View Full Version : Will this ever end ...

10-27-08, 11:17
God Bless my wife she discovered a lump in her breast two weeks and she goes in for a biopsy 10-28-08 ... it doesn't look good according to her doctor. So again I beg for prayers from all my Bro's here at M4C ... it has always helped so much. I really dont know what I would do with out her ... I guess you guys would be splitting my gear up... in a worst case scenario I would have no reason to go on.
Sure I could be strong and hang in there but as Stephen King once wrote ...

Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.


10-27-08, 11:20
Prayers out, man. God bless.

10-27-08, 11:37
Will keep you both in my thoughts and send out prayers for her healing....

10-27-08, 11:57
I am new here, but I will for sure keep you both in my prayers.

10-27-08, 12:31
you and your wife have my prayers.

10-27-08, 12:38
Prayers with ya :)

but dude dont go talking like not going forward !!!!
I hear ya and kinda feel the same so I know where that is coming from !
no talk like that !!!!!! dont take your own life ever !!!! there is a reason you are on this earth and you have to fulfill that destiny my friend !!!!!

10-27-08, 12:42
Keep the faith bro. Prayers sent to you and your wife. Stay strong and hang in there. Don't even consider checking out. Get a 2nd and 3rd medical opinion. Breast cancer is not a death sentence for either of you.

10-27-08, 12:49
Prayers on the way with more to follow.

I'd suggest finding a support group. When its standing room only with survivors, you'll find that 1) many people understand and 2) the odds are pretty good. My wife's aunt had a similar experience and came through with flying colors.

10-27-08, 12:52
Don't give up hope! My Mom had breast cancer a few years ago and she came though it as well. She also found a good support group online that she says really helped her. It helps to talk to other people in the same situation.

10-27-08, 13:01
prayers to you & your wife. I know it's hard but chin up bro.

10-27-08, 13:05
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

10-27-08, 13:52
My prayers go out to you and your wife. The links aren't meant to be anything other than to direct you to the one who is in control.

Cancer (http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/breast-cancer-diagnosis-faq.htm)

Depression and Suicide (http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/depression-and-suicide-faq.htm)

10-27-08, 14:10
I have walked part of the path you are on, and been there as others have went where you are going; nothing i can say will help. but there is something you can do that will help. Your wife is your anchor right now, giving you stability and reason to live. but there are other anchors, and you need to find them. Maybe they are things that you share with your wife, or perhaps they are things that you do alone, but focus on those activities that have given you a sense of purpose and enjoyment in the past. Right now they are meaningless, but mark them in your mind and force yourself to bring them out and remember why you enjoyed them (new black rifle??). And do not think that your wife is leaving or that you may be alone; cross that bridge when it comes. For now, enjoy her company and concentrate on helping her also remember her "anchors" and help distract her from what is also going through her mind.

good hunting!

........and tell me the idea behind The Yin-Yang.


10-27-08, 14:38
Our prayers are with both of you.

It would be sad to lose your wife and I have no idea what it would be like but hang in there, God will bring you both through it. :cool:

The scripture that always helps me through tough times:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil; for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23

10-27-08, 14:49
Here's hoping for nothing a friendly smile and a joke about laundry can't cure. Best wishes to you and your wife.


10-27-08, 15:27
You are the best friends I've never met in my life - thank you all very much and as far as checking out... ending it all its just how I feel now knowing I might have to face the grim reality of life. I've stared down a barrel of a gun a
' Saddle Tramp' was pointing at me once and this has me more worried.
But a person cannot help but be very sad when a flower he has watched grow into a thing of beauty withers and the end of the season. I would surely miss her she is my ' True North' and if waking alone up meant being strong I know I could but it would be so empty without her in my days.
Honu not to worry ... its not the end but BC does run in her family and her Mother is getting Chemotherapy as I type for breast cancer. Defeatism may have been part of my life once until I learned to win but suicide never has entered my mind and never will- rest assured .... Thanks Again my friends

Michael R. George

10-27-08, 15:38
God's richest blessings on you both!

