View Full Version : KISS goes patriotic

08-04-18, 11:37
I was never a big fan as a kid, but gotta give them credit for not giving a chit what snowflakes might be offended by this. I did see them in NYC front row as a kid, and I think my ears are still ringing.

“A lot of times people that are born free think that freedom is free and it’s not. Freedom is only free because there are people willing to sacrifice to keep us free. “You should remember, patriotism is always cool. Loving your country is always cool. Standing up, respecting and honoring our military is always cool. So, to show some respect between pick-throwing, we’re going to put our right hands over our hearts and why don’t we say the Pledge of Allegiance.”




08-04-18, 11:56
Well I guess they won’t be invited to do a super bowl halftime show anytime soon. ;). David

08-04-18, 12:03
Well I guess they won’t be invited to do a super bowl halftime show anytime soon. ;). David

Well, there's that! I have some cool KISS stories. I was one of the few to meet Ace without his makeup on, which at the time (late 70s), was a big deal. My cousin worked at the top guitar place in NYC fixing guitars. It was where top musicians sent their guitars to be worked on. Knowing I was a fan, my cousin let me know when Ace would be there and I got a pic and autograph. My pals at school (6th or 7th grade) lost their minds over that one. Per other comment, I was not actually a big fan, but it sure added creds to my school friends.

Two, I was not a huge fan as a kid, but I did see them in concert in NYC, Madison Square Garden in the 70s at the height of their popularity, front row no less. I think my ears are still ringing! My friend at school father was a record producer in NY and got us kids the tickets. Anyway, this is one of the songs I really did like and still do. Not 100% sure, but I think this was from the same tour I saw them:


08-04-18, 12:23
Anything that makes libtards go bananas, is a GOOD thing! Kudos to KISS - they could've said nothing, and still made millions. They stood up for what is right, and didn't CARE where the chips fell; BEING right, was more important than the money.

08-04-18, 14:50
I'd say a majority of rock fans of that era are primarily Conservative these days, though back then they may not have been.

08-04-18, 17:37
Didn't like them as a kid (probably because my younger brother did, can't have that!) but they have grown on me as an adult. If I hear a KISS song I like I will crank up the radio.

It doesn't surprise me that Gene Simmons is conservative. He is a financial wiz and that usually goes hand-in-hand with being more conservative leaning.

08-05-18, 17:40
I'd say a majority of rock fans of that era are primarily Conservative these days, though back then they may not have been.

Another example of how far left the country has moved.

08-05-18, 21:05
Well I guess they won’t be invited to do a super bowl halftime show anytime soon. ;). David

Pretty sure they are at a time and place in their life where they absolutely don't give a damn.

Didn't like them as a kid (probably because my younger brother did, can't have that!) but they have grown on me as an adult. If I hear a KISS song I like I will crank up the radio.

My older brother used to listen to them, so same problem. But you have to give credit to any group who can go from "Detroit Rock City" to "Beth", that is impressive range.

08-05-18, 22:19
During their best years of making music, there was just so much better new music being made.
Kiss was always a gimmick band to me so they were not in my collection.

08-06-18, 00:07
During their best years of making music, there was just so much better new music being made.
Kiss was always a gimmick band to me so they were not in my collection.

And yet...there was still something there. They weren't Led Zeppelin, Queen or The Beatles (and some consider the Beatles a gimmick band), but there was still something actually there that wasn't there with so many other groups.

Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Poison and too many other names to suffer, there was nothing there. Hair metal was truly empty. Of course in this era, even Kiss sucked, so it might have been the state of 80s metal.

But some of the stuff they did, when everyone else was listening to disco, was at least interesting.

08-06-18, 13:29
Gene Simmons has gotten himself in hot water before for taking stances on things that I agreed with so this does not surprise me in the least.

One being rap artists inducted into the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame.

08-06-18, 18:42
Gene Simmons has gotten himself in hot water before for taking stances on things that I agreed with so this does not surprise me in the least.

One being rap artists inducted into the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame.

If they are going to put country music artists in the rock n roll hall of fame, then the floodgates are pretty open.

08-06-18, 18:57
During their best years of making music, there was just so much better new music being made.
Kiss was always a gimmick band to me so they were not in my collection.

There was a lot more intricate music coming out at the time. There was a lot more musical, stuff coming out at the time. The thing many people didn't like about Kiss was that their stuff was hard and simple. The makeup was definitely a gimmick, but there were enough people that liked the hard simple music that the gimmick worked. I actually didn't like the makeup that much, but I thought a lot of the hard fast simple songs were really fun to listed to. I wasn't always in the mood for more intricate stuff like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, or The Eagles.

08-06-18, 21:48
There was a lot more intricate music coming out at the time. There was a lot more musical, stuff coming out at the time. The thing many people didn't like about Kiss was that their stuff was hard and simple. The makeup was definitely a gimmick, but there were enough people that liked the hard simple music that the gimmick worked. I actually didn't like the makeup that much, but I thought a lot of the hard fast simple songs were really fun to listed to. I wasn't always in the mood for more intricate stuff like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, or The Eagles.Not even intricate... Boston, Skynard, Heart, BTO, could name a dozen other bands that just had better tunes, better music. And more came later.

I'll give Gene Simmons credit, his schtick worked, made them millions. He can be funny. Certainly an entertainer.

But I will always think of them as a step above the Monkees, a mfg'd band. Does not meant untalented, maybe just uninspiring.

08-06-18, 22:01
But I will always think of them as a step above the Monkees, a mfg'd band. Does not meant untalented, maybe just uninspiring.
The first band I mentally compared Kiss to was the Monkees.

08-06-18, 23:06
Not a fan of KISS but I can really appreciate and respect what they did here.

08-06-18, 23:49
They were then and always will be a joke.

08-07-18, 01:04
The first band I mentally compared Kiss to was the Monkees.

Where do you stand on Twisted Sister?

08-07-18, 05:01
Where do you stand on Twisted Sister?Formulatic copies of Kiss? Not a fan of hair era in general, and in particular, twisted sister.

Just not gonna take it anymore...

08-07-18, 16:48
Formulatic copies of Kiss? Not a fan of hair era in general, and in particular, twisted sister.

Just not gonna take it anymore...

Articulated well.

08-07-18, 17:16
Not a huge KISS fan. I view them as party music. Not too serious or deep. But good entertainers. Not ALL music should require the listener to have a stick up the ass to enjoy.

08-07-18, 17:18
Where do you stand on Twisted Sister?

I honestly hope that a Band can stand on it's own based solely on the music rather than something that is a visual presentation. There are a few exceptions to that rule, but not many.
Everyone wants a good stage show, but in the end you have to ask yourself "Does the Music Stand on it's Own?" Although Kiss had a few hits that are memorable, the shock value of the Make-up, leather suits and entire characters built around a narrative were the catch, the music not so much.
Some folks had their "thing" but the music could stand on its own, Jethro Tull comes to mind. Ian Anderson may have looked like some sort of Middle Ages Minstrel, but "Locomotive Breath" and "Aqualung" still rocked harder than 85% of anything Kiss could do.
If you are looking for some rather simple, just easy Hard Rocking music from the era, you can always pull up some Fog Hat or Nazareth and enjoy the great, simple hard rocking lesser known Bands that were pretty great in an era of giants.

08-08-18, 15:49
If they are going to put country music artists in the rock n roll hall of fame, then the floodgates are pretty open.

Who, Johnny Cash?

If that is who you were referencing that is because he was a rock pioneer, see the "Million Dollar Quartet".