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09-04-18, 18:01
Trump says:

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings for the future Justice of the Supreme Court are truly a display of how mean, angry, and despicable the other side is. They will say anything, and are only looking to inflict pain and embarrassment to one of the most highly renowned jurists to ever appear before Congress. So sad to see!

Last part of Judge Kavanaughs' opening statement:

I am an optimist. I live on the sunrise side of the mountain, not the sunset side of the mountain. I see the day that is coming, not the day that is gone. I am optimistic about the future of America and the future of our independent Judiciary. I revere the Constitution. If confirmed to the Supreme Court, I will keep an open mind in every case. I will do equal right to the poor and to the rich. I will always strive to preserve the Constitution of the United States and the American Rule of Law.

09-04-18, 18:14
Add that Jon Kyl was just appointed to fill the vacant senate seat in AZ. That's one more "yes" vote that was not guaranteed a week ago.

09-04-18, 18:19
I am beginning to think that as the Dems drift further to the left and show their vile, uncivilized selves that they are really alienating their voting base and strengthening the conservative base.

09-04-18, 18:24
This is just so dumb on the part of the left.

Look at Nike they signed a trouble maker for an ad campaign and they have lost 4 billion in value.

This is just too much fun to watch

09-04-18, 18:25
I am beginning to think that as the Dems drift further to the left and show their vile, uncivilized selves that they are really alienating their voting base and strengthening the conservative base.
Or you could be a little more outspoken and just say the Far Left is the embodiment of pure evil in our society and an enemy to everything this Country was founded on.

09-04-18, 18:32
Or you could be a little more outspoken and just say the Far Left is the embodiment of pure evil in our society and an enemy to everything this Country was founded on.

Thanks for that!! Made me smile.

09-04-18, 18:48
Nothing the Dems can do about it, they don't have the votes to block his nomination. I think honestly Trump will get at least three more before he's out of office in 2024.

09-04-18, 18:52
Or you could be a little more outspoken and just say the Far Left is the embodiment of pure evil in our society and an enemy to everything this Country was founded on.

True that. Which I do whenever I discuss politics. I was just referring to the Left's self inflicted wounds.

09-04-18, 18:57
True that. Which I do whenever I discuss politics. I was just referring to the Left's self inflicted wounds.

I understand. I just have a hard time being polite when it comes to the Extreme Far Left in the United States. They are a Clear and Present Danger.

09-04-18, 19:17
Kabuki theater. What a total shit show the left complaining about not receiving documents when there has been more released than any other SCOTUS candidate ever before.

09-04-18, 19:47
I am beginning to think that as the Dems drift further to the left and show their vile, uncivilized selves that they are really alienating their voting base and strengthening the conservative base.
A lot of their voting base is so uneducated that they buy into it anyway.

09-04-18, 20:00
A lot of their voting base is so uneducated that they buy into it anyway.The left wants to keep them that way and sucking on the government teat.

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09-04-18, 20:35
A lot of their voting base is so uneducated that they buy into it anyway.

I was thinking more along the lines of the Dem voting average soccer mom or big city yuppie getting turned off by the Left's hate and vileness being constantly showboated on television. Then again I am thinking logically, a feat that seems to escape most Dems.

09-04-18, 20:49
We watched some of it today, we were all amazed at the crap show... Kavanaugh just had to sit through the start for the longest and not show any emotion. I just had to turn the volume off, it was embarrassing all the way around. I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face if I was him.

09-05-18, 08:06
I would have loved it if every last one of those screeching bitches who were "protesting" and got hauled out of the room were face-planted into the nearest wall---repeatedly---upon being removed from sight.

09-05-18, 08:07
I read something that the Democrat representatives disrupted the proceedings a total of 62 times. That they feel so incensed about losing an election that they can suspend all manner of social grace or respect for the formalities of placing a candidate to the highest court in our land is just amazing. The future in this country is growing more dark by the day.

09-05-18, 08:42
I read something that the Democrat representatives disrupted the proceedings a total of 62 times. That they feel so incensed about losing an election that they can suspend all manner of social grace or respect for the formalities of placing a candidate to the highest court in our land is just amazing. The future in this country is growing more dark by the day.

They are continually demonstrating that they have absolutely zero respect for a democratic process when they don't get the result they wanted.

If they are this extreme after losing a single election, how dangerous will they be if they win one? By their contempt for actual democracy, they are showing why they should not be allowed to participate in government at all.

09-05-18, 09:12
Kabuki theater. What a total shit show the left complaining about not receiving documents when there has been more released than any other SCOTUS candidate ever before.

I think USMC Honor Guards from Arlington, should be allowed to mudhole stomp protestors at such hearings. If the mobocracy wanted to be in charge, they should have presented a more compelling case during the 2016 election cycle. Time to grow up, and part of that growth process, is an M14 rifle butt to the face, if you find you CANNOT act grown-up, inside such a hearing room in the Capitol rotunda.

09-05-18, 09:20
Listening to Feinstein grill Kavanaugh on the Heller case (“assault weapons”) just pissed me off. She is so biased it is not funny. She asked how he reconciled school shooting over the Constitution. SMDH.

09-05-18, 09:40
Listening to Feinstein grill Kavanaugh on the Heller case (“assault weapons”) just pissed me off. She is so biased it is not funny.

She basically said that hundreds of "assault weapons" have been used in hundreds of school shootings. Hundreds, really?

09-05-18, 09:45
If the American people reward the socialist marxist AKA Democratic party in the upcoming election.

Then G-D helps us.