10-27-08, 15:44
Stay strong brother. Good luck and God bless

10-27-08, 16:15
Hey man my prayers are definatly with you and your wife. Stay strong and hang in there. NOTHING is impossible for God and yet i often forget that He can help me no matter what problems I am facing. I forget the reference but this is one of my favorite verses.. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." God be with you bro.

10-27-08, 16:51
You and your wife are in my prayers. Keep the faith, brother.

10-27-08, 20:27
Michael, stay strong and look forward towards sharing a million of precious moments with your wife for many years to come. First, you don't know if it is cancer. Second, if it is, it is beatable - more often than not. Here are two links you might find informative.



10-27-08, 23:49
I took the same ride with my ex-wife a couple years ago. She came through it and so far she's doing ok, though the hair style is a lil different:).

You need to remain strong for her. She doesn't need the stress of worrying about you right now. That stress is the last thing she needs. Try to keep things light and accept it for what it is.

I don't pray much but I will for the best outcome of your situation

Good Luck.

10-28-08, 02:04
Just was laying outside in the grass watching for a Shooting Star to make a wish on. I swore I'd lay there til sunup if it took that long nice clear night 45 degrees real relaxing ... I saw two Shooting Stars in a matter of seconds and my wifes health was wished on them both. Maybe it was a sign from our Dear Lord above.


10-28-08, 15:08
I do not have to know you to understand or to feel part of what you must be feeling.

My own wife has a condition that, while currently controlled, could easily take her from me under thr right set of awful circumstances.

Though I myself love life and would have to go on, it would be with an emptiness as deep as Everest is high and as dark as the darkest night. I, like you, am with the love of my life.

Blessings and Peace to you my friend and to your wife as well.

10-28-08, 18:02
I will keep you and your lovely wife in my prayers. This weekend we will celebrate my MIL's 5 year anniversary of being cancer free.

Stay strong and trust in The Lord!

BigJim #1-8
10-28-08, 18:25
We will lift You & Your Wonderful Wife in our Prayers.
I live in Missouri also,if there's anything I can do,PM.


10-28-08, 23:58
We went through this in 2005. After two surgeries and chemo she is now over three years out and cancer free so far. It's a tough road but the treatments they do now days increase survival dramatically.

One of the main things you can do is go to every appointment with her and take notes. She will be in in a state of shock at the diagnosis and will be overwhelmed by the mass of information and options thrown at her. Start keeping a log of what and when medical treatments are given to help with the insurance battles that may come. The information you gather will allow you to challenge health insurance company denials down the road if necessary.

We lucked out in that we both had supplemental cancer coverage that helped tremendously as we had a lot of travel involved that was not covered by our regular health insurance.

The first 18 months were very difficult with the surgeries and chemo but my wife was able to return to her teaching job and will retire on schedule at the end of this year.

Let her know you are there for her no matter what as her attitude will make a big difference in recovery time. I hope things work out for the best. Our thoughts will be with you.


10-29-08, 00:58
My familys thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Keep your chin up and your spirits high. God bless!!

10-29-08, 10:12
you and your family are in my prayers.

btw, my sister is a cancer survivor going on eight years now. it wasn't easy but her mantra was, "this too shall pass." we never know what our capacity to endure and overcome is till we challenge it. you and your wife are stronger than you know.

God Bless...

10-29-08, 15:50
Didn't look to good -per the Witch Doctor we should know tomorrow if it is cancer or just some other kind of lump ... Thanks for all the prayers.
I have heeded much advice given here and although her friends gave us 6 months 15 years ago due to her being such a high maintenence woman.
I have always spent much attention to her 'pleasure' not that kind - well not always that kind but I have always rubbed her feet with lotion and I hate that shit and 'I am the foot farkin master.'
Have always massaged her back I am hard pressed for what else I can do but I told her last night ... we are going to church Sunday I generally go for funerals only. That pleased her to no end. This is the first year in a decade she has not taught PSR and Sunday school ...I stayed home and cleaned the house. But I feel its time to get to know my inner self better and I think church can help and I want to take confession - although I will have a hard time looking at a a priest and wondering what kind of perversion is spinning in his head, but I will give it a try, they cant all be pedophiles which has been my belief in recent years.
Wish me/us luck ... I am not an Athiest but I believe in Evolution more than 2008 year old hearsay but I will hear it with my heart since , my wife may be closer to that point than I can understand. And if the outcome is not good I would like one day to see her again.


