View Full Version : Game Of Thrones (for newbies

07-28-18, 11:37
I have only recently started watching GOT. Never saw an episode until a few weeks ago. Just finished watching season 2. One reason I never watched it was due to being burned by HBO on not just one, but two shows they got me hooked on (Deadwood and Carnival) then just stopped making. That really pissed me off, so I vowed to not get hooked into some series until it existed a while to avoid that. I broke that rule with West World, but that's another topic. Back to GOT: Is it all that and a bag of chips? So far, yes, I can say it's utterly engrossing stuff. It's not as well made as say Deadwood or Rome was, but it's got everything you expect from a good HBO series, and I'll be interested to see how they were able to stretch it for so many seasons. If you have not seen GOT (maybe I'm the only one on the planet?) I can recommend it for sure, at least as far as the 20 shows I have viewed to date. So far A-

07-28-18, 11:55
As a long-time GOT fan, I can honestly say the first 2 seasons were the best.
I feel like some people are perhaps a little *too* picky, but personally I think they're all just fine. There's one or two seasons that are a little slow, but the overall story and characters are still interesting enough to carry it.
I would counter the rating and say the first 2-4 seasons were A+ material, with a couple later on perhaps dropping into B+ territory.
I could come up with a couple other minor gripes with certain characters and show direction, but none of them are so bad they'll make you care enough to stop watching.

07-28-18, 11:56
GOT is awesome, season 3 is great, 4 is fun, 5 is awful and boring, then it gets fun again. We are rewatching it right now, and are midway through season 5 again. This show is life.

07-28-18, 14:09
I have only recently started watching GOT. Never saw an episode until a few weeks ago. Just finished watching season 2. One reason I never watched it was due to being burned by HBO on not just one, but two shows they got me hooked on (Deadwood and Carnival) then just stopped making. That really pissed me off, so I vowed to not get hooked into some series until it existed a while to avoid that. I broke that rule with West World, but that's another topic. Back to GOT: Is it all that and a bag of chips? So far, yes, I can say it's utterly engrossing stuff. It's not as well made as say Deadwood or Rome was, but it's got everything you expect from a good HBO series, and I'll be interested to see how they were able to stretch it for so many seasons. If you have not seen GOT (maybe I'm the only one on the planet?) I can recommend it for sure, at least as far as the 20 shows I have viewed to date. So far A-

I hear ya. Loved Rome and wish they had the money to develop a few more series, but they actually wrapped it up nicely, much better than how they ended the Sopranos. Liked Deadwood but not sure it was as good as Rome or anything else, especially since they seemed to end it with one less than satisfying episode.

But Game of Thrones really is there. I usually don't give a crap about the Dragons and Knights stuff, the only one I ever really liked was Excalibur (1981). Couldn't even get into Camelot even with Eva Green playing the perfect Morgana, everything else was weak especially Merlin.

But Game of Thrones delivers, it's got parts that are annoying. Bran the seer kind of irritates me. And like Band of Brothers it takes several viewings to remember who the hell everyone is so you can actually give a damn about their characters, but Daenerys somehow makes it all worth it.

07-28-18, 14:21
I hear ya. Loved Rome and wish they had the money to develop a few more series, but they actually wrapped it up nicely, much better than how they ended the Sopranos. Liked Deadwood but not sure it was as good as Rome or anything else, especially since they seemed to end it with one less than satisfying episode.

But Game of Thrones really is there. I usually don't give a crap about the Dragons and Knights stuff, the only one I ever really liked was Excalibur (1981). Couldn't even get into Camelot even with Eva Green playing the perfect Morgana, everything else was weak especially Merlin.

But Game of Thrones delivers, it's got parts that are annoying. Bran the seer kind of irritates me. And like Band of Brothers it takes several viewings to remember who the hell everyone is so you can actually give a damn about their characters, but Daenerys somehow makes it all worth it.

They ended it in the height of its popularity, left on a cliff hanger for the next season, got into a pissing match with the actors over $, and simply canceled it as an "F U" to them apparently. Leaving a whole lot of pissed off people, including me. I thought Carnival was fantastic and highly recommended, but they did the same thing: left viewers on a big cliff hanger for the next season and then cancelled it, so I can't recommend it unless you don't mind being left hanging like Deadwood.

