View Full Version : The Left in 2018: Unhinged

06-29-18, 16:29

What do you know about this? Is it an upcoming documentary or just a short video produced by the current admin.? It is circulating social media sites claiming to be an "ad" and paid for by the "GOP".

06-30-18, 04:37
It deserves to be embed:

Everything I have heard about it is yes it was put together by the GOP, mid-terms and all that.


An Undocumented Worker
06-30-18, 08:55
Could be the russians trolling everyone to spread division.

07-01-18, 04:25
Could be the russians trolling everyone to spread division.

Well the video clips within the video are real and depict the left in this country spreading division.

However, I have no doubt there are private interests and state sponsors a like that work to divide and conquer us behind the scenes.

07-01-18, 07:31
Roll that together with the #walkaway movement going on, and there might be something to it all.

A lot of the traditional run-of-the-mill democrats are looking around going at the SJW nuttery and calls for violence and asking, "Is this still my party?"

07-01-18, 08:35
Well the video clips within the video are real and depict the left in this country spreading division.

However, I have not doubt there are private interests and state sponsors a like that work to divide and conquer us behind the scenes.

Roll that together with the #walkaway movement going on, and there might be something to it all.

A lot of the traditional run-of-the-mill democrats are looking around going at the SJW nuttery and calls for violence and asking, "Is this still my party?"

Traditional Democrats of the Clinton, Carter, Kennedy type are finding themselves without a party.
When faced with BLM, Antifa and calls from the far Left for violence in the streets as representative of their party, what options are left to someone who considers themselves to be middle of the road Liberal?
These issues aren't real issues. They are the last spastic gasps of desperation from folks who wanted to fundamentally change America, aka march in radical socialism. No one SCOTUS appointee is going to destroy Roe v Wade, Children being separated from adults at the border is neither new, nor an accurate depiction of what is happening.
The Left lost grip their on the tiller and now an awful lot of moderate democrats are disgusted with what used to be "their" party.
Hysterics only come when the emotional realization occurs that they've lost.

07-01-18, 14:13
This fighting happened today between Patriots and Antifa.


07-01-18, 14:19
Roll that together with the #walkaway movement going on, and there might be something to it all.

A lot of the traditional run-of-the-mill democrats are looking around going at the SJW nuttery and calls for violence and asking, "Is this still my party?"

I love it.


07-01-18, 15:01
I love it.


Videos like this give me a glimmer of hope.. If the guy that made this is fed up with the DNC, I figure there's probably millions more who are as fed up as he is, and as this vid makes it's way around the 'net it will hopefully cause alot of people to stop and think, and hopefully walk away, that dosen't mean that these folks are going to vote Republican, some might, but I figure most who walk away simply won't vote period..Either way, the DNC is cutting it's own throat, they can't win elections, they can't win in the courtrooms, all they have left is street violence, which in turn causes more to walk away..At some point, Dem members of congress may start walking away.. The DNC is about to learn a very hard lesson, one in which they will destroy themselves learning.. And frankly, the sooner, the better...

07-01-18, 15:11
This fighting happened today between Patriots and Antifa.


hahahahahahahah the first ten seconds gave me such a laugh :)

07-01-18, 15:16
Videos like this give me a glimmer of hope.. If the guy that made this is fed up with the DNC, I figure there's probably millions more who are as fed up as he is, and as this vid makes it's way around the 'net it will cause alot of people to stop and think, and hopefully walk away, that dosen't mean that these folks are going to vote Republican, some might, but I figure most who walk away simply won't vote period..Either way, the DNC is cutting it's own throat, they can't win elections, they can't win in the courtrooms, all they have left is street violence, which in turn causes more to walk away..At some point, Dem members of congress may start walking away.. The DNC is about to learn a very hard lesson, one in which they will destroy themselves learning.. And frankly, the sooner, the better...

most of us know this but just like the KKK they will just change the name the look example as antifa gets worn out you will see a new group come into play that will then slowly turn the antifa into a republican conservative ideology that the republicans and conservatives started and all the left will be on board with this as they have with the KKK and other things voting records and so on

even to the great lie that parties switched sides one day and all the bad things were republicans but they called themselves democrats

sadly it is a never ending battle

07-01-18, 15:58
Slowly bleeding out from a self inflicted wound and they don't even see or feel it yet.
Pushing the boundaries of polite society got them here, feigned outrage brought this about. Calling for the fight to be brought to the streets and insulting middle class Americans lost them any chance to hold political power ever again.
They can't stop the SCOTUS pick, they can't undermine a growing economy and apparently they can't stop Trump from MAGA.

