:50
Yoni - Your reply was more courteous than my question. Thanks. Being judgemental is my cross to bear.

06-27-18, 15:07
Estimate for yourself the corpse per square mile we find, then multiply that by the miles between here and the Country of their birth.
I'm not sure how to get the numbers we miss and the buzzards and coyotes get but I would guess more than 20% are never found.
The nominee for POTUS of Mexico isn't doing those people any favours.

06-27-18, 16:47

I try to be nice right up until I can't be nice. Here at the forum we have no need to not be nice to each other.

07-02-18, 08:50
Not our borders, not out politicians, this is Hungary;


Blunt and honest, the "Children" are here because their parents committed a crime, the parents are responsible.

07-02-18, 11:12
Here's a smart opinion piece about Mexico's recent election and how it can hurt us.
Conservative media in America have greeted the news with alarm. Writing here at The Federalist on Friday, Helen Raleigh warned that Obrador’s “radical ideas will spell trouble for both Mexico and the U.S.,” citing his affinity for socialist dictators like Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

Victor Davis Hanson declared last week in National Review that Americans should be concerned about Obrador because he is “anti-American” and will position Mexico as an “aggressor” by promoting the notion that Mexicans have a “human right” to illegally enter the United States.

The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal warned Friday that an Obrador victory would cause Mexico to “slide backward,” undoing the economic progress of recent decades and undermining Mexico’s rising middle class.

Make no mistake, it won’t be Obrador’s populist rhetoric or left-leaning governance that brings on such a crisis, it will be the ongoing collapse of civil society in Mexico and Central America. It won’t matter what Obrador says or does, because he will not be in control.

Imagine Mexico going all Venezuela on us. Who's going to gently, honorably and with great respect to human rights stop the flood coming toward us?

07-02-18, 13:06
hates a country but wants to flood his people into it ? hmmmmmmmm

he won cause all the other candidates backed out :) hahahahah well we know who he is connected to

07-02-18, 13:44
Here's a smart opinion piece about Mexico's recent election and how it can hurt us.
Conservative media in America have greeted the news with alarm. Writing here at The Federalist on Friday, Helen Raleigh warned that Obrador’s “radical ideas will spell trouble for both Mexico and the U.S.,” citing his affinity for socialist dictators like Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

Victor Davis Hanson declared last week in National Review that Americans should be concerned about Obrador because he is “anti-American” and will position Mexico as an “aggressor” by promoting the notion that Mexicans have a “human right” to illegally enter the United States.

The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal warned Friday that an Obrador victory would cause Mexico to “slide backward,” undoing the economic progress of recent decades and undermining Mexico’s rising middle class.

Make no mistake, it won’t be Obrador’s populist rhetoric or left-leaning governance that brings on such a crisis, it will be the ongoing collapse of civil society in Mexico and Central America. It won’t matter what Obrador says or does, because he will not be in control.

Imagine Mexico going all Venezuela on us. Who's going to gently, honorably and with great respect to human rights stop the flood coming toward us?

Probably worth pointing out: Obrador won (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-44677829) (with almost 54% of the vote - and the next closest candidate got 22.8%, per the BBC report linked).

Doc Safari
07-02-18, 13:49
People in this country are waking up to the fact that Mexico is not our ally. In fact they are a sometimes-friendly adversary like China. I wish the politicians would wake up. They complain about the fact that Trump wants a wall. The wall should be only the start.

07-02-18, 14:28
Trump said he had a 30 minute conversation with him this morning and said he believes they will have a good working relationship.

07-02-18, 15:07
People in this country are waking up to the fact that Mexico is not our ally. In fact they are a sometimes-friendly adversary like China. I wish the politicians would wake up. They complain about the fact that Trump wants a wall. The wall should be only the start.

The politicians are awake. Illegal aliens are liberal voters and cheap labor, which is why neither party wants to do anything.

