View Full Version : Mollie Tibbetts Murder Suspect an Illegal Alien

08-21-18, 19:26
Very Sad for her family,

The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.
Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa -- in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives.
“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says 'you need to leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”
Investigators said they believed the suspect had been in the area for four to seven years. Homeland Security confirmed his illegal-immigrant status.

I hope they can find peace.

Edit to add the CNN link;
She didn't make the top stories, I had to search a bit.

08-21-18, 19:36
RIP. At least her family can stop wondering.

Sure, this is the first time he’s done this. Maybe he can go blank when the slip him the cocktail.

Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.

So her implicit bias racism is what caused him to kill her.......

08-21-18, 19:38
RIP. At least her family can stop wondering.

Sure, this is the first time he’s done this. Maybe he can go blank when the slip him the cocktail.

They said in the CNN article the max he can get is Life without Parole.

08-21-18, 20:28
- YESTERDAY! :mad::mad::mad:

08-21-18, 20:36
Does it make any sense that you could be tracked using a fit bit?
I ask because the fit bit was mentioned in one story, but without an explanation. Does it have some sort of interaction with GPS technology?

A FitBit is a wearable activity tracker that uses wireless technology to measure data like the number of steps walked, heart rate, sleep quality, steps climbed and other fitness metrics. The FitBit also could have the ability to track location using GPS.

I wasn't aware...

edit to add;
Investigators said they zeroed in on Rivera after obtaining footage from surveillance cameras in Brooklyn. The footage showed a Chevy Malibu connected to Rivera that was driving back and forth as Tibbetts was running in the area, Rahn said.

An affidavit attached to the criminal complaint against Rivera alleged that he admitted to investigators he got out of his car and started running alongside Tibbetts.

Tibbetts grabbed her phone and said she was going to call the police. The affidavit says Rivera panicked and then said he blacked out. Rivera next remembers seeing her earphones on his lap, and taking her bloody body out of the trunk of his car, it said.

"The defendant further described during the interview that he dragged Tibbetts on foot from his vehicle to a secluded location in a cornfield," the affidavit said.

Investigators said they had earlier searched the area for Tibbetts but didn't find her, noting the body was covered by corn stalks when recovered early Tuesday.

08-21-18, 20:45
Hey, when you "need" pliable voters and "cheap labor", the occasional sacrifices must be made.

This is no time to let up, comrades.

08-21-18, 21:21
Not sure what else can be said. I wonder if some judge will release him on a personal recognizance bond.

08-21-18, 21:47
They said in the CNN article the max he can get is Life without Parole.

I'm not a proponent of the the death penalty for vengeance. Some people are just too dangerous to be in society, and any chance that they can get out is too big of a risk. If being told to stop stalking causes you to go blank and kill- you are too dangerous for society to ever be free. If we can't take your risk, good-bye. Lot's of people die every year for no reason, severe not-playing-well-with-others should be take you out of the running for a renewal of the life subscription.

08-21-18, 21:48
Not sure what else can be said. I wonder if some judge will release him on a personal recognizance bond.

Wouldn’t be surprising at all. Then he could flee to Commiefornia where they will protect and cherish him, as long as he doesn’t use a plastic straw or give a child a Coke.

08-21-18, 22:10
And already the local news has changed the narrative to "Will this become an issue about illegal immigrants and will they be treated differently?"

Never mind that somebody here illegally killed a college girl. What's really important is making sure the other illegal immigrants aren't treated badly. Every single person knows that his status as an ILLEGAL meant this crime was 100% preventable and he had no business even being in the country. But it seems most important that nobody says that and that not too many people arrive at that conclusion.

08-21-18, 22:13
They said in the CNN article the max he can get is Life without Parole.

Iowa Democrats abolished the death penalty in 1965.

08-21-18, 22:53
Does it make any sense that you could be tracked using a fit bit?
I ask because the fit bit was mentioned in one story, but without an explanation. Does it have some sort of interaction with GPS technology?