I never got into the Sopranos. I actually knew guys like them growing up in Brooklyn in the 70s, and to me, seen one Mobster movie or Sopranos, kinda seen them all. Seen Godfather 1 and II 100 times and Goodfellas a bunch of times, and that pretty much covers my Mob interests. the handful of Sopranos I saw I enjoyed, but did not lock me in enough to follow it years and years.

07-28-18, 19:57
GOT started developing some real problems here and there in season 5, more so in season 6 and really started going full retard in season 7. As a big fan this fact pains me.
I'm not generally a medieval fantasy story fan but I liked the show so much that I started reading the books after watching the first two seasons and eventually read all the currently published books in the series.
It's no coincidence in my opinion that the issues started to crop up as the show began to outrun the available book material.

07-28-18, 20:10
Rome was awesome, I really enjoyed it but I like reading stuff on that time period. I enjoyed GOT more earlier on but now I'm just in it for the ending.

07-28-18, 20:15
If you have not seen GOT (maybe I'm the only one on the planet?)

I have not watched a single episode of GOT. I do have co-workers who are totally into it, though. Once a show has gone past a couple of seasons, it's really difficult for me to make the time to binge-watch (although I do like binge watching). After the last couple of seasons of The Walking Dead, I felt like I wasted my time following it.
I do see Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) at the rock climbing gym though with his two kids. I've seen him in other films and he's one actor that looks just like you'd expect him to from the characters he plays. Some actors are shorter in real life than you'd expect, but he really is a big guy with a booming voice.

07-28-18, 23:30
GOT is good, but the last season seemed to so rushed to get things in place for the next season to get things so it can all be wrapped up in time. I'm hooked now and the wife in engaged on it, so we are locked in for the rest of the run.

Alex V
07-29-18, 16:31
Best show on TV. Period.

07-29-18, 17:25
Best show on TV. Period.

Now we know who has a dragon fetish. Best show? Maybe seasons 1-3. They had better pull a Godfather II for what is left. "Billions" is as good. "Ray Donovan" suffers from the same season drop off. "The Americans" gives it a run for the money. You better sound off that you love "Band of Brothers".... though I'm willing to give you a deferment on "The Pacific". "Mad Men", "Better Call Saul", and "Breaking Bad" all are staunch competitors with out all the special effects and nipples.

07-29-18, 18:01
Now we know who has a dragon fetish. Best show? Maybe seasons 1-3. They had better pull a Godfather II for what is left. "Billions" is as good. "Ray Donovan" suffers from the same season drop off. "The Americans" gives it a run for the money. You better sound off that you love "Band of Brothers".... though I'm willing to give you a deferment on "The Pacific". "Mad Men", "Better Call Saul", and "Breaking Bad" all are staunch competitors with out all the special effects and nipples.
well said :)

billions is great I do hope they do not jump the shark

the Americans did a great job I think of wrapping it up

Band of Brothers there is no equal :) and for sure its not The Pacific which is fine but nothing great to me

I do have to go and willing to go back and watch GOT just so I can make more sense of things as was said above character feeling and so on its quite large and a lot to take in while also just letting the mind go and enjoying so it has repeat that other shows like the Americans does not have or Ray Donovan as awesome as it is no desire to watch again where GOT and BoB has that I have to watch it again which I think is what makes a series great

Alex V
07-29-18, 20:58
Now we know who has a dragon fetish. Best show? Maybe seasons 1-3. They had better pull a Godfather II for what is left. "Billions" is as good. "Ray Donovan" suffers from the same season drop off. "The Americans" gives it a run for the money. You better sound off that you love "Band of Brothers".... though I'm willing to give you a deferment on "The Pacific". "Mad Men", "Better Call Saul", and "Breaking Bad" all are staunch competitors with out all the special effects and nipples.