07-02-18, 15:07
Trump says that about everyone, not a slam, but he does. No doubt trying to be positive going into the relationship. Hope this commie doesn't turn into another Chavez/Maduro, but I'm not optimistic. If Mexico goes full Venezuela we're probably going to have to put the army on the border.

Doc Safari
07-02-18, 15:09
Trump says that about everyone, not a slam, but he does. No doubt trying to be positive going into the relationship. Hope this commie doesn't turn into another Chavez/Maduro, but I'm not optimistic. If Mexico goes full Venezuela we're probably going to have to put the army on the border.

Yes, and being in a border state that is worrisome. I may have people trekking across my land in droves before it's over.

07-02-18, 15:15
Yes, and being in a border state that is worrisome. I may have people trekking across my land in droves before it's over.

You might be standing shoulder to shoulder with the soldiers before it's all done.

07-02-18, 15:49
Trump says that about everyone, not a slam, but he does. No doubt trying to be positive going into the relationship. Hope this commie doesn't turn into another Chavez/Maduro, but I'm not optimistic. If Mexico goes full Venezuela we're probably going to have to put the army on the border.

Unfortunately, Latin America socialism seems to slide down the slope to totalitarian oppression: more nationalizing of industries, exponential inflation, increased poverty and elimination of middle class, stricter controls, etc. All that on an existing foundation of narco state corruption.

07-02-18, 15:58
Venezuela has become the Zimbabwe of South America, 90% poverty, and worthless money because of hyper inflation. Anyone know if this AMLO yahoo likes Maduro's way of doing thing? If so, I can't get to Idaho too soon, get some buffer space.

07-02-18, 16:37
Mexico is pretty much a failed state. If it wasn’t for the illicit drug and human trade the country would already be very close to Venezuela. Obrador is nothing more than a loud mouthed piece of shit mouthpiece. He spouts what the people want to hear and then will do what the cartels tell him to do. The LAST thing the cartels want is the USA getting riled up enough to start taking its borders seriously. If Obrador continues to spout his idiotic message and the end result is loss of drug revenue the cartels will boil his kids alive while he is forced to watch. I’ll wager his rhetoric will stop like the last guy. If not more fuel to the build a giant wall fire that’s already burning.

Doc Safari
07-02-18, 16:39
Mexico is pretty much a failed state. If it wasn’t for the illicit drug and human trade the country would already be very close to Venezuela. Obrador is nothing more than a loud mouthed piece of shit mouthpiece. He spouts what the people want to hear and then will do what the cartels tell him to do. The LAST thing the cartels want is the USA getting riled up enough to start taking its borders seriously. If Obrador continues to spout his idiotic message and the end result is loss of drug revenue the cartels will boil his kids alive while he is forced to watch. I’ll wager his rhetoric will stop like the last guy. If not more fuel to the build a giant wall fire that’s already burning.

Likely the rhetoric was just bluff and bluster and the cartels already own him, not that they're just now working on it. Look how many political candidates were assassinated just in the last few weeks and any idiot would be clamoring to make a deal just to stay alive.

07-02-18, 17:30
Likely the rhetoric was just bluff and bluster and the cartels already own him, not that they're just now working on it. Look how many political candidates were assassinated just in the last few weeks and any idiot would be clamoring to make a deal just to stay alive.
I'm pretty sure that you've hit the nail directly on the head there.
The desire to keep the Narco's out of politics, must be balanced with the realization that all levels of government have been both corrupted and infiltrated by the influence of the Cartel's.
He's talking a great game for the masses, but in reality, he has only a few choices in front of him.

Of course the President of Mexico has a few choices in front of him he/they could purge the entire mess by storming the Bastille or they can and more likely will follow the example of modern history.
By not enforcing the border, they open it to both mass ileagle immigration, which can and likely will cover narcotics trafficking. This of course would be a win/win for Mexico.

