View Full Version : Couple Poisoned by NERVE AGENT?

07-05-18, 07:29
Not an everyday occurrence for sure.
A British couple hospitalized in critical condition were exposed to the same nerve agent that nearly killed former Russia spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in March, London's Metropolitan Police said Wednesday.
Authorities did not say whether the couple, identified by multiple media outlets as 45-year-old Charlie Rowley and 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess, were exposed to the same batch of Novichok that poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Samples from both patients had been sent to the Porton Down defense research laboratory for testing.
"The possibility that these two investigations might be linked is clearly a line of enquiry for us," said Basu, who added that there was "nothing" in the couple's background to suggest that they were targeted for poisoning. No one else has reported similar symptoms to the victims.

And the there is this;
Authorities said they initially believed the couple fell ill after using heroin or crack cocaine from a contaminated batch of drugs.

Very odd.

07-05-18, 08:26
This adds to the theory espoused in this interview. I’m not saying I believe it, but it does have some explanatory power.


07-05-18, 08:43
After listening to that and then looking at current events, it makes you wonder.
Britain is taking a beating lately, from the tone of the article in the OP, it would seem these two were known to use hard drugs.
Using Russia as a scare tactic to divert some attention might be useful to them.

07-05-18, 09:19
After listening to that and then looking at current events, it makes you wonder.
Britain is taking a beating lately, from the tone of the article in the OP, it would seem these two were known to use hard drugs.
Using Russia as a scare tactic to divert some attention might be useful to them.

I think that your wonder and my wonder would be different.

Yes, the MSM does fake news, but it is usually around the tone and the 'why'- the shape the facts to their narrative.

Tying these poisonings to Syrian Chemical weapons- and bringing in the Israeli bogey man?

TG: And have Russia’s chemical weapons been destroyed?

MS: Yes, of course, but ours haven’t. Porton Down hasn’t been dismantled, has it?

TG: And neither has that of the United States. The program of destruction of US chemical weapons has still five years to run.

Sure, that is why it can't be the Russians....

The whole logical argument that it can't be the Russians because there are other ways to kill people more quietly and everyone knows Putin is bad is really weak. If Putin's enemies didn't die, or didn't die in ways linked to Putin- why fear him? Are we really doing anything because he poisoned people?

Is this guy a 9/11 Truther too?

I really have better things to do than listen to or read an 90 minute transcript over my vacation. Anyone got the cliff's notes on this one?

07-05-18, 10:42
I think that your wonder and my wonder would be different.
Yes, the MSM does fake news, but it is usually around the tone and the 'why'- the shape the facts to their narrative.

I kind of skipped through that pod cast a bit, yes it did sound a bit like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
Here what interests/concerns me.
Why nerve agent, there are a lot less dangerous ways to do away with these two, so why go there?
Are the two nerve agent cases, this one and the one involving the Russian and his daughter related? Same agent was used.
Why immediately suspect crack or heroin unless there is some sort of drug use in these peoples past?
Why now, just days before POTUS Trump heads to Russia and on the eve of some of his people leaving to Russia?

This is either one crazy coincidence or there is a purpose. You generally aren't going to come in to contact with chemical weapons, not one time in your entire life. These two were pretty anonymous and nearly killed by them. You probably have better odds of being killed by a meteorite than dying by chemical weapons in the British suburbs.

07-07-18, 11:41
The couple fighting for their lives after being poisoned with a nerve agent may have been contaminated after “dumpster diving” for items in skips and outside charity shops, according to a friend.

Counter terrorism police are scouring the homes of Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, amid fears they stumbled on a container holding the military-grade*Novichok*poison after it was discarded by a Russian hit squad.

The couple fighting for their lives after being poisoned with a nerve agent may have been contaminated after “dumpster diving” for items in skips and outside charity shops, according to a friend.

Counter terrorism police are scouring the homes of Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, amid fears they stumbled on a container holding the military-grade*Novichok*poison after it was discarded by a Russian hit squad.

There has also been speculation that the nerve agent may have been on a tainted cigarette butt.

Some experts say that the poison would degrade if it had been left outside and exposed to the elements so it is more likely it was protected in an enclosed space.

Police suspect that the pair may have found a vial or syringe*used to transport the Novichok used in the attack on Mr Skripal, and his daughter Yulia in March.

07-07-18, 12:38
The couple fighting for their lives after being poisoned with a nerve agent may have been contaminated after “dumpster diving” for items in skips and outside charity shops, according to a friend.

Counter terrorism police are scouring the homes of Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, amid fears they stumbled on a container holding the military-grade*Novichok*poison after it was discarded by a Russian hit squad.

The couple fighting for their lives after being poisoned with a nerve agent may have been contaminated after “dumpster diving” for items in skips and outside charity shops, according to a friend.

