View Full Version : Protesters at ICE headquarters in Portland - Live feed of DHS

06-28-18, 09:18

Live feed of what looks like DHS moving in on the crazies. Seriously, who thought putting ICE in Portland was a good idea. Of course there is a drum guy and a guitar guy, a weirdo in a crazy leather studded jack with a fox tail on the back, random guys dressed as a construction worker for some reason, etc. Portland is a weird place.

Just heard one of the protesters ask the LEOs if they have kids, then mention when they go to school sometimes "things" happen.

Edit:just wanted to point out the pink camo onesie protester. lol

06-28-18, 09:24
Idiots. Gas them, bring in the water cannon, bring in the dogs.

06-28-18, 09:35
What. The. Fackity. Fack. Fack. Am. I. Watching.

06-28-18, 11:28
Some LEOs (on a roof) just took down and folded the US Flag? They were in black and face masks, so I'm sure the images of that will be touted as the end of the US or something.

ETA- so the flag was on the roof, they folded it up and brought it back to ground level and put it up a ground level flag pole. Had the protestors moved the flag?

I know that they want to look intimidating, but I think crowd control wouldn't give them the imagery and martyrdom they want if the cops were in pastel colors, their battons looked like a bouquet of flowers and their shields had graphics of smily faces like the graphics on buses that let you see through. EOD in purple Barney dino outerlayers.

I dig that they have a cool soundtrack to getting stomped too....

06-28-18, 11:36
So the mayor is also the police commisioner....sounds fair lol

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06-28-18, 12:17
So the mayor is also the police commisioner....sounds fair lol

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Conflict of Interests? Conflict of INTERESTS!?

Who are YOU to make such accusations?

Oh, that's right, not a dumbass liberal who thinks that more Corrupt Gooberment is the means to an end.

06-28-18, 12:23
I'm old enough to remember the Chicago Democratic Convention.
I'm not saying that hickory and tear gas are the only solution, but it's been a while since we've tried that.
If you off handedly make a vague threat against my Children while acting like an Anarchist, well you've crossed a line.
While on one hand they feign concern for someone who crossed in to the United States illegally, they want the freedom to threaten the life of the Children of first responders.
No, hell no, it's time to bust the teeth out of the mouth that threat came out of.

06-28-18, 12:50

...there is a drum guy and a guitar guy, a weirdo in a crazy leather studded jack with a fox tail on the back, random guys dressed as a construction worker for some reason, etc. Portland is a weird place.

Edit:just wanted to point out the pink camo onesie protester. lol
Village People reboot?

Because that’s about as serious as I consider these people to be.

06-28-18, 13:05
Village People reboot?

Because that’s about as serious as I consider these people to be.

It's a nutty soup sandwich or as Obi Wan said, "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy".

06-28-18, 13:26
I'm old enough to remember the Chicago Democratic Convention.
I'm not saying that hickory and tear gas are the only solution, but it's been a while since we've tried that.
If you off handedly make a vague threat against my Children while acting like an Anarchist, well you've crossed a line.
While on one hand they feign concern for someone who crossed in to the United States illegally, they want the freedom to threaten the life of the Children of first responders.
No, hell no, it's time to bust the teeth out of the mouth that threat came out of.

Amen to that brother.

It's the double-standard line crossing that will start a real conflict sooner than later.

It's only so much that people can take of hypocrisy and threats of violence.

It's okay to target threats at Trump Admin / Supporters, 'cause YOU ALL are bigots, racists, and child killers. But, god forbid a damn cake be denied due to true religious basis.

God forbid we want to retain the rights we have while a whole opposing group wants to take ours because our beliefs don't match theirs.

God forbid some actual RHETORIC is used in anything. It's all about how we're all assholes, ignoramuses, or flat out racists.