Introduction of Socialist control over business and government assets in such an atmosphere of corruption only assures the possibility of an economic collapse, muchas like what we're seeing in Venezuela today.
Rampant infllation cannot be easily controlled, it's even less likely to happen if corruption isn't somewhat in check.

I'm not at all hopeful if the new President of Mexico is even remotely sincere about actually bring about any of the policies he ran on.

07-02-18, 20:51
Trump says that about everyone, not a slam, but he does. No doubt trying to be positive going into the relationship. Hope this commie doesn't turn into another Chavez/Maduro, but I'm not optimistic. If Mexico goes full Venezuela we're probably going to have to put the army on the border.

AMLO's speech apparently had a significant portion aimed at international investors, aimed at calming them and telling them that he won't be nationalizing anything any time soon, and that he will do nothing to overturn Mexico's democratic institutions.

Trump tweeted that he thinks he can work with AMLO.

AMLO (and his party)'s overwhelming political success is a result of promising to tackle the country's rampant corruption. And in order to successfully do that, he will probably need the assistance of the US intelligence community.

So whether AMLO likes Trump or not, whether he wants to be the Mexican Maduro or not, he's going to have to stay (overall) on Trump's good side for at least two years. And if Trump wins re-election in 2020, AMLO's entire term will have to be spent in partnership with DJT.

07-03-18, 08:14
Probably worth pointing out: Obrador won (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-44677829) (with almost 54% of the vote - and the next closest candidate got 22.8%, per the BBC report linked).

Yep, and that right there *should* throw any moral dilemma (not that I have one, but the bleeding hearts) right out the window when it comes to how to deal with any future flood trying to escape the Nuevo Venezuela. You asked for it, you got it, stay and deal with it. Don't come here.

07-03-18, 10:07
AMLO (and his party)'s overwhelming political success is a result of promising to tackle the country's rampant corruption.

Isn't that a contradiction? I mean he says fight corruption and flood the USA. Well if he floods the USA then there will be nothing left but corruption. So he's got to be lying to somebody if not everybody.

What if he's already working with DJT?

Trump: -Tell them you will flood the USA to get their votes. After you are elected we will help you eliminate corruption but there will be a significant deterrent at our border so you call your people back for their safety.

Seems like it could work, but I can't imagine trusting him. I mean our politicians are corrupt enough but Mexico?

What exactly would it take for Trump to declare some sort of National emergency at the border and what would that allow him to do in real world terms with people. Ours and theirs?

When our border is swiss cheese and the new leader of Mex. says we are going to invade you and have a right to do so, .... I mean that's about as clear as it gets. A foreign leader tells our politicians he is going to invade us and the politicians sit in their offices and 50% say, that's a good idea. the other 50% twiddle their thumbs.

How can this not be a national emergency?

07-03-18, 10:33
When our border is swiss cheese and the new leader of Mex. says we are going to invade you and have a right to do so, .... I mean that's about as clear as it gets. A foreign leader tells our politicians he is going to invade us and the politicians sit in their offices and 50% say, that's a good idea. the other 50% twiddle their thumbs.
How can this not be a national emergency?

I'm pretty sure that when you see people flying some third world Central or South American flag, they are being proud of their culture, they simply cannot be proud of their governments.
We've seen an exodus of jobs in manufacturing leave the United States and move to Mexico, Mexico has a booming oil industry.
So have the lives of the average Mexican improved?
I think if you had the figures of the Country of Origin of all of the illegal aliens captured at the border you would find, not as many Mexicans are leaving to find work in the United States, these folks are for the most part, not Mexican, but come from other Countries. What I'm trying to express here is that there has been a large demographic shift over the last 20+ years.
The violence in Mexico, is a good reason to leave however;
Reading that is a hell of a wake-up call and would be enough reason for me to pack up and head North if I were Mexican. It likely, if you have at all crossed paths with these guy, be enough to get you in the U.S. legally.