The one view I have changed in my life, is universal right to vote. In the USA I now think you have to have something to lose in order to have the right to vote. Your life or your property must be at risk for your vote to count. Meaning if you served the country in the military or first responded you have the right to vote. If you own property that can be taxed you get to vote, or if you are paying income tax.

If you are living off the government tit, other than being disabled then why should you get the right to vote in marxist that will steal more from the productive members of society ?

Now my rant is over.

09-05-18, 10:08
All doubt has now been resolved:


09-05-18, 10:41
Listening to Feinstein grill Kavanaugh on the Heller case (“assault weapons”) just pissed me off. She is so biased it is not funny. She asked how he reconciled school shooting over the Constitution. SMDH.

Actually she said how he could reconcile the HUNDREDS OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS! Absolutely absurd! This lady is so far out of reality it is unbelievable.

09-05-18, 11:36
Actually she said how he could reconcile the HUNDREDS OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS! Absolutely absurd! This lady is so far out of reality it is unbelievable.

How did he reply to that?

09-05-18, 11:44
I suggest that when you take a break from that, go to YouTube and look at some of the old "Firing Line" episodes.
I think Conservatives miss having such a sharp mind and quick thinker like William F Buckley around. The ability to destroy an argument from the Left and then fillet the remains and do it with such class and intellect, that just doesn't happen anymore.

09-05-18, 12:43
If the American people reward the socialist marxist AKA Democratic party in the upcoming election.

Then G-D helps us.

The one view I have changed in my life, is universal right to vote. In the USA I now think you have to have something to lose in order to have the right to vote. Your life or your property must be at risk for your vote to count. Meaning if you served the country in the military or first responded you have the right to vote. If you own property that can be taxed you get to vote, or if you are paying income tax.

If you are living off the government tit, other than being disabled then why should you get the right to vote in marxist that will steal more from the productive members of society ?

Now my rant is over.

Precisely. As a young student I thought it was horrible that at one time citizens in some states had to be a property owner or tax payer to vote. Now that I see what our country has become due to all the takers I believe maybe those people years ago were on to something.

09-05-18, 12:57
I suggest that when you take a break from that, go to YouTube and look at some of the old "Firing Line" episodes.
I think Conservatives miss having such a sharp mind and quick thinker like William F Buckley around. The ability to destroy an argument from the Left and then fillet the remains and do it with such class and intellect, that just doesn't happen anymore.

I think this generation's Ben Shapiro has that covered as well as a few others.

09-05-18, 13:32
She basically said that hundreds of "assault weapons" have been used in hundreds of school shootings. Hundreds, really?

You could fit all the guns and all the ammo from all the school shooting in the trunk of one car.

I think this generation's Ben Shapiro has that covered as well as a few others.

Shapiro is an assassin. He can scalp people with stunning one liners or go head-to-head for ours and break people down. Facts and rhetoric. As my newly minted teenager starts to try to argue politics with all his head full of mush friends, I have him listen to Ben to get some pointers, and he listens fairly regularly.

Imagine if ‘right-wing’ people protested like that at some alphabet group....

09-05-18, 13:45
How did he reply to that?

He basically went on to describe that in the Heller decision they determined that semiautomatic handguns couldn't be banned and that translated over to semiautomatic rifles also because they were so common. Feinstein then went on to state how can you say assault rifles are so common. He countered with continuing on about the decision on Heller. This is a quick down and dirty version of what went on. I'm sure there is video of that whole section of the questioning for more detail about the exchange.

09-05-18, 17:31

Pretty much right on why we are at partisan battles over judges. I'd take it a step further and say there is too much trying to be done at the national level before a consensus is achieved as to how something should be addressed at a state or local level.

09-05-18, 17:35
He basically went on to describe that in the Heller decision they determined that semiautomatic handguns couldn't be banned and that translated over to semiautomatic rifles also because they were so common. Feinstein then went on to state how can you say assault rifles are so common. He countered with continuing on about the decision on Heller. This is a quick down and dirty version of what went on. I'm sure there is video of that whole section of the questioning for more detail about the exchange.

I want to see the video, but there is article on it.


That should settle any questions about where he stands on guns. I don't see him saying that semis are cool, but you can be limited to 7 round magazines....

Full speed ahead.

09-05-18, 17:50
Here you go.

09-05-18, 19:06
100s of school shootings with assault weapons.. Does she fact check?

09-05-18, 19:15
Precisely. As a young student I thought it was horrible that at one time citizens in some states had to be a property owner or tax payer to vote. Now that I see what our country has become due to all the takers I believe maybe those people years ago were on to something.

Didn't we shoot British soldiers in the face to keep that land owning aristocracy out of this country? I think those people years ago were on to something...

09-05-18, 19:51
100s of school shootings with assault weapons.. Does she fact check?
Hundreds of Soccer Mom's and Soy boys all nodded in agreement with her, so does it really matter?

09-05-18, 20:15
Hundreds of Soccer Mom's and Soy boys all nodded in agreement with her, so does it really matter?

Was it over, when the Russians bombed Pearl Harbor? No!

Closer to being factual than anything out of Feinstein's mouth.

Half of Congress is unfit to place their own food order at a McDonald's drive-through. I have had the misfortune of seeing a few speak in person, to special groups, in daytime on a weekday. If you met these people in public, without knowing their position or title, you might be inclined to call the police to report an elderly dementia/Alzheimer's patient who needed to be picked up and returned to their facility. For many of them, whatever you see on tv is 10x better than their spontaneous abilities in real life.

Our country is not, and never was, a "democracy" as that term is bandied about. It was set up as a democratic republic with a small list of eligible voters. Not a perfect system, but the best compromise among some very wise and well-read, well studied old white men, most of whom were painfully aware that true democracies committed violent suicide in very short order. What we have today is an absurd parody of democracy, and barely distinguishable from the system depicted in the film Idiocracy.