A FitBit is a wearable activity tracker that uses wireless technology to measure data like the number of steps walked, heart rate, sleep quality, steps climbed and other fitness metrics. The FitBit also could have the ability to track location using GPS.

I wasn't aware...

edit to add;
Investigators said they zeroed in on Rivera after obtaining footage from surveillance cameras in Brooklyn. The footage showed a Chevy Malibu connected to Rivera that was driving back and forth as Tibbetts was running in the area, Rahn said.

An affidavit attached to the criminal complaint against Rivera alleged that he admitted to investigators he got out of his car and started running alongside Tibbetts.

Tibbetts grabbed her phone and said she was going to call the police. The affidavit says Rivera panicked and then said he blacked out. Rivera next remembers seeing her earphones on his lap, and taking her bloody body out of the trunk of his car, it said.

"The defendant further described during the interview that he dragged Tibbetts on foot from his vehicle to a secluded location in a cornfield," the affidavit said.

Investigators said they had earlier searched the area for Tibbetts but didn't find her, noting the body was covered by corn stalks when recovered early Tuesday.
I can attest that when I'm at certain high security facilities, trackable devices are verbotten. This includes step trackers and activity monitors. Even the most mundane and limited feature models (read, cheapest, last year's tech, etc) can harvest all kinds of locational data, regardless of end user awareness/ability to access, eg, hence the ban.

diving dave
08-22-18, 09:29
Maybe his public defender can get a change of venue to San Francisco...They might find him guilty of parking his car illegally.

08-22-18, 10:36
CNN is labeling him an “undocumented immigrant”.


Doc Safari
08-22-18, 10:43
I'm surprised the MSM is not saying that her "white privilege" got her killed.

08-22-18, 11:31
CNN is labeling him an “undocumented immigrant”.


CBS is as well. They also reported he passed the E-verify system for employment. So 1) in country illegally, 2) either identity fraud or forged documents, in addition to 3) murder.

The irrational side of me wishes we could execute him out-right as he is a non-citizen/foreign invader. The rest of me understands why we can't. What disappoints me is the number of co-workers who still think these things "can't" happen here in Iowa and parrot "you can't blame a group for the acts of an individual". Sorry, but those same people do that with gun owners every time there's a shooting that makes the news.

Iowa is slowly but steadily becoming a place I don't want to raise my kids and grand daughter in.

B Cart
08-22-18, 11:45
Glad they caught this scumbag and got some closure for the family. We've been searching here for a girl who disappeared while jogging in February, and unfortunately haven't been able to locate her. No activity on any bank cards and cell phone hasn't been activated since the day she disappeared. It's hard on the family and loved ones without closure, even if the closure isn't the outcome that you want.

This guy should have never been here in the first place, and we lose yet another life to some scumbag illegal criminal. And it's sickening to see the MSM try and spin it to fit their agenda

08-22-18, 12:44
From Presidential hopeful Elizabeth 'fauxcahontas' Warren

“I’m so sorry for the family here and I know this is hard not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Last month, I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with those mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were, who hadn’t had a chance to talk to their children.

And there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”

Elizabeth Warren

Wow.... so you have just had your daughter raped, murdered and stuck in the trunk of a car and EW thinks it's about family separations at the border. What a piece of work.

08-22-18, 14:09
First court appearance today: $5 million all cash bond if he can come up with it (unlikely), plus other conditions that pretty much mean he will stay in jail such as an ICE detainer. Iowa, whoever, does not have the death penalty, so life without parole is the most he can get.

08-22-18, 14:16
Iowa is slowly but steadily becoming a place I don't want to raise my kids and grand daughter in.

As someone who just came from FL, I hate to tell you we are running out of viable options unless you are willing to live in a remote mountain cabin huddled around a cook stove.

If this happened in FL it would make the news for ONE NIGHT and that would be it.

08-22-18, 14:38
From Presidential hopeful Elizabeth 'fauxcahontas' Warren
And there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”
Elizabeth Warren
That is pure and unadulterated evil. She is literally stepping on the memory of Molly to get votes.

