View Full Version : Oh, please let this happen

07-09-18, 07:40
For the love of all things holy, please see this one through to fruition.


The messages convey a sense of urgency, and are coming with increasing frequency. They are short, focused reactions to the latest “outrage” committed by President Trump.

Some end by asking for money, some urge participation in protests. All read as if they are sent from the official headquarters of the resistance.

Hillary Clinton is up to something.

On the other hand, the odds are zero that she is playing community organizer just to be a kingmaker. When it comes to money and power, the Clintons assume charity begins at home.

Here’s how I believe she sees the playing field, and why she can’t be ignored.

First, because there’s no clear front-runner for the nomination 18 months into Trump’s presidency, Clinton remains the closest thing to an incumbent. She’s also got numerous advantages, from name recognition to campaign experience to an off-the-shelf Cabinet, that could give her a head start.

Second, a crowded, diverse field diminishes the chances of anyone knocking her off. Recall how Trump outlasted 16 GOP rivals by having a committed core of supporters that grew as the field shrunk. Clinton could be in a similar position — unpopular among many, but also unbeatable by a single opponent.

Third, looking ahead to the 2020 primaries, she sees no reason to fear the favorite daughters and sons in key blue states. She would almost certainly beat Sen. Kamala Harris in California, Sen. Cory Booker in New Jersey and Gov. Andrew Cuomo in New York.

And please — forget Sanders and Joe Biden. Sanders is already 76 and Biden, at 75, has never been a viable candidate for president and still isn’t.

Fourth, money is not an issue. Some donors will resist Clinton at first, but any Dem nominee can count on all the money in the world to run against Trump.

Provided, two years is a long time for someone to "emerge" as the front runner on the DNC side. However, as ignorant as the DNC is as of late, this very well could be within the realm of possibility of their thinking.

07-10-18, 00:22
Good grief, I post a Hillary thread and crash M4C.

07-10-18, 01:23
Good grief, I post a Hillary thread and crash M4C.

Did you suicide yet? If not, it's not the Clintons.

07-10-18, 02:04
For the love of all things holy, please see this one through to fruition.


Provided, two years is a long time for someone to "emerge" as the front runner on the DNC side. However, as ignorant as the DNC is as of late, this very well could be within the realm of possibility of their thinking.

They really miss Air Force One . . .


Straight Shooter
07-10-18, 06:37
It will be the greatest of pleasures for that old bitch to run again...Im hoping she does personally.

07-10-18, 09:23
Nothing says "Trumpslide 2020" more than "Hillary 2020". Go for it, Killary!

Doc Safari
07-10-18, 09:30
It's tempting to want her to run against Trump again, but there is an unwritten rule in this country that once you become a party's nominee for president, you only get one bite at the apple.

She's done; stick a fork in her.

07-10-18, 09:54
With all the baggage and all of the health issues, this is simply going to be more strain than she can live through.
Even Huma is looking a bit rough in that video, when did she go grey?

07-10-18, 14:24
... rule ... you only get one bite at the apple.

Rules are for the other people, not her.

Doc Safari
07-10-18, 14:30
Rules are for the other people, not her.

That's what she would LIKE to think. I think she believed that when she wanted the nomination in 2008 that if she let Obama have free reign then the Democrat party "owed" her a coronation in 2016. Well, I think the Democrat party looks at it that way too, and that TPTB look at it like they have paid their debt to her. There are too many growing factions in the Democrat party that want her to just shut up and go away.

I'd be very surprised if she can pull enough strings to get the nomination again. Very surprised. She'll have to embrace full-blown Socialism more to the left than Bernie in order for the Dems to pay her any mind now, and that will alienate her with whatever is left of the moderate elements in the party. Her corpse is so fetid it stinks even to most Dems now, and applying the perfume of far-leftism isn't even going to hide the stench.

The Clintons are done. The only thing that kept her political career from taking a dirt nap is the belief that she was going to win and win big in 2016. Now that she lost, she ain't about shit. She may be able to suck in a few loyal followers for some PAC or lefty loon single-issue group or something, but I think if she tries to throw her weight around next time she's going to see opposition come out of the woodwork. "She's too old." "She had her chance." "The party needs some new blood." "Clinton had a distinguished career; she should be happy with that." I can hear it now. She is in the process of overstaying her welcome.

07-10-18, 14:42
She's to white and grandma like. They'll want to replace her with someone more "vibrant".

