View Full Version : arrested for having ammo & firearm in vehicle on Federal Property ??

08-02-18, 14:43
Guy consented to vehicle search and was arrested for having firearm & ammo secured in his vehicle on Federal Property.

My question, why is it illegal to have firearm & ammo secured in your vehicle on Federal Property? Is is legal for CCWing on Federal Parks. Realize the Capital is sacred, but the firearm was secured in a park vehicle.

Police say man who had weapons, ammo in vehicle near Capitol arrested


08-02-18, 14:55
Guy consented to vehicle search and was arrested for having firearm & ammo secured in his vehicle on Federal Property.

My question, why is it illegal to have firearm & ammo secured in your vehicle on Federal Property? Is is legal for CCWing on Federal Parks. Realize the Capital is sacred, but the firearm was secured in a park vehicle.

Police say man who had weapons, ammo in vehicle near Capitol arrested


You can see in Federal Parks pursuant to local laws, but you cannot carry into federal buildings on national parks.

08-02-18, 14:58
I love how fast they're willing to drop the T'ist word on a an innocent dude.

Sucks, laws are laws. Thankfully my state is pretty clear about carrying: "Anywhere public." And thus it's hard for them to say: You can't carry in our Capitol.

Yes, we can, it's a public place.

It took a very long time to get that updated within our own State Laws.

ETA: Of course, Feds supersede that. It's not like I can carry in our Federal Courthouse Downtown in my City. But, with notifying the County, through Certified Mail, I can walk into our County Courthouse (literally across the street from the Fed Courts) without any issue.

08-02-18, 15:31
Guy consented to vehicle search and was arrested for having firearm & ammo secured in his vehicle on Federal Property.

My question, why is it illegal to have firearm & ammo secured in your vehicle on Federal Property? Is is legal for CCWing on Federal Parks. Realize the Capital is sacred, but the firearm was secured in a park vehicle.

Police say man who had weapons, ammo in vehicle near Capitol arrested


"near Capitol" is not the same thing as "on Federal Property".

Guns are still highly restricted in DC, so expect to get arrested if you do not meet one of the rare exceptions, especially if you were dumb enough to leave them in plain view.

08-02-18, 16:52
"near Capitol" is not the same thing as "on Federal Property".

Guns are still highly restricted in DC, so expect to get arrested if you do not meet one of the rare exceptions, especially if you were dumb enough to leave them in plain view.

This. D.C. regulations are strict. No rightfully so, but strict none the less. https://mpdc.dc.gov/page/firearm-registration-general-requirements-study-guide

08-02-18, 17:07
Wonder what other items were found. Odd that they shut down nearby streets for a guy consenting to a search.

DC regulations suck donkey balls. This is the same as taking a gun to NYC or other liberal crap hole and then being surprised that you get into trouble. It stinks, but reality does that at times. If you truly want/need to go there I’d advise going unarmed. Leave guns in gun friendly locales. Or don’t patronize places with your hard earned $$ that restrict your rights.

08-02-18, 17:15
Wonder what other items were found. Odd that they shut down nearby streets for a guy consenting to a search.

DC regulations suck donkey balls. This is the same as taking a gun to NYC or other liberal crap hole and then being surprised that you get into trouble. It stinks, but reality does that at times. If you truly want/need to go there I’d advise going unarmed. Leave guns in gun friendly locales. Or don’t patronize places with your hard earned $$ that restrict your rights.

I have friends working on Louisiana Ave and they said, you wouldn't believe the number of LEO's responding. Was very entertaining for the workers of the building.

Understand their regulations "suck donkey balls" (couldn't have expressed it better), it still is unbelievable that with consent, they still charged him. News stated they were locked & secured in his vehicle. Two terms used on local news: crossed state lines with unregistered firearms, not sure what that means.

08-02-18, 17:30
“Unregistered” is usually what accompanies any gun charge in DC. Unregistered ammo. Unregistered guns. Which is nearly impossible to register in DC. Most definitely so if you’re from a state.

08-02-18, 17:53
300 block New Jersey Ave is a full 2 (large) city blocks from the Capitol.

Sounds like normal DC insanity, and makes you wonder how the guy left it in sight that an officer could see.

Unless he consented to a search and then the officer found it, but that's not how the article reads.

08-02-18, 17:57
It’s also about two blocks from USCP’s HQ.

USCP has a very wide swath of ground it covers, its not just the grounds of the Capitol and office buildings.

08-02-18, 20:18
I feel like there is more to this story than has been mentioned so far.

What gave the officers PC to request the search to begin with?

08-02-18, 20:29
I feel like there is more to this story than has been mentioned so far.

What gave the officers PC to request the search to begin with?

Police do not need PC to request a search. Many a search have been requested based off little more than a hunch.

08-02-18, 20:33
I feel like there is more to this story than has been mentioned so far.

What gave the officers PC to request the search to begin with?

You don’t need anything to ask for a consent search

DC is a shitty fuvking place where liberty is concerned. Especially with respect to 2A issues. Hell you’ll get hooked up for unregistered ammo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-18, 21:11
I feel like there is more to this story than has been mentioned so far.

What gave the officers PC to request the search to begin with?

Probably that big NRA and Molan Labe stickers on the windows???

08-02-18, 21:33
Wonder what other items were found. Odd that they shut down nearby streets for a guy consenting to a search.

DC regulations suck donkey balls. This is the same as taking a gun to NYC or other liberal crap hole and then being surprised that you get into trouble. It stinks, but reality does that at times. If you truly want/need to go there I’d advise going unarmed. Leave guns in gun friendly locales. Or don’t patronize places with your hard earned $$ that restrict your rights.

This. Unfortunately a lot of places that my wife wants to visit have banned my law abiding ass from ever setting foot in their city/state. They ban me so I ban them. I'll keep spending my hard earned money in free states.

The only way I'll ever be in New York, New Jersey, etc... is if I'm unconscious or dead. Unfortunately, I've been to DC and Baltimore quite a few times over the years taking my son to specialist doctors that aren't located in free states. When the guru who diagnoses your son's problem is at John Hopkins, you hold your nose, drive through the ghetto, and hope and pray it's not your day to be a victim. Under the terms of I know better than to carry there, and it wasn't worth the risk having a doctors trip ruined I left well enough at home.

Anyone, especially someone from out of state that carries in DC or other restrictive areas is truly playing Russian roulette and asking for bad things to happen to them. Sometimes you just have to realize where you're at and use a bit of common sense. Sure odds are you could be left alone, but out of state tags are a magnet for attention even if you're only doing 5 miles over the speed limit or come to a rolling stop at the stop light, the list goes on...

Don't get me wrong, I hope that the law abiding victim has his day in court. I would absolutely love to see his rights upheld by the courts, but sometimes I wonder if the headache involved would be worth it. I guess that's their end game to make standing up for your rights so hard that you just say 'EFF IT and give up. Sucks to be a law abiding American in certain locals these days. What's worse is this happens in the city that is supposed to uphold the Constitution and protect the rights of us freedom loving Americans.

Of course we all know what the swamp is truly about, and it's a crying damn shame!

08-03-18, 11:50
I don't have a lot of sympathy for this guy. Anyone with a modicum of brainpower who owns firearms/carries should know that you just shouldn't try and bring a gun into D.C., not to mention consenting to a search if you do. There is, literally, at least one cop on every corner from the Mall over to the Supreme Court - heck, 2/3 of the vehicles anywhere near the Capitol are Capitol Police. Don't go there or drive around it if you don't like the laws.