View Full Version : We Should Start Posting These Signs Everywhere!

Doc Safari
07-12-18, 13:40

Some residents of Omaha, Nebraska, are incensed after an unknown person began posting signs around town that urge citizens to report “any and all illegal aliens” to ICE.
The signs began appearing on Tuesday pasted on walls and phone poles causing some residents to rip them down for being “racist,” CBS reported.

My take: Read the Thread Title. It's time everyone got involved.

07-12-18, 13:57
Objectively, no different than "Crime Watch - Report Illegal Activity" signs, but in reality a good way to get your home and vehicle targeted for vandalism. More importantly, if I NEED either sign, it's probably a sign that I should try and move elsewhere.

If the problem is just beginning, put ICE on speed dial and don't draw attention to your property.

Doc Safari
07-12-18, 13:59
Objectively, no different than "Crime Watch - Report Illegal Activity" signs, but in reality a good way to get your home and vehicle targeted for vandalism. More importantly, if I NEED either sign, it's probably a sign that I should try and move elsewhere.

If the problem is just beginning, put ICE on speed dial and don't draw attention to your property.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. That's why you post the signs in other neighborhoods besides your own.

07-12-18, 14:04
I agree with you wholeheartedly. That's why you post the signs in other neighborhoods besides your own.

Where? On other people's property? Public property? No thanks.

07-12-18, 14:05

My take: Read the Thread Title. It's time everyone got involved.

Do these people think that being an illegal alien, and hence criminal, is inherent to certain races? That sounds pretty racist to me.

Doc Safari
07-12-18, 14:06
Where? On other people's property? Public property? No thanks.

Well, at least in this area there are still a lot of utility poles, particularly in the older neighborhoods and rural areas like where I live. I'm in no way advocating a person break the law in order to post signs. For me, personally, this is a very rural area, and you see illegals roaming the side roads particularly in the summer. A few utility poles decorated with these signs should give some of them pause.

07-12-18, 14:27
Utility Poles at intersections. Some adjacent to Lowe's and Home Depot would be great.

07-12-18, 16:27
I saw a piece on some news outlet somewhere that the local police were investigating similar signs that were placed around that community as a possible hate crime.

This is where we are at. :suicide:

07-12-18, 16:39
I consider it a Public Service Announcement.
Honestly a couple of months ago I had a truck pull up in front of the house and guys began downloading mud covered equipment in to my front yard.
I went out and asked to speak to whomever was in charge 'No Habla", "No Habla", "No Habla" finally after asking for the Jefe, I got a business card, I called no answer. I then called the Police and told those guys they cannot access my yard and to get their equipment off of my yard and clean up the mess.
The Cop finally comes and says they can access my easement. The guy who's name and number were on the card finally answers, he has no idea why they are there and I tell the cop, "They can use the easement behind my fence and stay off of my property." Still no one gets carded or has any ID asked for and the Cop is assuring me they are bonded, but cant show me the paperwork.

I don't care anymore, this is out of control.

07-12-18, 17:26
These have the feel of the Aryan nation flyers that get randomly left in neighborhoods locally sometimes.

07-12-18, 18:00
These have the feel of the Aryan nation flyers that get randomly left in neighborhoods locally sometimes.
I would imagine that there are places that having a dozen or so of these and a staple gun in your vehicle could be considered a "Hate Crime".

07-12-18, 18:22
I would imagine that there are places that having a dozen or so of these and a staple gun in your vehicle could be considered a "Hate Crime".

I would imagine it's anywhere that voted for Hillary and has a large population of people who wake up as new victims of something.

07-12-18, 19:22
These have the feel of the Aryan nation flyers that get randomly left in neighborhoods locally sometimes.

Reminds me of something like this:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3424/4623907973_230260eb1e.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/83AJKg)

07-12-18, 20:20
Do these people think that being an illegal alien, and hence criminal, is inherent to certain races? That sounds pretty racist to me.

Well it seems be be predominantly a certain nationality rather than a specific race. But honestly if illegal Norwegians were trafficking in most of the drugs, corruption mentality and other criminal elements I'd have exactly the same problem with illegal Norwegians.

07-13-18, 06:08
These have the feel of the Aryan nation flyers that get randomly left in neighborhoods locally sometimes.

So a flyer asking people to call and report criminal aliens to the proper authorities is on par with a hate group / prison gang circulating their bigoted propaganda?

Reminds me of something like this:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3424/4623907973_230260eb1e.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/83AJKg)

You think a fictional socialist autocratic regime's propaganda poster is reminiscent of what is essentially a BOLO?

