View Full Version : Citibank, BoA how's that anti gun policy working out

08-17-18, 07:36
Louisiana Attorney General Denies $600 Million to Citibank, Bank of America Over Gun Control


Bank of the West just lost Wyoming money over their anti oil and coal policies, bout time normal's started hitting back.

08-17-18, 08:59
On March 23, 2018, Breitbart News reported Citibank’s new gun control regulations, which require gun store customers to quit selling “high capacity” magazines in order to do business with the bank. Citibank also demanded bank store customers refuse long gun sales to anyone 18-20 years old, even though long gun sales to 18-20-year-olds are legal (and 18-20-year-olds can use fully automatic weapons in the U.S. military).

Cititbanks New Gun Control Regulations?
So we've began letting Mega-Banks install gun control and we've got Billionaires (some of whom have been accused of stealing their business idea's) stifling free speech because they find Alex Jones offensive.
Google and Facebook are the main source of News for most of America now. They now have a monopoly on the Town Square and they more than likely aren't giving it up any time soon.
No one needed to remove access to Alex Jones material to debunk him and make him look foolish, simply watching him was enough.
You know we were warned about this years ago, we're now just watching the results.

The voice of common sense.


Doc Safari
08-17-18, 09:18
Wish there were more people willing to stand up to the banks like this.

08-17-18, 09:20
Wish there were more people willing to stand up to the banks like this.

Red State Attorney Generals Unite !

Doc Safari
08-17-18, 11:12
Some more detail on this:

"Foot, meet gunshot"


The blowback against bank virtue signaling has begun.

Louisiana's state’s bond commission voted 7 to 6 Thursday to ban Bank of America and Citigroup from working on its upcoming debt sale because of the banks’ "restrictive gun policies," the state treasury said in a statement, according to Bloomberg.

As states begin using the bond market in retaliation against Wall Street and to stick up for the Second Amendment, Bank of America and Citigroup - the two top-ranked underwriters of long-term municipal debt - stand to lose millions in muni revenue.

"I personally believe the policies of these banks are an infringement on the rights of Louisiana citizens,” Treasurer John Schroder said in a statement. “As a veteran and former member of law enforcement, I take the Second Amendment very seriously."

My take: When liberal feel-good bullshit costs you a ton of money, do you keep doing it anyway? Do you keep your job as a bank officer?

08-17-18, 12:11
On March 23, 2018, Breitbart News reported Citibank’s new gun control regulations, which require gun store customers to quit selling “high capacity” magazines in order to do business with the bank. Citibank also demanded bank store customers refuse long gun sales to anyone 18-20 years old, even though long gun sales to 18-20-year-olds are legal (and 18-20-year-olds can use fully automatic weapons in the U.S. military).

Cititbanks New Gun Control Regulations?
So we've began letting Mega-Banks install gun control and we've got Billionaires (some of whom have been accused of stealing their business idea's) stifling free speech because they find Alex Jones offensive.
Google and Facebook are the main source of News for most of America now. They now have a monopoly on the Town Square and they more than likely aren't giving it up any time soon.
No one needed to remove access to Alex Jones material to debunk him and make him look foolish, simply watching him was enough.
You know we were warned about this years ago, we're now just watching the results.

The voice of common sense.


HA! I was like, "Who is this gay lumberjack"? I thought it was Crowder, but he actually plays a pretty good Devil's Advocate and I started to doubt it. He stays in character so well. I think that shows why he is so effective as a 'dark web' guy is that he understands the opposite side so well.

08-17-18, 12:40
My question to Facebook Twitter and YouTube would be;
"If you are going to remove content because you consider it irresponsible, potentially dangerous and inspiring hate crimes, are you equally responsible for the content you leave on your site?
I'm thinking that Antifa has been using these things to present their agenda and communicate with each other.
So could the Bike Lock Guy claim to be inspired by their content and that's why he went around knocking people in the head with the U shaped bike lock?