07-01-18, 16:02
Slowly bleeding out from a self inflicted wound and they don't even see or feel it yet.
Pushing the boundaries of polite society got them here, feigned outrage brought this about. Calling for the fight to be brought to the streets and insulting middle class Americans lost them any chance to hold political power ever again.
They can't stop the SCOTUS pick, they can't undermine a growing economy and apparently they can't stop Trump from MAGA.

There are no brakes on the Trump train.

07-01-18, 16:20
A California man is charged with threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's children because he was "angry" about the repeal of net neutrality regulations, the Justice Department said today.

Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk was arrested in Los Angeles and charged with threatening to murder an immediate family member of a U.S. official.

Prosecutors say Man sent three emails to Pai in December 2017, the month the Republican-led FCC voted to repeal the Obama-era net neutrality rules.

One of the emails, sent Dec. 20, to Pai's government and personal accounts had the subject line "Cheers." The body of the email listed the names and addresses of three preschools in and around Arlington, Va., where Pai lives, followed by, "I will find your children and I will kill them," according to the affidavit against Man.

The FBI traced the emails to Man's home and confronted him in May 2018.

07-01-18, 17:32
The 'left' certainly hates white people, wonder if they ever look into the mirror? !!

The stabbing and critically injuring the refugees in Boise is another example of white american terrorism. Notice the police description of the suspect is 30 year old male, but didn't include his race. That omission let's you know the perpetrator is white.

Anyone taking bets that the #Boise, Idaho stabbing suspect is a white male "loner" with a "troubled" past?

Police: 9 REFUGEES stabbed in Idaho apartment attack
Suspect is a 30-year old man - Translation: He's white

Lets see, Boise, Idaho. No name, no picture and police truly not trying to figure out motive. Give me, white Trump supporter for $200, Alex?

Check out the white perpetrator:


07-01-18, 18:04
I saw that earlier today.
I'm not even surprised at what passes for journalism anymore. Had any other group of people besides White Males had been mislabeled as the culprit who was responsible for this....

07-01-18, 18:09
A California man is charged with threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's children because he was "angry" about the repeal of net neutrality regulations, the Justice Department said today.

Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk was arrested in Los Angeles and charged with threatening to murder an immediate family member of a U.S. official.

Prosecutors say Man sent three emails to Pai in December 2017, the month the Republican-led FCC voted to repeal the Obama-era net neutrality rules.

One of the emails, sent Dec. 20, to Pai's government and personal accounts had the subject line "Cheers." The body of the email listed the names and addresses of three preschools in and around Arlington, Va., where Pai lives, followed by, "I will find your children and I will kill them," according to the affidavit against Man.

The FBI traced the emails to Man's home and confronted him in May 2018.

So the totally professional and non biased FBI took 5 months to track this clown down, guess they were too busy investigating Trump to spare any manpower.

07-01-18, 18:53
So the totally professional and non biased FBI took 5 months to track this clown down, guess they were too busy investigating Trump to spare any manpower.

You forgot incorruptible, pillars of society, and PREMIER law enforcement agency (not only in actions but their outstanding leadership too).


07-02-18, 01:40
This fighting happened today between Patriots and Antifa.


Some days I miss being on a crowd control unit, it always reminded me of back when I played strong safety in school. :dirol:

07-02-18, 02:07
Videos like this give me a glimmer of hope.. If the guy that made this is fed up with the DNC, I figure there's probably millions more who are as fed up as he is, and as this vid makes it's way around the 'net it will hopefully cause alot of people to stop and think, and hopefully walk away, that dosen't mean that these folks are going to vote Republican, some might, but I figure most who walk away simply won't vote period.