I ponder as to why these flyers were not investigated for hate crimes and civil rights violations? Where was the media outcry?




07-13-18, 06:25
There is a lot of hate out there.
Having said that, there is a huge difference when someone enters the country illegally, works here, uses our ER's as their primary care, when they or their kids use our schools, receive no end of Local, State and Federal benefits and then has a flag hanging off of the rearview mirror that is from some broken third world country.

If you're antifa and want to hate me for being white, feel free.

Doc Safari
07-13-18, 08:53
I can't imagine posters encouraging people to involve law enforcement in the apprehension of lawbreakers is now somehow equated with white supremacist bullshit.

07-13-18, 10:00
I can't imagine posters encouraging people to involve law enforcement in the apprehension of lawbreakers is now somehow equated with white supremacist bullshit.

Any complaint or criticism of anyone mocha or darker brings an immediate Nazi or racist response from those feigning being offended .
You can be as right as rain, 100% within the Law, it doesn't matter.
I refer you back to my post where the neighbors protested ICE and the Local PD arresting the Parents (?) for pimping out their (?) kids.
Laws don't matter, emotions do. We're still waiting for the DNA results to come back on some of those kids that were separated at the border, so far 5 of those have come back as a non DNA match to the "Parent."
It doesn't matter, a judge has ordered catch and release back in to effect.

Doc Safari
07-13-18, 10:03
Any complaint or criticism of anyone mocha or darker brings an immediate Nazi or racist response from those feigning being offended .
You can be as right as rain, 100% within the Law, it doesn't matter.
I refer you back to my post where the neighbors protested ICE and the Local PD arresting the Parents (?) for pimping out their (?) kids.
Laws don't matter, emotions do. We're still waiting for the DNA results to come back on some of those kids that were separated at the border, so far 5 of those have come back as a non DNA match to the "Parent."
It doesn't matter, a judge has ordered catch and release back in to effect.

And so we become Europe, overrun by refugees.

26 Inf
07-13-18, 11:57
I ponder as to why these flyers were not investigated for hate crimes and civil rights violations? Where was the media outcry?

As an aside to previous posts, being investigated as a hate crime and charged as a hate crime are two different things. When officers write reports they have to code them and sometimes the officer doesn't actually know the statute. In some cases an officials personal outlook can be reflected in this also.

This occurs both ways, crimes that should be classified as hate crimes are not, and crimes that shouldn't be classified as hate crimes are charged that way. Hopefully these kind of things get corrected as they go through the system. Just because a street officer classified something as a hate crime does not mean the DA will try it as such.

Back to the subject of this post. I thought they were probably faked signs to instigate.

The second sign made no sense - theme/title - warning whites they were being watched and then continuing to say that dating whites, etc. doesn't make sense - are they warning whites to refrain from dating whites? And, from my rudimentary knowledge of all things antifa, I was not aware that inter racial dating was one of their hot buttons.

So I googled Emerald City Antifa to see if there actually was such a group. Turns out there is such an animal, as most of you probably already knew. I also found this Snopes article (I know Snopes) which refutes the signs: https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/03/30/antifa-white-posters-seattle/

On 6 December 2016, Emerald City Antifa posted to Facebook a message saying that they had nothing to do with either the creation or the distribution of the poster.

The domain EmeraldCityAntifa.com does not belong to the anti-fascist group, but instead the is being used to promote a book by Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart’s former senior editor, who shared the image to his Facebook page on 28 March 2017. The Global Antifa page claimed that Yiannopoulos was using “fake racist flyers” to create buzz for his book:

Milo Yiannopoulos is at it again! This time, he is using fake racist flyers to make Emerald City Antifa in Seattle look like bigots! If you see these flyers in Seattle, rip them down! ECA would never post garbage like this!

He has even created a fake ECA website that links people to his own websites and Breitbart articles. You’re all getting trolled by Milo:

It is unclear if Yiannopoulos created the poster or if he was simply capitalizing on the controversy. According to Who.is, the web site was not created until February 2017, more than two months after the poster started to circulate.

I also found this leftist op/ed from the University of Washington paper: http://www.dailyuw.com/opinion/article_f9ce3836-bdbe-11e6-a6a8-abe3aee3c665.html

So, who knows, he said, she said.

07-13-18, 13:32
And so we become Europe, overrun by refugees.

That is the globalists plan. Flood the country with third world migrants supporting them cradle to grave so they can out-breed the host population. I give it about two decades tops before it really starts falling apart just based in the current debt levels and number of people collecting social benefits. Then when it all starts falling down, they'll say look- capitalism failed, and they'll usher in extreme far left politicians to convert us over to socialism.

