View Full Version : Describe a satisfying day off..

06-22-18, 17:33
Today’s was pretty satisfying for me.

I got my fifty year old ass out of bed, worked out on some of my 24 year old weights and racks, got into a 49 year old car, threw on my 20 year old very high end sunglasses, carried my 28 year old pistol, put in a 38 year old 8-track, went to the local gun store, bought a 110 year old pump shotgun, took it to the range and fired a few boxes of 26 year old squirrel/rabbit shot I have been meaning to use up after relocating.

I got home and had some 15 year old scotch.

The kids are out of school or back from college. We are getting ready to watch a 14 year old movie I took them to when they were kids, then go see the sequel.

Doc Safari
06-22-18, 17:41
I fill an ice chest with beer. I don my FLC vest and my favorite carbine, and hike the hundred yards or so from the house to a spot on the ranch where I can set the ice chest and my carbine on some old rusting farm machinery. I proceed to slowly empty the ice chest while watching for critters, and, after dark, the moon rise.

06-22-18, 17:47
I had the day as well but I wouldn't call it satisfying, I finished the day off with getting a vasectomy...lol
Started out great tho, washed two of our vehicles and mowed grass. I recently applied hydro helix on my F250 and has been awesome so far, it's a ceramic coating that is way easier to apply than wax. Basically spray it on and wipe off. I've got to do the wife's car soon but that'll have to wait until I heal.

06-22-18, 17:48
I fill an ice chest with beer. I don my FLC vest and my favorite carbine, and hike the hundred yards or so from the house to a spot on the ranch where I can set the ice chest and my carbine on some old rusting farm machinery. I proceed to slowly empty the ice chest while watching for critters, and, after dark, the moon rise.

Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

j/k :)

Doc Safari
06-22-18, 17:52
Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

j/k :)

I guess I won't post the story about how in my younger days me and my buds used to buy a case of beer and a case of ammo and........Nah.

06-22-18, 18:15
A day without my work phone blowing up...

I wouldn’t mind going to the lake this weekend though.. kicking back and poppin a few tops.

06-22-18, 21:53
[QUOTE=ABNAK;2636432]Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

If someone’s skills in handling a firearm, piloting an aircraft, racing a car, or performing surgery are so meager, they can’t handle it with a few drinks in them, then they probably aren’t fit to do it sober.

26 Inf
06-22-18, 22:00
[QUOTE=ABNAK;2636432]Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

If someone’s skills in handling a firearm, piloting an aircraft, racing a car, or performing surgery are so meager, they can’t handle it with a few drinks in them, then they probably aren’t fit to do it sober.

So, as a 'quiet professional' you really think that?

06-22-18, 22:24
Three F’s


Fishing puts you directly in touch with nature. Fotography makes you really pay attention to your surroundings. And who needs to sell F******? Finish off some beans by the fire and let it rip, maybe even light some on fire.

06-22-18, 23:19
A little wife-time in the morning
Shooting by myself around noon-afternoon
Fish with friends or hunt afternoon-evening
Cook bounty with some brews and friends

As for alcohol and firearms, we are all adults here (if you’re not one, it doesnt apply to you).

06-22-18, 23:22

So, as a 'quiet professional' you really think that?

I was joking, but on second thought, if you can kick ass at any of those with a buzz on, you’d have to be really good at it compared to a guy that is barely competent sober. Are you saying that does not sound logical to you?

06-22-18, 23:44
Just coming home from Kauai.
A satisfying week off.

06-22-18, 23:52
Not working.

26 Inf
06-23-18, 01:57
[QUOTE=26 Inf;2636520]

I was joking, but on second thought, if you can kick ass at any of those with a buzz on, you’d have to be really good at it compared to a guy that is barely competent sober. Are you saying that does not sound logical to you?

Sorry, should have caught that.

Sounding logical and actually being logical are two different things.

There are well-documented physiological changes which occur when we put alcohol on board. Generally, we (the person drinking) are the least qualified person to determine if we are sober enough to drive, etc.

Personally, I won't get on a motorcycle after one beer/drink and I won't drive a car after two.