Doc Safari
07-10-18, 14:45
She's to white and grandma like. They'll want to replace her with someone more "vibrant".

This is Hillary Clinton's successor. Learn it. Accept it. Fear it.


She is for all kinds of things we don't like.

07-10-18, 14:46
https://i.imgur.com/FxTCH2s.jpg :no:

07-10-18, 14:47
She's to white and grandma like. They'll want to replace her with someone more "vibrant".

With Crazy Eyes who will promise all the stuff Bernie did and then some more, along with doing away with ICE, the Border Patrol and any immigration laws or regulation.
They've given up on the Democratic Party, they've become Democratic (gotta keep that in their so lefty grandma's will vote for them) Socialists. If they manage to get their foot in the door even a little bit, it is over.
Venezuela here we come !

This chick might be the most dangerous person in America right now and she's getting a free pass on her BS.
Go to the 7:20 mark and listen to what she is for, in summary major Socialism.

07-11-18, 05:41
You may get your wish, it would seem she's still out there and putting herself up as a candidate;
Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is planning on appearing at a convention for the American Federation of Teachers this weekend.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Clinton will speak on Friday while Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders will speak Saturday and Sunday, respectively.
Clinton’s appearance at the same conference with Warren and Sanders, two possible Democratic challengers to President Trump in 2020, comes at a curious time.

Trump: I would offer Warren $1M to prove her Native American heritage
Can Elizabeth Warren win back blue-collar Democrats from President Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania?
It’s a question many Democrats are pondering as Warren — one of the leading contenders for her party’s presidential nomination, if she chooses to run in 2020 — goes back and forth with the president over immigration and other issues.
Some worry the former Harvard professor will have a tough time winning back the Rust Belt centrists and independents who abandoned Hillary Clinton and Democrats for Trump.
“I just can’t see a blue-collar, Rust Belt guy voting for her,” said one Democratic strategist who has worked on presidential campaigns. “I think the party needs to be realistic about that.”

My Take; The Dem's don't have a clue and the clock keeps ticking. I would not be surprised if a Clinton/Warren - Bernie/Clinton or a Bernie/Warren pick is a possibility. It does not bode well for them.

Straight Shooter
07-11-18, 12:52
This is Hillary Clinton's successor. Learn it. Accept it. Fear it.


She is for all kinds of things we don't like.

In my opinion- she is absolutely NOTHING to fear. She is a local phenomenon..nothing more. Look, the libtard/commie/socialist demonrat states are electing those type candidates, as usual. They all will get more & more looney/leftist in coming years...especially if President Trump wins another term. She still has only one vote, like her predecessor and everyone else. She will have no impact anywhere that isnt already libtard nuts. I consider her, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Waters ect..et al...to be GREAT vote getters for Conservatives and they do far more harm for their party than good..thank God they dont believe that...especially Pelosi...I THANK HER every time a conservative wins. I WANT her & her ilk to stay in power...they will get Trump re-elected in my opinion.

Doc Safari
07-11-18, 12:59
In my opinion- she is absolutely NOTHING to fear. She is a local phenomenon..nothing more. Look, the libtard/commie/socialist demonrat states are electing those type candidates, as usual. They all will get more & more looney/leftist in coming years...especially if President Trump wins another term. She still has only one vote, like her predecessor and everyone else. She will have no impact anywhere that isnt already libtard nuts. I consider her, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Waters ect..et al...to be GREAT vote getters for Conservatives and they do far more harm for their party than good..thank God they dont believe that...especially Pelosi...I THANK HER every time a conservative wins. I WANT her & her ilk to stay in power...they will get Trump re-elected in my opinion.

You may be right. Rush Limbaugh thinks like you.

I'm thinking the media will promote her as "Wonder Woman" because they are just as Socialist as she is, and, like Barack Obama, it will be racist to say anything negative about her.

Straight Shooter
07-11-18, 13:25
You may be right. Rush Limbaugh thinks like you.

I'm thinking the media will promote her as "Wonder Woman" because they are just as Socialist as she is, and, like Barack Obama, it will be racist to say anything negative about her.

Thanks Doc...and Ive already seen the 5th Column acting as tho she is the 2nd Coming...she looks absolutely batshit crazy, just like what she espouses.
Again...the loonier, crazier, more anti-American THEY get...the more conservative WE get. This hate America shit aint gonna work out like they think it will.