07-13-18, 14:08
A new sign I recently saw was a business saying "If your money was illegally obtained via theft, working off-book, etc., we do not want your business".

07-13-18, 15:28
A new sign I recently saw was a business saying "If your money was illegally obtained via theft, working off-book, etc., we do not want your business".


26 Inf
07-13-18, 15:53
A new sign I recently saw was a business saying "If your money was illegally obtained via theft, working off-book, etc., we do not want your business".

I'd almost drive down to give them my business. Refreshing viewpoint.

07-13-18, 16:30
A new sign I recently saw was a business saying "If your money was illegally obtained via theft, working off-book, etc., we do not want your business".

Nice gesture, but honestly how would they ever know.

07-13-18, 16:33
Nice gesture, but honestly how would they ever know.

Well lefties are not the only ones who can engage in virtue signaling.

07-13-18, 16:38
I ponder as to why these flyers were not investigated for hate crimes and civil rights violations? Where was the media outcry?




Much as I hate to say it, those flyers are working. Even though I personally think Seattle is a really cool city, love the Chinatown and have made past visits to spend a few days on my way to see my brother in Alaska, pay my respects to the grave of Bruce Lee and such, I'll probably never visit Seattle again.

Anyone trying to put up any kind of flyer along those lines with respect to any race in South Florida would be arrested, cracked down hard and run through the media FU machine so fast it would make their head spin. And South Florida is hardly the gold standard of quality of life expectations.

07-13-18, 17:31
As an aside to previous posts, being investigated as a hate crime and charged as a hate crime are two different things. When officers write reports they have to code them and sometimes the officer doesn't actually know the statute. In some cases an officials personal outlook can be reflected in this also.

This occurs both ways, crimes that should be classified as hate crimes are not, and crimes that shouldn't be classified as hate crimes are charged that way. Hopefully these kind of things get corrected as they go through the system. Just because a street officer classified something as a hate crime does not mean the DA will try it as such.

Since you did not answer my question with your post I maintain why were these racist anti-white flyers not investigated for "hate crimes" like the call in illegal alien flyers have been (I'll point out that there was no race, skin color, et al. mentioned in those flyers)?

Back to the subject of this post. I thought they were probably faked signs to instigate.

Well of course you thought they were fake, after all no one can be racist against whites right? Yet you fail to assume the same about the call in illegal alien flyers and even the Aryan Brotherhood flyers that were brought up by another member. How do we know those flyers were not faked by some entity to further an agenda against those who support border security and make all white people out to be SS-Totenkopfverbände?

The second sign made no sense - theme/title - warning whites they were being watched and then continuing to say that dating whites, etc. doesn't make sense - are they warning whites to refrain from dating whites? And, from my rudimentary knowledge of all things antifa, I was not aware that inter racial dating was one of their hot buttons.

Ah I see, so because something doesn't make sense to you it just has to be fake right? Since you are being obtuse about the anti-white sentiment in this country I'll point out the painfully obvious for you, white leftist are ethnomasochists.

So I googled Emerald City Antifa to see if there actually was such a group. Turns out there is such an animal, as most of you probably already knew. I also found this Snopes article (I know Snopes) which refutes the signs: https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/03/30/antifa-white-posters-seattle/

On 6 December 2016, Emerald City Antifa posted to Facebook a message saying that they had nothing to do with either the creation or the distribution of the poster.

The domain EmeraldCityAntifa.com does not belong to the anti-fascist group, but instead the is being used to promote a book by Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart’s former senior editor, who shared the image to his Facebook page on 28 March 2017. The Global Antifa page claimed that Yiannopoulos was using “fake racist flyers” to create buzz for his book:

Milo Yiannopoulos is at it again! This time, he is using fake racist flyers to make Emerald City Antifa in Seattle look like bigots! If you see these flyers in Seattle, rip them down! ECA would never post garbage like this!

He has even created a fake ECA website that links people to his own websites and Breitbart articles. You’re all getting trolled by Milo:

It is unclear if Yiannopoulos created the poster or if he was simply capitalizing on the controversy. According to Who.is, the web site was not created until February 2017, more than two months after the poster started to circulate.

I also found this leftist op/ed from the University of Washington paper: http://www.dailyuw.com/opinion/article_f9ce3836-bdbe-11e6-a6a8-abe3aee3c665.html

So, who knows, he said, she said.

