View Full Version : Another priest event. LE Q

08-15-18, 15:36
Mostly a Q for LE here: As you're aware, this is not a rare occurrence. What I don't understand is why their superiors, who are often well aware of this, and actively move them, hide them, etc, are never charged with aiding and abetting (or other charges?) even when it's well established they were not just aware, but actively protecting these priests. Is it that some DA just does not view it as worth the effort? Feels it would be very unpopular, other? Someone explain this chit to me, as I'n clearly missing something.

Time after time, state after state, and nadda. If those who do it don't fear their superiors will turn their ass in, and the superiors don't fear jail time from protecting them, as not a one I'm aware of has seen any charges yet, what's going to prevent it?! Nothing, that's what, and I'd want some damn answers. Are they getting some pass being religious figures? Other?

When that happened in Boston, not only did Cardinal Law face no charges, he was promoted and sent off to the Vatican. Someone needs to explain this chit to me.



08-15-18, 15:44
So if you think about it Aiding or conspiracy after the fact are usually used in large cases to pressure a possible witness to rollover or as some throw away add on charge. Taking on the Church is high level and only the head District Attorney can make that call. All positions at that level are political. At that level no one does what is right they do what will benefit them politically. David

08-15-18, 15:51
So if you think about it Aiding or conspiracy after the fact are usually used in large cases to pressure a possible witness to rollover or as some throw away add on charge. Taking on the Church is high level and only the head District Attorney can make that call. All positions at that level are political. At that level no one does what is right they do what will benefit them politically. David

That has a solid ring O truth to it sadly. Guess I should not be surprised.

08-15-18, 16:26
Look into how many kids are molested in public schools and how much appetite there is for prosecuting that. Post some statistics...

08-15-18, 17:24
Just looking through the article, it seems most of the reports are from acts that took place 25-50 years ago. From a legal standpoint that has to present some legal and just logistical issues to prosecute the original acts, but I don't know about the cover-ups. Just looking at it, I'd think that most of these are true, but the 70-80s had a lot of odd reported sexual abuse by organizations that don't always hold water. Throw in some are probably attacks on the Church and the fact that the Catholic Church is the largest organized religion which means that they would have the largest number of attributable cases. They make it seem like it was rampant. I went to Catholic schools in that time frame. For the life of me I don't remember a single anti-gay homily or discussion, and I never knew or heard of priests diddling kids. Hell, even abortion was dealt with as "It's bad, do we really need to explain and discuss this more?".

I still don't get what went on in places like this and Penn State. It just doesn't make sense. The whole doc for the female gymnasts for the olympics. I just don't get it.

08-15-18, 18:05
Look into how many kids are molested in public schools and how much appetite there is for prosecuting that. Post some statistics...

I don't see the analogy as it seems soon as the teacher is outed, they tend to lose their job and LE contacted. I'm not aware of endless examples of say principles knowing about it, then actively assisting them in continuing the behavior by hiding them and so forth. If there are, it's a tiny fraction of what we see in these pedophile priests and their superiors who actively aid and abet them.

08-15-18, 18:29
Different time periods though. It doesn't explain all the differences, and especially the on going stuff, or why they weren't drummed out. Our parish priest came out of the Depression when a lack of opportunities attracted a different kind of person to the priesthood. Now, he was a 'lieutenant', not really management and I don't see him cottoning to funny business.

You can point out the Catholic church, but that doesn't explain Penn State or the Olympics- and those were far more recent than a lot of the Catholic stuff.

08-15-18, 18:41
I don't see the analogy as it seems soon as the teacher is outed, they tend to lose their job and LE contacted. I'm not aware of endless examples of say principles knowing about it, then actively assisting them in continuing the behavior by hiding them and so forth. If there are, it's a tiny fraction of what we see in these pedophile priests and their superiors who actively aid and abet them.

Fair enough, however not my point. Statistically the size of the organization versus the frequency was my argument, essentially.

08-15-18, 19:23
I never got the whole “lets make this fully mature man abstain from sex his whole life then make him have alone time with little boys” thing.

Is it an excuse, no. But where does it come from, because I never read that in the new testament (or old).

08-15-18, 21:10
I never got the whole “lets make this fully mature man abstain from sex his whole life then make him have alone time with little boys” thing.

Is it an excuse, no. But where does it come from, because I never read that in the new testament (or old).

Actually it isn't just priests. Sandusky got away with it for how long while everyone looked the other way? Part of it is people in positions of power and / or respect that ordinary people don't want to challenge.

But yeah, anyone who spends most of their time with kids bears watching, especially if they aren't viewed as unusual for not having a gf or wife.