The Libertarian Party just got a lot more voters and that ain't a bad thing.

There are no brakes on the Trump train.

Even Michael Moore called it...


The 'left' certainly hates white people, wonder if they ever look into the mirror? !!

Check out the white perpetrator:


Interesting....all this concern over some stabbed refugees in Idaho in 2018, nothing but media blackout in 2016 when a 5 year old white girl in Idaho was sexually assaulted by three boys, two brothers 14 and 10 who are refugees from Eritrea and a 7 year old from Iraq.

Can you just imagine the shit storm if the races were reversed?

07-02-18, 14:06
Now here is Brandon Straka a young, gay New York City hairdresser who has always identified as a liberal Democrat. Watch his video as he kicks off the #WalkAway campaign and explains why he and so many others are now walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party.


07-02-18, 16:05
Now here is Brandon Straka a young, gay New York City hairdresser who has always identified as a liberal Democrat. Watch his video as he kicks off the #WalkAway campaign and explains why he and so many others are now walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party.


Good video- see post#8. ;)

07-02-18, 17:13
hahahahahahahah the first ten seconds gave me such a laugh :)

Go to the 7 min mark to watch "extended" version.

07-02-18, 17:14
Let us take an unassuming guy from Kentucky for example.
He gets caught in an ambush while practicing baseball with some co-workers.
Gets body slammed while cutting the grass.
Of course today the Capital Police had to arrest a guy who threatened to chop him up with an axe and then start in on his wife and kids.
You know I'm just hoping we can avoid another Daley Plaza kind of event, but honestly, it ain't looking likely.

07-02-18, 17:31
Good video- see post#8. ;)

oh crap shit, I missed that. Bitch getting old!

07-02-18, 18:12
Libtards been NUTS since at least Reagan's days. That they're on Soro's payroll is the main difference these days.

Anqueefa couldn't knock a Duracell off Robert Conrad's shoulder... & he's 83 now. They are the very definition of, "cannon fodder." :rolleyes:

07-02-18, 20:51
Where does all of this leave us in November? Any thoughts? I'm kinda nervous. Obviously, that goes without saying. Just look at the current political climate, our own elected officials like the real rat-pack: Waters, Schumer, Pelosi, Warren and countless others who are so vocal and outright against any true American values. We got a Supreme Court seat to fill and the left will stop at nothing to block trump from nominating a conservative.

07-03-18, 00:03
Good question.

I am not sure where it leaves us.

There are a ton of virtue signallers out there all proud of their support for gays, immigrants, minorities, a woman’s right to chose, getting rid of icky guns, etc.

They are proud of having those near, stylish, well dressed neighbors that are both male lawyers that got married. They donate to the local organization that donates food and clothing to migrant workers. They rave about the well spoken black surgeon with his pretty mixed race family they work with. The deplore the crazy Christian whackos protesting the abortion clinic in the next town. They Bragg about voting for the congressman that is going to stand up to that awful NRA.

But the left won’t leave it like that. They have gone full retard. The young couple both working to makes ends meet and take care of their kids gets a glimpse of the gay pride parade in a nearby city. She finds the lesbian couple down the street hate her and have been abusing their foster children. Some freak follows their daughter into the public bathroom. Their kids get crushed in a sport meet important to them by males competing as females. This is nothing like the constant TV and movie barrage of well adjusted, professional, monogamous, devoted in love same sex couples. And the left doubles down.

Uninsured illegals crash into their car, get caught selling drugs near by, and commit a murder a town or two away. Some section 8 families move into the neiborhood instead of the surgeon. Things are not going at all like the news, socially acceptable conservations, and various TV shows. But the left doubles down.

They find the media has blacklisted pictures of dead little babies and sales of body parts and tissues. And when caught the left doubles down.

A couple of break ins since the section 8 families moved in, and some incidents involving deranged homeless people the city welcomed with open arms (just like the illegal immigrants) by where they work has them looking into concealed carry permits. And the left doubles down.

