View Full Version : Gun in every room of your house ?

08-22-18, 22:44
My setup is the zenith z5RS sbr in the living room corner . I run the sbr arsenal ak krink in the kitchen and my colt m4 sbr with Aimpoint in the bedoolm. A throwdown Glock 22 is in a bathroom sink drawer and my atei kissed Glock 19 on the nightstand . Hoping I’ve covering my basses. Home invasions are more prevalent and you must prepare . No kids in the house.... just my wife who is another gun fag.

08-22-18, 22:49
Yes, there is a gun in every room with me in my house - it's called my G19 CCW, always on my hip.

Makes it about 1000 times easier that stashing stuff all over.


08-22-18, 22:56
I’m unfamiliar with the term Gun fag.

But do you run the guns in each room? Or discard them and transition to the new gun upon entry?

I keep my guns in a safe and just keep one readily accessible near by, it seems easier.

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08-22-18, 23:28
Handgun Forum - Check
Thread starts off with SBRs - Check
Facebook-like Post - Check

Would love to see your collection though, sounds nice.

08-22-18, 23:50
If the bad guy comes in through the kitchen and you're in the bedroom we'll finally be able to settle the AK vs AR debate.

08-22-18, 23:56
Sounds like you are ready for anything!

I never discredit anyone who prepares themselves and their families for any type of event. Some people are just more prepared than others and I'm not sure myself what is considered sufficiently protected these days. Hahah. I'm certainly not where I'd like to be. In reality, I think just having a plan is essential. Home burglaries seem to be more targeted robberies than random events and knowing your home and where to go is important imo.

I'd be always wary of who comes into your house.. any interior maintanace -dont leave anything of real value out. Word of mouth of what you have travels fast, but also your security system. They study it and see if its worth the grab. I have watched them countless times looking around at my cameras. So dummy cameras can even be effective.

Regardless, it's always best to be prepared. Why not? When you have kids in multiple rooms, it's a very different situation. No firearms throughout the house with the little guys.

I live in a decent area with very low crime, gated community, secure door access, hurricane proof windows, 12 cameras, monitors in 2 different rooms, and ADT pulse (max security) and I still keep a 7" super shorty 12g in a hidden compartment next to the bed with electronic earpro in the drawer. A Glock 17 in another area hidden. We have a plan in place if things bump in the night.

I carry my g43 and, if off, is in the kitchen hidden - but quick access.

I figured that is enough and if someone sneaks into the community, blatantly disregards the security system signs, alarm, cameras etc you are doing some things in your life you shouldn't be and they are coming to kill your ass! Lol

But seriously, certain dogs can be even more effective and better security than any device.

I say whatever makes you and your family sleep better at night and also feel comfortable and protected in your castle- Do it!

08-23-18, 00:21
Sounds like a 5 room house... my house is a bit larger, and that isn't meant as a brag, but it does explain why I believe in defense in depth. You can have guns in each room, and if you don't have dogs I'll point out you aren't prepared. If you don't have areas cleared around your house, you aren't prepared. The list goes on and on, but the concept of a weapon in each room is such a small piece of the pie that it takes actually being prepared out of context.

I don't think you will find many people on this board will to tell you the layout of their weapon in their house. Most of us would think it to be low grade trolling to even ask.

Best of luck to you, and I pray you never have to use any of your firearms to defend yourself or house.

08-23-18, 00:28
Keep in mind the more guns you have laying around the more opportunity for an unauthorized individual getting a hold of them.

08-23-18, 01:03
I live in a 1 bedroom with my wife, so I guess I do have guns all throughout the house!

Jokes aside, I used to do that, but stopped. The reality is, I'm more likely to have my gear stolen by all the management and maintenance folks coming into my apartment when I'm at work then face a home intrusion. I have one on or near me when at home, but the rest goes in a bolted safe.

08-23-18, 08:13
I keep my G19 on me and then it goes on my nightstand at bed time. Other stuff stays locked up because I don't want some dumb kids to swipe a gun during a snatch and grab while the house is unoccupied.

08-23-18, 08:22
I have a rule that there NO weapons out of the safe ever unless it's the pistol in my holster or the AR that comes out every night when the pistol goes in the safe. Edited.