08-22-18, 14:53
As someone who just came from FL, I hate to tell you we are running out of viable options unless you are willing to live in a remote mountain cabin huddled around a cook stove.

That's the worst part IMO. Ten, maybe fifteen years ago we were still relatively isolated from the stuff going on in the outer states. That is rapidly changing. From what the local media is willing to report on it seems Liberalism is steadily infecting the state. Reports from up in Rochester make it sound like that city is following London's path, just a few years behind it. Often wonder if some things that get reported are test cases to see if the people would notice/care/react. Yet with everything that goes on people still have the "can't happen here" mindset.

08-23-18, 04:39
So her implicit bias racism is what caused him to kill her.......

This surfaced from the her Twitter feed stemming from an election in 2017 . . .


I can attest that when I'm at certain high security facilities, trackable devices are verbotten.

Unless you are Rick Ross and Barry O invites you to the White House and your ankle monitor goes off, lmao.

I'm surprised the MSM is not saying that her "white privilege" got her killed.

****ing White people and there . . . >>>shuffles deck and pulls card<<< . . . racist JOGGING!

I sure hope his new prison nick-name will be Airtight.

Doc Safari
08-23-18, 09:04
This surfaced from the her Twitter feed stemming from an election in 2017 . . .


Unless you are Rick Ross and Barry O invites you to the White House and your ankle monitor goes off, lmao.

****ing White people and there . . . >>>shuffles deck and pulls card<<< . . . racist JOGGING!

I sure hope his new prison nick-name will be Airtight.

What irony! I heard Newt Gingrich state on the radio that if her name is a household word by November the dems are not going to take back Congress.

08-23-18, 09:09
- YESTERDAY! :mad::mad::mad:

And AFTER all the ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS have been catapulted back, ALL their democrap enablers, get catapulted NEXT. :mad:

08-23-18, 10:29
What irony! I heard Newt Gingrich state on the radio that if her name is a household word by November the dems are not going to take back Congress.
This needs to be made an issue Nation wide.
Statistics need to be prepared that show the numbers of crimes these criminal illegal aliens are commenting. It needs to look like the deficit clock, but broken down by crime.
This would force the issue to be addressed by the left.

Doc Safari
08-23-18, 10:33
This needs to be made an issue Nation wide.
Statistics need to be prepared that show the numbers of crimes these criminal illegal aliens are commenting. It needs to look like the deficit clock, but broken down by crime.
This would force the issue to be addressed by the left.

Not that I wish harm on anybody, but what needs to happen is for an illegal alien to harm a Democrat or a prominent member of the media.

08-23-18, 10:35
I'm willing to bet Molly was a Democrat.

08-23-18, 11:56
Not that I wish harm on anybody, but what needs to happen is for an illegal alien to harm a Democrat or a prominent member of the media.

Wouldn't matter either. Once someone blinds themselves to logic in favor of emotion, it can only be a personal emotional/violent experience that changes their perspective.

Unfortunately, most Democrats will continue to defend these criminals and support those who allow them free movement into and around our Country.

08-23-18, 12:24

I like it.

08-23-18, 12:46
This needs to be made an issue Nation wide.
Statistics need to be prepared that show the numbers of crimes these criminal illegal aliens are commenting. It needs to look like the deficit clock, but broken down by crime.
This would force the issue to be addressed by the left.

I'm particularly interested in crimes committed by those already arrested for prior crimes and sent back, only to return.

08-23-18, 12:50
I'm particularly interested in crimes committed by those already arrested for prior crimes and sent back, only to return.

As am I. That's the real rub here. Most violent crimes are committed over and over again by the same offenders, liberal judges and DA's give them slaps on the wrist- wash, rinse and repeat.

If we enforced the laws on the books properly, violent crime would plummet nationwide.

08-23-18, 13:03
As am I. That's the real rub here. Most violent crimes are committed over and over again by the same offenders, liberal judges and DA's give them slaps on the wrist- wash, rinse and repeat.

If we enforced the laws on the books properly, violent crime would plummet nationwide.

