View Full Version : Your Laugh for the Day

Doc Safari
07-06-18, 10:59
I don't care if you like this current administration or not, this is friggin' FUNNY;


The conservative South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported Monday that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in Pyongyang Friday carrying two gifts for dictator Kim Jong-un: a private letter from President Donald Trump and a copy of Elton John’s Rocket Man CD.
President Trump took to calling Kim “Little Rocket Man” on Twitter and in public remarks throughout 2017, a reference to his repeatedly construction and launching of illegal medium-range missiles, threatening Japan, South Korea, and American territories in the region.

Chosun Ilbo cites “sources in Washington” for the gift details, with one source saying that Trump discussed Elton John during his meeting with Kim in Singapore.

“The ‘Rocket Man’ CD was the subject of discussion during Trump’s lunch with Kim. Kim mentioned that Trump referred to him as ‘rocket man’ when tensions ran high last year,” the source said. “Trump then asked Kim if he knew the song and Kim said no.”
Trump reportedly wrote a message for Kim on the CD as well as sending a personal letter. If the report is true, Kim will now likely be the first North Korean within the country to listen to Elton John’s music.

My take: Mr. Trump, could you send Hillary the song "The Bitch is Back."

07-06-18, 13:30
So the fate of the world rests on Elton John, Trump and Dennis Rodman....

07-06-18, 13:56

07-06-18, 17:45

LOL, that is exactly what I thought of.

07-07-18, 01:40
So the fate of the world rests on Elton John, Trump and Dennis Rodman....

Could be worse, it could be Hillary Clinton, LeBron James and Eminem.