09-05-18, 20:56
You'll have to read this to believe it;
The husband of Zina Bash, one of Brett Kavanaugh's former law clerks, came to her defense after video circulated of Bash making a hand gesture that people online considered to be a "white power" sign during the Supreme Court nominee's Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday. John Bash, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, called the accusations "repulsive" on Twitter.
A clip shows Bash, who was in direct view of TV cameras, appearing to hold her thumb and index finger into an O shape, with her other fingers extended. The gesture is commonly known as the "OK" sign, but has been associated with white supremacists recently. Twitter users accused Bash, who served in the Trump administration as an adviser on immigration policy, of making a "white power" symbol.

So apparently and according to her husband she is half Mexican and half Jewish and members of her family were killed by Nazi's (real ones this time) during the Holocaust. So she's not your average Skin Head.

09-05-18, 21:08
100s of school shootings with assault weapons.. Does she fact check?

:sarcastic: That's a good one. Since when do facts mean anything to a Leftist?

09-06-18, 07:38
You'll have to read this to believe it;
The husband of Zina Bash, one of Brett Kavanaugh's former law clerks, came to her defense after video circulated of Bash making a hand gesture that people online considered to be a "white power" sign during the Supreme Court nominee's Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday. John Bash, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, called the accusations "repulsive" on Twitter.
A clip shows Bash, who was in direct view of TV cameras, appearing to hold her thumb and index finger into an O shape, with her other fingers extended. The gesture is commonly known as the "OK" sign, but has been associated with white supremacists recently. Twitter users accused Bash, who served in the Trump administration as an adviser on immigration policy, of making a "white power" symbol.

So apparently and according to her husband she is half Mexican and half Jewish and members of her family were killed by Nazi's (real ones this time) during the Holocaust. So she's not your average Skin Head.

I read about this yesterday. IMO, this is yet another example of the worst of the "social media" behavior where something spreads like wildfire even though it is not true. I am truly disappointed in the direction our "enlightened" society is headed and it makes me glad I am old. I would hate to think I had 50 more years of this crap to live through. Good luck to you younger guys! I hope you can this country back on track.

09-06-18, 08:01
:sarcastic: That's a good one. Since when do facts mean anything to a Leftist?

That was a tongue in cheek post.. ;) Sure, facts don't matter to the left, they are a delusional bunch.

09-06-18, 09:13
A clip shows Bash, who was in direct view of TV cameras, appearing to hold her thumb and index finger into an O shape, with her other fingers extended. The gesture is commonly known as the "OK" sign, but has been associated with white supremacists recently.

So THAT'S what Eddie Murphy was doing in "Beverly Hills Cop!" After he took out the two WHITE badguys in the bar, he was flashing the WHITE POWER sign to Taggert & Rosewood! :jester:


09-06-18, 10:50
Incase anyone here doesnt know what the circle game is. Its been going on for years.


09-06-18, 11:30
Booker did it.

Game on. Time to go nuclear in the Senate. Trump should now declassify and un-redact ALL of the documents regarding Mueller.

09-06-18, 12:03
Are they going to hear from other 'witnesses'? If so I'd refuse to answer questions from the dems or stop this silly use of 'Senator' at the start of every answer. Show up in a clown suit because this is obviously a circus.

Welcome to the first Democratic 2020 presidential debate....

09-06-18, 12:06
Watching these hearings on an off. What's clear is the major objection to him via the left is simply because Trump nominated him. I don't recall ever seeing such an emphasis on a sitting POTUS as it relates to a SCOTUS choice. It's just more opportunity for them to throw anti Trump noise vs focusing on this nominee per se. While he may not be the person the left would choose, I suspect he would pass easily of not for Trump having nominated him. I don't want a conservative judge, don't want a liberal judge, I want a judge who will be a stickler for the Const as a literal doc. and Kavanaugh seems that type of judge from what i'm gathering. If anything, Trump saying early on he'd nominate judges who would overturn roe v wade is what's harming Kavanaugh, while Kavanaugh has indicated no such thing, and repeatedly stated roe v wade is SCOTUS precedent, and reaffirmed multiple times, and very unlikely to be over turned. Nothing is impossible, but seems he's clear that he considers it not a focus for him per se. It sounds like he will be a strong 2A supporter, and Libertarian-ish in his Const positions, which is what I'd like to see. I suspect he'd be an excellent balance to SCOTUS.

As I understand it, Dems can't block his making it unless they can convince those in the GOP to vote with them, and that also does not seem likely as he seems to be holding up well to questioning. If they do, it will be as an anti Trump statement again, vs viewing Kavanaugh as unqualified or takes positions GOP not with GOP leanings. The one guy who would probably have jumped in with the dems just died. Anyone else? Paul is no fan of Trump, but I don't see him being petty enough to block Kavanaugh.

09-06-18, 12:40
And CNN has the headline:

Kavanaugh disputed if Roe v Wade was settled law in 2003 email

When if you actually watched Fienstien ask the questions about this, it was actually a fine point that you never really say that 100% of a group that isn't actually defined would say something. He is factually correct about a fine point of detail- something that obviously CNN can't appreciate.

You can even see Fienstien kind of admit this is the true when she finishes the line of questioning.

I notice Booker can't keep Feinstien's name right. He switched between "st-high-n" and "St-EEE-n".

09-06-18, 12:55
... CBS has this tag line.....

"Lindsey Graham defends the circus amid outrage over process"

LG actually blasted all the Dems for the circus. ... and even in the CBS offering they go to quote him....