08-23-18, 08:40
Keep in mind the more guns you have laying around the more opportunity for an unauthorized individual getting a hold of them.


I hang out with some seedy people. I piss people off a lot. I date many many girls who would not pass the M4C racial purity test. And I’m still infinitely more worried with theft than I am about needing to repel boarders in such a quick manner that I won’t have time to get to a firearm someplace.

Now we just need to know where OP lives (easy) and observe his work/travel/life schedule and break in when he’s not home. Plenty of guns lying around.

As far as dogs - meh. Dogs bark at everything and they’re easy to take out. Most people don’t spend any time doing ring work with them or the time needed to get them to really attack people. They’re almost like car alarms. False senses of security.

A good safe, cameras surrounding the house with motion alerts to my phone, and a good insurance policy are way more effective than any “let’s arm the neighborhood if they get in” method of protection.

diving dave
08-23-18, 09:08
Working in law enforcement for 25 yrs, I've seen way too many guns go bye bye in burglaries where they were stashed here and there.Crooks will find them and most homes are super easy to break into. All my long guns go into a safe bolted in concrete if I'm not home. Handgun with light on the nightstand at night, goes into a holster in the morning.

08-23-18, 09:11

I hang out with some seedy people. I piss people off a lot. I date many many girls who would not pass the M4C racial purity test. And I’m still infinitely more worried with theft than I am about needing to repel boarders in such a quick manner that I won’t have time to get to a firearm someplace.

Now we just need to know where OP lives (easy) and observe his work/travel/life schedule and break in when he’s not home. Plenty of guns lying around.

As far as dogs - meh. Dogs bark at everything and they’re easy to take out. Most people don’t spend any time doing ring work with them or the time needed to get them to really attack people. They’re almost like car alarms. False senses of security.

A good safe, cameras surrounding the house with motion alerts to my phone, and a good insurance policy are way more effective than any “let’s arm the neighborhood if they get in” method of protection.Agree. The person that's going to most likely rob you is someone you know and they know your routine. There was a professional robbery in our neighborhood 2 years ago and they stole something specific, not random as there was plenty of other valuables to grab in plain site. What was stolen was hidden and only a certain amount of people knew of it. Again, targeted. This can also happen when a service specialist comes into your home and scouts it out...everything.. if your home security systym is visible and adequate, that is usually enough of a deterrent for common criminals.

I like bigger commercial style bullet cameras outside for easy viewing. I want them to see it and its red diodes. Hide the smaller dome cameras in other access areas. Anything beyond that and a accessible firearm is a added bonus.

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08-23-18, 09:42
My setup is the zenith z5RS sbr in the living room corner . I run the sbr arsenal ak krink in the kitchen and my colt m4 sbr with Aimpoint in the bedoolm. A throwdown Glock 22 is in a bathroom sink drawer and my atei kissed Glock 19 on the nightstand . Hoping I’ve covering my basses. Home invasions are more prevalent and you must prepare . No kids in the house.... just my wife who is another gun fag.
It sounds like you have been watching the movie “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” a little too much.

08-23-18, 10:00
I'd have to be in an occupation and or location where I felt the risks of someone attacking my home justified it, and getting passed the layers of security (and effective security is always layered) to do that is unlikely. If someone can get into my home without making a hell of a racket and taking a lot of time, then they're pros and I'm a dead man. As there's no reason a legit pro would come looking for me knowing I was home, I'm just not that concerned. House where I spend weekends is in a high crime area and I don't leave doors and such unlocked and can reach a firearm in maybe 3-5 seconds dependent on where i am in the house. Weekdays, low crime area, house build like a damn bomb shelter, getting to a firearm in a timely manner not an issue, unless it's some people with a lot more experience and training than I have, and it's game over regardless.

Good doors and properly installed locks, impact glass, cams, dog (mine is worthless for security however) etc, is layered security. If i was say LE and such, where they're may in fact be people actively trying to locate me, then I'd probably take a shower with a firearm. My pal from a big city PD is like that, and frankly I don't blame him.

08-23-18, 10:30
I piss people off a lot.

Quote of the Month!