06-23-18, 07:27
I put a radio in a car for a buddy before Christmas and he brought me a case of corona a few days later. I still have at least 6 left in the fridge. That's with me and the wife drinking them, that's how rarely I drink. I just rarely want a beer, not opposed to drinking either; I just rarely do. So I fall into the category of 1 and done. I'm always tethered to my phone for work issues and sometimes that requires making an appearance if it hits the fan so that's part of it (we run 24/7/365). I also don't drive in the very rare occasion I have more than 1. But I see no issue in me having 1 and then target practicing or reloading.

06-23-18, 12:09
Perfect day off starts with getting home alive and uninjured. I am starting to show my boys how to do carpentry. I love making sawdust. I have also found my inner child again with some basic rifle skills using a pellet rifle. My boys are learning how to shoot and I am relaxing and enjoying time with them.

06-24-18, 03:30
Work phone doesn't ring and no one bothers me. I'm simple.

06-25-18, 07:23
Happened this past Saturday. Hooked up the boat and drove down to the coast with the family. We launched about 9am and headed out to a barrier island close by. Dropped my wife and daughter off on the sound side of the island so they could hang out and my son and I went to the ocean side of the island and started trolling for Spanish Mackerel. We got into them right away. After a couple of hours we both had out limit of nice sized mackerel. Cleaned them right there on the boat, threw them into the cooler and headed back in and hung out for the rest of the day on the back side of the island. Couldn't ask for a better day.

06-25-18, 07:46
Today! I hit the range @ 1:30 with a colleague, and try out my battlebelt/chest rig setup, and run a few 1 - 2 - 3 drills. My colleague is also unfamiliar with a battlebelt and chest rig, so I get to do a little teachin', too. 75 for a high today, and low humidity - perfect way to spend a Monday!

Alex V
06-25-18, 08:54
A Sunday when Ferrari wins in F1 is always satisfying. Didn't get that this Sunday.

Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

What happened to training how you fight?

06-25-18, 10:12
Spending time with the family. Really doing anything with my Son, he is a joy.

The most satisfying is when we go on a family hike, take a dip in a river or lake and then come home and he takes a nap and I can enjoy a beer and a little down time with he wife and then we can play around outside or go to a brewery when he wakes up from his nap.

He's not old enough for firearms, or really a lot of things yet, he's 1 and a half. I can't wait for when we can go shooting together, brew beer and make wine together and he can do more of everything with me.

I'm simple, a day with my wife and son is the most satisfying.

06-25-18, 10:27

One of the hard facts of life,
If people tend to have less time off, home, not deployed, etc. when the kids are little.

Those years go by fast.

They are in college before you know it.

06-25-18, 13:28
[QUOTE=ABNAK;2636432]Alcohol and firearms.......:nono:

If someone’s skills in handling a firearm, piloting an aircraft, racing a car, or performing surgery are so meager, they can’t handle it with a few drinks in them, then they probably aren’t fit to do it sober.

Some of my favorite weekends these days are when we hold skeet shoots with several American Legion teams in the SATX area. Our shoots happen every other month or so. Usually have between 6 and 8 four/person teams. There are prizes for top shooter and top team.

Great folks, mostly vets but many spouses and kids shoot too. There is always lots of food and lots of “beverages” involved. No open containers allowed at the stations.

These shoots are handled with hard and fast rules...load your shotgun at the stand and gun must be cleared before leaving shooting station.

I personally don’t imbibe before I’m done shooting the match, but I would be the odd man out on that. Never saw anything dangerous or unsafe. Folks are extremely aware of their firearms, and the rare shooter that isn’t is quickly counseled.

On a side note, if you are a American Legion member around South TX and you like to shoot clay birds, check out Legion Post 300 every second Saturday afternoon beginning at 1300. Post has a cool clay pigeon range. Location is 3290 Grosenbacher Rd,
San Antonio TX 78245
United States a mile north of Hwy 90 headed west just past Lp 1604.

Bring plenty of shells and $5.00 bills. These guys like to play a game called “Annie Oakley”, which is a freaking hoot!


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