View Full Version : Walk away campaign

07-04-18, 11:52
I was watching Tucker Carlson and he had the founder of the walk away campaign, which is made up of people who are publicly leaving the Democratic Party due to its far left over reach and downright authoritarian attitude towards free speech when said speech is not in line with the “progressive” (I hate that term, it’s socialism/communism, not progress) agenda.

Brandon Straka, a gay hairdresser from nyc started the movement due to disillusionment with the Democratic Party. They have a Facebook group which has over 40,000 members. A summary read of some of the posts is rather interesting. Could there be hope for a return to sanity? Or are these simply fickle people who want change, no matter what that change looks like?

07-04-18, 12:07
I strongly doubt that it represents a return to sanity. It's just the inevitable party fracture of competing factions. It looks like the future might bring us four political parties instead of the three that we have now. My sincere hope is that it will blunt the Democrats' ability to present a unified message for the 2018 midterms and the 2020 presidential election. With any luck, that fracture hamstrings the Democrats more than the fracture in the Republican party damages their ability come up with a unified agenda.

07-04-18, 12:45
I believe it represents a course correction (due to Trump and the hard left turn the dems have taken in response). That said, it’s all for nothing if we do not get a handle on slow moving invasion that is illegal immigration.

07-04-18, 13:01
They can HAVE the "Republican" RINO's while they're at it. We've been needing to jettison that dead weight since the 1960's.

07-04-18, 15:40
They can HAVE the "Republican" RINO's while they're at it. We've been needing to jettison that dead weight since the 1960's.

Yes and yes.

07-04-18, 17:18
Scott Adams (Dilbert) has an interesting take on this, if they were walking away for policy reasons it would not amount to much. But they aren't, they are walking away because the Dem Party is now the anti-America. anti-white, anti-male (even gay), anti-straight, pro-violence hate party that claims to support victims but actually does nothing for them. Any rational thinker is going to be turned off by this and it could wind up being a good thing. Of course that is why the Dems are all in on replacing their current minority supporters with new South of the border socialist leaning ones.

07-04-18, 22:36
Scott Adams (Dilbert) has an interesting take on this, if they were walking away for policy reasons it would not amount to much. But they aren't, they are walking away because the Dem Party is now the anti-America. anti-white, anti-male (even gay), anti-straight, pro-violence hate party that claims to support victims but actually does nothing for them. Any rational thinker is going to be turned off by this and it could wind up being a good thing. Of course that is why the Dems are all in on replacing their current minority supporters with new South of the border socialist leaning ones.

Any "rational thinker" left the Democratic party long ago, the only ones still there are single issue voters who think abortion might one day be banned and those who want to skew the primary elections as much as possible.