6:05 10-30 still no word ...

The Doctor called 10-31 ... yes my wife has breast cancer a mild form or so she sez - so maybe my stars allowed it to be caught in time and will be operable and it will be gone ! Our consultation is on Tuesday we'll see how it goes then.

I pray I pray ...

11-02-08, 13:47
I had a couple of revelations since my last post ...I went to Church this morning took a confessional - first in over 40 years the poor priest looked like he was looking at Satan hisself :D- police check me out I am a law abiding citizen pay my bills etc etc etc and unless I kill a human being in COLD BLOOD since the other 9 commandments are not broken as my word and my Mantra ... I felt my participation in Heaven was guaranteed unless I committed murder in the 1st...
I usually only go to church for funerals. I am sorry I have trouble with any man who can restrain himself from his loinial desires its going pop somewhere and with all threads on all the boards about Pedophile Clergy I am not going there but I had this revelation that even if I passed the Schwinn test at the Pearly Gates for not breaking the '10' being a good all around guy etc etc ... a thought came to me ... ' What if I am asked if I believed ? It was that simple it was like a large caliber round narrowing missing your cranium ...what do I know about a large caliber round just missing your cranium, I just told you ... I'd have to lie and get busted and drop straight into HELL.
I want to assure my wife which in a round about way alot of my Bro's here on M4C have suggested that until she expires I will be by her side and I will do whatever I can in order to give her piece of mind THAT I will join her in the after life. Now I am not born again and will never be a 'Holy-Roller' type but I want to stop the dis-trust of my fellow man and live life and love living it so that my wife has HOPE ! I feel stronger all the standing killed me and as we knelt in prayer my hips took me to a new level of agony I had yet to experience
and I kept looking at Jesus and figured that was worse pain thought of Senator McCain in the Hilton ... thought of all our strong young men and women in the ARMED FORCES whose votes who may not count for some reason :mad: ... and I thought of life itself and it is full of pain and discomfort of all kinds but those personal agonies can be offset with kindness and love.


11-17-08, 00:02
My wife has her Breast Cancer surgery in the morning ... her diagnosis indicated the cancer was caught in the early stages and my wife sez the lump has not increased in size. She had a test done last week to determine if the cancer had spread to her bones and it had not OH THANK GOD. Then she took another test to see if it was 'the gene' which is wasn't. One more test in the morning
-pre surgery nuclear exam to see if it has speard into her lymph nodes ...
I hope not - I pray not.
She will be having what I think is called a lumpectomy something or other ? ? But it will be extracted by this time tomorrow and with all the support and prayers my fellow members @M4C have pledged I ask for one more prayer and I am sure I will have better news this time tomorrow.

Thank you everyone

Michael George

11-17-08, 00:08
once again you and your family have my entire familys thoughts and prayers with you! stay strong

11-17-08, 00:21
Michael -- Be strong. Not just for yourself, but for your wife. We'll certainly have you in our thoughts and hope for the best possible outcome after her surgery.

I was diagnosed with cancer at age 35. My first doctor told me I'd be dead before the year was out. More than anything else, my wife made the difference in keeping my spirits up and remaining positive through the whole experience. Anyone who's been through it will tell you the same ... it's the family and close friends who share the experience that keep you going.

If you haven't already, I'd strongly suggest you get the LIVESTRONG Survivorship Notebook. (http://www.store-laf.org/nt002.html/) They're free and have a great deal of information for helping both of you during this experience.

11-17-08, 00:28

I'll say a prayer for a quick and complete recovery. My sister found out just last Friday (when they did the ultrasound) that she needs to get a biopsy for a lump that they found in one of her breasts as well.

You and your wife are not alone!!