Ah yes Google and of course you just had to quote Snopes (lmao) because Google NEVER manipulates search results and Snopes is a legit unbiased fact source. :rolleyes:

26 Inf
07-13-18, 18:35
Since you did not answer my question with your post I maintain why were these racist anti-white flyers not investigated for "hate crimes" like the call in illegal alien flyers have been (I'll point out that there was no race, skin color, et al. mentioned in those flyers)?

Uhh, maybe because no one made a complaint? See, the way it works in most cases is, someone has to call the police and report a crime.

Well of course you thought they were fake, after all no one can be racist against whites right?

I don't know, how many times have you been beat by groups of blacks? If your answer is none, then you are two behind me. You can be racist against any race. In my personal opinion, having raised several black kids through foster care, in my area it is more likely to find a black who is vocally anti-white, than whites who are vocally anti-white. Still bullshit on both sides.

You my friend, are acting like a professionally aggrieved SJW, except on the other end of the spectrum. Don't do that.

Yet you fail to assume the same about the call in illegal alien flyers and even the Aryan Brotherhood flyers that were brought up by another member. How do we know those flyers were not faked by some entity to further an agenda against those who support border security and make all white people out to be SS-Totenkopfverbände?

Where did I speak to those flyers other than to intimate they were classified by an officer and that ultimately the DA ends up deciding what is charged?

In answer to your question re fake flyers - we don't. Once again I didn't address that. Although, I am shocked you know the name AND the correct spelling for the Death's Head dudes. Just saying.

Ah I see, so because something doesn't make sense to you it just has to be fake right?

No, I investigate, to satisfy my curiosity.

Since you are being obtuse about the anti-white sentiment in this country I'll point out the painfully obvious for you, white leftist are ethnomasochists.

No, it wasn't painfully obvious to me, but then I don't get on VDARE.com to find out what I should think. I do agree that there is anti-white sentiment in this country, I've seen it and felt the results. Do I think it is widespread among most of the non-white population - nope. I just have other things to be worried about, anti-white sentiment is fairly low on my list

Ah yes Google and of course you just had to quote Snopes (lmao) because Google NEVER manipulates search results and Snopes is a legit unbiased fact source. :rolleyes:

Well, first of all, did you miss the 'I know Snopes' in my post? Most folks would understand that to be the equivalent of a eye-roll emoticon. Next time I'll remember you and write more clearly.

Dude, seriously, getting all worked up about everything not good for your longevity. Take some deep breathes and chill.

07-13-18, 20:03
If you want to stop this you just need to make hiring these guys a felony with. 10k per head fine and five years in prison.
Anyone crossing illegally is a felon, no exception, no citizenship. No bennies, no legal or medical help, providing help gets you fined and timed.
This BS will stop overnight and these folks will go home.
We don't need signs, we need laws with stiff penalties and the backbone to enforce them.

07-14-18, 12:46
If you want to stop this you just need to make hiring these guys a felony with. 10k per head fine and five years in prison.
Anyone crossing illegally is a felon, no exception, no citizenship. No bennies, no legal or medical help, providing help gets you fined and timed.
This BS will stop overnight and these folks will go home.
We don't need signs, we need laws with stiff penalties and the backbone to enforce them.

You think the government wants to stop the switch over to socialism? The government is socialism.

07-14-18, 12:58
You think the government wants to stop the switch over to socialism? The government is socialism.

Honestly I don't think so, so I believe you Sir, are correct.

If you look at various recent threads you'll see various deep state players fighting every move being made to improve our economy, close our borders and end the Russia/Collusion drama before the next election.
Calling out NATO members for not paying up;
Calling out NATO members for buying Russian fuel when asking for protection from Russians;
When a major document/charges drop is made 48 hours before the POTUS meets with Putin;
When Strzok stil hass a job and a security clearance with the FBI;
When Federal Judges interrupt every attempt to stop our borders from being secured and illegal immigrants with kids get "free" pass and citizenship;
When you look at all of that and understand it is all good for the United States, our Citizens and our economy, well then.....
There is some things happening that simply are not a coincidence, there is a concerted effort like we haven't seen since the Civil War to divide our countries population and nullify a Presidential election.

07-14-18, 14:26
Honestly I don't think so, so I believe you Sir, are correct.

