View Full Version : True colors

06-29-18, 18:21
Guess I’m just old enough to still be baffled at the MSM’s deafening silence.


06-29-18, 18:37
Guess I’m just old enough to still be baffled at the MSM’s deafening silence.


Sure he said that. Honkey, please.

That is a pretty ham handed attempt at it, but that is what we are going to see more of in the future. Video that may not be able to be refuted, or if it can be exposed, it will only be after the damage is done- and then start the conspiracy wheels.

Sure, he'd say that in public. Don't be silly. The use of the word 'sovereign' is kind of a give away. People can't get out of their own head-space when making fake propaganda. You'd never get Obama to say something that overt. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a penchant, desire and tendencies for a "one world govt", but he would talk about it in terms of equality of voices, redressing the oppression of the past and balancing the needs of the community with the responsibilities of the individual- or some other semi-opaque crap.

That vid just plays WAY to hard at the sovereign citizens type people and people that want it to be true. Way too over the top. But in the current political and media framework, it will get a lot of play.

06-29-18, 21:56
It's fake propaganda.


06-29-18, 21:57
If the Teleprompter-in-Chief didn't follow, I call "BS." He'd of spent 23 seconds saying, "Uhh uhh uhhhhhh" otherwise. :rolleyes:

06-29-18, 22:05
It's fake propaganda.


You do know that Snopes is a completely left leaning bunch of liberal that push the progressive agenda, right?


06-29-18, 22:21
You do know that Snopes is a completely left leaning bunch of liberal that push the progressive agenda, right?

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2016/12/22/the-daily-mail-snopes-story-and-fact-checking-the-fact-checkers/amp/Then the OP article must be true.

06-29-18, 23:21
Then the OP article must be true.

Absolutely true and no one on the right will do a damned thing about it. Ever.

06-29-18, 23:46
Then the OP article must be true.

So anything said bad about the left is fake news? I see.

LMT Shooter
06-29-18, 23:48
This video is claimed to be an unedited version of that segment of Obama's speech. Looks like the other video is bogus. One of them sure is.


06-29-18, 23:48
Absolutely true and no one on the right will do a damned thing about it. Ever.

Like what? He is a pointless person. What are the mainstream media types going to turn on their great socilist hero? Right.........

06-30-18, 00:01
So anything said bad about the left is fake news? I see.

No sir.

Take two minutes of digging and you'd see that the article and video are fake.

I just like something close to the truth. Like someone who actually took five minutes to break down the video and compare it to the original. It's not that hard.

It must be true because I can't prove it's not true, right?

I shoot down fake news whether it comes from the left, the right or somewhere in between.

06-30-18, 00:12
Like what? He is a pointless person. What are the mainstream media types going to turn on their great socilist hero? Right.........

So you're going to do nothing?

No sir.

Take two minutes of digging and you'd see that the article and video are fake.

I just like something close to the truth. Like someone who actually took five minutes to break down the video and compare it to the original. It's not that hard.

It must be true because I can't prove it's not true, right?

I shoot down fake news whether it comes from the left, the right or somewhere in between.

If it's negative about Trump, it must be false.

If it's negative about Obama, it must be true.

If it doesn't support pre-conceived notions, it's false.

If it does support pre-conceived notions, it's true.

06-30-18, 00:36
So you're going to do nothing?

If it's negative about Trump, it must be false.

If it's negative about Obama, it must be true.

If it doesn't support pre-conceived notions, it's false.

If it does support pre-conceived notions, it's true.If you disagree, you must be a liberal.

06-30-18, 01:40
This is the problem. It is writ large with the FBI last election. The supposedly top intel people in the world looked at the info that Lynch was playing a direct quid-pro-quo on the Clintons and they knew that smelled funny. But when it came to the Trump Dossier, they were blinded by their bias. They thought it could be true, they wanted it to be true- it cut to the basics of their psyche, so they didn't punt it like they should have. Lack of evidence be damned.

The scary thing is that people could be duped by this video. It is actually poorly crafted and still people, intelligent people will be drawn into this. It goes beyond scary and to downright dangerous when you can gin up videos like this and cater it to niche media channeling. Then you get the echo chamber.

If anything, this is how China and Russia weaken us. And it isn't just them, it might not even be a tenth them, it is partisans on either end with more editing skills than common sense.

If you got sucked into that video, you really need to hit the reset button on your BS filter.

Occam's Razor sure has gotten dull.

06-30-18, 04:30
Guess I’m just old enough to still be baffled at the MSM’s deafening silence.


"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (also in attendance Governor Bill Clinton and by Vice President Dan Quayle)

"Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure a One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it".

- David Rockefeller, in his book Memoirs page 405

06-30-18, 08:07
If any of you are Christians and study your Bible then a future one world government should not be a surprise to you. It is going to happen, it's only a matter of when. I'm just glad I won't be here when it happens.

06-30-18, 09:11
So you're going to do nothing?

No, unlike you I don't just run my mouth on the internet. I am actively doing something about those types everyday. I just don't tell that side, i.e. you, about it.

If you want to continue to Troll go somewhere else.

Good day.

Outlander Systems
06-30-18, 09:50
I hope you guys realize that Snopes is bogus as ****.