View Full Version : The First Purge movie: reel or "all too real"?

Doc Safari
08-14-18, 14:08

Sometime in the mid-21st century, turmoil has caused the government to be overthrown by the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA). NFFA members Arlo Sabian and Dr. May Updale announce an experiment to take place on Staten Island where for 12 hours, citizens will be allowed to purge and release their inhibitions in any way they choose.

The fourth installment in The Purge franchise, the film is a prequel depicting the origins of the first annual "Purge", a 12-hour span once a year in which all crime in America is legal.

I saw the movie last night. It's hard to watch without thinking, "Jeez, isn't society coming to this already?"

Then I open this article:


Chris Cuomo announced Monday night that CNN will not condemn but instead justify political violence against anyone it defines as “bigots” — which, according to the network’s editorial tone over the past two years, signals open season on all Trump supporters for violent activists like Antifa and the Black Bloc.

This is a dramatic turning point for the far left. Not only is CNN offering moral cover for those who engage in political violence, but — thanks to the ever-widening definition of “hate” — CNN is also calling for the left’s political opponents to be “stamped out.”

What happened over the weekend at this Unite the Right 2 rally was pretty simple and a disaster for the Antifa’s media allies…

Only a handful of Nazis showed up.

Antifa arrived in droves.

This pathetic group of white supremacists committed no acts of violence that we know of.

Antifa rioted.

In other words, even though the Nazis decided not to come out of their mother’s basement, rather than declare victory, Antifa still rioted, still turned its hate and violence against those who did show up. This included innocent bystanders, the police (even black police officers), the Secret Service, the government, the United States of America, and members of the media.

You see, even though Antifa has proven over and over that it is a terrorist organization, the media have portrayed this group as a virtuous but misguided organization that fights Nazis. Now, to anyone paying attention, this has always been a lie. Time and again and again we have seen Antifa use their Brownshirt tactics against everyday Trump supporters. But because the media want Antifa out there terrorizing Trump supporters, the narrative is Antifa vs. Nazis.

My take: We all know that Hollywood wants to promote a radical leftist agenda in this country. Now, making sure my tinfoil hat is on straight, am I stretching the analysis too thin to say that Hollywood is likely producing movies like The Purge series to foment a violent, physical rebellion and overthrow the current system?

By any measure, isn't this borderline sedition through the attempt to create an insurgency?

08-14-18, 15:08
Let's go back to the first film in 2013 . . .

Pure unadulterated leftist propaganda . . .

Funny thing is, just like with other attempts from Hollywood (like Archie Bunker) this movie backfired and became a cult hit within the vigilante film genre. :cool:

Critics: 'The Purge' an attack on Tea Party, NRA

“Director James DeMonaco makes it clear the movie is a direct attack on the NRA, an organization filled with millions of law-abiding gun owners. The loony left’s reflexive hatred of the 2nd Amendment is founded in the concept that people who don’t break the law are somehow evil for exercising the Constitutional rights,” Dan Gainor, VP of Business and Culture at the Media Research Institute told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “’The Purge’ is also an obvious attack on the Tea Party and Christians.”

In an interview with Bloody Disgusting, DeMonaco said the leadership of his 2022 United States was indeed based on the NRA, although he tried to use a light touch.

"I layered in these New Founding Fathers, this regime that we voted into power at some point, some kind of NRA-thing that took over the country," he said. "But I kind of left that to the audience. I think sometimes in my writing I try to spoon feed too much, it’s better to let the audience make their own decisions on things."

He also said the film's ultraviolent "purge" was based on what he saw happening in the country now.

We caught up with the movie's star at an interview junket promoting "The Purge," and Hawke said the plot is indeed social commentary.

“It’s not such a far-fetched idea that rich people are totally cut off from the adversity and murder. We sit there on a treadmill and watch and flip and see what’s happening all over the world and other countries, and a lot of that damage is created by our affluence and what is our level of participation in that,” he told us. “And how do we feel about that, and what are we going to do about it? And the rest of us just change the channel.”

Hawke said the movie addressed the current political and social climate.


Doc Safari
08-14-18, 15:21
He says it "addresses the current political and social climate."

I'm asking: Are they in fact using the film series to foment a rebellion or at the very least, unrest?

In other words, it's not just satire or political film-making; it's actually trying to incite sedition.

08-14-18, 15:26
He says it "addresses the current political and social climate."

I'm asking: Are they in fact using the film series to foment a rebellion or at the very least, unrest?

In other words, it's not just satire or political film-making; it's actually trying to incite sedition.

considering they blamed school shootings on kids copying games or movies ? I would say yes

but its one of many steps to indoctrination :) the old keep repeating it showing it etc...

the left would love it if they copied this kinda stuff I am sure and the new gay disney shows and other every movie now has to have gays in it and so on

08-14-18, 15:29
I am really hoping all companies and business and anyone every having anything happen to them by antifa file major lawsuits against cuomo personally and CNN etc...

Doc Safari
08-14-18, 15:45
I am really hoping all companies and business and anyone every having anything happen to them by antifa file major lawsuits against cuomo personally and CNN etc...

There will be some type of incident, and it will cause a controversy that makes Cuomo's opposition call for his resignation. He will end up having to do the "apology tour" to save his political career.

08-14-18, 15:57
I read and shake my head, the same way I do when when I hear people wonder aloud how the Nazis were ever allowed to rise to power in a civilized country. I tell them that regular citizens stood by and allowed it to happen, voted for it to happen and mindlessly pledged their allegiance to it because it made them "feel" like they were making their nation and their future better. And this tom foolery, a complete 180 from what I was taught in school regarding 1st amendment rights is only the beginning. Socialists have pretty much failed thus far to produce a single standing functional example of their political desires but theyve got nearly 100 years experience at wrecking nations and futures. Death to them all.

