View Full Version : IRS - lois lerner : UPDATE

08-18-18, 09:51
Nine days ago the IRS was found in Federal Court to have targeted Tea Party groups under obama / holder / lerner agreeing to pay them $3,500,000 after a five year court battle. They agreed to pay but not admit to wrongdoing (hogwash). I never saw this payout from the IRS for an obama scandal targeting conservative opposition in any of the news.

obama is the one who weaponized the Federal Agencies against his and the Democrat's political enemies. This may be the first time the IRS had to pay out for illegal action in a class action suit. Note that lerner and her deputy's testimony through deposition is remaining under seal even though the case is over. Why? She said that if the public saw what she did, they would want to kill her. WOW!

If the IRS said they did nothing wrong, why did they just give away $3,500,000 of our money?


08-18-18, 09:57
If the IRS said they did nothing wrong, why did they just give away $3,500,000 of our money?
Therein lies the problem, they paid out our money, what do they care? The actors should have been fined personally. And Lois and any other higher ups involved should have gone to jail.

08-18-18, 10:06
Therein lies the problem, they paid out our money, what do they care? The actors should have been fined personally. And Lois and any other higher ups involved should have gone to jail.

This is a fact.

08-18-18, 10:10
The weaponizing of the IRS against conservatives was far more damaging to our country than any of the allegations against Trump- but you'll never hear anything about it from the MSM. Trump pulls the SC from a partisan hack and people go nuts.

08-18-18, 10:40
Agreed. Screw paying the organizations. Put people in PRISON!!!!

08-18-18, 10:58
You think it was bad under Obama, wait till they get back into power.

08-18-18, 11:28
The weaponizing of the IRS against conservatives was far more damaging to our country than any of the allegations against Trump- but you'll never hear anything about it from the MSM.

Where is our Special Counsel to investigate this? Plus, I'll just drop this here - you may have seen this 5 years ago, but just to remind us:

Lerner's Pension Could Be as Much as $102,600/Year, $3.96 Million Lifetime
By Pete Sepp | September 30, 2013 | 1:44 PM EDT

"National Taxpayers Union calculations show that Lerner could qualify for a starting pension at the annual equivalent of as much as $102,600, and up to $3.96 million over her lifetime."

08-18-18, 11:48
You think it was bad under Obama, wait till they get back into power.

Look at that. I agree with you.

08-18-18, 11:52
This sets a precedent that a mere $3.5m is the penalty for taking power over the nation.

Why would people want to kill Lerner? They just want to know who is ultimately behind it. Give her immunity and find the real threat/perps.

08-18-18, 12:31
This sets a precedent that a mere $3.5m is the penalty for taking power over the nation.

Why would people want to kill Lerner? They just want to know who is ultimately behind it. Give her immunity and find the real threat/perps.

I don't think people would want to kill her, however the people who she used to work for (obumbo, Clinton, etc) would..If she started spilling her guts and wasn't given protection, I've no doubt she'd have an "accident" within a week or sooner...

08-18-18, 13:50
I don't think people would want to kill her, however the people who she used to work for (obumbo, Clinton, etc) would..If she started spilling her guts and wasn't given protection, I've no doubt she'd have an "accident" within a week or sooner...

You think she’s referring to them?

LMT Shooter
08-18-18, 15:28
A sealed court record to protect a government official involved in illegal activities against American citizens with no known national security issues in the matter? This is the kind of stuff that ought to get a revolution started.

08-18-18, 15:41
I agree. That's why we can't get lazy or comfortable. It seems we are in a cold war with the far left
You think it was bad under Obama, wait till they get back into power.

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08-18-18, 17:24
I agree. That's why we can't get lazy or comfortable. It seems we are in a cold war with the far left

Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk

Correct. The Democratic Socialist party’s platform for 2018/2020 is “America was never great”, and they are proud of it. The total antithesis to the MAGA platform President Trump won on.


08-19-18, 11:05
You think she’s referring to them?

Possibly. With Clinton's track record of what happens to people who know too much about them, (auto accidents, airplane crashes,suicides, etc) Thete's no doubt in my mind that these people (obumbo, clinton,, etc) will act just like the mob does when one of their own gets backed into a corner, and starts squealing..an effort will be made to shut her up, and make it look accidential..

If I were Lois Learner, and was telling what I know in order to stay out of prison, I'd be quietly moving out of the D.C. area, and hiring some armed, private security 24/7/365, if I wanted to keep on living..