I was walking back to my car from the Trump rally here and they berated me, my wife, my mother-in-law, and our 10 year old Nephew who wanted to go see the President. They must have really hated the smug look on my face, but, the reality is it was a group of 15 "Antifa" who only one person was actually chanting while the others stood with their arms crossed, bandannas and anonymous masks on. Must be really hard to be that politically "woke" and active that they can't even come to an agreed stance, chant, or standard.

The person just sat and chanted: "Racists. Racists." over and over again. I just smiled and ignored them all making sure to adjust positioning for my family.

It's just petty bullshit like this that makes me give-up on imbecility and it's hell spawn. Of course, I had to take a day-off to be at that Rally, wonder how much trouble it was for them to make room around their work schedules.

I mean, to put this in perspective, one our "People of Color" (I use this term for a reason, keep reading) Local Liberal Newscasters had the audacity to claim he "Only saw 2 other 'People of Color'." This is completely false, asinine, and dividing within itself. Beyond the fact that I saw all types of people from all types of races, religions, and beliefs; I didn't do something so inherently racist as keep count of every "Person of Color" I saw at a public rally. But, he "can't be racist"; yes he said this on Facebook when called out. So, that's how that goes.

06-28-18, 13:56
I'm old enough to remember the Chicago Democratic Convention.
I'm not saying that hickory and tear gas are the only solution, but it's been a while since we've tried that.
If you off handedly make a vague threat against my Children while acting like an Anarchist, well you've crossed a line.
While on one hand they feign concern for someone who crossed in to the United States illegally, they want the freedom to threaten the life of the Children of first responders.
No, hell no, it's time to bust the teeth out of the mouth that threat came out of.


06-28-18, 18:09
I'm old enough to remember the Chicago Democratic Convention.
I'm not saying that hickory and tear gas are the only solution, but it's been a while since we've tried that.
If you off handedly make a vague threat against my Children while acting like an Anarchist, well you've crossed a line.
While on one hand they feign concern for someone who crossed in to the United States illegally, they want the freedom to threaten the life of the Children of first responders.
No, hell no, it's time to bust the teeth out of the mouth that threat came out of.

If they actually thought there was a solid chance of the poleece giving them a solid ass whipping a lot of them would probably stay home.

06-28-18, 21:11
This is what you get when the powers that be are unwilling to enforce the laws.

If they STOPPED enforcing the law against post sample machine guns I'd have one of everything. By the same token if you are at NO RISK on consequences for acts of vandalism, intimidation, assault and threatening the lives of people's kids you should expect a LOT of that stuff because some people don't know any better and others simply don't care.

This is why Portland is one of those places where it sucks to live unless you are a scumbag and then it's scumbag paradise.

06-30-18, 04:17

06-30-18, 06:36
I'm old enough to remember the Chicago Democratic Convention.
I remember it well and was wearing Army green at the time. The general political atmosphere today is starting to feel the same to me.

06-30-18, 19:59
Seriously, who thought putting ICE in Portland was a good idea.

Portland, and Oregon are both part of and subject to the laws of the United States, it’s not a local popularity contest.

Both INS and The Customs Service were operating in Portland before ICE was created in 2003.

Normally, they try to have local or state LEOs clear protestors blocking operations in conjunction with the Federal Protrctive Service. There not are many FPS Officers in Portland (or anywhere else) so if the local authorities such as the Mayor of Portland or the Governor of Oregon refuse to e force state law, ICE, CBP, USBP, USMS etc will be brought in as was the case here.

There need to be consequences for the Mayor and the Governor. I doubt either will go to jail but cut all federal funding / grants etc for 6 months would send a message. The Governor Of Texas did this with the Travis County (Austin) Tx Sheriff and it worked well.

06-30-18, 20:03
Just heard one of the protesters ask the LEOs if they have kids, then mention when they go to school sometimes "things" happen.

This is a federal crime under 18 USC 115. Is the threat specific enough for a U.S. Attorney to prosecute? Maybe, maybe not, but as my old FTO used say, “you may beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride.” People are less likely to carry out threats when they aren’t anonymous anymore.