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Outlander Systems
08-14-18, 17:43
But this time will be different. Those last 100 years of failed states weren’t *true* socialism.

Socialists have pretty much failed thus far to produce a single standing functional example of their political desires but theyve got nearly 100 years experience at wrecking nations and futures. Death to them all.

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08-14-18, 19:53
Here is the real problem with this concept...... Once Pandora's box is open you can't close it. Those that have nothing are giving to keep taking, those that have a score to settle are going to keep setting it, and those that want a change are going lay waste to everyone in their way. 12 hours...... That is a joke. It would take 12 years or so to burn out. And unless the military was 50% of the population then they couldn't do anything about it.

Basically think Bosnia in the early 1990's...... X 1,000

08-14-18, 19:56
He says it "addresses the current political and social climate."

I'm asking: Are they in fact using the film series to foment a rebellion or at the very least, unrest?

In other words, it's not just satire or political film-making; it's actually trying to incite sedition.

So basically life imitating art....... Most likely not. But if so it is way far off.

08-14-18, 20:15
He says it "addresses the current political and social climate."

I'm asking: Are they in fact using the film series to foment a rebellion or at the very least, unrest?

In other words, it's not just satire or political film-making; it's actually trying to incite sedition.

The Weather Underground declared actual war on the US and everyone in it and tried their best to make it happen.

A film doesn't even come close to what we've already been through, especially a crappy, stupid film. The writings of Karl Marx are more dangerous.

08-14-18, 20:30
I read and shake my head, the same way I do when when I hear people wonder aloud how the Nazis were ever allowed to rise to power in a civilized country. I tell them that regular citizens stood by and allowed it to happen, voted for it to happen and mindlessly pledged their allegiance to it because it made them "feel" like they were making their nation and their future better. And this tom foolery, a complete 180 from what I was taught in school regarding 1st amendment rights is only the beginning. Socialists have pretty much failed thus far to produce a single standing functional example of their political desires but theyve got nearly 100 years experience at wrecking nations and futures. Death to them all.

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take a barrel of your fav drink and dump in one glass of something bad and ruins the whole lot ! that is socialism but they are to stupid to realize this sadly

08-15-18, 14:25
I'm asking: Are they in fact using the film series to foment a rebellion or at the very least, unrest?

In other words, it's not just satire or political film-making; it's actually trying to incite sedition.

I know not what lurks in the hearts of men but the film maker, or at least the original film's had an agenda no doubt. In an interview I watched of him back then he said that he thinks American gun owners (you, me, etc.) ARE the purge and that we just go around killing everyone we feel like and hide behind the NRA, Castle Doctrine, Stand-Your-Ground, etc.

Doc (like your new name change btw) copy and paste CIA Infulence in Hollywood into a search engine and check out the results.

Doc Safari
08-15-18, 15:26
Doc (like your new name change btw) copy and paste CIA Infulence in Hollywood into a search engine and check out the results.

Seen that a few months ago. There is a list on the net somewhere of all the movies in which the Pentagon had a major influence. Some of them are downright head-scratching.

08-15-18, 18:49
But this time will be different. Those last 100 years of failed states weren’t *true* socialism.
I hear this time and again, more times since Obama was elected than when I was in poly sci in college. Usually I take it with a grain of salt since the most vocal elements are the bartenders, servers and unemployed film industy types who are waiting for the next film gig. What is really making me uneasy, though, are the well educated and rather financially stable people who got their hearts broken when Hillary got Trumped (I can't resist saying that!!). It's the total disconnect from common sense that gets me, and I'm afraid these guillable minds are already well-conditioned to vote for their communist in sheep's clothing come 2020.

08-17-18, 06:58
I've never seen a single Purge movie (thankfully).

Seen parts of it, but if I was to watch a fictional movie I might as well watch Die Hard or Dark Knight.

12-24hrs of Free Crime spree is just too wild of an idea that completely ignores the consequences of what happens after. So If you kill children, cops, politicians, etc, the day after the purge its all good??? There would be chaos.

Doc Safari
08-17-18, 09:15
I've never seen a single Purge movie (thankfully).

Seen parts of it, but if I was to watch a fictional movie I might as well watch Die Hard or Dark Knight.

12-24hrs of Free Crime spree is just too wild of an idea that completely ignores the consequences of what happens after. So If you kill children, cops, politicians, etc, the day after the purge its all good??? There would be chaos.

I recommend you see the movies. I can't call them necessarily "entertaining." It's more like watching Nazi propaganda films from the 1930's. I very definitely see these films as an attempt to "educate" the have-nots into overthrowing the "haves".

08-17-18, 09:23
I recommend you see the movies. I can't call them necessarily "entertaining." It's more like watching Nazi propaganda films from the 1930's. I very definitely see these films as an attempt to "educate" the have-nots into overthrowing the "haves".

You know, I never sat down and watch an entire "Purge" movie, but I've seen parts of them. Thinking about the content and actors I do believe you are correct.

08-17-18, 09:38
I recommend you see the movies. I can't call them necessarily "entertaining." It's more like watching Nazi propaganda films from the 1930's. I very definitely see these films as an attempt to "educate" the have-nots into overthrowing the "haves".

When I have nothing better to do with my time, I'll take a peek at one. It just never interested me. I'd rather watch GI Joe or RE movies, at least you get a nice view of firearms in those.