08-19-18, 11:27
$3.5 million in other people's money to silence your political opponents.....

08-19-18, 12:02
I'm sitting here looking at what Learner did and by this pay off admit to doing and then looking at Manafort is going through.
Neither to me are savory characters but the difference in the way they are being treated is amazing.

08-19-18, 12:56
What a world we live in. This is barely getting any airtime, although it should be front and center on every media outlet. Everyone with any integrity should be calling for jail sentences and the money to paid from personal funds, not tax payer dollars.

This is absolute, complete horseshit!

Targeting of a government agency to silence and weaken political opposition is definitely crossing my line in the sand. It should be crossing everyones line in the sand.

This is how backwards things have become.

I've just about lost all of my hope in actual Justice existing in this country or anywhere in the world at this point.

I'm infuriated and deeply saddened.

Doc Safari
08-20-18, 10:09
I've just about lost all of my hope in actual Justice existing in this country or anywhere in the world at this point.


There's a world of hurt comin' down where the unwashed will finally "get it" and stop pursuing justice through "channels."

08-20-18, 10:18
There's a world of hurt comin' down where the unwashed will finally "get it" and stop pursuing justice through "channels."

Sounds like one of the Purge movies. I sure hope it doesn't come to that.

Doc Safari
08-20-18, 10:20
Sounds like one of the Purge movies. I sure hope it doesn't come to that.

Look around you. Revolution and civil war are in the air. I don't like it either but it's happening. Some people claim it's not yet as bad as it got in the 1960's, but the left and right are becoming so polarized that justice means what each side wants it to mean. I predict we are less than 10 years from people being hanged from bridges.

08-20-18, 10:49
Some people claim it's not yet as bad as it got in the 1960's, .......................
Having lived thru the 60's, I don't believe it is.


12 June 1963 – Medgar Evers, an NAACP field secretary. Assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the Ku Klux Klan in Jackson, Mississippi.

22 November 1963 – John F. Kennedy, President of the United States. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

21 February 1965 – Malcolm X. Assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam in New York City. There is a dispute about which members killed Malcolm X.

25 August 1967 – George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party. Assassinated by John Patler in Arlington, Virginia.

4 April 1968 – Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader. Assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennessee.

5 June 1968 – Robert F. Kennedy, United States Senator. Assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles, after taking California in the presidential national primaries.

08-20-18, 21:17
Having lived thru the 60's, I don't believe it is.
I too lived through the 1960's and although there was a lot more hate and violence, we recently had a radical Leftist nearly rack up the same numbers you used as an example by shooting up a single baseball practice.
All GOP and many Senior GOP Reps.
In the future that event may be pointed to like Harper's Ferry.

08-20-18, 23:00
This sets a precedent that a mere $3.5m is the penalty for taking power over the nation.

Why would people want to kill Lerner? They just want to know who is ultimately behind it. Give her immunity and find the real threat/perps.

And then kill her. Seems to me RICO statutes could even apply.

08-20-18, 23:08
I too lived through the 1960's and although there was a lot more hate and violence, we recently had a radical Leftist nearly rack up the same numbers you used as an example by shooting up a single baseball practice.
All GOP and many Senior GOP Reps.
In the future that event may be pointed to like Harper's Ferry.

I don't want to say it's all cheery and roses, but building aren't blowing up every month, the NG didn't indiscriminately shoot a bunch of college kids and things like that. The main difference is the polarization is political rather than racial so you have to find out a little bit about somebody before you hate them and declare them to be "just like Hitler."

Things are definitely bad, CAIR sponsors terrorism and are treated as victims of racism, alt rights and alt left movements (both of which are reasonably insane) are hijacking the mainstreams of politics while remaining an actual minority viewpoint. There is a war on cops every bit as real as the one people think exists on minorities.

But it's still not quite as bad as 1968....yet. Doesn't mean we can't get there, but we aren't there yet.

And the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting should be remembered with the same degree of seriousness as Kent State. It should be the example everyone trumps out anytime anyone starts saying anything negative about conservatives. It should shame people the same way being called a "nazi" makes Germans STFU to this day.

08-21-18, 10:44
We're there already, difference is, this time it's political- which is how civil wars start. Vegas shooting, congressional baseball game shooting, multiple terrorists attacks, Antifa attacking people in the streets, mass riots, government employees attempting to overthrow an elected President.

