View Full Version : Ben Shapiro offers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez $10,000 to debate her

08-09-18, 15:28
Ben Shapiro offers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez $10,000 to debate her democratic socialist beliefs

Man, they should put that one on pay-per-view. I'd pay money to see it...


Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenged democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to a debate, and is willing to $10,000 to her campaign if she accepts.

Shapiro tweeted a video on Wednesday in which he mocked Democratic National Committee chairperson Tom Perez for calling Ocasio-Cortez, a New York congressional candidate, the “future of the Democratic Party,” before issuing his challenge.

“Miss Ocasio-Cortez, I’m really excited that you’ve been elevated to that position and I would love to have a real conversation with you about the issues. You’ve noted that you think Republicans are afraid to debate you or talk to you or discuss the issues with you,” Shapiro said.

08-09-18, 15:59
He's totally low balling that commie! :lol:

Alex V
08-09-18, 19:29
He has always said that his wish is to debate Bernie. Maybe this is the runner up.

08-09-18, 21:15


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08-09-18, 21:31
Ben would thoroughly embarrass her. It just wouldn't be fair. I would DEFINITELY watch it! Lol

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08-09-18, 21:38
As dumb as she may be, she's at least cognizant enough to know she'd be the star of the next Ben Shapiro "thug life" video if she took him up on that offer. Sitting across from Ben on a stage would be the nail in the coffin and she knows it.

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08-09-18, 21:48
Looks like all she did was lose $10k because he's just going to clown her on Twitter or wherever else she thinks she can snipe from safely.

08-09-18, 22:02
Looks like all she did was lose $10k because he's just going to clown her on Twitter or wherever else she thinks she can snipe from safely.

Exactly. She made the mistake of responding to Shapiro, thereby putting him in a no-lose situation and saving him $10,000. If she had debated him, she would have got $10k and maybe garnered some sympathy. Now she's just pathetic.

08-09-18, 23:35
Candace Owens doubled the amount to $20K if she'd debate her.

LMT Shooter
08-09-18, 23:39
If she said that Republicans are afraid to debate or talk to her, isn't that a solicitation? Subtle, implied, &/or indirect, but a solicitation nonetheless.

I really like Ben Shapiro, I've been following him since he kicked Piers Morgan's ass.

08-09-18, 23:42
Twitter responds.. https://www.dailywire.com/news/34321/twitter-explodes-after-ocasio-cortez-attacks-ryan-saavedra?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro

08-10-18, 00:58
If she said that Republicans are afraid to debate or talk to her, isn't that a solicitation? Subtle, implied, &/or indirect, but a solicitation nonetheless.

I really like Ben Shapiro, I've been following him since he kicked Piers Morgan's ass.

Really doesn't matter. She stumbled right off the blocks.

Acting like you are taking the high road by not responding when you are actually responding doesn't really work. It really doesn't work when you imply insults and then try and act like the wounded party.

She should accept the debate simply as a learning experience, if she can objectively learn from defeat she might not lose so much. But thankfully most socialist tend not to think that way, they are used to getting results from smear, deny, deflect and dodge and when the standard playbook doesn't work they usually have nothing else.

It's probably time for her to start acting like "nothing happened" and she doesn't know what people are even talking about.

08-10-18, 01:03
Twitter responds.. https://www.dailywire.com/news/34321/twitter-explodes-after-ocasio-cortez-attacks-ryan-saavedra?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro

Maybe she should have "not responded" when she "not responded." It really was the ONLY winning move available to her.

08-10-18, 05:06
She's outclassed and she knows it. She played the only card leftists have when called out: Personal attacks.

Shapiro is very dangerous in a debate, because he doesn't just pull out pre-loaded sources. Most leftists (and right wingers for that matter) barely ever reason; they throw out statistics, what "recent studies" have "proven", and the opinions stated by supposed experts whose credentials make questioning them akin to blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Shapiro uses pure logic and reason. If he uses studies and numbers, he explains why they are logical and evident of his point. Other times, when people throw out numbers to try and prove that he's wrong, he basically tells them to shove their numbers up their asses and use their own brain, not simply regurgitate others' opinions. I like him, because he tells it like it is without going out of his way to be unnecessarily provocative.

Plus, with him having degrees from UCLA and Harvard Law, the liberals can't even dismiss his intelligence or education.

08-10-18, 05:54
Been should offer that money to her favorite charity! Make it harder to refuse

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08-10-18, 06:50
Been should offer that money to her favorite charity! Make it harder to refuse

“Not only am I eager to discuss the issues with you, I’m willing to offer $10,000 to your campaign, today, for you to come on our Sunday special,” he continued. “We can have an hour long conversation about all the topics under the sun, really probe your belief system.”

