View Full Version : Lt. Michael Murphy's memorial destroyed by a punk

07-20-18, 17:35

07-20-18, 17:53
A punk protected by harder men's ethical and moral obligation to the rule of law and family. Fact is, we all had the same thought seeing that busted stone.

07-20-18, 19:26
hope some karma catches up to the punk

07-20-18, 20:19
Sounds like someone's father needs to do a little "wall-to-wall counseling".

07-20-18, 20:44
Ok, I know what they can do to the punk. Give him a one way ride to Murphy's Ridge.

07-20-18, 20:45
Stocks in the town square for thirty days might teach him a new respect for veterans. Honor flights TO Long Island during those 30 days should be encouraged.


07-20-18, 21:09
Even at the height of my jackassery and extreme stupidity I knew things like memorials and graves were off limits. And I had plenty of access to them.

Worst we ever did was play kick the can in the Iowa Veterans Home cemetery at midnight, but nobody even suggested messing with anything while we were there. It was mostly a "prove your courage" stunt that 12 year olds dream up.

Some things were always off limits and even our band of "sometimes retards" couldn't imagine WTF was wrong with kids who would actually mess with graves, headstones, memorials, etc.

07-20-18, 21:12
Sounds like someone's father needs to do a little "wall-to-wall counseling".

He's damn lucky he's not my kid.

07-20-18, 22:32
His parents should be made to pay for his juvenile vandalism, e.g. Garnish wages, and kid should do 500 hrs community service to rebuild and maintain memorials in town such as this.

07-20-18, 22:35
His parents should be made to pay for his juvenile vandalism, e.g. Garnish wages, and kid should do 500 hrs community service to rebuild and maintain memorials in town such as this.

Works for me.

07-20-18, 23:32
The shit licker was arrested.


07-21-18, 02:20

Public shame was a highly effective deterrent, all the town folk stop by to hurl all manner of refuse upon the guilty party's personage; rotten cabbage, putrid fish heads, preloved prophylactics, used sanitary napkins, so on and so forth . . .

07-21-18, 14:29
From the local news broadcast this am, it sounds like the family has forgiven the POS and wants to talk to him.

07-21-18, 15:05
Luttrell posted a response to this on his IG that demonstrates the direction that we as a collective of groups aligned with conservative ideology should be taking. He offered to fly the kid to Texas and work with him to teach the values and respect that are obviously missing. Also, the Murphy family has gone public, offering forgiveness for a chance to describe to the kid why their son wouldn't beat his ass to a pulp for what he did. Good people IMO, and people I hope to be more similar to, than different from.

07-21-18, 16:30
Even at the height of my jackassery and extreme stupidity I knew things like memorials and graves were off limits. And I had plenty of access to them.

Worst we ever did was play kick the can in the Iowa Veterans Home cemetery at midnight, but nobody even suggested messing with anything while we were there. It was mostly a "prove your courage" stunt that 12 year olds dream up.

Some things were always off limits and even our band of "sometimes retards" couldn't imagine WTF was wrong with kids who would actually mess with graves, headstones, memorials, etc.

Born in 92 and I can echo this sentiment.

07-21-18, 16:37
From the local news broadcast this am, it sounds like the family has forgiven the POS and wants to talk to him.

And that's noble and all, but simply saying "He's young and made a mistake and we'd like to talk to him" pretty much gives him a HUGE pass. He should be washing police cars for a year with his pay going to restore the monument.

When you have to fix the shit you do, you start to do less shit.

07-21-18, 17:22
And that's noble and all, but simply saying "He's young and made a mistake and we'd like to talk to him" pretty much gives him a HUGE pass. He should be washing police cars for a year with his pay going to restore the monument.

When you have to fix the shit you do, you start to do less shit.