Maybe it's a wolf fetish? lol

All shows have drop off and even GoT suffers from it. The problem is that HBO ran out of story and their writers can't hold a handle to Martin. They also had to make some hard decisions which I feel hurt the show. Not bringing in Lady Stoneheart is one such mistake.

I did enjoy Band of Brothers, it was a very well done show but you can't compare a 10 episode miniseries with 7 seasons and 67 episodes. No other show has the width and breath of characters and locations epic battle scenes and so on.

Personally I couldn't get into Breaking Bad. Everyone says it's a good show but we got like 5 episodes in and I walked away. GoT had me after Episode 1. I read the books so maybe that makes me a bit bias but I genuinely feel that it's the best show on TV. My all time favorite is still XFiles, Walking Dead totally jumped the shark, West World Season 2 was disappointing, GoT still has me waiting for Sunday night.

07-29-18, 21:23
Never saw an episode of GoT and at this point don't think ill have the time

Alex, give Breaking Bad another chance. Great character development throughout the series. Gets better in S2
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07-30-18, 15:09
Wife and I dig it, I have not read the books so I am sure that makes it easier but it's pretty solid for a show. We put it off for years, my brothers and co workers wore me about it monthly, finally watched it on blu ray and wow!

07-30-18, 15:46
Wife and I dig it, I have not read the books so I am sure that makes it easier but it's pretty solid for a show. We put it off for years, my brothers and co workers wore me about it monthly, finally watched it on blu ray and wow!

I'm now into beginning of season 3 and still enjoying it.

08-01-18, 22:11
...Personally I couldn't get into Breaking Bad. Everyone says it's a good show but we got like 5 episodes in and I walked away....

BB is really one of those shows you're either going to love, or hate. There really doesn't seem to be a lot of in-between with that show, I feel like the style of the filming/storytelling is very unique and what plays a lot into making it not for everybody.
It's also depressing as hell, and very mentally taxing to watch, much like Ray Donovan and Sons of Anarchy in its' later seasons- so maybe NOT bingwatching it would also help- watch a season, take a break, then come back and do the next, and so forth.

I had actually sort of written "Rome" off after watching [most of] Spartacus and being somewhat unimpressed... guess I'll have to check it out.

09-03-18, 11:43
I'm now staring season 7. I have power watched GOT since starting the thread, some days 3 episodes in a row. It's been fun condensing years of a show into a few months. I can see why it's been so popular. Still not fully caught up, so no spoilers! Impressed they have been able to keep it so good for so long, but I can also see why it's about time to rap it up, and not let it drag once the various major plot lines converge and such.

09-03-18, 13:10
Season 7 is a train wreck in my opinion. I mean, I'm still going to watch Season 8 when it comes out but this latest season was probably the worst yet in terms of writing.

09-03-18, 19:26
Watch short clips on Youtube. Now I'm addicted

09-03-18, 20:28
I just couldn't get into GoT.... I'm just not into the genre' I guess.

I like my television shows to be plausible. Loved Breaking Bad, I think I like Better Call Saul even better. Going to start the new season of Ozark tonight.

Honestly, the only two "fantasy/scif" type shows I've liked are Stranger Things and Black Mirror.

09-11-18, 14:11
So I'm now fully up to date on GOT. I power watched all 7 seasons since starting the thread, some times watching 3 in a row! I was WTF when I realized season 7 is only 7 episodes vs 10 like passed seasons. Was thinking I had 3 more to go in the last season, then realized it was season finale, and a good one too! Some of the big battle scenes are as good as it gets, maybe best I can ever recall. The sets and CGI are exceptionally good, and so on. Best HBO series ever? I think Deadwood and Rome were even better from a character, dialogue, etc POV, but GOT gets close, and the visuals are off the hook good, making it a must see show.

09-11-18, 14:31
I recommend going to YouTube and watching the Season 1-7 videos called the History and Lore.

It’s still animations that fill in all back story’s of everything GOT, and then rewatching the series, it give you a better understanding and appreciation for the world in which it’s based.

It basically gives you all the book knowledge without reading all the books.

The History and Lore video series are made for the DVD releases of the show, and can be found when you purchase each season.

And like all things they eventually find their way to YouTube.