It’s like the left is the peer pressure that got them to try smoking and drinking. It was cool at a party on the weekend. But now they have them smoking a pack a day and getting drunk every night with some weed thrown in. They have got them to try a bump of meth, Coke, or heroin on occasion. They just want to go back to having a few drinks and cigarettes at the bar on Saturday night, and maybe a little weed now and then. They don’t like smoking and drinking all the time and playing with hard drugs. But the left is doubling down and telling them it’s time to hit the meth and crack pipe and maybe shoot up for the first time. And to raise their kids totally accepting of it all and get them on board.

07-03-18, 02:53
Go to the 7 min mark to watch "extended" version.

yeah watched the whole thing was kinda hoping that dumb chick got it next

these days I avoid things like that big time though

07-03-18, 04:25
yeah watched the whole thing was kinda hoping that dumb chick got it next

these days I avoid things like that big time though

I hoping she'd catch an Asp in the teeth myself.

07-03-18, 05:12
Brandon Straka on Tucker


07-03-18, 10:26
In my own microcosm of the world I am seeing this happen all over the place. My town is one of the very few left leaning blips in Alaska. However, a lot of Democrats in Alaska are often more conservative than Republicans in states back east. Democrats, in general, around me are pretty centerist. The leftist extremism that is taking over the Dems is concerning to them and they are wondering where their party is going. They aren't exactly running to the Republican side of things, but they are opening their minds in conversations.

I think we are witnessing a shift towards the right like nothing we've seen in a long time. A self destruction by the media and the Democrats that is unparalleled. We will see after the mid-terms, but I have a great feeling right now.

07-03-18, 13:33
Tucker says the left are using language of total war.


07-03-18, 15:37
I'm not sure what to do about all this besides shoot any time I have a chance. I've been off for the last three days and hit the range on all of them. Two of them in pretty brutal heat and humidity.
My GF asked me how I could possibly want to fire a gun in such conditions and I told her because I can't guarantee that the weather is going to be perfect on the day when I actually need to shoot something. Which is the same reason I go in the rain and in snow and fifteen degree weather too...
I'm not 100% sure what I think is coming but I'd rather stand a fighting chance if and when it does.

07-03-18, 16:34
In my own microcosm of the world I am seeing this happen all over the place. My town is one of the very few left leaning blips in Alaska. However, a lot of Democrats in Alaska are often more conservative than Republicans in states back east. Democrats, in general, around me are pretty centerist. The leftist extremism that is taking over the Dems is concerning to them and they are wondering where their party is going. They aren't exactly running to the Republican side of things, but they are opening their minds in conversations.

I think we are witnessing a shift towards the right like nothing we've seen in a long time. A self destruction by the media and the Democrats that is unparalleled. We will see after the mid-terms, but I have a great feeling right now.

That’s the vibe I was describing.
They feel like they are being hijacked, taken advantage of, being pushed too far, and negatively impacting their life.

They are alienated people that were in their camp, and pushing those not in their camp even farther away.

Now, if the right can get its act together,
Decide to let the afterlife settle the score on abortions, like it has to for most acts,
scale back on anti pot, virtually nobody wants to see lives ruined over it,
And we might woo in a ton of them.

07-03-18, 16:57
In my own microcosm of the world I am seeing this happen all over the place. My town is one of the very few left leaning blips in Alaska. However, a lot of Democrats in Alaska are often more conservative than Republicans in states back east. Democrats, in general, around me are pretty centerist. The leftist extremism that is taking over the Dems is concerning to them and they are wondering where their party is going. They aren't exactly running to the Republican side of things, but they are opening their minds in conversations.

I think we are witnessing a shift towards the right like nothing we've seen in a long time. A self destruction by the media and the Democrats that is unparalleled. We will see after the mid-terms, but I have a great feeling right now.

I agree, I do think the dems are losing control of their party, and the violent, extreme left is taking over, That means Chuck and Nancy are going to get pushed out by their own, because they're not far enough left.. Maxine, however, is..and will be their new champion..The idea of "if you're not with us, then you're against us" will take over, and drive even more people away.. This wil tear the democrat party apart, hopefully for good.. The blue wave that was coming in November, is nothing more than a ripple...