11-17-08, 08:36
I send you the healing energy that only a Jedi has! Much love, and prayers.

12-08-08, 14:14
Well, Mrs HAMMERDROP had several cancerous lymph nodes successfully removed this morning and as with her last surgery a biopsy will determine if any more cancer exists. I pray its done ...the stress trying to be strong is just killing our spirit. I have to demonstrate my true salt in the next 3 weeks as I will be taking care of her. Its ruff as hell to be optimistic about a snipers bullet.
3 days after her surgery on 11-20 my best friend crashed his Harley and was killed we are both diminished. He was such a good friend to all who knew him,
I miss him terribly.
It was not alcohol related, after visiting the scene I can only rationalize that his 14-16 hour work days finally wore him down I cannot get that fence which surrounds Lambert St Louis Int'l Airport out of my mind...at 41 we all feel invincible and want to live 24 hours a day. Exhaustion can kill.
In this life he was known as 'Tito' in death his name is Daniel Cochran he was 41 years regardless of what the paper stated. It was such a bad call to get, may I make a suggestion? Tell those you care about that you do as today may be your last chance.
A good friend explained this morning to me that all this bad luck is happening because my (everyones) true enemy in this life is losing his control over me and its pissin' him off. Be that as it may, God answered my prayers again this morning and until the results from this biopsy come I feel like we have a little wiggle room.

But I wanted to ask for more prayers for both my wife and my best friend since their holiday season has already come and gone... but you guys are the best and have stood by without question and for that I Thank each and every one of you and may you all have Merry Christmas' .

Michael George

12-08-08, 14:49

I am very sorry to hear about your friend. I can only imagine how difficult it is to deal with all that you are going through right now....

I am thankful to hear your wife's surgery was successful and I will be praying that the results are good news.

I am glad that you have friends who are encouraging you, we all need that even when times are not as difficult. Lean on them and don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Many folks are ready and willing to help but will be unsure of what to do. Many will respond eagerly to a request.

It is good to hear that you can see God's hand in your life. He has promised to "never leave" those who place their faith in him. Trust in that and never allow the Evil One to convince you otherwise, he is a liar.

I will continue to keep you, your wife, and your friend's family in our prayers.

I know God will see you through this difficult time. Have faith and take good care of your gal!


12-08-08, 15:17
Somehow I missed all this previously. My very sincerest prayers are with you and she, Michael. It sounds like she has a real good chance to get through this, so keep the faith.

K.L. Davis
12-08-08, 15:37

Please know that in spite of the fact that I seem to fall off the map now and then, that you and yours are in my prayers every day -- You have been there with kind words and encouragement when I needed it, and it is deeply appreciated and respected.

May the Lord Bless you and yours Michael... it is an honor to call you friend.


Robb Jensen
12-08-08, 18:30
Prayers sent for both you and your wife Michael. Keep the faith brother.

12-08-08, 18:55
Sorry to hear about your wife, stay strong these days it's not an automatic death sentence. Fight it.

12-08-08, 18:57
Prayers sent for you and your wife. I'll light a candle for you. I have been there with my wife seven years ago. We made it through and I beleive you will too. :)

12-08-08, 21:09
Michael, my wife and I will both say a prayer tonight for you and your wife. My condolences on the loss of your friend. Stay strong...

12-08-08, 23:25
All my love and prayers to you and yours. I would not want to even think of a life without my love, my wife. God Bless.


12-10-08, 20:08
Everyone for your prayers and support...she is home. And most important is that
the 14 lymph nodes extracted were all negative for cancer !!!!!!!!
I am so exhausted from the long nights and days waiting 'on the dangle' to hear this news.
She sez a BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone and is very appreciaitive
for all the support and direction everyone has given me.
Of course we both know its a long and winding road ahead of us but as tired as
I am of bad news I am encouraged that this will be put behind us.
And I can be counted on to keep the Kojac comments to myself...:D

Thanks again

Michael & Kathy

12-10-08, 20:51
Please excuse me but, Whoo Hooo!

PTL for the negative report.

Keep your chin up Michael. Give your lady another hug and the Lord his due.