Agreed. That's why we need the "Island". 3 chances and then you are on your own on the "island" with limited resources surrounded by a secure offshore perimeter. Once on, you don't get off. Try and leave, you die. People would shape up quick.

08-23-18, 13:42
Agreed. That's why we need the "Island". 3 chances and then you are on your own on the "island" with limited resources surrounded by a secure offshore perimeter. Once on, you don't get off. Try and leave, you die. People would shape up quick.

LOVED that movie!


08-23-18, 14:18
Brietbart literally has the best coverage as of now on this subject.
It's like the Wetback Murderer of the day club over there.

08-23-18, 14:26
Wouldn't matter either. Once someone blinds themselves to logic in favor of emotion, it can only be a personal emotional/violent experience that changes their perspective.

One would think.

I know of several leftists converts who see the light after such events but there are those that even after being raped and or having their own daughter murdered they double-down on their leftist mental illness . . .

Here we see how a leftist woman in Germany responded after being gang raped by "economic migrants", she was the spokeswoman for Linksjugend Solid rough translation left-wing Youth Solid.

“Thank You For Raping Me” German Socialist Woman Thanks Muslim “Refugees” In Facebook Post For Gang Raping Her

Dear male refugees, perhaps of my age. Perhaps a few years younger. A bit older.

I am so sorry!

Almost a year ago I saw the hell from which you have fled. I was not directly in the heart of it, but I visited the people in the refugee camp in southern Kurdistan. I saw old grandmothers who had to take care of too many children without parents. I saw the eyes of these children. Some had not lost their light. But I also saw children whose gaze was empty and traumatising. I showed Arabic characters to around 20 Yazidi children in their maths class and still remember how a small girl started crying only because a chair fell.

I have had a taste of the hell from which you fled. I didn’t see what happened there and didn’t experience the challenging journey you had to make.

I am glad and happy that you managed to get here. That you were able to leave IS and its war behind and did not drown in the Mediterranean.

But I am afraid you are not safe here.

Burning asylum homes, daily attacks on refugees and a brown [tn: used in German as a synonym for Nazi] mob running through the streets. I have always fought against the fact that that’s how it is here.

I wanted an open, friendly Europe. One in which I’d be happy to live and where we would both be safe. Sorry.

I am so unbelievably sorry for both of us.

You, you are not safe, because we live in a racist society. I, I am not safe because we live in a sexist society.

But what I am most sorry about is that the circumstances of the sexist and excessive actions that were done to me will only contribute to the increasing and ever more aggressive racism to which you are exposed.

I promise you I will scream. I will not allow it to go on happening. I will not look on and do nothing and let it happen when racists and concerned citizens say you are the problem.

You are not the problem. You are actually not any problem. You are mostly wonderful people, who have earned the right as much as anyone else to be safe and free. That you for being who you are – and it’s great that you are here.


Next, I'll re-post this story from another thread . . .

Back story:

Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was a white American graduate of Stanford University and an Anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by black Cape Town residents while a black mob shouted anti-white slurs. The four men convicted of her murder were released as part of the Truth and Reconciliation process.

As she drove a friend home to the township of Guguletu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a black mob pulled her from the car and stabbed and stoned her to death.[2][3] The attack on the car driven by Amy Biehl was one of many incidents of general lawlessness on the NY1 road that afternoon. Bands of toyi-toying black youths threw stones at delivery vehicles and cars driven by white people. One delivery vehicle was toppled over and set alight and only the arrival of the police prevented more damage. There was evidence that some of the possessions of Amy Biehl and the passengers in her car were stolen.[4] According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle is Not Enough: "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her] … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) Four people were convicted of killing her.[5]:17–18 In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated.[1]:71

Biehl's family supported the release of the men, and her father shook their hands, stating:

“ The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue ... we are here to reconcile a human life which was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Biehl

An engaging woman of 65 with a blond bob and a warm smile, she has grown exceptionally close to her daughter's killers. "Easy and Ntobeko are fascinating and I really do love them," she says. "They have given me so much."

