View Full Version : Guns protect animals too (lessons from Africa)

09-04-18, 12:54
Another example that when you disarm those who protect others, animals or humans, it's not long until it goes FUBAR on you.

87 dead elephants found after Botswana’s anti-poaching unit disarmed

"...this May, President Carter Morupisi issued a directive stripping the guns from anti-poaching units patrolling the country’s porous border regions. His predecessor, Ian Khama, was a former general who formed the wildlife units and often touted his ties to the groups."


09-05-18, 15:43
That's too bad. From what I've read, Botswana was one of the more promising countries in the region on many levels, but especially in terms of protecting wildlife. They're heavily dependent upon the tourism industry - pretty shortsighted to disarm your anti-poachers.

09-05-18, 16:19
That's too bad. From what I've read, Botswana was one of the more promising countries in the region on many levels, but especially in terms of protecting wildlife. They're heavily dependent upon the tourism industry - pretty shortsighted to disarm your anti-poachers.

They were held up as the model, but when only the poachers have guns, it's not rocket science as to why that's not working out so well for the elephants.

09-06-18, 00:00
A liberal leaning friend of mine and I were talking about this when it first came out. It is really shitty and just another example of something that makes me loose my faith in our species.

I pointed out to her that this happened after the game wardens had been disarmed. I told her the only way to fight people with guns is with guns. She said “well not all of the time”. I replied with “no, sometimes you can use a hellfire or JDAM”. I think I won that conversation because she conceded to my point.

09-06-18, 13:16
I wonder how much the ivory smugglers paid President Carter Morupisi for his directive ?

09-06-18, 15:14
I wonder how much the ivory smugglers paid President Carter Morupisi for his directive ?

The CHICOMs throw around a lot of cash.

09-06-18, 15:33
The CHICOMs throw around a lot of cash.

The killing of elephants and rhinos bothers me. However recently I read that Mexican fishermen were catching those tiny rare dolphins off the Baja peninsula for Chinese medicine. I mean there's probably less than 300 of these tiny dolphins remaining on the planet and these assholes are out there catching them in nets for "traditional Chinese medicine".

Here's the Vaquita, the world's rarest dolphin that Chinese people love to grind up for traditional medicine.


09-06-18, 16:05
The killing of elephants and rhinos bothers me. However recently I read that Mexican fishermen were catching those tiny rare dolphins off the Baja peninsula for Chinese medicine. I mean there's probably less than 300 of these tiny dolphins remaining on the planet and these assholes are out there catching them in nets for "traditional Chinese medicine".

Here's the Vaquita, the world's rarest dolphin that Chinese people love to grind up for traditional medicine.


Their killing off the Pangolins as well.

Nothing they won't butcher and they out number every other people group on the planet.

You should see their dog meat harvesting operations.

09-06-18, 16:24
Hold the f@cking phone here! How the hell are all these foreign creatures that are non indigenous to china, always part of "traditional" chinese medicine. How is that possible. Does all this "traditional" chinese medicine happen to be boner related?

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09-06-18, 16:36
The killing of elephants and rhinos bothers me. However recently I read that Mexican fishermen were catching those tiny rare dolphins off the Baja peninsula for Chinese medicine. I mean there's probably less than 300 of these tiny dolphins remaining on the planet and these assholes are out there catching them in nets for "traditional Chinese medicine".

Here's the Vaquita, the world's rarest dolphin that Chinese people love to grind up for traditional medicine.


Chinese are the worst offenders by far when it comes to depleting stocks of ever decreasing wildlife for utterly stupid reason. Rhino horn also for traditional med, as is Tiger penis, and so forth. There appears nothing they will not eat, and nothing they will not pay for that's coming from ever rarer animal species.

09-06-18, 17:23
Chinese are the worst offenders by far when it comes to depleting stocks of ever decreasing wildlife for utterly stupid reason. Rhino horn also for traditional med, as is Tiger penis, and so forth. There appears nothing they will not eat, and nothing they will not pay for that's coming from ever rarer animal species.

Look up "finning". To fuel the Chinese shark fin remedies thousands upon thousands of sharks are "finned". Basically they are caught, the fin cut off and the shark dumped back in the water to did a slow death. Horrible and illegal but goes on nonetheless.

