View Full Version : Life changes

08-24-18, 21:34
Last fall I was mobilized to deploy to Qatar as part of a artillery battalion, was sent back home just before getting on the plane due to some medical issue, I hadn’t seen my Dr in over a year for my Crohns. I went home, saw the Dr resubmitted a waiver request and waited. I landed in Qatar on Christmas Day and started working in the Base Defense Operations Center the next day as the NCOIC, shortly after my wife informed me that she was pregnant. Two months later I get called into the Company Commander’s room to learn that I was now the 1SG (as a SFC) due to the previous one not meeting body fat composition and falsifying government documents, mainly his and others’ 5500s. Couple of months later I am offered the 1SG promotion with an infantry battalion

Fast forward to the 10th, I’m finally home, on the 17th my baby boy is born, Jason Alan, 6 pounds 11 ounces and 18.5” long. I love this little guy so much. Last time I got so little sleep was in Iraq where I was dodging bullets, mortars, and rockets. Now I’m dodging spit up and pee.

Monday I start school back up, taking three classes and a Lab, applied differentials, thermal dynamics, and electrical engineering fundamentals. Going to be a crazy time.

08-24-18, 23:06
Congratulations on the baby boy. My little one is 4 and like everyone says, they grow up quickly.

Where are you going to taking classes? Going for a BSEE?

Coal Dragger
08-24-18, 23:30
Congratulations on the baby boy.

My little guy turns 1 year old in a few weeks. He’s starting to be a lot more fun.

26 Inf
08-24-18, 23:38
Good luck with your Crohn's and your new baby - is it your first?

Your schedule does sound hectic, I did the work, Army Reserve, college, family thing all the way through to a bachelors.

I had graduated and was years down the road, nearly 40 when I was diagnosed with Crohn's.

Long story but short take is - I believe in my case the serious outbreak came during a time in my life when my body was fatigued, not getting the exercise I usually got, and had quit doing my relaxation stuff.

Watch yourself, once and a while take some you time for something that relaxes you.

Looking back at that period in my life I don't know how I did it.

Good luck and take care.

ETA: If this is your first boy, don't let him drown himself when you are changing his diaper.

08-24-18, 23:39
Cal State Northridge, I’ve completed 3 years there so far for a BSME (they make us take some electrical and programming classes) anticipating graduating fall of 2020 (I’ve failed a few classes and had one semester where I could only take two classes)

08-25-18, 08:35
I'll say congratulations and welcome to the 1sgt club!

08-25-18, 08:46
1) THANK YOU for your service.
2) GOD BLESS YOU, for making it back in one piece
3) CONGRATS on the promotion - I especially hope that "pays off" when you're a pensioner
4) ENJOY your baby boy, while you can still carry him around like a football. Take it from a dad of four teenagers; they WILL get big eventually...

08-25-18, 09:55

Don't bother trying to dodge spit up and pee (or other stuff). At the least it will make for embarrassing stories to tell his dates when he's older (at which point it will be so worth it). I found the crazy times were often the best times. Just didn't realize it until many years after.

08-25-18, 10:57
Thank you everyone, last night was a rough one, he was super fussy and now he doesn’t want to get up to feed, it’s frustrating for the wife. All in all, we consider ourselves blessed as we’ve been trying to have a baby for three years with a very early miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy two years ago.

Coal Dragger
08-25-18, 14:47
The fussy stage passes, your little man is still learning how to latch on to a nipple or bottle to eat right now. He’ll figure it out and feeding will become much easier.

We also had to wait a long time trying to conceive, so even the long nights of a fussy newborn were worth it.

As stated by others trying to dodge pee and spit up is a losing battle. Our son managed to piss on his own face on multiple occasions. He passed through that stage pretty quickly and seems to have learned not to do that.

08-25-18, 15:59
congrats on the baby :)
it goes so fast so enjoy the ride :)

08-25-18, 18:37
congrats on the baby :)
it goes so fast so enjoy the ride :)

No shit.. it seems like yesterday when my son was in a "johnny jump up" hanging from the ceiling in our hardware store. Now he's wrenching on my equipment and driving my semi's. I have no clue where the time went.

It's a great adventure. Having kids was the single greatest thing we have done in my life.

08-25-18, 19:31
Kids are still in single digits. Seems like yesterday we were bringing them home from hospital. First was colicky for about a yr. Really tough.

08-25-18, 20:56
No shit.. it seems like yesterday when my son was in a "johnny jump up" hanging from the ceiling in our hardware store. Now he's wrenching on my equipment and driving my semi's. I have no clue where the time went.

It's a great adventure. Having kids was the single greatest thing we have done in my life.

ditto that :)