Shapiro said he would also debate Ocasio-Cortez for charity.

“However you want to do it, I am more than willing to talk to you,” Shapiro said. “Let’s make this happen.”

08-10-18, 08:25
Damn Capitalist pigs and their tens of thousands of dollars of free money...

Oh wait..

Yeah, the silence is quite telling. Cortez is definitely paralyzed with fear. Fear that when (not if) she opens her mouth, something incomprehensibly stupid will come pouring out.

08-10-18, 08:48
Rush has been all over stupid things she has said, went on to state "she is the biggest accident that ever happen in politics."

Doc Safari
08-10-18, 10:47
She didn't help a single candidate during this past primary Tuesday. She's done. Stick a fork in her.

I hope the Democrap party is dumb enough to nominate her for president. Trump will carry 48 of the 50 states.

08-10-18, 10:53
She didn't help a single candidate during this past primary Tuesday. She's done. Stick a fork in her.

I hope the Democrap party is dumb enough to nominate her for president. Trump will carry 48 of the 50 states.Logically ....sure but emotionally? Not so much. Every sjw/snowflake/leftist/Democrat and then some would probably vote for her because she's not Trump, she's not a racist, she's not enabling the evil NRA nor stopping those poor poor "immigrants" from coming here.

I guarantee you'll see a the biggest ever participation of the other side in the next election. They have to stop Trump

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08-10-18, 12:06
As dumb as she may be, she's at least cognizant enough to know she'd be the star of the next Ben Shapiro "thug life" video if she took him up on that offer. Sitting across from Ben on a stage would be the nail in the coffin and she knows it.

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She used her one and only brain cell to come up with the catcalling excuse.

08-10-18, 12:09
She's outclassed and she knows it. She played the only card leftists have when called out: Personal attacks.

Shapiro is very dangerous in a debate, because he doesn't just pull out pre-loaded sources. Most leftists (and right wingers for that matter) barely ever reason; they throw out statistics, what "recent studies" have "proven", and the opinions stated by supposed experts whose credentials make questioning them akin to blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Shapiro uses pure logic and reason. If he uses studies and numbers, he explains why they are logical and evident of his point. Other times, when people throw out numbers to try and prove that he's wrong, he basically tells them to shove their numbers up their asses and use their own brain, not simply regurgitate others' opinions. I like him, because he tells it like it is without going out of his way to be unnecessarily provocative.

Plus, with him having degrees from UCLA and Harvard Law, the liberals can't even dismiss his intelligence or education.

Even better is that when he does quote stats, they sometimes come from leftist sources so the opposition remains dumbfounded on how to refute them.

I guarantee you'll see a the biggest ever participation of the other side in the next election. They have to stop Trump

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I believe you and a large part of it will be in the form of voter fraud.

08-10-18, 20:23
Even better is that when he does quote stats, they sometimes come from leftist sources so the opposition remains dumbfounded on how to refute them.

I believe you and a large part of it will be in the form of voter fraud.

Just begs to be posted now... :D


08-11-18, 04:09
Shapiro uses pure logic and reason. If he uses studies and numbers, he explains why they are logical and evident of his point. Other times, when people throw out numbers to try and prove that he's wrong, he basically tells them to shove their numbers up their asses and use their own brain, not simply regurgitate others' opinions. I like him, because he tells it like it is without going out of his way to be unnecessarily provocative.


Plus, with him having degrees from UCLA and Harvard Law, the liberals can't even dismiss his intelligence or education.

That didn't stop them with George W. Bush, he went to Yale AND Harvard Business School and is the only POTUS to have earned an MBA.

08-11-18, 04:55
Even better is that when he does quote stats, they sometimes come from leftist sources so the opposition remains dumbfounded on how to refute them.

I believe you and a large part of it will be in the form of voter fraud.I don't think it will be voter fraud. Otherwise... Russia! But I think they'll have every college kid, stoner, hippie, kumbaya singing liberal out voting.

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08-11-18, 11:23
The desired end result is a total lack of confidence in our current electoral system.
I expect another major round of charges to follow the next election and then the idea of revamping the system will be presented. If that is the case, the swamp wins and we are no longer citizens, but subjects.
Voter fraud works for them either way in that case.

As of yet all Ocasio-Cortez has won so far is a less than disputed primary election and she won because the other guy thought it was in the bag for him so like Hillary Clinton, he didn't get out there and put forth the effort.
She's a flash in the pan and nothing more.

