View Full Version : Plans for election night

10-27-08, 04:36

What are your plans for election night?

Treating it like any other night?

Loading up and standing guard?

Cruising the town to see if there is any action?


There is a lot of fear in the air in my town concerning that night. Curious if it's the same in other places and what your personal plans are.

30 cal slut
10-27-08, 06:54
i would be really surprised if there was widespread voter-related unrest, given early voting initiatives in many states.

if there's going to be any, it's because the left-leaning media will be fanning the fires.

i suppose i'll be doing the usual -- get up early and vote when the polls open, go to work with a knot in my stomach, come home, kiss the bride, and go to bed. no tv for me that night.

10-27-08, 07:02
Most issues will simpy be lots of people being at one place in a short time frame. Hopefully, people meter thier flow in so there's not alot of bottleneck.

10-27-08, 07:17
I'm sure I'll be glued to a TV somewhere as always seeing how far the polls are off. I seriously doubt there will be any problems around where I live but who knows what will happen if another election is stolen.:D

10-27-08, 07:22

10-27-08, 09:14
I doubt very seriously there will be any kind of uprising.

I will be at home watching the TV very anxiously waiting for the winner to be announced.

10-27-08, 09:17

10-27-08, 09:43
I'll be hunkering down in my prepared fighting position watching for voter-fraud zombies!!! :D I hope the Claymore mines I ordered arrive before then. :p

10-27-08, 09:54
I'll be somewhere between CT and MT, driving 2,100+ miles on a little road trip with a buddy.

10-27-08, 10:10
I'll be working election day operations for one of the candidate's legal teams and watching media reports.

10-27-08, 10:13
Driving from one voting place to another heckling those in line too stupid to vote early and of course, picking up chicks!:D

10-27-08, 10:14
I'll be preparing to leave for Marietta, Ohio....

IF, of course, I don't get jammed up by the USSS while I'm doing prep-work for one of Obama's little campaign visits here in Virginia....:mad:

white spaniard
10-27-08, 12:24
That day happens to be my wife’ and I 8th. Anniversary were going out that evening th celebrate and try to get home before the supposedly riots happen.

10-27-08, 12:54
I am going to put the kids to bed, drink heavily, pass out, and try to mentally prepare myself for the following day in a new country. :(

10-27-08, 12:55
That day happens to be my wife’ and I 8th. Anniversary were going out that evening th celebrate and try to get home before the supposedly riots happen.

No worries - there will only be riots if McCain somehow wins. Otherwise there will celebration and jubilation in the streets. Happy days!!! Or, not so much.

10-27-08, 13:16

probably the same here

10-27-08, 13:22
Driving from one voting place to another...:D

I thought this post was going to turn out differently. "Vote early and often.":D

10-27-08, 16:57
No big plans here . . . go vote, go to work, come home, cook dinner, throw V for Vendetta in the DVD player, hit the sack when it's over.

I doubt this sleepy little town is gonna have any riots to quell.

10-27-08, 17:25
Plan to vote, go home and await the outcome.

Depending on the outcome, pull out a bottle of champagne, or act like a disgruntle gun owner (okay cry like a little girl..). :mad:

10-27-08, 17:26
Working at the Fire/EMS station for 48 hrs. Should be interesing since it is also a voting precint. :rolleyes:

10-27-08, 18:43
What are your plans for election night?

The missus and I probably will go to the polls, with our teenage spawns, after she gets home from work. I'll toast our freedom with a few sips of Knob Creek while watching the returns come in.

There is a lot of fear in the air in my town concerning that night.

I'm already catching wind of official readiness around here. My money's on Wednesday night, regardless of who wins.

It's like OSU fans after a football game: Win or lose, dumpsters are gonna burn.

I'll be somewhere between CT and MT, driving 2,100+ miles on a little road trip with a buddy.

I've lived in Connecticut and I've worked in Montana. I hope to gawd you're heading west.

10-28-08, 14:59
Going to sit in front of the TV with a knot in my stomach, drinking some Stranahans...and wait.