08-23-18, 11:54
Maybe it's just the area of the country I live in but I have several career cop friends who say armed home invasions when you are home pretty much only happen if you're a drug/prostitution/whatever house.

I'm not a cop or a pimp so I don't have anyone out to get me that I know of.

Repelling boarders is a good way to put it. I don't see that happening for me.

I do know of a number of idiot teenagers that I could see breaking into a house for fun during a summer day and of course would steal the loose guns to play with along with the beer.

08-23-18, 12:16
Agree that guns lying around is a bad idea.

They all stay in the rsc/safe. I have one silenced rifle that comes out when I get home and goes back in when we both leave. A pistol follows me around the house.

I had a pistol stolen from a vehicle when I accidentally left it there (really bad combination of coincidences), and it opened my eyes to how easy it is.

Really someone can break in your window, steal a lot if stuff and get out well before cops get there. IMO, secure your valuables. The worst part is knowing some POS has your gun.

08-23-18, 12:56
As far as dogs are concerned, I think they are great layer of protection. Sure, most people do not have them trained to attack effectively, but that isn't necessarily what you need them to do although a trained dog is a bonus. They are there for early warning. Sure they bark at many things, but if you know your dog like a typical dog lover would, there is a distinct difference in their growl and/or bark between something like another dog or something else trivial in nature and a stranger approaching the front door or in the backyard. The urgency and intensity is unmistakable. That alone should buy you the time to go get your weapon of choice that should already be easily accessible when you are home.

Like Will mentioned, if Pro's are coming for you, you don't have much of a chance in this situation. You also probably messed up something bad.

26 Inf
08-23-18, 13:07
If the bad guy comes in through the kitchen and you're in the bedroom we'll finally be able to settle the AK vs AR debate.

LOL! You're the internet winner so far today!

08-23-18, 13:38
I'm kinda curious about his neighborhood; I've actually repelled two burglars in MY current house in the 12 years I've been here. I had a Mossberg 500 on me the first time (it was a groupsome of druggies knocking on the wrong door) - turning the porchlight on scattered them (they never saw me). Second one, KNOCKED on the door first, in broad daylight. I had a 1911 concealed on me. Not expecting anyone, he gave a shady song 'n' dance, and left. I kept an eye on him, and called the cops when I saw him breaking into a neighbor's house, and THEY took care of him (B-I-G officer grabbed him when he came around a corner and body-slammed him on the porch - it was awesome! Like watching an episode of "COPS!" from my front yard! :sarcastic: ). I still haven't felt the need to store a gun in every room on three floors and a finished basement yet. Maybe I need a crappier neighborhood...

08-23-18, 13:48
I'm kinda curious about his neighborhood;

I loath to call someone paranoid in this case, because some will call others (anyone who own more than one firearm, might have more then one mag worth of ammo, etc) paranoid, but here's where i spend my weekends, and it's yet to occur to me to have firearms stashed all over the house:

" Fort Pierce, FL has 64% higher than violent crime rate than Florida average, while remaining 82% higher than the national average. In property crime, Fort Pierce, FL is 28% higher than the average of Florida and is 40% higher than the national average."

08-23-18, 14:15
I don't worry too much about my area/neighborhood. Major crime is rare. You're more likely to get run over by a soccer mom in her AMG G wagon because she's late for her afternoon tennis class then have a home invasion or random murder.

That being said I do keep a gun near by just in case and I throw it in my pocket when walking my dog. However I'm more concerned about that soccer mom not being able to control her 120# Rottweiler then I am about getting mugged

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08-23-18, 14:28
I always have a gun in whatever room I'm in because I always have a gun on my person.

However, I believe Chuck Pressburg has posted saying that he keeps a loaded carbine next to every door in his house, because of what he did in his last life but that he expects that if he gets whacked for it, it will be with a shotgun through a window and he'll have no idea it's going to happen until it's already happened.

08-23-18, 15:05
How is your cholesterol level, blood pressure, and resting heart rate? Just want to make sure you have the #1 killer in check first.

08-23-18, 16:05
Yea just a bit on the extreme side. I'm armed when in the house most of the time. Weapons are in the safe. Why have a weapon in every room and just give the bad guys the opportunity to arm themselves? Doesn't make sense.