So which recent United States President had the fortitude to admit that we have lost control of the border and we're being hurt by it? Speaking of corrupt Presidents, I'm pretty sure Bush wanted the cheap labor and big Business was all for that and Obama saw nothing but enough Democratic voters to break the system and he was all for that.
Some folks, even Democrats have talked tough over the years, but special and self interests have stopped any POTUS from standing up and telling the truth. Now the Democrats, who opposed illegal immigration the first time Hillary ran, see their numbers slipping and well, every day you see the results.

If you want to see Mexico howl just begin returning return El Salvadorian's and Guatemalans to Mexico, where they crossed rather than repatriating them. If you want to see what it will take for a President to try and fix the issue, well, watch the news.

07-03-18, 10:43
Yep, and that right there *should* throw any moral dilemma (not that I have one, but the bleeding hearts) right out the window when it comes to how to deal with any future flood trying to escape the Nuevo Venezuela. You asked for it, you got it, stay and deal with it. Don't come here.

Yes. We say the same thing about CA, NY and Chicago too. The socialists create an unlivable mess and then move to escape the mess they create. And then start all over again in the free states they move to. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

07-03-18, 10:59
I'm pretty sure that when you see people flying some third world Central or South American flag, they are being proud of their culture, they simply cannot be proud of their governments.

It's a nice idea and many Americans feel similarly, especially when their preferred party/candidate is not in power.

However, how do you define "their culture" for an expat of a political state? Is it how it was when they or their parents left, or how it is today? Is it the idealized version where their ancestral home was 130% better than anyone else, or the real-life version where their ancestral home was primitive, followed by being a colony of foreign merchants? Which snapshot in the cultural timeline should we choose?

For countries that are democratic in theory and practice, why should they not be deemed to endorse "their government" when it was elected by a majority of the people who they consider brethren? If "their people" keep electing corrupt and belligerent idiots, how does that not represent the culture?

If you can rationalize that "their people" are distinct from and better than "their government," and the country is at all democratic, what does that say about the concept of democracy?

We've seen an exodus of jobs in manufacturing leave the United States and move to Mexico, Mexico has a booming oil industry.

Mexico has a rapidly collapsing oil industry, on the standard pattern:
1) finite resource is pumped and depleted
2) economic growth from the oil export revenue causes increased domestic oil consumption
3) cost of new production increases due to deeper or lower quality reserves
4) rampant mismanagement by previously oil-rich government hinders the ability to maintain production, much less increase it

1-2 are the standard "export land model" that you can look up. This has happened with every single oil-rich, oil-exporting country in history. 3-4 are not part of that model but do occur 100% of the time (#3) and 99% of the time (#4 - good job Norway!).

Doc Safari
07-03-18, 13:00
Reading articles like this, I am afraid we may have passed the point of settling this like ladies and gentlemen settle things:


“This destructive criminal activity is disappointing, but unsurprising, given the increasingly radical rhetoric of national Democrat leaders and candidates like Jane Raybould, Kara Eastman, and Jane Kleeb. Violence is the natural result of the Left’s statements urging Democrats to literally ‘push back’ on Republicans and ‘resist’ at any cost,” Zoeller said. “Voters face a stark choice between sanity and the rabid, hateful words that sparked this vandalism.”


A U.S. Secret Service officer was injured in an assault while on patrol outside the White House on Saturday shortly after the major immigration rally in Lafayette Park, according to newly filed federal court records.

The man, who is only identified as Carmona in court records, is accused of illegally parking his BMW along Pennsylvania Avenue, moving a bicycle rack-style security barrier erected for the rally and screaming at the officers "Where is the president?" according to a Secret Service affidavit obtained by the News4 I-Team.

The court filings say that after Secret Service officers tried to stop Carmona for illegal parking, Carmona moved the security barrier and then punched an officer in the jaw and the left eye. Two officers took Carmona to the ground and placed leg shackles on him because they said he was kicking at the officers, according to the affidavit.


