View Full Version : Crunch re: A5 extensions

07-23-18, 09:27
Does anyone have any numbers regarding the effects of an A5 extension and/or the varying of different buffer weights?

Given that there was a recent Crane test series regarding the URG-I showing changes in cyclic rates and chamber pressures, both trending towards reliability and parts longevity, I began to wonder what the specific stats are for the A5 system.

It stands to reason that the A5 system should have impacts on cyclic rate and duration of lockup. I'd also be interested to see some crunch about the acceleration/deceleration of the BCG at carbine vs mid chamber pressures with an A5 and various buffers. The heavier the buffer, ergo, the slower the cycling and the longer the lockup. In theory, the A5 provides a much better working environment, but do we have any empirical data to back that up?

I haven't heard of anyone doing any such testing. Did I just miss it, or does it not exist?

07-23-18, 19:00
I remember a thread from a few years back with cyclic rates for various A5 buffer weights from a shorty 416 upper, suppressed and unsuppressed. Bottom line is the heavier A5 buffers do drop the cyclic rate. Sorry I'm not on a desktop right now, otherwise I'd find it for you.

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