I say there will be issues no matter who wins...past would show that...

10-28-08, 20:10
Going to sit in front of the TV with a knot in my stomach, drinking some Stranahans...and wait.

good idea. i may have to hightail it back to colorado and not just for the stranahans

10-28-08, 22:21
Well since I'am in PA I won't start watching till around 9:00pm. Then I'll be glued till it ends! Hopefully it ends for our side!

10-29-08, 04:29
Flying counter-insurgency missions in Iraq, just like I have been doing for the last 405+ days. I guess the country I swore an oath to defend is going to be a little different than the one I left.

10-29-08, 04:44
I'll be preparing to leave for Marietta, Ohio....

Same here

10-29-08, 09:56
Avenger11, have you guys and gals been able to vote? What's the general consensus on the outcome of the election? Maybe you can let one or two of your munitions "slip" off the plane into Pakistan or Syria.

God be with you and stay safe. Thanks for protecting our freedom.

10-29-08, 15:33
Avenger11, have you guys and gals been able to vote? What's the general consensus on the outcome of the election?

Out of respect to ZDL, I don't want to make a comment that may be considered to be political or anything that may steer this thread into another political rant.

So that I don't appear rude, I will say that the majority of the soldiers I serve with have sent in absentee ballots. Who we voted for, well, that should be obvious. ;)

10-29-08, 16:03
I'll be firing up the press and cranking out IMPEACH ALI BAMA! bumper stickers!

10-29-08, 16:11
From Drudge



10-29-08, 22:50
I'll be covering the local elections here in PA. Thankfully my photo editor assigned me to cover the Republicans so I'll be with like kind. I'm not expecting trouble here, as our county is overall a very RED area, but downtown is much like Philly, with lots of BO supporters, so while the camera gear will be over the shoulders, I'll have my vest and other riot related gear in the car, just in case.

10-30-08, 02:44
Assuming I don’t have to work. If it is a blow out for Oboma like the media is telling us then I will know early ( I live on the west coast ) put the kids to bed, crack a cheep beer ( good beer is for celebrating ), pull out the credit card and order hi-caps. If it’s close, or looks like McCain will win then I will load up the hi-caps I have for the upcoming riot.:D

Army Chief
10-30-08, 19:01
How's this for strange? I'll be on an overnight flight to Frankfurt, Germany with absolutely no idea what is happening.


10-30-08, 19:09
How's this for strange? I'll be on an overnight flight to Frankfurt, Germany with absolutely no idea what is happening.


Hopefully it won't turn out to be a bad dream when you land and find out the news Chief.:rolleyes:

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-30-08, 19:47
I will probably be fiddling.

10-30-08, 20:19
i'll be digging a hole, wrapping my evil assault rifles in plastic and burying them so the authorities cant get 'em

10-31-08, 00:00
So I took 4 days of leave starting on the 4th, I will be glued to the internet as I don't have cable (gave it up 6 months ago haven't looked back) oh yeah and the AR's and Glocks and mags will be ready just in case.....

10-31-08, 17:20
.......I took Tues/Wed/Thurs off In case of potential uprising. I drive an overnight shuttle route for my company between Harrisburg-Lancaster-Philadelphia, and my company strictly forbids carry:rolleyes: I am not going to be caught in any Urban unrest like Reginald Denny was.

10-31-08, 22:19
Watching the returns praying that I won't have to run down to the gun shop Wednesday morning to put another Glock and five more mags on layaway.

10-31-08, 22:58
Don't forget to stand in line.