"Circuses are entertaining and you can take children to them, this hearing is neither entertaining nor appropriate for young people," Graham argued at the start of his round of questions, citing Democrats' grandstanding throughout the confirmation process.

"Most Americans after this process will have a dimmer view of the Senate," he added.

How they get that he is defending the circus is beyond belief. He was even blasting Hillary Clinton and calling the Dems hypocrites.

Unbelievable the lies they will print.

This is what Liberal desperation looks like when they get beat at their own game by their own rules that they put in force.

09-06-18, 13:03
I notice Booker can't keep Feinstien's name right. He switched between "st-high-n" and "St-EEE-n".

You could give that fool a cereal box to read and he would sound just about as intelligent. They need to upgrade his memory chip before pulling his string again.

09-06-18, 13:12
As I understand it, Dems can't block his making it unless they can convince those in the GOP to vote with them, and that also does not seem likely as he seems to be holding up well to questioning. If they do, it will be as an anti Trump statement again, vs viewing Kavanaugh as unqualified or takes positions GOP not with GOP leanings. The one guy who would probably have jumped in with the dems just died. Anyone else? Paul is no fan of Trump, but I don't see him being petty enough to block Kavanaugh.

Now days you have the standing Collins and Murkowski but there are three Dems that may vote for him in Trump won States. I think it's a done deal. I expect he would really have to put his foot in his mouth. In fact I think he is going to emulate Ginsberg in how she was approved. He as much as said so the other day.

09-06-18, 13:21
I read about this yesterday. IMO, this is yet another example of the worst of the "social media" behavior where something spreads like wildfire even though it is not true. I am truly disappointed in the direction our "enlightened" society is headed and it makes me glad I am old. I would hate to think I had 50 more years of this crap to live through. Good luck to you younger guys! I hope you can this country back on track.

No one actually believes its a white power symbol. They just say that to get people to not like someone... doesnt really work.

09-06-18, 13:35
You could give that fool a cereal box to read and he would sound just about as intelligent. They need to upgrade his memory chip before pulling his string again.

At one point Booker was directly between the camera and one of his aide's behind him. Made it totally look like he was rocking an Afro.

Close, 3MILs left, up 1 MIL...


Closer... 2MILS right.


Closer..... 1 MIL left and afro for effect.


Who won the Emmy for Best "Smell the Fart" Actor?


Let's be careful there, almost rocking the WP sign....

09-06-18, 14:00

Wow, so there really is a poker hand worse than a pair of twos. LOL, I think they call that the "we got nothing and want to fold but don't know how" look. It's like they are attempting the Spock Vulcan mind weld and not picking up anything. "They told me I could be like Barack but it's not working" Two peas in a pod. Equally superficial and insignificant.

09-06-18, 14:27
At one point Booker was directly between the camera and one of his aide's behind him. Made it totally look like he was rocking an Afro.


Shouldn't he be heading up the senate side of the investigation, of whether Guam is about to tip over? :rolleyes:

09-06-18, 15:03
Shouldn't he be heading up the senate side of the investigation, of whether Guam is about to tip over? :rolleyes:

LOL.... Corey's brother from another mother....


09-06-18, 15:20
The guys from Monty Python are out of business because even they can't write stuff this bizzare- and I don't know how the Onion survives.

09-06-18, 15:56
"They told me I could be like Barack but it's not working" Two peas in a pod.
Funny line!

09-06-18, 19:59
With the way the Dems are acting, whenever they take White House, I wouldn't be surprised to see the U.S. Capitol set on fire and blamed (ironically) on the Neo-Nazis, and the President taking "emergency" powers.

09-06-18, 20:32
With the way the Dems are acting, whenever they take White House, I wouldn't be surprised to see the U.S. Capitol set on fire and blamed (ironically) on the Neo-Nazis, and the President taking "emergency" powers.

I'm so paranoid that I was waiting right until the end of President Obama's last term expecting an emergency powers takeover.


09-06-18, 20:41
i've watched on and off and it just keeps getting worse. It's embarrassing...

09-06-18, 22:52
They are continually demonstrating that they have absolutely zero respect for a democratic process when they don't get the result they wanted.

If they are this extreme after losing a single election, how dangerous will they be if they win one? By their contempt for actual democracy, they are showing why they should not be allowed to participate in government at all.

Oh yeah, if you think it's gonna be fisticuffs this November, just wait til 2020.... It's giving me a bad case of "f*** everything" just thinking about it.
And if they win guaran-damn-tee they'll run amok shredding everything in sight to "undo the damage of the Trump admin"... :rolleyes:

Incase anyone here doesnt know what the circle game is. Its been going on for years.


It was brought to my attention a while back that portraying the game in this way was started as some online vapor-war to punk the lefties with, and apparently they've fallen for it way harder than the originators ever dreamed...
Not sure if 100% legit, but hilarious nonetheless.


Let's be careful there, almost rocking the WP sign....

When you low-key want to flip someone off.... :laugh:
I'm waiting for them to start something like this to use their brain-waves to resist Trump or something:

09-06-18, 23:00
In other news-
Also not sure if 100% legit, but interesting if it is.
There seems to be some rumors of some of the obnoxious "protestors" either being paid agitators, or at the least being comp'ed for legal fees.


09-07-18, 00:01
Booker thinks he can get Judge Kavanaugh to slip under questioning.

I think Booker talks just to hear his own voice, I have no doubt he will run in 2020.

09-07-18, 10:32

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Doc Safari
09-07-18, 10:35
Fineswine tries to redefine "common use" as articulated in the Heller decision:


Feinstein quickly sought to shift from “common use” applying to possession or ownership, and suggested that “common use” instead means using the guns for the same purposes.