If you look at various recent threads you'll see various deep state players fighting every move being made to improve our economy, close our borders and end the Russia/Collusion drama before the next election.
Calling out NATO members for not paying up;
Calling out NATO members for buying Russian fuel when asking for protection from Russians;
When a major document/charges drop is made 48 hours before the POTUS meets with Putin;
When Strzok stil hass a job and a security clearance with the FBI;
When Federal Judges interrupt every attempt to stop our borders from being secured and illegal immigrants with kids get "free" pass and citizenship;
When you look at all of that and understand it is all good for the United States, our Citizens and our economy, well then.....
There is some things happening that simply are not a coincidence, there is a concerted effort like we haven't seen since the Civil War to divide our countries population and nullify a Presidential election.

It's like that quote from Braveheart when Longshanks said; "the problem with Scotland is there are to many Scots". So our own government facing a similar problem of to many flag waiving, patriotic, free thinking, intelligent Europeans that drove this nation to super power status- is to now simply replace that individualistic population with one that is more dependent, controllable. That's what globalists are doing all over Europe and that's what they're doing here.


07-15-18, 16:25
Uhh, maybe because no one made a complaint? See, the way it works in most cases is, someone has to call the police and report a crime.

How do you know that no one filed a complaint? Please state your source(s).

I don't know, how many times have you been beat by groups of blacks? If your answer is none, then you are two behind me. You can be racist against any race. In my personal opinion, having raised several black kids through foster care, in my area it is more likely to find a black who is vocally anti-white, than whites who are vocally anti-white. Still bullshit on both sides.

Who said anything about getting "beat up by groups of blacks"? I posted about ANTIFA anti-white posters and even stated they were circulated by ethnomasochist white leftists.

You my friend, are acting like a professionally aggrieved SJW, except on the other end of the spectrum. Don't do that.

And you post as if you were a bleeding heart liberal boomer. Ironic you accuse someone who points out the double standards in society as opposite of a SJW. I guess people like you would prefer people like me to just shut-up and look down at our shoes as our society goes to shit around us.

Where did I speak to those flyers other than to intimate they were classified by an officer and that ultimately the DA ends up deciding what is charged?

I'm not sure as to what you are referencing to here. Again, I maintain where was / is the public outcry and the mainstream media's sensationalism of those anti-white flyers like there is for the call in illegal alien flyers? I get it that a LEO may not have actually been called upon by a citizen to file a complaint against the anti-white flyers. Does the DoJ Civil Rights Division have to be called by citizens where there is a supposed hate crime / civil rights violation in order to initiate an investigation?

In answer to your question re fake flyers - we don't. Once again I didn't address that. Although, I am shocked you know the name AND the correct spelling for the Death's Head dudes. Just saying.


For a second there I thought your account got hacked by our resident mellenial SJW troll.

You do realize technology is a thing now right? Google translate has been around for your literally years. If you have a modern electronic device of any kind chances are it has a voice activated AI (Alexa, Siri, Cortana, et al.). It took me all of a couple of seconds to copy and paste though I do wish I could speak and write German, it's one of several languages on my "one of these days list". But I suppose it will get me branded as a Nazi to speak German like it has simply coping and pasting it LOLIRL.

One of my many hobbies in this life is history, specifically WWII. Yes I have researched the Holocaust a great deal to include the SS divisions and each one's specific role to include their names, titles, et al. I also have done extensive research on the Third Reich artifacts that I have had passed down to me by various family members who brought said items home as war trophies after serving in the European Theater.

Buy hey, what does any of that matter . . .


No, I investigate, to satisfy my curiosity.

Well don't ever stop learning.

No, it wasn't painfully obvious to me, but then I don't get on VDARE.com to find out what I should think. I do agree that there is anti-white sentiment in this country, I've seen it and felt the results. Do I think it is widespread among most of the non-white population - nope. I just have other things to be worried about, anti-white sentiment is fairly low on my list

VDARE.com huh? I had to look that one up. I learned about VDARE.com and stormfront.com from left of center members on this very gun forum. I find that exceedingly ironic and thoroughly delish.

Well, first of all, did you miss the 'I know Snopes' in my post? Most folks would understand that to be the equivalent of a eye-roll emoticon. Next time I'll remember you and write more clearly.

Oh I caught it alright, yet you still quoted them.

Dude, seriously, getting all worked up about everything not good for your longevity. Take some deep breathes and chill.

Who is worked up?

It is evident to me that you are the one that is getting "all worked up" . . . once AGAIN. :cool:

07-15-18, 16:28
It's like that quote from Braveheart when Longshanks said; "the problem with Scotland is there are to many Scots". So our own government facing a similar problem of to many flag waiving, patriotic, free thinking, intelligent Europeans that drove this nation to super power status- is to now simply replace that individualistic population with one that is more dependent, controllable. That's what globalists are doing all over Europe and that's what they're doing here.