Also they are super entertaining, and gives you more of the story while we wait.

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09-11-18, 14:36
I recommend going to YouTube and watching the Season 1-7 videos called the History and Lore.

It’s still animations that fill in all back story’s of everything GOT, and then rewatching the series, it give you a better understanding and appreciation for the world in which it’s based.

It basically gives you all the book knowledge without reading all the books.

The History and Lore video series are made for the DVD releases of the show, and can be found when you purchase each season.

And like all things they eventually find their way to YouTube.

Also they are super entertaining, and gives you more of the story while we wait.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I'll check that out! Those are long! Like this?


09-11-18, 14:46
I'm going to be one of those guys that says the show really misses some huge points that the books included. That's not ally how it is though. I'm sure budgets and time constraints are the cause.

I've read the books 3 times. As a huge fan the books have basically become a good filler while I'm looking for something new to read in the mean time.

09-11-18, 14:51
I'll check that out! Those are long! Like this?


That’s it, and they’re read by the real actors that portray the characters on the show. They’re all about an hour if I remember correctly

Alex V
09-11-18, 15:35
I'm going to be one of those guys that says the show really misses some huge points that the books included. That's not ally how it is though. I'm sure budgets and time constraints are the cause.

I've read the books 3 times. As a huge fan the books have basically become a good filler while I'm looking for something new to read in the mean time.

I tend to agree, they missed some important parts. The producers did mention is some of the post episode clips that it was because of money. For instance, last season they had to choose whether to animate the dragons or the direwolves. They only had money for one, not both. They chose the dragons (understandably) and we got a season without Ghost.

09-11-18, 18:02
I'm going to be one of those guys that says the show really misses some huge points that the books included. That's not ally how it is though. I'm sure budgets and time constraints are the cause.

I've read the books 3 times. As a huge fan the books have basically become a good filler while I'm looking for something new to read in the mean time.

As with many shows and movies I have seen, i didn't know there was a book till recently, so all comments/reviews based exclusively on the show. It's very rare any show/movie lives up to a good book. I was floored when the LOR were as good as they are, and actually did justice to the LOR series, or at least as well as one could expect from a book -> movie conversion.

If you like that type of epic medieval stuff, I can highly recommend the Malazan Book of the Fallen series:


09-11-18, 18:47
I tend to agree, they missed some important parts. The producers did mention is some of the post episode clips that it was because of money. For instance, last season they had to choose whether to animate the dragons or the direwolves. They only had money for one, not both. They chose the dragons (understandably) and we got a season without Ghost.

I don't doubt that is true, but if they were really serious, they could have done a "Go Fund Me" page for the gap. Imagine how fast that would have gone past par. Raffle off the chance of being killed by Aria? We could retire the national debt.

09-11-18, 20:11
I don't doubt that is true, but if they were really serious, they could have done a "Go Fund Me" page for the gap. Imagine how fast that would have gone past par. Raffle off the chance of being killed by Aria? We could retire the national debt.

I would've donated, and I never give away my money...

09-12-18, 09:29
*SPOILER if you haven't watched it yet*

Overall I think it is a great series but had a real problem with the part about the resurrected dragon. OK, so the white walker army could not get to them due to the water, but when they leave, magically somehow they have huge long chains appear. They have been walking without it for weeks. WTF? Then obviously they had to go in the water to attach the damn chains to the sunken dragon. So now they can go in the water? Writing got really sloppy.

09-12-18, 09:52
*SPOILER if you haven't watched it yet*

Overall I think it is a great series but had a real problem with the part about the resurrected dragon. OK, so the white walker army could not get to them due to the water, but when they leave, magically somehow they have huge long chains appear. They have been walking without it for weeks. WTF? Then obviously they had to go in the water to attach the damn chains to the sunken dragon. So now they can go in the water? Writing got really sloppy.

Many have complained about season 7 getting sloppy, and it did. While it was a fun season, I did see issues like that. How about the big bolt hitting the dragon and making it crash land, next episode no bolt, no explanation how they got it out, dragon is fine, no mention of huge bolt, etc. There was a lot of that in season 7 unfortunately.