She asked rhetorically, “You’re saying the numbers [of guns owned] determine ‘common use’?” She then added, “‘Common use’ is an activity. It’s not common storage or possession, it’s use. So what you said is these weapons are commonly used. They’re not.”

Constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, who is the vice president of the New York City Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society and a former member of the Presidential Transition Team of President Donald Trump, had this to say about Feinstein’s argument:

Obviously, possessing an AR-15 or any gun is like possessing an insurance policy or a fire extinguisher. That fact that you own and possess these items is the same as using these items. So owning and possessing an AR-15 is the same as using an AR-15. Even assuming Senator Feinstein’s assertion that owning and possessing an AR is different than using an AR, there is ample, undisputed evidence that AR-15s are commonly used by Americans every day. Americans use AR-15s every day for self-defense purposes, for hunting, in three-gun competitions, for target practice and the like. A quick search on the Internet would have shown Senator Feinstein that there are thousands of videos of Americans using, cleaning, and demonstrating the uses of AR-style firearms of all stripes and types.

He added:

Let’s think about it another way. When police officers carry their guns, they are using their guns. Whether officers unholster or fire their guns is irrelevant to whether they are using their guns. Most police officers never fire their guns on duty outside of the practice range. So, would Senator Feinstein say that those police officers who merely carry guns but do not fire them are not using them? I doubt she would say such a thing because it would be absurd.

Smith concludes that “whether a gun owner ever fires an AR-15 or not, the mere fact that it sits at home ready to be used for self-defense is alone a common use. And if someone owns and possesses a firearm only as a gun collector, then gun collecting is a use too.”

My take: Retire, already, BITCH.

09-07-18, 10:44

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I mentioned that question to my wife and she instantly came back with 'The Draft'. Smart chick, smarter than me and Kavanaugh combined.

ETA: Kavanaugh played it right. IF you wanted to get cute, the best parallel would be child support for an unwanted baby. If a woman has a baby and sues for child support, can she then give the kid to DCFS and walk away with out obligation, and the man would still be on hook for child support? Too cute.

If one of the Sen were quick, they might have brought up that the DEM platform now is non-binary sex or gender complaint. What does here question mean in light of that?

09-07-18, 10:44

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I mentioned that question to my wife and she instantly came back with 'The Draft'. Smart chick, smarter than me and Kavanaugh combined.

09-07-18, 11:24
They're concentrating their efforts on Kavanaugh based on the case Jane Doe vs the Office of Refugee resettlement.
Some background;
The case, Jane Doe v. Office of Refugee Resettlement, represents the latest clash between the ORR and activists seeking to obtain abortions for unaccompanied minor aliens. This case differs, though, in one significant respect from the class-action lawsuit that made headlines when the American Civil Liberties Union sued to force the government to facilitate abortions for several minors in the ORR’s custody: The Jane Doe in this case does not want an abortion.
Just a note, let that sink in for a minute before continuing...
According to Thursday’s court decision, Jane Doe is a “barely-14-year-old” girl who was detained at the U.S.–Mexican border. In mid January, immigration officials placed Doe in a Texas shelter for unaccompanied minors, and there she underwent a medical examination that revealed she was six weeks’ pregnant. At some point, Doe indicated to a “person interviewing her about her needs” that she wanted an abortion. The interviewer referred Doe to Janes Due Process, an organization that promotes itself as helping “Texas minors with judicial bypass for abortion.” Janes Due Process then somehow arranged for Jane Doe to be represented by two attorneys, Rochelle Garza and Myles Garza.
And here it gets really bad...or worse if you will.
Without notifying the ORR, which has legal custody over Jane Doe, the Garzas petitioned a Texas state court to be appointed Doe’s legal representatives. A state-court judge appointed Rochelle Garza to be Doe’s guardian ad litem and made Myles Garza her attorney ad litem. The Garzas then scheduled a February 8 hearing before the state-court judge to obtain a “judicial bypass” of the parental-consent requirement for an abortion.
Doe, however, later changed her mind and told the ORR that she did not want an abortion. Doe also claimed that the Garzas had made her sign paperwork appointing them her legal representatives for immigration purposes and maintained that she no longer wanted them to represent her. ORR informed the Garzas of this development and refused to release Doe for the court hearing or to allow her to meet with the Garzas. Instead, on February 8, the ORR filed papers in federal court to remove the proceedings from the state-court system.

Now as they attempt to make Kavanaugh look like a racist misogynist, no one is mentioning the part I highlighted above. All that is being mentioned is Roe vs Wade. The point of this child being tricked in to having an abortion isn't being mentioned at all in the hearing.

Doc Safari
09-07-18, 11:28
It's going to come down to a vote on party lines as long as no one can be peeled off the party vote due to some huge discrepancy in the man's credibility. I'm not saying that can't happen, but I don't see a smoking gun yet that he's a horrible SCOTUS pick.

09-07-18, 11:32
It's going to come down to a vote on party lines as long as no one can be peeled off the party vote due to some huge discrepancy in the man's credibility. I'm not saying that can't happen, but I don't see a smoking gun yet that he's a horrible SCOTUS pick.

Almost a strict Constitutionalist, which is refreshing, but then I thought John Roberts was also, so what do I know?

I'm just confused as to how the Left wanted him to handle the above mentioned case? I can assure you that once those two attorney's got their hands on that girl and She signed the paperwork she was going to get an abortion regardless of what She wanted.
The mindset of Progressives when it comes to abortion seems to be that regardless of what this young woman wanted, that's what was going to happen. I'm sorry, but using their own rhetoric that simply not about "A Woman's Right to choose."

09-07-18, 12:07
My Facebook stuff has zilch about Kavanaugh. I don't see this gaining any traction. If SNL were on its game, they would have a field day with Booker and Harris this weekend.