08-23-18, 16:17
If I was going to outfit a lot of areas with guns I think I'd use a common caliber/magazine for them or at least the majority of them. That way extra ammo could be had by retreating or attacking.

Personally I just have my sidearm and would be able to get something out of a safe. Now if people were rioting or something in my area(shit hit the fan, without rule of law, etc) then maybe I'd law out some things differently.

08-23-18, 18:22
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home. One of the greatest joys of being an empty nester is being able to come home and just take off my pants at the end of a long day.

08-23-18, 18:29
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home.
I typically don't do that. But sometimes during holidays, when it's a causal morning I'll wear sweat pants with pockets w/a J-frame or LCP in the pocket if I don't put on pants right away.

To me it's more trouble to remember all the secret stashes of guns than keeping a pistol on me during waking hours.

It honestly becomes so second nature that at times I forget about it. It's like carrying a wallet, keys or phone. Just another thing you carry.

08-23-18, 18:45
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home. One of the greatest joys of being an empty nester is being able to come home and just take off my pants at the end of a long day.

Haha. Pre-kids I was the same way, boxers and no shirt around the house. I told my wife once kids are out I am going back to that. Although, I surmise it won't be as attractive as it was at 23 years old. Maybe I will need to add a gunbelt/holster to enable carry while thus dressed.

26 Inf
08-23-18, 19:09
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home. One of the greatest joys of being an empty nester is being able to come home and just take off my pants at the end of a long day.

Yep, there is that. Since the last daughter left, I'm essentially a nudist.

08-23-18, 19:34
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home. One of the greatest joys of being an empty nester is being able to come home and just take off my pants at the end of a long day.

Shoulder holster or drag the gun around from room to room.

08-23-18, 20:48
You could cut a hole in the drywall, stash a gun, patch over it...then when its go time punch through the wall and come up with the throwdown Glock 22 or Krinkov.

I used to do the stash gun thing, but I move around the house armed anyways. Whatever works for you. You don't need endorsement from the M4C illuminati. Also gives you a chance to use a drywall gun to shoot the guy who suggested breaking into your house and stealing your shit.

08-23-18, 20:49
How do you guys, that carry a gun on them at all times, lounge around in your underwear at home. One of the greatest joys of being an empty nester is being able to come home and just take off my pants at the end of a long day.

The piece goes on the coffee table next to the brew.
If they catch me unarmed in the kitchen grabbing a fresh one, it just wasnt meant to be.

08-23-18, 20:54
The piece goes on the coffee table next to the brew.
If they catch me unarmed in the kitchen grabbing a fresh one, it just wasnt meant to be.

This. Dangerous business. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

08-23-18, 21:09
This. Dangerous business. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.How so

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08-23-18, 21:34
The piece goes on the coffee table next to the brew.
If they catch me unarmed in the kitchen grabbing a fresh one, it just wasnt meant to be.

Oh f*** that, I pack to the 'fridge.

08-23-18, 21:35
How so

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I think that was sarcasm.

Mr. Goodtimes
08-23-18, 22:01
My setup is the zenith z5RS sbr in the living room corner . I run the sbr arsenal ak krink in the kitchen and my colt m4 sbr with Aimpoint in the bedoolm. A throwdown Glock 22 is in a bathroom sink drawer and my atei kissed Glock 19 on the nightstand . Hoping I’ve covering my basses. Home invasions are more prevalent and you must prepare . No kids in the house.... just my wife who is another gun fag.


Thanks for starting this truly riveting thread OP.

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08-23-18, 22:13
Also gives you a chance to use a drywall gun to shoot the guy who suggested breaking into your house and stealing your shit.


08-23-18, 23:47
I do not have a gun in every room yet, but I do have a gun in strategic coverage zones of our house.

08-24-18, 09:52
As far as dogs - meh. Dogs bark at everything and they’re easy to take out. Most people don’t spend any time doing ring work with them or the time needed to get them to really attack people. They’re almost like car alarms. False senses of security.

Just a data point: family friends thought they were well protected with big bad dogs. Came home to find they were cleaned out, with the dogs bruised and hiding.