. . . AND Australia and South Africa.

26 Inf
07-15-18, 23:32
And you post as if you were a bleeding heart liberal boomer. Ironic you accuse someone who points out the double standards in society as opposite of a SJW. I guess people like you would prefer people like me to just shut-up and look down at our shoes as our society goes to shit around us.

Well, I'll agree to slight right of center, bleeding heart boomer

One of my many hobbies in this life is history, specifically WWII. Yes I have researched the Holocaust a great deal to include the SS divisions and each one's specific role to include their names, titles, et al. I also have done extensive research on the Third Reich artifacts that I have had passed down to me by various family members who brought said items home as war trophies after serving in the European Theater.

Buy hey, what does any of that matter . . .


Delish. Figure out my last name, a WWII German Division bore my family name. (PM me the answer if you would)

It is evident to me that you are the one that is getting "all worked up" . . . once AGAIN. :cool:

Nah, I just enjoy arguing. To be honest I was kind of worried that you took this long to respond.

07-16-18, 04:49
Figure out my last name, a WWII German Division bore my family name. (PM me the answer if you would)

You're a Kraut? Welp that might take some time (that I don't have) as there were A LOT of German divisions.

Well, I'll agree to slight right of center, bleeding heart boomer.

As they say; "The first step on the path to recovery is admitting you have a problem". :p

Nah, I just enjoy arguing. To be honest I was kind of worried that you took this long to respond.

Who doesn't? As my mother use to tell me, "You'd argue with a fence post". As to the timing of my response I have better things to do on my weekends than to respond to people on the internet that do not agree with me.

07-16-18, 11:57
I don't support anyone being here illegally, while not making any sort of attempt to become a legitimate citizen.

I also don't care for the these signs, or reporting people to the Government because they are suspected to be illegal. Simply because it could be so easy to be wrong, and we don't know exactly what everyone's situation is. There are way too many variables to have every outcome be cut and dry imo.

Someone gets reported who has filed paperwork, or is here on a legit work visa, that shit just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This could very easily be like swatting on an ICE level.

I refuse to become a paranoid, scared of every brown person, took er jobs! old person with nothing better to do then stare out the window after I have called the Cops. Just not the way I personally want to be.

07-16-18, 11:58

07-16-18, 13:47
I don't support anyone being here illegally, while not making any sort of attempt to become a legitimate citizen.

I also don't care for the these signs, or reporting people to the Government because they are suspected to be illegal. Simply because it could be so easy to be wrong, and we don't know exactly what everyone's situation is. There are way too many variables to have every outcome be cut and dry imo.

Someone gets reported who has filed paperwork, or is here on a legit work visa, that shit just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This could very easily be like swatting on an ICE level.

I refuse to become a paranoid, scared of every brown person, took er jobs! old person with nothing better to do then stare out the window after I have called the Cops. Just not the way I personally want to be.

It is so easy to be wrong and pretty damned insulting to SWAT someone in such a case if it were true.
I'm certainly not paranoid of brown people, but I'm more than a little tired of people coming in here illegally, essentially like squatters, squeezing out a pup and automatically entitled to everything.
I for a brief moment taught school after I retired from the .mil and believe it or not, we had a class on how we were supposed to deal with this. Don't judge, don't report, understand this is their culture and make sure the red carpet is rolled out at every opportunity. Now I'm all about assimilation and these kids getting a shot, but only if everything is legal and above board otherwise, deport them.
There is a certain hazard to this that effects the rest of the population, everything from disproportionately higher tax rates, poorer schools and even medical stuff you wouldn't think about. Why is little Juan coughing up blood? Juan has TB, and he's been sitting there coughing all semester.
It just get's old, really old here in Texas because not a weekend goes by that someone isn't killed in a DUI accident by someone who is here illegally and working under the table for a major company.
I think the cherry on top, that brought us here was the indifference that went on for years and now some estimates are in the 30,000,000 range in population. So suddenly we all come to realize we're screwed and so are our kids and likely are grandkids when it comes to paying for these folks burden on the economy.
If anything, all of this drama has raised awareness of how we were not served by a long line of Presidents in both parties when it comes to securing our border and just how much Mexico has contributed to and continues to contribute to the problem.
If Trump has achieved anything, he has made us aware.

Doc Safari
07-16-18, 14:00
I'll just say that every time I've "dropped dime" on someone I had to to answer a dozen questions about "what, when, where, and who". It isn't just a matter of saying, "I saw some suspicious guys walking down the road" .