09-07-18, 13:00
Fineswine tries to redefine "common use" as articulated in the Heller decision:


My take: Retire, already, BITCH.

I watched that live and when she said “You’re saying the numbers [of guns owned] determine ‘common use’?" I was dumbfounded. No matter how clueless I think she is, she finds a way to go to a new level of without a clue. Common use would be, well, what's in common use! How the F is that difficult to understand?

09-07-18, 13:00
My Facebook stuff has zilch about Kavanaugh. I don't see this gaining any traction. If SNL were on its game, they would have a field day with Booker and Harris this weekend.

Plenty om my FB feed.

09-07-18, 13:20
Fineswine tries to redefine "common use" as articulated in the Heller decision:


My take: Retire, already, BITCH.

Sorry your a liberal.

This marxist bitch that is not Jewish, has for years made my take:

Die, already, Bitch

Doc Safari
09-07-18, 13:24
I watched that live and when she said “You’re saying the numbers [of guns owned] determine ‘common use’?" I was dumbfounded. No matter how clueless I think she is, she finds a way to go to a new level of without a clue. Common use would be, well, what's in common use! How the F is that difficult to understand?

She's channeling Maxine Waters.

Doc Safari
09-07-18, 13:25
Sorry your a liberal.

This marxist bitch that is not Jewish, has for years made my take:

Die, already, Bitch

I don't wish death on her. Unbearable agonizing suffering: YES.

09-07-18, 15:57
“You’re saying the numbers [of guns owned] determine ‘common use’? Common use is an activity. It’s not common storage or possession, it’s use. So what you said is these weapons are commonly used. They’re not.”

Mark Smith's counter to this is absolutely spot on:

Obviously, possessing an AR-15 or any gun is like possessing an insurance policy or a fire extinguisher. That fact that you own and possess these items is the same as using these items. So owning and possessing an AR-15 is the same as using an AR-15. Even assuming Senator Feinstein’s assertion that owning and possessing an AR is different than using an AR, there is ample, undisputed evidence that AR-15s are commonly used by Americans every day. Americans use AR-15s every day for self-defense purposes, for hunting, in three-gun competitions, for target practice and the like. A quick search on the Internet would have shown Senator Feinstein that there are thousands of videos of Americans using, cleaning, and demonstrating the uses of AR-style firearms of all stripes and types.

Seriously, every one of the litmus tests that Feinstein has assigned for "common use" the AR passes with flying colors: First, the AR is commonly possessed, and even she admits it in a roundabout way. Second, the AR is commonly "used", that is, discharged in her definition. Third, the fact that it is most commonly "used" for "sporting" purposes (target practice, hunting, and competition) completely defeats her assertion that, well, ARs are never used for sporting purposes!

But this is just so typical of liberals: Change the definition of everything in the English language, and you change reality. "Gender" used to be a synonym of "sex", male or female based upon if you had a penis or a vagina. Now sex means only what sexual organs you have presently (whether or not you were born with them) and gender is whatever sex you feel like you are at that moment, unconnected your physical makeup, and subject to change...sometimes throughout the day. "Tolerance" used to mean accepting that there are different opinions and lifestyles and agreeing to live and let live. Now one is not tolerant unless they are actively and angrily campaigning on behalf viewpoints that society once found objectionable. "Violence" used to mean force or the threat of force against a person. Now it means saying things that someone might get offended by. Now "use" of a firearm no longer even means owning a gun for worst case scenarios. According to Feinstein, it doesn't even mean shooting at the range. One can only be "using" a gun when they discharge it at another living being.

No surprise, from the party whose president questioned the definition of the word "Is".

09-10-18, 22:00
MSNBC Headline:

"Pressure builds on Sens. Murkowski and Collins"

Really? Four or five perjury charges for Kavanaugh.... and we take heat for Pizza Gate and delusions.

Of course Vegas is saying that Kavanaugh has 90% chance of being confirmed.

09-10-18, 23:46
MSNBC Headline:

"Pressure builds on Sens. Murkowski and Collins"

Really? Four or five perjury charges for Kavanaugh.... and we take heat for Pizza Gate and delusions.

Of course Vegas is saying that Kavanaugh has 90% chance of being confirmed.

I have a good source that puts Murkowski at 99% voting yes. Murkowski owes plenty of big businesses in this state for her political career. While she is a social liberal, she swings to the conservative big business side of thing otherwise. Kavanaugh is considered to be business friendly and businesses here support him.

09-11-18, 05:26
I have a good source that puts Murkowski at 99% voting yes. Murkowski owes plenty of big businesses in this state for her political career. While she is a social liberal, she swings to the conservative big business side of thing otherwise. Kavanaugh is considered to be business friendly and businesses here support him.

I hope she supports him, but I’m no fan of hers. Both she and her father are crooked as the Tanana.

I was in Fairbanks when he became governor and appointed her, his daughter, to the Senate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-11-18, 09:55
I hope she supports him, but I’m no fan of hers. Both she and her father are crooked as the Tanana.

I was in Fairbanks when he became governor and appointed her, his daughter, to the Senate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm no fan either. My source also says she's on her final term. That might be a problem on this vote.

09-13-18, 15:48
So Kavanaugh is in trouble for something he may have done in high school. Accusations by the morally and ethically pure Dianne Feinstein.


09-13-18, 16:12
Diane Feinstein had a CHICOM spy on her payroll for twenty years, during that time she was on the Select Committee on Intelligence no less.