FA paintball to the face chased them out of the room and into hiding. Maybe aggressive k9 trained and actively worked dogs might have closed, but based on police comments most do not without handlers present and directing. And family dogs just run.

I view dogs as early warning at best. We will always have them, but they will not stop determined home Invaders.

08-24-18, 10:07
I have a dedicated home defense gun that is at my bed side in a quick access safe for when I am sleeping and most vulnerable. I always pocket carry around the house.

08-24-18, 11:22
My setup is the zenith z5RS sbr in the living room corner . I run the sbr arsenal ak krink in the kitchen and my colt m4 sbr with Aimpoint in the bedoolm. A throwdown Glock 22 is in a bathroom sink drawer and my atei kissed Glock 19 on the nightstand . Hoping I’ve covering my basses. Home invasions are more prevalent and you must prepare . No kids in the house.... just my wife who is another gun fag.

How can I start a thread that shows off all my sweet SBR's and ATEI "kissed" guns while trying to play it off like I'm not showing off my guns? could I also highlight that my wife is a "gun fag"? Eureka, I've got the perfect idea!

As far as the topic goes, I have a large and expensive gun safe, full of large and expensive guns that I do not want to have stolen. I have a child, and I would like to see him make it well into his 90's without ever being shot, especially with my own guns. I do keep my carry gun out and it's generally with me. I have a pistol locked up in the basement as I sleep down there on night shifts. There was a time where I kept a gun in every room, but I was younger and not as smart.

08-24-18, 12:37
I view dogs as early warning at best. We will always have them, but they will not stop determined home Invaders.

Agreed, but I see them as a valuable layer of defense. Security cameras (visible and hidden), secure doors, security system, dogs, and weapons.

Yes, if someone wants into your house, they can get it.

But your desire is to be an unappealing target, ie make them look elsewhere.

08-24-18, 13:17

Oh, my man. You wouldn't have said something about my family, then gone back and edited it out, would you?

Cause that makes M4C look like absolute horse shit. No scratch that, not my problem, but it's not cool. I've seen it happen before and wondered why it was allowed. But if that's not the case, we can go back to plain old trash talking with a little substance thrown in.

Regardless, maybe you should refrain from the inclusion of the word "family". In anything you say online. Cause that's grounds for a life changing beating in person. Thinly veiled references to family online is just bottom feeder cowardly. Aka being a bitch.

08-24-18, 14:52
Mods? I think the bell ending Recess is ringing.

08-24-18, 15:05
Mods? I think the bell ending Recess is ringing.

Why? This dude runs his mouth like a 6 year old kid at a party that no one wants to discipline. He wished cancer or some shit on another guy's family a while back for having the gall to question his story about ditching some NFA hardware and moving to Canada. And almost no one said boo. Except one guy who suggested he go drown himself. Lol.

If that's how it is here, then ok. I personally dont get it.

08-24-18, 15:14
Serious internet business is serious

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08-24-18, 15:39
Why? This dude runs his mouth like a 6 year old kid at a party that no one wants to discipline. He wished cancer or some shit on another guy's family a while back for having the gall to question his story about ditching some NFA hardware and moving to Canada. And almost no one said boo. Except one guy who suggested he go drown himself. Lol.

If that's how it is here, then ok. I personally dont get it.

This thread should have been closed at post 1, it has had little to no value; 99% of commentary is in sarcasm, including my own on page one.

Regardless of what another member on this forum does, it's just as annoying seeing someone like that being taken so serious.

Quite literally, you are feeding into the situation with the exact kind of response was hoped would be made.

It's like School House Recess in here, and I think that speaks more for the thread than "allowing" someone's behavior.

Without sounding arseholeish, there is somethings you'll have to learn to accept; if not, no one is forcing anyone to click "Quick Reply". There's a report button, use it instead of giving people reasons to use it on you as well.

Serious internet business is serious

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is the epitome of this thread. From Opening, to Closing.

26 Inf
08-24-18, 15:55
I always have a gun in whatever room I'm in because I always have a gun on my person.

However, I believe Chuck Pressburg has posted saying that he keeps a loaded carbine next to every door in his house, because of what he did in his last life but that he expects that if he gets whacked for it, it will be with a shotgun through a window and he'll have no idea it's going to happen until it's already happened.

he'll have no idea it's going to happen until it's already happened - I'll bet that is what his brother-in-law thought.