So priests, coaches, karate instructors, school teachers and other child mentors all bear watching. If I had kids I wouldn't leave them alone with a grown adult I wasn't 100% sure of for any reason. It's hardly surprising that child molesters would hide in these positions.

When the whole school teacher thing seemingly started in the 90s, I had to change the way I did a lot of things as a martial arts instructor and PAL coach. I made sure I was never alone with a child simply so there could be no question about anything. It's kinda sad that I had to do that, but I remember kids on the news making up outlandish stories of satanic sexual abuse at day cares that never actually happened. Didn't need that kind of drama in my life.

08-15-18, 22:22
It's the church covering for them unfortunately.

Here's a recent bust in Pennsylvania.

Over 300 'predator priests' in Pennsylvania accused of abuse in grand jury report.


08-15-18, 22:54
But where does it come from, because I never read that in the new testament (or old).

Not trying to wade into a religious discussion, and I am not catholic, but been to a few weddings and funerals...

There aint no Bibles in a catholic church I have ever been to... There is a lot of odd things the Catholic church does that most Christian-type churches dont agree with.

08-16-18, 00:10
Beware ANY church, co-opted by the lavender mafia... :eek:

08-16-18, 02:24
I say nuke the Vatican and put a bounty on the rest, not really but it might send a positive message.

08-16-18, 06:37
Not trying to wade into a religious discussion, and I am not catholic, but been to a few weddings and funerals...

There aint no Bibles in a catholic church I have ever been to... There is a lot of odd things the Catholic church does that most Christian-type churches dont agree with.

Yes, it’s called organization. The penchant for uncontrolled franchising leads to quality control issues otherwise ;). This isn’t Ray’s Pizza...

08-16-18, 08:47
Well you haven’t spent much time in a Catholic Church, then my friend. Those books in front of you have bible verses in them that you can follow along with the readers. There’s a sign at the front that orients you to the page to start in for that Mass.

Plus, 17 centuries ago, not many people could read nor had the printing press been invented, so using an argument such as yours is not very factual.

And heresy was an enormous problem then and still is now, just ask FLDS or Adam Koresh.

08-20-18, 13:33
I don't see the analogy as it seems soon as the teacher is outed, they tend to lose their job and LE contacted. I'm not aware of endless examples of say principles knowing about it, then actively assisting them in continuing the behavior by hiding them and so forth. If there are, it's a tiny fraction of what we see in these pedophile priests and their superiors who actively aid and abet them.


It’s bigger than you think.

08-20-18, 14:10
My understanding was that at one point in history Priests in general were second or third Sons who had little skill and were never in line to inherit anything. Going in to the clergy allowed them some sort of life.
The occasional Priest would politicize his position and at that time since they were allowed to marry they would work themselves in to the families or the rich by marrying their daughters. Then due to the Laws of the time, the priest would de-facto inherit the families wealth if their wasn't a Male heir.
Their were in fact Priests who moved up in rank in the Church who gathered more wealth and power than the Pope. This caused no end of chaos and political intrigue. They had to end the policy and so they became celibate.
Some of these priests were so enamored with the idea they castrated themselves and hung the removed testis from the branches of trees. This is how we got the tradition of hanging decorations on Christmas trees.

Cliff Clayborn your favorite Postman.

08-20-18, 14:33
Well you haven’t spent much time in a Catholic Church, then my friend. Those books in front of you have bible verses in them that you can follow along with the readers. There’s a sign at the front that orients you to the page to start in for that Mass.

Plus, 17 centuries ago, not many people could read nor had the printing press been invented, so using an argument such as yours is not very factual.

And heresy was an enormous problem then and still is now, just ask FLDS or Adam Koresh.

Less than 3 centuries ago, the Catholic church still had in place a law that made the Bible being translated to English illegal. People worshipped in groups. Only one person needed to be able to read. It was about control and always has been with the Catholic church. What do you think confession is for? It was for collecting information about everyone - knowledge is power. Priests have no power to cleanse you of your sins. Nowhere in the Bible is that even remotely mentioned. Why would it be required to tell him anything? It was between you and the MAN - no one else. Hailing Mary does nothing either. Nowhere in the Bible is that mentioned that it will. She was just a human too.

The Catholic church has always been a government, is run like one, and has been corrupted like one. I am absolutely positive there are many good and honest people in the organization that are true believers of Christianity, but it, as a whole, was founded on people control disguised as Christianity.

The Bible puts it's focus on the individual and their relationship with God. Not society. If individuals take care of that relationship, society falls into place by itself.

08-20-18, 19:28
Religion is not something that should be debated here, obviously. I’ll leave it that we have a difference of opinion.