But hey Trump's SCOTUS nominee might have gotten fresh with a girl back in high school . . . :rolleyes:

09-13-18, 16:36
Couldn’t make the Rowe v wade mess stick. Could t make the missing documents stick. Couldn’t make the blood run in the streets thing stuck cause he supports 2A mostly. So we are back to #metoo slandering. These people are despicable.

Every real victim of sexual abuse should be pounding on that “woman’s” door to read her the riot act. How long before any claim of sexual assault will be seen as yet another cry wolf episode and dismissed???

09-13-18, 16:39
So Kavanaugh is in trouble for something he may have done in high school. Accusations by the morally and ethically pure Dianne Feinstein.


“I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Feinstein said in her surprise statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

Soooooo, keep it on the low-down--- by literally making it a Federal Case......

At the last minute....

09-13-18, 16:41
Couldn’t make the Rowe v wade mess stick. Could t make the missing documents stick. Couldn’t make the blood run in the streets thing stuck cause he supports 2A mostly. So we are back to #metoo slandering. These people are despicable.

Every real victim of sexual abuse should be pounding on that “woman’s” door to read her the riot act. How long before any claim of sexual assault will be seen as yet another cry wolf episode and dismissed???

What part of "It's settled law" didn't she understand? Right up there with her confusion with the term "common use" as it applied to firearms.

09-13-18, 20:17
Wouldn't it wonderful if the FBI investigation uncovered a liberal conspiracy that the whole thing was fabricated and the lot of them get matching bracelets, including that old hag. I can dream, can't I?

09-14-18, 09:29
Since I don't plan on being appointed to the Supreme Court I can safely tell you that my interactions with the opposite sex in high school may have been outside the bounds of what is considered acceptable now.

09-14-18, 10:33
My whole childhood is illegal now...

09-14-18, 10:37
Wouldn't it wonderful if the FBI investigation uncovered a liberal conspiracy that the whole thing was fabricated and the lot of them get matching bracelets, including that old hag. I can dream, can't I?For the hag, nothing short of full-on Hannibal Lecter treatment plus stun belt.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

09-14-18, 11:20
Since I don't plan on being appointed to the Supreme Court I can safely tell you that my interactions with the opposite sex in high school may have fell outside the bounds of what is considered acceptable now.


09-14-18, 12:01
My whole childhood is illegal now...

No doubt...

09-14-18, 13:27
Since I don't plan on being appointed to the Supreme Court I can safely tell you that my interactions with the opposite sex in high school may have fell outside the bounds of what is considered acceptable now.

“Acceptable” and “legal” are very different today from years past. You want to identify as a girl today and use the girl’s restroom and locker room? Perfect acceptable and legal. You want to ogle that cheerleader and tell her how hot she is? You will be suspended and plan on getting notice from a PoundMeToo attorney.

09-14-18, 13:38
My whole childhood is illegal now...

...and attempts are being made to make your entire adulthood illegal too.

09-14-18, 14:12
...and attempts are being made to make your entire adulthood illegal too.

...but I am going to counter sue that the world is in peril from the all the straws and participation trophies that were thrown away. Slam dunk crimes against humanity for all those millennials...

09-14-18, 15:31
So Kavanaugh is in trouble for something he may have done in high school. Accusations by the morally and ethically pure Dianne Feinstein.


Wouldn't it wonderful if the FBI investigation uncovered a liberal conspiracy that the whole thing was fabricated and the lot of them get matching bracelets, including that old hag. I can dream, can't I?

The FBI has declined to investigate. Though I do hope they choose to investigate if it was a fabrication, that would be rich.

09-14-18, 16:01
Isn't it convenient that the morally outraged Left can continue to remain anonymous?
I mean if you were assaulted in HS and waited until you were fifty to complain, were you really in fear or really assaulted?
I know we aren't supposed to question "Victims", but really at what point is the accused allowed to defend themselves against an anonymous ghost?
Norm McDonald is right, eventually the #me too movement is going to kill an innocent man, if it hasn't already happened.
Perhaps Anthony Bourdain was the first to go.

09-14-18, 16:27
65 women defend Kavanaugh as 'a good person' amid allegations http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/14/65-women-defend-kavanaugh-as-good-person-amid-allegations.html

The letter: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-09-14%2065%20Women%20who%20know%20Kavanaugh%20from%20High%20School%20-%20Kavanaugh%20Nomination.pdf

09-14-18, 16:40
Sooooo, they tried to Bork him and that didn't work. Now they are trying to do a Thomas "high tech lynching" with an anonymous Niagara Falls girlfriend.

The standard of live boy or dead girl has been lowered to anonymous letter girl he knew.

Who's going to dig up Ted Kennedy for the show trial? Anyone ask Bill Clinton about the new standard?

09-14-18, 16:51
My whole childhood is illegal now...

It's like that meme of a baby boy suckling milk from his mommy's breast; "He'll never be able to run for public office now."

A couple of little boys at Hooter's memes making the rounds too with the same wording.

09-14-18, 19:48
...and attempts are being made to make your entire adulthood illegal too.


09-16-18, 10:42
Welp . . .


09-16-18, 12:35
Welp . . .

That's been known since day one. It was a woman that wrote the letter. Believed to be a Stanford professor.

and this is the woman that brought it to light.....

About Representative Anna Eshoo
Like the Silicon Valley region she represents, Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo exemplifies innovation. She’s creative, productive, a problem solver and a consensus builder. The San Jose Mercury News named her one of the ten most powerful women in Silicon Valley “because she sits on committees that oversee the Internet and biotech—areas vital to the valley’s interests.”

In 2017, Rep. Eshoo was awarded the Statesmanship Award by the bipartisan United States Association of Former Members of Congress for her distinguished congressional service and commitment to improving the lives of others.