Counter terrorism police are scouring the homes of Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, amid fears they stumbled on a container holding the military-grade*Novichok*poison after it was discarded by a Russian hit squad.

There has also been speculation that the nerve agent may have been on a tainted cigarette butt.

Some experts say that the poison would degrade if it had been left outside and exposed to the elements so it is more likely it was protected in an enclosed space.

Police suspect that the pair may have found a vial or syringe*used to transport the Novichok used in the attack on Mr Skripal, and his daughter Yulia in March.

sounds plausible

07-07-18, 13:03
Sounds like a stretch to me.
So how often do they empty the trash dumpster? Wouldn't that most likely have been removed along with the rest of the trash from weeks ago?
I'm not a junky, but if I see a needle, drug vial, or some weird looking medical stuff, I would avoid it.
Just a lot of strange stuff going on with this.

07-07-18, 13:10
March to July is a long time
If this stuff stays viable for that long it’s pretty dangerous

07-07-18, 15:29
I also wonder what these sonic attacks are in cuba and china ?

07-07-18, 16:03
March to July is a long time
If this stuff stays viable for that long it’s pretty dangerousThe dumpster hasn't been emptied in close to 4 months? That one contaminated object managed stay in the dumpster assuming it has been emptied out?

I don't know how England does it but my industrial dumpster at work gets picked up once a week. So that would be at least 15 times since March

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07-07-18, 16:10
The dumpster hasn't been emptied in close to 4 months? That one contaminated object managed stay in the dumpster assuming it has been emptied out?

I don't know how England does it but my industrial dumpster at work gets picked up once a week. So that would be at least 15 times since March

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Could be the second poisoned pair dumpster dived a whole bunch of stuff in March and only just got to this particular "goodie"
all around very strange goings on

07-07-18, 17:28
You have no idea how hard it is throw stuff away in the UK. The refuse rules are very tight.

07-07-18, 18:23
Could be the second poisoned pair dumpster dived a whole bunch of stuff in March and only just got to this particular "goodie"
all around very strange goings onPoint taken!

Strange indeed

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

07-07-18, 21:16
March to July is a long time
If this stuff stays viable for that long it’s pretty dangerous

Without sounding totally jerkish, nerve agents have been engineered to last for a long time. Various reasons, but mostly because it worked where used for awhile and still could cause casualties months later. In the UK case, discarded delivery systems or even bad guy decontamination materials could be the exposure method.

The home brew Japanese nerve agent attack was much more volatile, but that also contributed to some of the immediate casualties and the dearth of secondary casualties. The binary agent used in Kim Jong Il’s execution of his brother might have been designed to be fatal but less likely to kill a terminal of people... or not. The NORKs are a messed up bunch.

Nerve agents aren’t to be played with. That is knowledge that might be helpful in future terrorizing attacks.

07-09-18, 05:52
The Novichok poisoning in Salisbury has claimed its first victim as Dawn Sturgess died eight days after coming into contact with the Russian nerve agent.

Police are treating the death of the 44-year-old mother of three on Sunday night as murder, describing the tragedy as “the day we hoped would never come”. Her partner Charlie Rowley, 45, is still in a critical condition after the couple fell ill last Saturday.

07-10-18, 02:34

The couple fighting for their lives after being poisoned with a nerve agent may have been contaminated after “dumpster diving” for items in skips and outside charity shops, according to a friend.

Counter terrorism police are scouring the homes of Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, amid fears they stumbled on a container holding the military-grade*Novichok*poison after it was discarded by a Russian hit squad.

There has also been speculation that the nerve agent may have been on a tainted cigarette butt.

It's like that time Tyrone Biggums found himself down at the Post Office post 9/11.

"Is anthrax bad?"

07-10-18, 18:56
I’ll come at my point from a different angle...

One of the interesting aspects of the hysteria is that NATO’s supporters never seem to think it is necessary to explain why it would be a bad idea to end the alliance. In a spate of interviews ahead of the summit, NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchinson enumerated the many ways that Russia threatens Europe and U.S. interests. But while the threats she mentioned – political subversion through social media, nerve agent attacks in Great Britain...

Which would help link it to:


07-14-18, 07:43
The Metropolitan Police found a "small bottle" at Rowley's house on Wednesday. Following tests, "scientists have now confirmed to us that the substance contained within the bottle is Novichok," it announced on Friday.
The big question now is where the bottle came from: Was it from the same batch of poison that was used to target the Skripals, perhaps a discarded container? The Metropolitan Police says "this remains a main line of inquiry."

In a statement, assistant commissioner Neil Basu warned of the possibility of further contaminated objects. "This is clearly a significant and positive development. However, we cannot guarantee that there isn’t any more of the substance left and cordons will remain in place for some considerable time. This is to allow thorough searches to continue as a precautionary measure for public safety and to assist the investigation team," he said.

Well, there wee go, more questions are left unanswered, but it would appear they are on the right track.