View Full Version : Banning specific Reporters from White House events?

07-26-18, 12:31
Recently a CNN Reporter was banned from a White House event after annoying the POTUS by shouting embarrassing questions at him as he was walking away.
I'm torn on this one. I can see both sides, a need for access and a need for a code of conduct for these guys.
What do you think?

We can probably name two or three of these guys that have an agenda and a record of bad behaviour and untruths but banning them?

07-26-18, 12:44
Nope, she was banned because she wouldn't leave the Oval Office after being asked to do so.

07-26-18, 12:49
So repeatedly shouting Cohen questions had nothing to do with it?
She's claiming Shine and Sanders specifically called her out on her questions.
CNN was told they could send another Reporter, which somewhat supports her story.

To be honest, I would love to see Jim Accosta get punched in the mouth.

07-26-18, 13:13
She was the pool reporter for the event, that is the only reason Fox is 'supporting' her. She was the reporter allowed to cover the event on EU-US trade and she starts yelling and won't stop yelling Cohen questions. The press availability is over and in true MSM entitled fashion she won't stop yelling off-topic questions. She's asked to leave and she won't.

Cover the event on hand and don't dwell on questions on your 'exclusive' tapes that you are running on your network, misrepresenting what is and isn't on the tape all in the name of attacking POTUS. She was doing a commercial for her network- why is that so hard to understand.

Frankly, I'd be de-leveraging these people. Keep them out, release tape and a statement from events. Hold press briefings and don't allow taping. Hold an actual press conference now and then.

Linear, commercial supported, force fed TV/cable is following print media off the plank. All the MSM wants to do is misconstrue, misdirect and tout opinion as straight news. Screw them.

I'd ban the press from all events for a week. Want in an event, get a ticket or get invited. Sit in the crowd with the bloggers.

We turned Freedom of Religion to freedom from religion, we can turn freedom of the press to freedom from the press. I'd rather watch a 45 minutes discussion on youtube between people than the force fed and crammed between commercials titled propaganda that we see on cable now.

07-26-18, 13:18
We know longer have a free press.

The Fourth Estate is now the Fifth Column.

The MSM is not fake news, it's far more sinister as a propaganda mechanism. I'm not worried in the least if this administration bans various propagandists from events. This is not an attack of the free press IMHO.

07-26-18, 13:39
Trump should build the Thunderdome on the White House lawn and make the press fight eachother for the right to ask questions.

07-26-18, 15:32
The reporters should be reasonably polite. If the show their asses throw them out!!

07-26-18, 16:04
I would not even let them on AF1.

They can fly commercial.

07-26-18, 16:38
Screw'em all including FOX.. If I were pres. I'd throw'em all out of the WH, and hand out a printed press breifing once a week, and that's all they'd get. Anybody bitches about that and they get nothing.. I don't have any use whatsoever for the press..Frankly, I don't even watch the news any more because I'm tired of all the propganda from either side..I ****ing hate them all...

07-26-18, 16:50
Frankly, I'd be de-leveraging these people. Keep them out, release tape and a statement from events. Hold press briefings and don't allow taping. Hold an actual press conference now and then.

Linear, commercial supported, force fed TV/cable is following print media off the plank. All the MSM wants to do is misconstrue, misdirect and tout opinion as straight news. Screw them.

I'd ban the press from all events for a week. Want in an event, get a ticket or get invited. Sit in the crowd with the bloggers.

We turned Freedom of Religion to freedom from religion, we can turn freedom of the press to freedom from the press. I'd rather watch a 45 minutes discussion on youtube between people than the force fed and crammed between commercials titled propaganda that we see on cable now.

Damned well said.

07-26-18, 17:26
We have a right to free speech. We don’t have a right to access to see what is going on 24x7x365 wherever we want whenever we want. If they don’t want her in, then she should use her freedom of speech to let everyone know. Oh wait, she did.

07-26-18, 17:28
As already posted, keep them off AF1, it is an airborne command platform, not a mobile press vehicle.

Regarding news outlets being at events, it is simple in my mind. If they can't follow rules and requests, they are out. If they are yelling off topic agenda driven statements thinly disguised as questions, throw them out. The caveat to this is that there needs to be an open forum at some point where off topic questions can be asked, but those can be to the PR rep, they don't need to have insulting questions thrown at the president.

07-26-18, 18:45
No issues with this.

The Alamo is open to the public.
If you get banned for pissing on it, good call.

If you get banned for writing down names off the wall and then doing biographies warts and all on some of the defenders, bad call.

They were free to go off and do their warts story, and got banned for pissing on the event basically.

07-26-18, 18:52
I dare you to go into the CNN building and scream off topic questions at the staff. Wonder how fast you’d be escorted out and banned from the building.