07-16-18, 14:41
It is so easy to be wrong and pretty damned insulting to SWAT someone in such a case if it were true.
I'm certainly not paranoid of brown people, but I'm more than a little tired of people coming in here illegally, essentially like squatters, squeezing out a pup and automatically entitled to everything.
I for a brief moment taught school after I retired from the .mil and believe it or not, we had a class on how we were supposed to deal with this. Don't judge, don't report, understand this is their culture and make sure the red carpet is rolled out at every opportunity. Now I'm all about assimilation and these kids getting a shot, but only if everything is legal and above board otherwise, deport them.
There is a certain hazard to this that effects the rest of the population, everything from disproportionately higher tax rates, poorer schools and even medical stuff you wouldn't think about. Why is little Juan coughing up blood? Juan has TB, and he's been sitting there coughing all semester.
It just get's old, really old here in Texas because not a weekend goes by that someone isn't killed in a DUI accident by someone who is here illegally and working under the table for a major company.
I think the cherry on top, that brought us here was the indifference that went on for years and now some estimates are in the 30,000,000 range in population. So suddenly we all come to realize we're screwed and so are our kids and likely are grandkids when it comes to paying for these folks burden on the economy.
If anything, all of this drama has raised awareness of how we were not served by a long line of Presidents in both parties when it comes to securing our border and just how much Mexico has contributed to and continues to contribute to the problem.
If Trump has achieved anything, he has made us aware.

I agree with what you are saying here, and I feel you speaking from the experience really helps us to understand your POV.

I am fine with immigrants, and people wanting to be in the US. However they need to check all of their boxes and do the correct things, and travel the right roads to do so. We cannot just have people here doing whatever they want, hurting and destroying whomever and whatever they want though. That's a huge reason I took no issue in Trump calling out the MS13 piles.

I just don't want to see innocent people trying to make a better life, get absolutely shit on because someone assumes they are here illegally.

07-17-18, 01:07
I'll just say that every time I've "dropped dime" on someone I had to to answer a dozen questions about "what, when, where, and who". It isn't just a matter of saying, "I saw some suspicious guys walking down the road" .

Sadly that. And don't be the guy who regularly reports local drug users, etc. or you become the "problem" in the minds of some LE agencies. One of the reasons I moved.

26 Inf
07-17-18, 11:40
Sadly that. And don't be the guy who regularly reports local drug users, etc. or you become the "problem" in the minds of some LE agencies. One of the reasons I moved.

If I understood Doc Glockster's point he was saying that the fact you have provide some degree of credible information lessens the chance some innocent person is accosted. Which is the intent of the system.

On the drug stuff, I don't know your circumstances, and I'm sure you are aware that officers need enough information to establish reasonable suspicion for a stop, or probable cause for an arrest.

For the most part officers appreciate tips that draw their attention to someone. Sometimes the tipster gets frustrated when they see no action on their info simply because they don't know what else the drug unit has on the table that has priority on the drug unit's resources.

Doc Safari
07-17-18, 11:46
To further muddy the waters, report somebody and then watch them start driving by your property. That's why I say make sure you report somebody anonymously or hang your flyers in another neighborhood. I actually put a company out of business reporting them to ICE. They had a huge staff of illegals all working off the books, and I don't just mean folks out picking onions. They were a major greenhouse operation.

07-17-18, 12:57
If I understood Doc Glockster's point he was saying that the fact you have provide some degree of credible information lessens the chance some innocent person is accosted. Which is the intent of the system.

On the drug stuff, I don't know your circumstances, and I'm sure you are aware that officers need enough information to establish reasonable suspicion for a stop, or probable cause for an arrest.

For the most part officers appreciate tips that draw their attention to someone. Sometimes the tipster gets frustrated when they see no action on their info simply because they don't know what else the drug unit has on the table that has priority on the drug unit's resources.

There is a kid down the road a bit that has been dealing on and off for about two years, actually since his Senior year in HS.
The Cops know about it, I have talked to one of them about it. They have arrested people twice that I know of a block away that had drugs in their car after leaving his house. From my understanding they would like to put him out of business, but he's been very lucky so far.
You know some of this stuff takes time and some help, since we live a block from two schools, I don't mind a bit.

Doc Safari
07-17-18, 13:03
There is a kid down the road a bit that has been dealing on and off for about two years, actually since his Senior year in HS.
The Cops know about it, I have talked to one of them about it. They have arrested people twice that I know of a block away that had drugs in their car after leaving his house. From my understanding they would like to put him out of business, but he's been very lucky so far.
You know some of this stuff takes time and some help, since we live a block from two schools, I don't mind a bit.