Protests turned violent as activists were taken into custody on the streets of Philadelphia on Tuesday as they were calling for the abolishment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The protests are taking place in front of the ICE office on 8th and Cherry Streets in Center City.

07-03-18, 13:18
These things morph together in some weird ways.
So yeah, when you combine border security with advocating that you Political opponents be attacked, you'll have violence.
Simple formula, predictable results and I'm afraid it's not going to get better.

07-03-18, 13:25
Invasion by immigration.

07-03-18, 14:13
Invasion by immigration = colonization

Doc Safari
07-03-18, 14:14

Welcome to Aztlan.

07-03-18, 14:35
When you take the numbers and look at how many of these People are robbed, how many Women are raped, how much illeagle drugs, guns and money pass both ways and how many people die along the way from their home country to the border, you truly can see the evidence that compassion kills.
If we had control of our border the only way to come in and the only way people would attempt to enter would be through legal channels. keeping the border porous only incentives people to begin a journey that very well may kill them.

07-03-18, 14:57
Someones rather smart Blog had this to say;

Leftist outsider Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won Mexico’s presidential election handily on Sunday, exit polls showed, setting the stage for a government that will inherit tense relations with Washington and the scrutiny of nervous investors.
From AP:
Primary platform points:
♦Amnesty to all drug cartels.
♦No longer will work with U.S. immigration enforcement.
♦Nationalize oil industry.
♦Farm subsidies.
♦Elimination of multinational corporate influence on farming.
♦Support and assistance for economic growth plan: using
•mass migration of Mexican nationals into Southern U.S.,
•create AmeriMex border region, and
•remittance of earnings back to Mexico as initiative for rapid domestic economic growth.

He wants to confront los Estados Unidos, because he needs a unifying bogeyman to take everyone's mind (but Fred Reed's, but then "mind" pretty well pitched that outside the batter's box there) about how Turd-World shitholian Mexico actually is 24/7/365/207 years and counting.
He wants to nationalize the only legitimate industry that brings in hard currency.
He's walking away from confronting the other two illegal activities that that do that:
both the drug cartels, and the illegal aliens who send remittances home (who are, nota bene, smuggled into the U.S. by those same cartels, and who then shake down the family members for their piece of the pie when the remittances arrive). In short, he's just made the cartels a cabinet ministry, and handed them their turf on a platter, and a permanent revenue stream.
That funds the cartels beyond the dreams of avarice, fires the starting gun on a wave of immigrants by every means available, and moves the slums of Tijuana, Juarez, and Nuevo Laredo to everywhere they can get to, up to and including the American-Canadian border.
Imagine, for comparison, President Trump handing the Mob in this country the banking industry, and legalizing loan sharking and leg breaking, for the closest equivalent you could posit.

This, boys, and girls, is how wars start.

Doc Safari
07-03-18, 15:01
This, boys, and girls, is how wars start.

I'm hip. The relationship between the US and Mehico turned completely adversarial with this election. Unfortunately, it's like we have a hostile Cuba or Iran on our southern contiguous border from this point forward.

Shall I be the first to say it? Ahem (clearing throat): "BOMB MEXICO NOW."

07-03-18, 17:36
I'm hip. The relationship between the US and Mehico turned completely adversarial with this election. Unfortunately, it's like we have a hostile Cuba or Iran on our southern contiguous border from this point forward.

Shall I be the first to say it? Ahem (clearing throat): "BOMB MEXICO NOW."

I have been to Palo Alto NP and know the history. I don't think it would go so well for Mexico the next time around.

07-04-18, 07:32
I may be off here, but instead of waiting for the wall to be built (which may take quite some time), how about putting part of the armed forces to defend parts of the border that are vulnerable?

Heck, even allowing citizens residing on border states to defend the border (with certain regulations of course).