Doc Safari
08-21-18, 10:50
We're there already, difference is, this time it's political- which is how civil wars start. Vegas shooting, congressional baseball game shooting, multiple terrorists attacks, Antifa attacking people in the streets, mass riots, government employees attempting to overthrow an elected President.

The biggest indicator, to me, is the harassment of anyone connected to the Trump administration even when they are off-duty at a restaurant or something. That can only escalate to tires being slashed, homes being firebombed, and other atocities. If we do not get the left to dial back the violence RIGHT NOW this country will spiral into chaos.

08-21-18, 11:03
The biggest indicator, to me, is the harassment of anyone connected to the Trump administration even when they are off-duty at a restaurant or something. That can only escalate to tires being slashed, homes being firebombed, and other atocities. If we do not get the left to dial back the violence RIGHT NOW this country will spiral into chaos.

They aren't going to dial back anything. They are going to keep pushing until they manage to regain all political control and will do so by rigging every election to their benefit. In essence, they already have control over most of the government agencies, they already control nearly all the media, so things might get sporty. I don't have a real good outlook of the future given what has gone on during this last election. The amount of corruption that is ongoing and that has been uncovered is just mind blowing.

08-21-18, 11:24
The biggest indicator, to me, is the harassment of anyone connected to the Trump administration even when they are off-duty at a restaurant or something. That can only escalate to tires being slashed, homes being firebombed, and other atocities. If we do not get the left to dial back the violence RIGHT NOW this country will spiral into chaos.
If the "Blue Wave" doesn't happen as predicted, you can expect an escalation of violence.
My true belief is that although you cant see it now unless you look at the numbers, the DOJ and FBI are being purged as the rats are jumping ship. Those in the deep State felt that Hillary would win, when she didn't and the Muller/Russia probe began to unravel they understood they were losing the means to achieve a coup via deep state shenanigans. The potential for that to happen lessens every day.
The DNC is in chaos as the Old Guard like Pelosi are being called to step down for the betterment of the Party. They plan to go hard Left, that is likely not going to work outside of the few Deep Blue costal States. Pelosi isn't going to go down without a fight and most normal people like the economy as it is right now, so socialist programs and agenda wont have overwhelming support.
I predict the GOP gains seats.
The Muller probe dies a death that will be blamed on Trump.
Our Doddering Fool of an Attorney General will be replaced and a firebrand will take the reigns.
When their agenda cannot be met by peaceful political means and elections you'll see the violence.

08-21-18, 11:32
Averageman posted this in another thread and seems appropriate to post it here as well.

Great article, an even better list;
But many on this list have been fired, or forced out (largely in disgrace) or demoted, because of the Trump/Russia investigation.

FBI Departures:

James Comey, director (fired)
Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)
DOJ Departures:

Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)
*Status Unclear

08-21-18, 11:43
The constant increase in insane rhetoric is going to drive events. We are already past the point where rational discussion is possible.

The country talked itself into the Civil War and people don’t seem to have learned a damn thing since.

08-21-18, 12:23
Well here is what they are pushing for now, representation in the senate based on population, not based on states. They want to turn DC, USVI, and PR into states for more Senate seats. They also want to split California into three or four sections for even more Senate seats. Just wait till they get back into power, I'm sure they'll treat us fairly.


08-21-18, 12:46
Have any of you seen this or heard it in your local or MSM news feed?

Great article, an even better list;
But many on this list have been fired, or forced out (largely in disgrace) or demoted, because of the Trump/Russia investigation.

FBI Departures:

James Comey, director (fired)
Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)
DOJ Departures:

Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)
*Status Unclear

They are hiding this because it is evidence.

08-21-18, 12:59
Well here is what they are pushing for now, representation in the senate based on population, not based on states. They want to turn DC, USVI, and PR into states for more Senate seats. They also want to split California into three or four sections for even more Senate seats. Just wait till they get back into power, I'm sure they'll treat us fairly.

We could have all the joy of unrestricted democracy as seen today in Venezuela and South Africa!

Always correct any idiot who claims the US is a democracy. It's a republic, a key distinction which the Founders were not only acutely aware of, but almost obsessed with.

08-21-18, 13:07
We could have all the joy of unrestricted democracy as seen today in Venezuela and South Africa!

Always correct any idiot who claims the US is a democracy. It's a republic, a key distinction which the Founders were not only acutely aware of, but almost obsessed with.

If you cannot understand the basics of History and Economics, you are going in to a time in history when if this goes the way the Left wants it to, you're likely going to be very hungry sooner or later.