Translation: The cops are using the guy to nail other people. They know he's dealing, so they stake out his house and try to find excuses to pull people over leaving his residence. That way the dragnet is cast wider and they take more than just the dealer off the streets. The risk is that after a fashion too many of the guy's customers get nailed and he suddenly realizes he'd better move or 1) he's out of business, and 2) they're eventually going to just grab him and stop picking off his customers. In other words, if they wait too long to nab the dealer, he's gone.

Doc Safari
07-17-18, 13:16
Some encouragement:

TPTB might actually start applying the law to people that get turned in:


Pro-migration groups are complaining as the Department of Homeland Security streamlines rules to help officials enforce long-ignored laws about illegal immigration, work visas, visa overstays and welfare.
The enforcement effort is being readied by the department’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency, which is rolling out a stream of rules and regulation to clarify the responsibilities of agency officials, and the obligations for students, temporary visa-workers, employers, illegal migrants, people who overstay their visas, and various lawyers.

The USCIS revamp is being led by agency chief, L. Francis Cissna, and is it generating protests from the immigration lawyers and migration advocates who gain from a very complex system with plenty of loopholes and shortcuts for migrants to use. The revamp is also being threatened with lawsuits by companies and universities who fear the enforcement will reduce their gains from foreign workers and foreign students.

“This policy erases the ‘Service’ from USCIS and transforms the agency into yet another DHS enforcement tool,” said a statement from the president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The memos are part of a “well-organized and systematic effort by the current administration to make the process of legal immigration to the United States as difficult as possible for both immigrants and the employers who sponsor them,” Jennifer Minear, an immigration lawyer at McCandlish Holton told Forbes magazine. She continued:

This policy, combined with others previously announced, will discourage the best and brightest minds from around the world from wanting to come to our country and contribute to our economy and culture. Indeed, that appears to be the intent of these policies – to frustrate and frighten people enough that they will not even attempt to navigate the process of coming here legally. Even if that is not the intent, that is sure to be the result.

Of course there will be court challenges:

The benefits of some changes show up quickly, but the new rules will have to survive many court challenges...

Reading further, it basically says that if an alien is not approved then they are de facto illegally in the US and subject to deportation.

USCIS will issue an NTA where, upon issuance of an unfavorable decision on an application, petition, or benefit request, the alien is not lawfully present in the United States.

The bottom line:

The new guidance will have a chilling effect, discouraging people who are eligible for immigration benefits from applying out of fear that they will be tossed into the deportation machine if they are denied … As a result, USCIS will now needlessly sweep tens of thousands of individuals into removal proceedings, including those who have lived and worked lawfully in the U.S. and would otherwise seek appellate review or depart voluntarily if their application is denied.

On May 10, USCIS issued the Accrual of Unlawful Presence policy, which clearly states when migrants are deemed to be residing illegally in the United States. The policy was needed because immigration law sets tough penalties for people who are in the country illegally for more than 180 days or more than 1 year — yet the prior 1997 and 2009 policies said the clock started only after officials noticed and formally declared the person was overstaying their welcome.

My take: :happy::dance3:

We all know that people overstaying their visas is a rampant problem in this country. Between discouraging people from coming and turning in those who stay too long we might actually get a handle on this.

07-17-18, 21:05
If I understood Doc Glockster's point he was saying that the fact you have provide some degree of credible information lessens the chance some innocent person is accosted. Which is the intent of the system.

On the drug stuff, I don't know your circumstances, and I'm sure you are aware that officers need enough information to establish reasonable suspicion for a stop, or probable cause for an arrest.

For the most part officers appreciate tips that draw their attention to someone. Sometimes the tipster gets frustrated when they see no action on their info simply because they don't know what else the drug unit has on the table that has priority on the drug unit's resources.

My circumstances were things like a car with four people in it stopped in the middle of a neighborhood road with four occupants all passed out from opiate use at 2am. I wasn't calling in a hot tip to the narco team, I was calling the ordinary dispatch line.

After taking all of my information, the car was still there stopped in the middle of the road at 6am. Started to become clear that addicts weren't BSO's highest priority even though it was a fairly high priority concern for me as a homeowner.

26 Inf
07-18-18, 16:30
Started to become clear that addicts weren't BSO's highest priority even though it was a fairly high priority concern for me as a homeowner.

Well, in your case it is clear that BSO was doing training on active shooter response while the schools were vacant.

Seriously, that is some BS, don't blame you at all for being upset.