11-01-08, 00:00
By day I will keep working on my bunker, But in the darkness of the night I will
prepare my alternent fighting position................................................he went into younder village and never returned

Army Chief
11-01-08, 00:03
Hopefully it won't turn out to be a bad dream when you land and find out the news Chief.:rolleyes:

Obviously I concur, but John Noveske and I have been preparing for this very eventuality. ;)


11-01-08, 23:06
I'll most likely be killing off several 12 packs of Miller Lite... :o

11-01-08, 23:36
My plans for election night?
Hopefully, watching a stream of DVDs/VHS and avoiding listening to any news about the election. What will happen will happen; I see no sense in depressing myself any more than necessary. I guess I'll find out what happened the next morning.
I don't know who'll win ..... and at this point I don't care to watch the carnage.
The results will be unavoidable anyway.:(

11-02-08, 01:06
ust make sure you guys vote for a Obama free world :D

11-02-08, 01:51
Decapping brass and tumbling cases :cool:

11-02-08, 13:42
Sleeping during the day then working 1800-0600.

11-03-08, 12:48
I don't have TV, so I will probably learn about the results from my parents. I will probably be busy prepping for a trip and if i am not doing that, i will be watching Monty Python's The Holy Grail with my oldest son, who has never seen it. if i don't do something, I might start thinking about the pathetic excuses for Americans I share the country with.

No unrest predicted unless Obama loses, which I still think might very well happen or even a slimmer possibility of a surprise right hook win for mcCain. If THAT happens I guarantee there will be problems.

Cold Zero
11-03-08, 12:58
I will watch the election results. It is hard to beleive that right now is the good old days.:rolleyes:

Prediction: Obama by +5

Note: Yes, I will be voting.

11-03-08, 13:27
I will be staying away from TV unless Im watching a DVD or something. The constant stress of the things makes it hard for me to watch as I get too wrapped up in it!

11-03-08, 13:45

What are your plans for election night?

Treating it like any other night?

Loading up and standing guard?

Cruising the town to see if there is any action?


There is a lot of fear in the air in my town concerning that night. Curious if it's the same in other places and what your personal plans are.

Working 1800 to 0600 hours then off till Friday night.


11-03-08, 14:18
I am going to take all the lowers I collected, clean them up, stare and admire them and put it back to the safe. :D

11-03-08, 15:20
No unrest predicted unless Obama loses, which I still think might very well happen or even a slimmer possibility of a surprise right hook win for mcCain. If THAT happens I guarantee there will be problems.

That's what we have our guns for.. protection from bad rioters.

11-03-08, 15:35
School until 1500 and might be taking a friend out to vote if she needs a ride. Some time around 2200 there will be drinking, of what and for how long I'm not sure. ;)


11-04-08, 12:56
Going out to see the Bad Brains in concert in Downtown Washington D.C. Should be a fun time. Last night I saw henry Rollins, its 1982 all over again.

11-04-08, 13:40
Going out to see the Bad Brains in concert in Downtown Washington D.C. Should be a fun time. Last night I saw henry Rollins, its 1982 all over again.

ahhh the slip it in tour was pretty good :)

the only good thing about being 45 is I got to live through some cool late 70s early 80s fun

I used to be buddies with some guys from a group called "The Accused" they were out of Seattle and the Melvins and a few others from the original Seattle scene used to have some fun parties in those days
Bad Brains are great :) should be a killer time

11-04-08, 13:45
You are making me want to go home and listen to my seven seconds and MDC records. And thats exactly what blows about being 34, you missed all the good stuff unless you lived in one of the big cities and went to shows VERY young. All the currently 45 year old guys had all the real fun. I still go to hardcore shows with all my much much younger friends, at least it keeps me sorta young.

11-04-08, 19:45
Bottling five gallons of homebrew.


Tax free thanks to Jimmy Carter.:D

The only good thing he did.

11-04-08, 23:04
Send in an extra donation to the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and finish reading "Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution and What It Means for American Today"

11-04-08, 23:53
Send in an extra donation to the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and finish reading "Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution and What It Means for American Today"

Too bad Burr didn't shoot Hamilton sooner.

Marshall, too.

Army Chief
11-05-08, 05:05
I should have just stayed on the plane. :|


11-05-08, 06:19
I should have just stayed on the plane. :|

Negative. We need you on the ground. ;)

Jay Cunningham
11-05-08, 07:43
Barack Obama is President Elect.

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