08-24-18, 16:01
he'll have no idea it's going to happen until it's already happened - I'll bet that is what his brother-in-law thought.

Dammit.. I guess I ain't gun guy groupie enough.. I had to Google that one.

08-24-18, 16:18
Classic Gold. Starts off with Johnathan wickson with his arsenal of tax stamps filling household drawers- slowly evolved into sound advice, then bombed with banter. Classic https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180824/4555ad6bca8be4f4a0b255fa7479fb7e.jpg

08-24-18, 16:21
This thread should have been closed at post 1, it has had little to no value; 99% of commentary is in sarcasm, including my own on page one.

Regardless of what another member on this forum does, it's just as annoying seeing someone like that being taken so serious.

Quite literally, you are feeding into the situation with the exact kind of response was hoped would be made.

It's like School House Recess in here, and I think that speaks more for the thread than "allowing" someone's behavior.

Without sounding arseholeish, there is somethings you'll have to learn to accept; if not, no one is forcing anyone to click "Quick Reply". There's a report button, use it instead of giving people reasons to use it on you as well.

This is the epitome of this thread. From Opening, to Closing.

Ok then.

08-24-18, 17:57
Lol tombowie must be new to the internet.

“That’s grounds for a beating in person”

Lol. Ok homie. I’m not gonna fight you. What is this 6th grade? You know how that will end. You want to leave your kids fatherless (either dead or in prison) cuz some guy on the internet talked shit? How have you made it this far on the internet?

I’m giggling right now. Please don’t fight me.

Outlander Systems
08-24-18, 17:58

I have an expansive estate on 150 1/2 acres. The home is 7100 sf. It’s taken me a long time to fully stock every room with a shotgun, pistol, and rifle, but I finished the process last year. In the study, we’ve added a compartment that is hidden, but leads to a 102” corrugated metal pipe that is 275’ long, and leads to the subterranean redoubt. In the redoubt, there is a wall of 36 Surefire Hellfighter 4s, powered by 3 200AH Lithium batteries wired in parallel. If the Hellfighter 4s eventually fail, there is an emergency rack containing no less than 9 Beretta 93Rs. If there is a failure with those, the last COA is to simply let Jesus take the wheel.



08-24-18, 17:59
Oh, my man. You wouldn't have said something about my family, then gone back and edited it out, would you?

Cause that makes M4C look like absolute horse shit. No scratch that, not my problem, but it's not cool. I've seen it happen before and wondered why it was allowed. But if that's not the case, we can go back to plain old trash talking with a little substance thrown in.

Regardless, maybe you should refrain from the inclusion of the word "family". In anything you say online. Cause that's grounds for a life changing beating in person. Thinly veiled references to family online is just bottom feeder cowardly. Aka being a bitch.

Have you read my posts over the last year?

I am the epitome of a cowardly bitch lol. Ain’t no shame up in my game.

Most days I wish someone would drive up next to me and pump my car full of bullets. It would be such a better way to go than the ideas I have. I wouldn’t even shoot back, I’d just wanna get it on my Snapchat story.

08-24-18, 18:07

I have an expansive estate on 150 1/2 acres. The home is 7100 sf. It’s taken me a long time to fully stock every room with a shotgun, pistol, and rifle, but I finished the process last year. In the study, we’ve added a compartment that is hidden, but leads to a 102” corrugated metal pipe that is 275’ long, and leads to the subterranean redoubt. In the redoubt, there is a wall of 36 Surefire Hellfighter 4s, powered by 3 200AH Lithium batteries wired in parallel. If the Hellfighter 4s eventually fail, there is an emergency rack containing no less than 9 Beretta 93Rs. If there is a failure with those, the last COA is to simply let Jesus take the wheel.


MikePerfect space to pop some of those new civilian smoke grenades!

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08-24-18, 18:44
Ah. Shut up dude. My point was you talk a lot of shit that I doubt you'd say in person. Pretty sure you got that. I dont have kids. Moving on bro.

Edit: Whoops. Quoting EuroDriver.