07-11-18, 13:56
Hilary is grand standing or has been put up by desparate democrats. No way she would run. She has lost twice for Pete sakes. THe dems know that they don’t have anybody for 2020, they have sunk too much energy into bashing Trump. Forget the former bartender Ocasio Cortez, she is going to really have to get moving if she is going to be Obama 2.0. She could be even more radical than Barry, something the dems may not want after 4 years of Trump. Hilary is too old, she would be 73 for inauguration. She is finished politically and she and Bill will drift into obscurity.

07-11-18, 15:22
Ocasio-Cortez has already been caught in a couple of lies, one being where she lived as a kid.
They changed the story around so it sounded like She lived in Brooklyn, She lived in the Suburbs and her Dad's family lived in Brooklyn. You don't leave Brooklyn to live in the upper middle class suburbs of New York if you're a Socialist. Dad is probably rolling in his grave right now.
There was also something about sharing tips and how She hated to do that and screwed people out of the contents of the tip jars in the bar. That sounds very Socialist of her.

07-11-18, 15:52
She's done; stick a fork in her.

I know it, you know it, and the American people know it but she is a malignant narcissist who has no concept of reality.

This chick might be the most dangerous person in America right now and she's getting a free pass on her BS.



Go to the 7:20 mark and listen to what she is for, in summary major Socialism.

She is only as dangerous as she is allowed to be.

The ideology of those who voted for her and the overwhelming support of her by the Fourth Estate is the real danger.

07-11-18, 16:23
Is the military duty bound to defend the country if it is taken over by Communists and Socialists inside the government? I've often wondered this but they allowed Obama to run the country along with his entourage of socialist Marxists- so not sure anymore.

07-11-18, 20:39
Is the military duty bound to defend the country if it is taken over by Communists and Socialists inside the government? I've often wondered this but they allowed Obama to run the country along with his entourage of socialist Marxists- so not sure anymore.

Didn't stop anyone in the 1930s and that is probably the MOST socialist this government has ever been. The only good thing about Germany's example with national socialism is that it forced the US and the UK to question the socialism that we were engaged in and caused a course correction.

Had we not come face to face with a real world example of what happens when a modern, industrial country places the state and or leader / party above the individual or even the population as a whole we'd have probably gone down a very dark road.

We had fully embraced eugenics (the Germans actually borrowed the idea from the US / UK examples) and if a court declared you indigent you could be forcibly sterilized. FDRs "new deal" socialism established the groundwork for LBJs later welfare state. FDR also gave us a non voluntary ponzi scheme called social security and people are actually dumb enough to think it's some kind of government stipend and don't realize it's only a partial refund of all the money they have taken from you during your entire working life.

If everyone could actually drop their social security deduction into a basic IRA they would all do a lot better. But the government doesn't give you that option and they take your money, invest it for decades earning interest for them and if you happen to live past 65 they will start to give you some of your money back but most people don't even receive the interest potential let alone any of the original principal funds.

07-12-18, 15:49
“Everyone” and “all” is quite a stretch when it come to people doing a “lot better.”

Even once all the various oxygen thieves and various shitstains are taken out of the equation, we have a lot of life long workers who will never pay as much into the system as they get out of it. There is a good chance all but the absolute most afffluent could cover their medical costs in the payments as well.

26 Inf
07-12-18, 16:31
If everyone could actually drop their social security deduction into a basic IRA they would all do a lot better. But the government doesn't give you that option and they take your money, invest it for decades earning interest for them and if you happen to live past 65 they will start to give you some of your money back but most people don't even receive the interest potential let alone any of the original principal funds.

So how would that happen? Under the current system, in 2018, the total deduction is 12.4% for SSI and 2.9 for Medicare, divided equally between employer and employee, unless self employed.

Would the worker get the entire percentage to invest as they see fit? Or, would the employer not be required to pay in?

I believe one of the problems discussed regarding this plan would be that lower-paid workers would be extremely conservative in their investments and not have enough to sustain them in retirement.

If that is the case, our society being what it is, there would still need to be a safety net.

07-12-18, 21:09
So how would that happen? Under the current system, in 2018, the total deduction is 12.4% for SSI and 2.9 for Medicare, divided equally between employer and employee, unless self employed.

Would the worker get the entire percentage to invest as they see fit? Or, would the employer not be required to pay in?

I believe one of the problems discussed regarding this plan would be that lower-paid workers would be extremely conservative in their investments and not have enough to sustain them in retirement.

If that is the case, our society being what it is, there would still need to be a safety net.

None of it matters, they've borrowed so heavily against it that social security will default within the next couple decades.