07-05-18, 13:46
Someones rather smart Blog had this to say;

Leftist outsider Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won Mexico’s presidential election handily on Sunday, exit polls showed, setting the stage for a government that will inherit tense relations with Washington and the scrutiny of nervous investors.
From AP:
Primary platform points:
♦Amnesty to all drug cartels.
♦No longer will work with U.S. immigration enforcement.
♦Nationalize oil industry.
♦Farm subsidies.
♦Elimination of multinational corporate influence on farming.
♦Support and assistance for economic growth plan: using
•mass migration of Mexican nationals into Southern U.S.,
•create AmeriMex border region, and
•remittance of earnings back to Mexico as initiative for rapid domestic economic growth.

He wants to confront los Estados Unidos, because he needs a unifying bogeyman to take everyone's mind (but Fred Reed's, but then "mind" pretty well pitched that outside the batter's box there) about how Turd-World shitholian Mexico actually is 24/7/365/207 years and counting.
He wants to nationalize the only legitimate industry that brings in hard currency.
He's walking away from confronting the other two illegal activities that that do that:
both the drug cartels, and the illegal aliens who send remittances home (who are, nota bene, smuggled into the U.S. by those same cartels, and who then shake down the family members for their piece of the pie when the remittances arrive). In short, he's just made the cartels a cabinet ministry, and handed them their turf on a platter, and a permanent revenue stream.
That funds the cartels beyond the dreams of avarice, fires the starting gun on a wave of immigrants by every means available, and moves the slums of Tijuana, Juarez, and Nuevo Laredo to everywhere they can get to, up to and including the American-Canadian border.
Imagine, for comparison, President Trump handing the Mob in this country the banking industry, and legalizing loan sharking and leg breaking, for the closest equivalent you could posit.

This, boys, and girls, is how wars start.

Sounds like Mexico needs an oil pipeline, oops I mean free elections.

07-05-18, 19:40
He's got a six year term, I'm really curious how Mexico will look at year one, three and five.
I would guess that wall needs to get completed by year two.
If he begins to fail immediately we could have some real problems.

07-05-18, 21:02
He's got a six year term, I'm really curious how Mexico will look at year one, three and five.
I would guess that wall needs to get completed by year two.
If he begins to fail immediately we could have some real problems.

How long did it take Venezuela to go tits up? I’ll wager this guy, should he actually try to enact his campaign promises, will beat that by a good margin.

Trump should immediately begin breaking away from NAFTA, pulling foreign aid from MX and begin asset seizures based on this asshole helping the drug cartels. Maybe even figure out a way to tax the crap out of money transfers heading out if the country.

07-05-18, 21:13
Chavez took power 1998, in 2001his party had consolidated power by 2012 he was dead and inflation was running @ 50%.
There were a lot of factors along the way that contributed,natural disasters, even Chavez's health, but it was roughly a decade from the rise of socialism to the economic disasters they face today.
I'm not sure how it will play out in Mexico but drugs are a cash business and if inflation is fifty percent, some very violent people are going to be angry.

07-05-18, 22:54
Look at these cops bust up the ICE protest in Philadelphia.


07-05-18, 23:09
Do you think that after eight years of being demonized by the former administration, these LEO's have had enough?
I didn't see anyone take a beating, but it really looked like the aggressive speed and no BS attitude going in prevented any froggy from daring to jump.
Even Mr "Angry Face Puffy Cheeks" in the grey t-shirt with the GI haircut backed off PDQ.
That video makes my MAGA hat happy.

07-05-18, 23:14
Look at these cops bust up the ICE protest in Philadelphia.


Doesn't Philly have snow plows? A perfect application for them in summer.

07-06-18, 00:25

07-06-18, 01:14

maybe we can get rid of some of the socialists here to them :)

07-06-18, 01:37
Chavez did most of the damage to the Venezuelan economy in oddly enough Six Years.
Nationalizing the oil fields, media and communications companies in a gradual time line came over years, not all at once.
I believe the new President of Mexico intends to do this immediately.
This may speed up the time line.
My concern is, if this goes bad from the start it will be as if someone fired a starters pistol. The big players will consolidate their position
and the poor and now jobless middle class will head North.