09-06-18, 17:58
There should have been a couple of military actions before now for their illegal commercial fishing of other sovereign nation's territorial waters alone.

Over population is a thing.

We use to wage wars over salt, range wars for water access points, we still fight over gold, diamonds, and oil. Before to much longer we'll be fighting over "blue gold" and land for agriculture.

09-06-18, 20:02
There should have been a couple of military actions before now for their illegal commercial fishing of other sovereign nation's territorial waters alone.

Over population is a thing.

We use to wage wars over salt, range wars for water access points, we still fight over gold, diamonds, and oil. Before to much longer we'll be fighting over "blue gold" and land for agriculture.

As my wife says, we need a pandemic.

09-07-18, 00:29
The Chinese are probably no worse than a lot of other ancient cultures, imagine if Africa suddenly had a millionaire boom and you'd see some really jacked up shit. The Middle East constantly demonstrates a savage indifference to everything in the world with oil revenues.

Traditions can be a wonderful thing, but they also make people do incredibly stupid shit like believe rhino hair (in the form of a horn) is magical. Of course we believe, and fund, some incredibly stupid shit in this country too. And we've also hunted animal species to the point of extinction, we virtually wiped out Buffalo in order to deny American Indians their primary food source, the only real difference is we didn't believe buffalo horn had magical properties.

People can be pretty eff'd up when they want to be.

09-07-18, 01:03
I need to start selling rhino horn shavings for traditional Chinese medicine- just keep my toenail clippings in baggies to sell on the black market.

09-07-18, 10:26
The CHICOMs throw around a lot of cash.

Probably not too far off the mark in terms of the backstory as to why he did this. It's readily acknowledged that Chinese "investment" comes with no upfront strings attached - they always get you on the backend, though. Plenty of African countries being crushed under the weight of all of their Chinese borrowing. It's either about money, or they were somehow a threat to his presidency, which is really still about money, anyway. There's no other rational explanation for disarming them and threatening one of your biggest industries.

Chinese are the worst offenders by far when it comes to depleting stocks of ever decreasing wildlife for utterly stupid reason. Rhino horn also for traditional med, as is Tiger penis, and so forth. There appears nothing they will not eat, and nothing they will not pay for that's coming from ever rarer animal species.

It never ceases to amaze me what qualifies to them as "traditional medicine". Wouldn't it make more sense economically (for most, not crime lords - I get that) to start an elephant breeding program and just trim their tusks from time-to-time? Or is there some magical benefit to "wild" animal parts (probably part of the sales pitch)?

I need to start selling rhino horn shavings for traditional Chinese medicine- just keep my toenail clippings in baggies to sell on the black market.

I've read that most of this black-market stuff, like many things sold by the Chinese, is knockoff anyway. Just like cocaine, it's only the people with real money getting the real product.

I'm probably in the minority, but I've always thought this would be a righteous cause for U.S. involvement - send Green Berets to train these anti-poachers and provide them with relatively recent surplus rifles, NODs, etc. Even something that's 10 years old to us is 2 generations newer/better than what they have. You can appease some in the environmental crowd (the sensible ones, anyway) and protect creatures that are truly world treasures. I know there are former SF guys doing what they can on their own, but imagine the downtick in poaching if you had semi-direct U.S. involvement. I'm not saying anyone should be ordered to risk their life for animals, but make it an optional assignment and I'd bet you'd have plenty of volunteers.

09-07-18, 14:30
I'm probably in the minority, but I've always thought this would be a righteous cause for U.S. involvement - send Green Berets to train these anti-poachers and provide them with relatively recent surplus rifles, NODs, etc. Even something that's 10 years old to us is 2 generations newer/better than what they have. You can appease some in the environmental crowd (the sensible ones, anyway) and protect creatures that are truly world treasures. I know there are former SF guys doing what they can on their own, but imagine the downtick in poaching if you had semi-direct U.S. involvement. I'm not saying anyone should be ordered to risk their life for animals, but make it an optional assignment and I'd bet you'd have plenty of volunteers.

DSA has a contract making FALs for African park rangers, they ain't like US park rangers. Many of them have been trained by the likes of Cobus Claassens.

Also there is this.