08-23-18, 15:15
And AFTER all the ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS have been catapulted back, ALL their democrap enablers, get catapulted NEXT. :mad:

Actually, can we catapult the Democrats first? I bet if we took away free social services and actually enforced the laws the "illegals" problem would largely self correct. If it actually became easier to go through the immigration process than simply walking across we'd have more legal immigrants and we might actual get people willing to "work for a better life" than the one they had in their crappy country.

08-24-18, 13:20
The Mollie Tibbetts killing is not about immigration, it's about toxic masculinity.


08-24-18, 14:25
The Mollie Tibbetts killing is not about immigration, it's about toxic masculinity.


I can't tell what's a more embarrassing representation of our state: the lawyer for the Defense, the number of people I've heard at work today repeating that story, or the number of people around here that transfer their views onto anyone who says "illegal alien" to mean "people from countries South of the United States".

At least I openly admit I'm not the best person to represent Iowa.

08-24-18, 14:38
As am I. That's the real rub here. Most violent crimes are committed over and over again by the same offenders, liberal judges and DA's give them slaps on the wrist- wash, rinse and repeat.

If we enforced the laws on the books properly, violent crime would plummet nationwide.

Why do you think the government keeps the borders open, which keeps the drugs flowing, and keeps the inner cities plagued with violence?

08-24-18, 14:43
I can't tell what's a more embarrassing representation of our state: the lawyer for the Defense, the number of people I've heard at work today repeating that story, or the number of people around here that transfer their views onto anyone who says "illegal alien" to mean "people from countries South of the United States".

At least I openly admit I'm not the best person to represent Iowa.

I used to think "Goddamn, it's going to come down to some of these people having their kids raped and murdered before they figure out why this BS is wrong."

And now I know even that won't get them to understand anything.

08-24-18, 17:34
I used to think ", it's going to come down to some of these people having their kids raped and murdered before they figure out why this BS is wrong."

And now I know even that won't get them to understand anything.

That is why I am getting to the point where I refuse to discuss or debate with those people. I wouldn't argue with a crazy person because it is futile. Same principle, liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. It is the only way to explain their unwavering, illogical, twisted and debauched beliefs.

08-24-18, 18:20
She was likely a bleeding heart liberal right up and until she had to tell that guy to F' off when he was following her.
I'm sure there comes a point where people "Get It", it's just that the learning curve at some point will kill you.

08-24-18, 21:27
She was likely a bleeding heart liberal right up and until she had to tell that guy to F' off when he was following her.
I'm sure there comes a point where people "Get It", it's just that the learning curve at some point will kill you.

Experience is a cruel teacher, it gives you the test before offering the lesson.

08-24-18, 21:36
That is why I am getting to the point where I refuse to discuss or debate with those people. I wouldn't argue with a crazy person because it is futile. Same principle, liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. It is the only way to explain their unwavering, illogical, twisted and debauched beliefs.

I understand it at a very basic, academic level. Most people, especially young people, want to make the world a better place and fix things that are wrong. Unfortunately for them, most of the things that needed fixing are fixed and most of the laws that needed to be passed are laws. That means they have to find new groups of people who are being treated poorly and that pretty much leaves pedophiles, gender / racial identification folks, low level terrorists / anarchists and other criminal types like illegals.

And if your entire identity is wrapped up in your social justice warrior image you can end up trashing the rights of ordinary people in order to protect the rights of someone you perceive as a victim, even if they are actually a criminal. But most extremist don't realize they are extremist, they just think they are the only one willing to do what is necessary when nobody else will and they really do think they are just like the civil rights activists of the 60s.

Of course by the same token, most terrorist don't think they are bad people, they often think they are serving God directly.

08-25-18, 01:40
I'm particularly interested in crimes committed by those already arrested for prior crimes and sent back, only to return.

Criminal immigration offense make up the majority of federal criminal prosecutions and 8 USC 1326 - illegal re-entry after deportation, a felony, is the most commonly prosecuted federal criminal charge.