07-06-18, 01:58
Chavez did most of the damage to the Venezuelan economy in oddly enough Six Years.
Nationalizing the oil fields, media and communications companies in a gradual time line came over years, not all at once.
I believe the new President of Mexico intends to do this immediately.
This may speed up the time line.
My concern is, if this goes bad from the start it will be as if someone fired a starters pistol. The big players will consolidate their position
and the poor and now jobless middle class will head North.

This new douche bag was probably put into power by the wizards behind the curtain to run what's left of Mexico into the ground.

The grand chess board.

07-06-18, 20:59
Chavez took power 1998, in 2001his party had consolidated power by 2012 he was dead and inflation was running @ 50%.
There were a lot of factors along the way that contributed,natural disasters, even Chavez's health, but it was roughly a decade from the rise of socialism to the economic disasters they face today.
I'm not sure how it will play out in Mexico but drugs are a cash business and if inflation is fifty percent, some very violent people are going to be angry.

I may be wrong, but I believe that the cash generally used in the drug trade is American dollars. Probably more stable than the peso and easier to use both north and south of Mexico.

07-07-18, 10:45
I may be wrong, but I believe that the cash generally used in the drug trade is American dollars. Probably more stable than the peso and easier to use both north and south of Mexico.

I see your point and obviously setting aside Peso's at this point would be foolish. Money comes and goes and for the most part, those drug transactions will take place in US Currency, but the economy in which they work in will be severely effected and inflation will cost them money.

Another interesting blog and I've highlighted a few things here;

Mexico just elected a Leftist populist leader who railed against the incumbent president over 1) widespread corruption, 2) rising crime, 3) the inability to deal with the cartels, and 4) a lack of economic growth.
Drug cartels run Mexico. Underneath the positions of de jure power (the president, the congress, state governors, mayors, etc.) are echelons of de facto power. When we talk about collapse, this is the collapse of the Mexican government which lost political control over large swathes of their country.
The Associated Press last week reported about a rise in “mass crime” in Mexico: “'[S]ocialized’ or ‘mass’ crimes are spreading in Mexico as entire communities empty freight trains of merchandise or steal hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel from pipelines.” That’s reminiscent of U.S. flash mobs where, oftentimes, dozens of black teenagers will loot convenience stories (Wal-Marts have also been targets) and authorities are basically powerless to a) prevent it and b) catch all the thieves.
In May, two supermarkets refused to pay an extortion fee for a local cartel and paid a price, anyway. Gunmen broke locks on the two supermarkets and allowed the locals to loot the stores. “Police didn’t show up for hours” and the supermarket owners were virtually powerless in preventing the mass looting.
There’s a CBC article from March 2017 that claims “Mexican cartel earns more from mining and logging than drugs”. Instead of producing and trafficking methamphetamine for their primary source of income, the cartel is mining, transporting and selling iron ore and clear cutting forests for lumber. Where are the authorities to stop the illegal mining and logging? Virtually no where to be found. “I’ve never looked at them as drug-trafficking organizations,” Logan said of Mexico’s cartels. Says one expert: “[The cartels are] multinational corporations that will react to market pressures and do what they have to do to stay in business.”
In 2017, Mexico experienced a record number of homicides, numbering nearly 30,000, and the country is on track to make a new homicide record in 2018. There have been over 200,000 murders since 2007. There’s no control over the lawlessness.

So although this is just a blog and certainly not the most reputable news source like CNN (J/K) I think the tone inside Mexico is currently set for anarchy. The economic pressures of 20-50% inflation will break it, Regardless of how many dollars are being horded by the cartels, or how they pay their staff, they live, work and have a business inside the Mexican economy which places them in peril if it takes a dump.