The press have ZERO right to access POTUS or anyone for that matter. They are being given an opportunity to ask questions and try to gather answers. If they are incapable of being professional about it then they need to be kicked to the curb. I’d like to see the admin go to nothing but handed out press releases and take any messages they deem important enough for the “people” to the web, YouTube whatever. With the exponential growth of and access to technology, the “media” can be made to go the same route as printed newspapers; the way of the dodo bird. Let’s see how they like it when their ability to “interpret” facts is severely limited.

07-26-18, 20:31
The reporters should be reasonably polite. If the show their asses throw them out!!



07-27-18, 02:50
Just in case anyone forgets: "Obama Admin Excludes The New Yorker From Press Access After Satirical Cover - Huffington Post" (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/21/obamas-revenge-emnew-york_n_113969.html) And yeah, that's the HuffPo from almost EXACTLY ten years ago (7/21/08), so don't go clicking if you don't want them rewarded with the advertising dollars. Though I specifically selected their link because it was one of the very few times that they had the audacity to be critical of his highness Barack... You'll note that they fell in line quickly.

The above is only one of several times that Obama did not allow someone "access" out of revenge for what his admin felt was a slight. He also had several people removed from the Press Room for bad behavior. The behavior issues I fully agree with. Yes, the press should ask ANY President the tough questions, but when you're one of a few selected from a pool to cover a specific event, don't go trying to turn it into your networks agenda. As Barack himself said when he lived there, "don't come into my house acting like that." (And yes, he said that when he had a transgender reporter removed for shouting questions about deportation of gay refugees... Again, somehow his excellency can deport gay refugees and then throw out reporters trying to address it, and it's forgotten history.)

Fox News can go to hell with their "support." I cut the cable ages ago, and while I do miss Fox Business, I can catch most of their stuff online.

07-27-18, 05:15
Just in case anyone forgets: "Obama Admin Excludes The New Yorker From Press Access After Satirical Cover - Huffington Post" (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/21/obamas-revenge-emnew-york_n_113969.html) And yeah, that's the HuffPo from almost EXACTLY ten years ago (7/21/08), so don't go clicking if you don't want them rewarded with the advertising dollars. Though I specifically selected their link because it was one of the very few times that they had the audacity to be critical of his highness Barack... You'll note that they fell in line quickly.

The above is only one of several times that Obama did not allow someone "access" out of revenge for what his admin felt was a slight. He also had several people removed from the Press Room for bad behavior. The behavior issues I fully agree with. Yes, the press should ask ANY President the tough questions, but when you're one of a few selected from a pool to cover a specific event, don't go trying to turn it into your networks agenda. As Barack himself said when he lived there, "don't come into my house acting like that." (And yes, he said that when he had a transgender reporter removed for shouting questions about deportation of gay refugees... Again, somehow his excellency can deport gay refugees and then throw out reporters trying to address it, and it's forgotten history.)

Fox News can go to hell with their "support." I cut the cable ages ago, and while I do miss Fox Business, I can catch most of their stuff online.

Bing bango.

I actually returned to this thread to give everyone a refresher on "The Obama Effect" but see that you have beat me to it.

He was and is still untouchable by the MSM, their great golden calf indeed.

07-27-18, 07:38
I dare you to go into the CNN building and scream off topic questions at the staff. Wonder how fast you’d be escorted out and banned from the building.

That has "Louder with Crowder" written all over it....

07-27-18, 19:34
She was the pool reporter for the event, that is the only reason Fox is 'supporting' her. She was the reporter allowed to cover the event on EU-US trade and she starts yelling and won't stop yelling Cohen questions. The press availability is over and in true MSM entitled fashion she won't stop yelling off-topic questions. She's asked to leave and she won't.

Cover the event on hand and don't dwell on questions on your 'exclusive' tapes that you are running on your network, misrepresenting what is and isn't on the tape all in the name of attacking POTUS. She was doing a commercial for her network- why is that so hard to understand.

Frankly, I'd be de-leveraging these people. Keep them out, release tape and a statement from events. Hold press briefings and don't allow taping. Hold an actual press conference now and then.

Linear, commercial supported, force fed TV/cable is following print media off the plank. All the MSM wants to do is misconstrue, misdirect and tout opinion as straight news. Screw them.

I'd ban the press from all events for a week. Want in an event, get a ticket or get invited. Sit in the crowd with the bloggers.

We turned Freedom of Religion to freedom from religion, we can turn freedom of the press to freedom from the press. I'd rather watch a 45 minutes discussion on youtube between people than the force fed and crammed between commercials titled propaganda that we see on cable now.

What he said, **** 'em all. Let 'em squeal.

07-31-18, 12:42
Jim Acosta is now upset that someone raised their voice to him while attempting to move several dozen reporters out of a meeting.
The irony...