Exactly right, all this pass bullshit is how we have ended up with the assholes we currently have

07-21-18, 18:20
Exactly right, all this pass bullshit is how we have ended up with the assholes we currently have
If you want to fix stupid, you have to make "Stupid" very, very painful.
I lived in Crown Point Indiana for a while. They had a Juvenile Home for Boys.
If you looked out the front windows you saw the local High School and their football field. If you looked out the back windows you saw sports fields and parks where kids and families could have fun.
I have no doubt that was on purpose. When you can't be free, the most painful thing to see is free people having fun and good wholesome lives.
Yeah stupid should be very painful.

07-21-18, 19:47
When my son was about 8, he got into an argument with a classmate during recess and he said 'I'm going to get my dad's gun and shoot you'. My wife and I had warned him NEVER to threaten another kid in school with gun violence, and he f#$%ed up. When he got home, she gave him a hiding. That was the first time my wife had ever laid hands on him. She was crying while doing so, and expressed how disappointed she was in him (which was more of an impact on him than if she said she was angry). He also lost access to a bunch of stuff.

My kid has never gotten a 'pass'; there have ALWAYS been consequences for bad choices in behaviour. We're much more forgiving when it comes to academics, but when it comes to being courteous, showing gratitude, respect etc, we have zero tolerance if he screws up.

The time to talk, explain consequences, teach and nurture a kid is every day. Once the kid screws up, talking's over, and consequences begin. Love alone doesn't stop kids from doing the wrong thing. FEAR of getting caught and being punished does.

07-21-18, 20:01
When my son was about 8, he got into an argument with a classmate during recess and he said 'I'm going to get my dad's gun and shoot you'. My wife and I had warned him NEVER to threaten another kid in school with gun violence, and he f#$%ed up. When he got home, she gave him a hiding. That was the first time my wife had ever laid hands on him. She was crying while doing so, and expressed how disappointed she was in him (which was more of an impact on him than if she said she was angry). He also lost access to a bunch of stuff.

My kid has never gotten a 'pass'; there have ALWAYS been consequences for bad choices in behaviour. We're much more forgiving when it comes to academics, but when it comes to being courteous, showing gratitude, respect etc, we have zero tolerance if he screws up.

The time to talk, explain consequences, teach and nurture a kid is every day. Once the kid screws up, talking's over, and consequences begin. Love alone doesn't stop kids from doing the wrong thing. FEAR of getting caught and being punished does.
Thank you.

07-22-18, 14:16
hope some karma catches up to the punk

One of my nephews is a black belt in three styles, and a world champion in BJJ. Two of the styles are Korean based, and him working out a few hours a day 6 days a week accelerated his pace on rank advancement. The other style is Okinawan and he trained for 10 years (often brutally) with me before he made Shodan. This nephew is used on occasion when gang bangers, hood rats, or whatever you want to call them have parents who have had enough and want to bring their child to a martial arts school for "discipline". Most of the time the teen has previously been a member of the school. Anyway, the nephew does an admirable job of showing persons the error of their ways, and helping them understand their place in the food chain.

This nephew is incredibly helpful, respectful and humble, but he is like a raptor ready to be unleashed.

The 14 year old and his friends who thought it was funny to break up the memorial need help to understand the error of their ways...

07-22-18, 15:30
I'm sure the boy has an involved father in his life?

07-26-18, 18:07
I'm sure the boy has an involved father in his life?

Very much so, I don't think anyone in my family or extended family is a single parent, and all of them take children as a serious responsibility. Sadly, they aren't all developing combat drones or disciplined warriors, but I do what I can to help.

07-26-18, 20:44
Very much so, I don't think anyone in my family or extended family is a single parent, and all of them take children as a serious responsibility. Sadly, they aren't all developing combat drones or disciplined warriors, but I do what I can to help.

I'm glad the young man has a good support structure around him, but I was posing a cynical rhetorical question about the perp in the story. I do wonder about his father figure.

We see a fatherless (literally or effectively) trend in lots of crime committed by young men. I might have gone the wrong way in life - having no father - if it weren't for CAP setting me straight.