View Full Version : How the "#Me Too" Movement is being derailed by the Liberals who started it.

08-20-18, 15:08
This was interesting bordering, nonpolitical and legit when it started, nobody blamed women who were being assaulted and then it began to spin totally out of control, way, way out of control.
Asia Argento, the Italian actress who was one of the first to publicly*accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, secretly paid off a young male actor accusing her of sexual misconduct in the months after her revelations about the disgraced movie mogul.*

According to a report in*The New York Times, Argento paid former child actor*Jimmy Bennett $380,000. Bennett claims that in 2013, a then 37-year-old Argento assaulted him in a California hotel only two months past his 17th birthday. The age of consent in California is 18.*

This was former celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdains girlfriend at the time of his suicide. He vehemently stood beside her and made some very bold statements concerning #Me Too and what had happened to her shortly before he hung himself.
Bourdain, who publicly announced his relationship with Argento last May, strongly supported the actress-turned-activist last fall after she publicly accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct.
It was only because of his relationship with Argento that women began opening up to him about those experiences. “I started speaking about it out of a sense of real rage,” he explained. “I’d like to say that I was only enlightened in some way or I’m an activist or virtuous, but in fact, I have to be honest with myself. I met one extraordinary woman with an extraordinary and painful story, who introduced me to a lot of other women with extraordinary stories and suddenly it was personal.”
It's just sad. I didn't always agree with Anthony's opinion, nor his politics, but this is sad because it is a part of his Legacy.
I am sure however the above News was a big hit with the Wienstien's and Clinton's.
But then another Oh Sh** Moment for the Left.

It seems to me that we are heavily into a “it’s not the seriousness of the evidence, it is the seriousness of the charge” situation. If Ellison were held to the same standard as, say, Al Franken, he’d be gone by tomorrow morning. But that will not happen. Ellison has two Get Out of Jail Free cards as far at the Democrat party goes. Even though he’s a male, he’s a member of an oppressed minority. And, of course, he’s a Muslim, which means he has to be telling the truth.
By Wednesday, Democrats will be heavily into character assassination. By the end of the week you’ll be hearing variations of James Carville’s dismissal of Paula Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,”

Just when I think I have seen everything....
But it's being buried deeper than the bodies who went missing around the Clinton's now, so it wont likely mean anything in the midterms.

08-20-18, 15:50
I remember reading Hollywood Babylon years ago, not much has changed from the 20's-30's to today. Glad I'm not involved in show biz.

08-20-18, 15:57
An article I was looking for that is fairly incendiary;

Talking with a journalist from Popula magazine, Bourdain, who was an outspoken supporter of the #MeToo movement, called former US President Bill Clinton a "gropey, grabby, disgusting" person.
"Bill Clinton, look, the bimbo eruptions — it was f*cking monstrous. That would not have flown today," Bourdain said about the Lewinsky scandal. He also slammed Bill's wife, Hillary Clinton, for shutting down his accusers.
"[Bill Clinton is] a piece of sh*t," Bourdain unequivocally declared. "Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting, and the way that he — and [Hillary] — destroyed these women and the way that everyone went along and, and are blind to this!"
The celebrity chef further condemned "the way they efficiently dismantled, destroyed and shamelessly discredited these women for speaking their truth."

That's fairly far out on a limb to go for a Woman who would later faces similar charges. I think now the #Me Too movement will die a quiet death. There are too many top level Liberals being punched in the face by it.

08-20-18, 17:04
Leftists accusing others of the disgusting things they do. Go figure.

08-20-18, 17:20
Leftists accusing others of the disgusting things they do. Go figure.

S.OP. for the Leftists. "Do as I say, not as I do".

08-20-18, 17:30
Ooops. :fie:


08-20-18, 17:32
S.OP. for the Leftists. "Do as I say, not as I do".

You know that Argento had to know she had this in her past and it was obviously not resolved yet. To go forward from there, allow people who loved her to stand up against some of the biggest Political and Hollywood power brokers is really kind of sick.
Imagine waking up and getting that news?
Ellison being both Liberal and Muslim has a "Get out of Jail Free Card" with his Party. I read this stuff and I can't believe it. The DNC literally rolls over on a different hand grenade every six weeks, but the stories die quickly or are covered very lightly and carefully.

08-20-18, 17:40
Ooops. :fie:I was just going to post #metoo= Pound Me Too.

Sounds like they want more of it.

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08-20-18, 18:10
Ooops. :fie:That is great

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08-20-18, 18:50
I think the real goal of the #metoo movement was to build up towards taking down Pres. Trump. All those "big shots" who fell from grace were sacrificial goats.

08-20-18, 18:50
I think the idea of calling these guys out is a good thing, actually a great thing, but only under the premise that these accusations can be proven or at least substantiated by some level of evidence.
There is some injustice, there are powerful people who get away with horrible crimes, that this movement empowered those women, or in some cases men who were assaulted was a good thing.
The irony in all of this to me is, if you would ask a liberal which party empowers women, they would of course answer Democrats. That these same people from the Democratic Party are being outed every day essentially ruined the entire platform of #Me Too.
So the next time you hear about some victim of sexual assault or harassment not having a voice because of the power of their assailant, be sure and use those two examples above and explain to them how the Left really screwed this up for them.
Ellison the Deputy Chairman of the DNC getting away with this type of behavior and Argento calling out someone for doing this to her, while She was sexually assaulting a minor is just another example of how the Democratic Plantation works.

08-20-18, 19:11
I think the idea of calling these guys out is a good thing, actually a great thing, but only under the premise that these accusations can be proven or at least substantiated by some level of evidence.
There is some injustice, there are powerful people who get away with horrible crimes, that this movement empowered those women, or in some cases men who were assaulted was a good thing.
The irony in all of this to me is, if you would ask a liberal which party empowers women, they would of course answer Democrats. That these same people from the Democratic Party are being outed every day essentially ruined the entire platform of #Me Too.
So the next time you hear about some victim of sexual assault or harassment not having a voice because of the power of their assailant, be sure and use those two examples above and explain to them how the Left really screwed this up for them.
Ellison the Deputy Chairman of the DNC getting away with this type of behavior and Argento calling out someone for doing this to her, while She was sexually assaulting a minor is just another example of how the Democratic Plantation works.

If I was a sexual predator, I'd be a Democrat.

Not only would I know I'd be more protected by liberal justice than conservative justice, but I'd be able to hide in plain sight, advocate for victims groups and literally be provided with a pool of potential victims as a result. If I was really bad, I'd create a foundation that would make all of my activities tax deductible and I could guilt the rich into making large contributions to my foundation.