Latest figures (June 2018) here: http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/immigration/monthlyjun18/fil/

In June 2018 ICE and CBP /USBP prosecuted 2,183 aliens for re-entry. Most of these were either arrested by USBP /CBP while actually re-entering or came to LE attention in the interior via involvement in other crimes.

08-25-18, 08:10
The left wing media is at it again, trying linking the illegal alien murderer to a GOP fundraiser:


08-25-18, 08:52
The left wing media is at it again, trying linking the illegal alien murderer to a GOP fundraiser:


"Iowa murder suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser"

So it really WAS all those EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL whitey-cracka, tax-payin', Republicans' fault AFTER all!!! :secret:

08-25-18, 09:02
Hey, hiring, aiding, and abetting illegal aliens for profit is The American Way.

I’m not sure the GOP is any less complicit in this mess than the Democrats, and that’s a pretty damn low bar.

08-25-18, 09:12

The illegal alien accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts and leaving her body in an Iowa cornfield has a U.S.-born child.
Police have previously noted that Bahena-Rivera has been living in the U.S. illegally for the past four to seven years. A new report reveals that the illegal alien has a U.S.-born child with one of Tibbetts’ former high school classmates.\

Mmmmmm, really.....

08-25-18, 09:15
"Iowa murder suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser"

We've been seeing this for decades, it's actually not news around here. DeCosta's, Agriprocessors, Inc. in Postville, Marshalltown since the mid-80's, the commotion over Patriot Night at the HS basketball game in the Des Moines area last season, the minor deported from Hampton last year after his parents ditched him to avoid being caught by ICE themselves. Pretty much an "open secret" that the state has a number of illegals working at the various farms and factories. Mainly due to cheap labor. What I didn't see in the article Sam posted after a quick skim was its actually close to 50/50 as far as Republican or Democrats "unknowingly" employing illegals. Some communities won't admit they know what's going on. Take the interview on CBS This Morning on 24August. A "co-worker" of the defendant was interviewed on camera, but due to not wanting to be identified they blurred her out. Viewers also had to rely on CBS' word that their translation was truthful as the gal didn't speak any English. I'm sure if you'd ask anyone in that community they'd probably tell you the gal was here legally.

This week has been a good example of the hypocrisy of both sides of the aisle. Seems like the same points/counter-points made during the previous administration are still being used but by the opposite sides as last time.

08-25-18, 14:30
"Iowa murder suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser"

So it really WAS all those EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL whitey-cracka, tax-payin', Republicans' fault AFTER all!!! :secret:

Actually part owner....

A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday.

And the killer falsified information and committed identity fraud, but it is the GOPs fault...

farm manager Dane Lang said Rivera presented an out-of-state identification and Social Security number with a different name when he was hired in 2014.

In Cali, you can't even help ICE investigate workers that might be illegal...

Talk about reaching for straws- and I wish the left took the the same view about illegals and violence and legal gun owners and violence...

08-27-18, 15:37
Nothing like virtue signaling after your daughter's murder, priorities . . .

Tibbetts' father: Hispanic locals 'Iowans with better food'

"The Hispanic community are Iowans. They have the same values as Iowans," he said. "As far as I'm concerned, they're Iowans with better food."


'Mollie's nobody's victim': Mollie Tibbetts remembered at funeral

"Today, we need to turn the page. We're at the end of a long ordeal," he said. "But we need to turn toward life -- Mollie's life -- because Mollie's nobody's victim.



Doc Safari
08-27-18, 15:43
Typical liberal cuckold gibberish.

08-27-18, 18:13
Nothing like virtue signaling after your daughter's murder, priorities . . .

Tibbetts' father: Hispanic locals 'Iowans with better food'


'Mollie's nobody's victim': Mollie Tibbetts remembered at funeral



Life gives you the lesson after the test. Some people would still fail the make-up test.

I thought sacrificing your kids on the altar of your beliefs stopped being cool with Abraham?

08-28-18, 05:54
Typical liberal cuckold gibberish.

I believe her father is from California, which explains a lot.