08-11-18, 11:38
Cortez would go down in the debate, but I can see the headlines now from the MSM...Ocasio-Cortez mops the floor with Shapiro, etc, etc.

08-12-18, 06:19
With "Facts" like these, does She really want to debate anyone?

No, really, She is an idiot.

08-12-18, 06:43
And it gets worse,

So She might have a fan base in the gimmiedats, in reality her "facts" aren't facts and She's being called out on them. So what happens when She has to actually debate someone who has the facts?
This might work in Brooklyn, but She'll be beaten to a pulp by someone with an above room temperature IQ and an ability to debate with facts.

08-12-18, 07:29
And it gets worse,

So She might have a fan base in the gimmiedats, in reality her "facts" aren't facts and She's being called out on them. So what happens when She has to actually debate someone who has the facts?
This might work in Brooklyn, but She'll be beaten to a pulp by someone with an above room temperature IQ and an ability to debate with facts.

The problem is that today there are a lot of voters who vote on emotion not fact. They've had the facts laid open to them for years, but they keep blindly being sheeple. Sheeple gonna sheeple no matter how many facts you give them.

08-12-18, 10:00
The problem is that today there are a lot of voters who vote on emotion not fact. They've had the facts laid open to them for years, but they keep blindly being sheeple. Sheeple gonna sheeple no matter how many facts you give them.

You know I actually believe we are in an age where emotion rather than fact rules the day. If you have the facts available and choose to ignore them you have to ask why.
Be warned, you not like my answer to this.
In a society in which single Mothers outnumber Married to the Father Mothers, you're going to find emotion over rule fact.
Mothers can bring you from infancy to boyhood, but it takes a Man to bring you from boyhood to manhood. Essentially we have removed Men from the equation of raising children. The end result is emotions overruling facts.
We were designed to be interdependent in order to become a conventional Family. Women have roles and Men have roles, but when divorce at an industrial sized occurrence happens, things go sideways.
This, Socialism, is the end result.

08-12-18, 11:17
You know I actually believe we are in an age where emotion rather than fact rules the day.

And it's sad that the truth is that what is actually TRUE, is irrelevant. One of the phrases that drives me most nuts from the leftists is "speak YOUR truth." What the hell is this? There isn't a different truth for everyone. There is THE truth, and then there are lies. Lies can be intentional or inadvertent, but if you have something that isn't the truth there really is only one other thing that it can be...

08-12-18, 12:07

And it's sad that the truth is that what is actually TRUE, is irrelevant. One of the phrases that drives me most nuts from the leftists is "speak YOUR truth." What the hell is this? There isn't a different truth for everyone. There is THE truth, and then there are lies. Lies can be intentional or inadvertent, but if you have something that isn't the truth there really is only one other thing that it can be...

The whole "Speak your truth" I'm speaking "my truth" is total nonsense and I give anyone who says it complete hell for it. My little sister in law uses it every time I see her. It drives me absolutely mad!

But that is a window into the minds of folks these days, they might not be correct or factual, but they have "their truth" so it's a get out of jail free card on anything. Literally throws all logic and sense out the window.

The world we live in is freaking broken. The world has moved on and anyone left with sense and logic seeking truth through facts and evidence is now what is considered "crazy" those who "feel" what is and know it to be true in their hearts are the "sane" ones!

Freaking twilight zone reality we inhabit...

08-12-18, 16:40
not sure its a generation thing but a democratic left leaning thing

wonder if he is the father ??????


08-13-18, 14:51
As of yet all Ocasio-Cortez has won so far is a less than disputed primary election and she won because the other guy thought it was in the bag for him so like Hillary Clinton, he didn't get out there and put forth the effort.
She's a flash in the pan and nothing more.

Dr. Laura Ingraham is the latest White conservative to be branded as a RACIST! due to her daring to utter the word demographics....

With that said here is a leftist publication that puts Ocasio-Cortez's election into perspective.

Demographics” Did Help Ocasio-Cortez Win, and That’s a Good Thing

Ocasio-Cortez has been working hard to dispel what she sees as a damaging myth: the idea that her win merely reflected the makeup of her district, which is about 50 percent Latino, 40 percent Spanish-speaking, and about three-quarters people of color. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, for instance, wrote that Crowley lost not because far-left progressives like Ocasio-Cortez are convincing voters that they can lead better than a more centrist Democratic establishment, but “because of the changing demographics in [Crowley’s] district.”


She won due to being:

1.) A leftist radical (had she been a conservative her race and sex would not have benefited her)
2.) A Hispanic
3.) A female

That is why the DNC as far back as the Hart–Celler Act in 1965 want an open southern border.