Anna G. Eshoo was first sworn in as a Member of the United States House of Representatives in January 1993, after serving on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors for 10 years. She has served on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee since 1995, and she was the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology for six years, the first woman in the history of the Subcommittee to serve in a leadership role.

She is a rabid Trump hater. She could be thinking about 2020. She was voted one of Capital Hill's "beautiful people" at the age of 67. She has all the Leftist and Liberal requirements.

They could throw that Cortez woman in the fray to make Ashoo look even more refined. You can bet she paid for this and finding the coin in money town probably wasn't all that difficult.

I would think finding this Stanford professor would be quite easy. Supposedly they were both in High school. That means they are same age or probably within a year or two. Would likely have been in same town. How many Stanford professors would fit that profile? Oh, and Ashoo was born in CT interestingly enough. Wonder if another coincidence will be that it was one of her childhood friends?

09-16-18, 13:01
Considering Ashoo's daughter Karen is 49.... hmmmmm...

09-16-18, 13:33
Considering Ashoo's daughter Karen is 49.... hmmmmm...

Well I was mixing up CA and CT along with Stamford and Stanford.... but... that is really something with her daughter. She has two Masters degrees from Stanford ( CA ) but just landed a new job in Stamford ( CT ).

I'm sure her new job in PreK-12 private school could do without the attention.

If that's who it is, I wonder what those odds are?

ETA: I don't think it can be her. Looks like they were in CA during those years. Unlikely she left her daughter to go to high school in the DC area.

It could be any left coast loony. I was thinking it was someone from CT in my mixup.

09-16-18, 17:07
Well, they’ve identified who it is today. I was wrong..,oh well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-16-18, 17:43
Well, they’ve identified who it is today. I was wrong..,oh well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, she claims they were all drunk at a party. He supposedly threw her on a bed and groped her. Then a friend of his jumped in and they all fell in the floor.

She was afraid he was going to kill her.

Speaking publicly for the first time, Ford said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend — both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges — corralled her into a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Christine Blasey Ford

Now, Ford has decided that if her story is going to be told, she wants to be the one to tell it. translation: she has been schooled in how to present her 'memory'

ETA: You have got to be kidding me.... You go to couples therapy adn all of a sudden you get worried that you maybe were nearly raped and might be killed BUT what really bothers you is that the person might become a SCOTUS judge!?

In an interview, her husband, Russell Ford, said that in the 2012 sessions, she recounted being trapped in a room with two drunken boys, one of whom pinned her to a bed, molested her and prevented her from screaming. He said he recalled that his wife used Kavanaugh’s last name and voiced concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.

09-16-18, 17:54
Weaponized accusations

09-16-18, 17:59
Notice that she didn't do the tour on the Sunday shows? At least I didn't see it. Didn't see any surrogates either. Call that a clue. They just want anything to make the Senate hold off on the hearings and vote. Just one delay and then another and another. Maybe they smell the recent stories about the Senate going to the DNC and they think they can Garland this.

Expect at least one more woman to come forward with a non-specific tale of a something. One is a story, two is a pattern, three is a rapist in training.

From what I saw, she says that even in 2012 when she first mentioned it in marriage conselling, that she identified him as a judge and SCOTUS possibility.

What needs to be done is once he gets voted in, false flag the hell out of the fact that the dem leadership dropped the ball on this and viva la revolution with the well dressed socialist twit.

09-16-18, 18:09
From what I saw, she says that even in 2012 when she first mentioned it in marriage conselling, that she identified him as a judge and SCOTUS possibility.

... and back then it was 4 boys! .. .but the therapist got that wrong. LOL, come on. You are in therapy for rape and the therapist gets it wrong that there were 2 or 4 boys involved?

Maybe this will give Mancin an excuse to distance from his party. Along with delay they know if they could just buy a fence sitter or two, they can pay for more delays. What a bunch of lowlife degenerates.

09-16-18, 18:28
I still have trouble weighing this against 65 women who knew him in high school and characterize him as a respectful gentleman.

Maybe the guy cannot handle his drink and it was a one time thing?

Maybe she was so drunk she doesn't know who she was in a dark room with, but remembers spending time with him at the party?

Maybe they were about to get freaky when the friend came in the room and she was playing the innocent virgin.

Not hard to understand why the FBI declined to investigate, it really is hard to prove what happened or didn't.


09-16-18, 18:30
Weaponized accusations

Not sure I've heard that phrase before...accurate!

09-16-18, 19:21
Welp . . .


I know it is probably a typo but this dude is my age. Graduated HS the same year (1983). No way he graduated with a law degree in 1978!

09-16-18, 19:23
Not sure I've heard that phrase before...accurate!

This #metoo shit has gone WAAAYYY too far.

09-16-18, 20:44

ETA: translation: she has been schooled in how to present her 'memory'

ETA: You have got to be kidding me.... You go to couples therapy adn all of a sudden you get worried that you maybe were nearly raped and might be killed BUT what really bothers you is that the person might become a SCOTUS judge!?

I literally don't believe anything the left claims any more.

If the left issued a press release claiming that water was wet, I would immediately scour the news for a scientific breakthrough determining that water is actually not wet.

Anyone can make these accusations against anyone, and oh BTW if the accused is a "public figure" then libel laws don't apply much (they can, but there is a near-impossible level of proof required).

For the November elections I hope every last Dem running is accused of doing awful, yet plausible, crimes 30-50 years ago that they can't defend against. Rape, murder, embezzlement, whatever. Might as well, they are obviously doing the same to smear all Republicans they are the slightest bit unhappy with.

09-16-18, 20:57
Weaponized accusations

That’s all this is.

Even if the accusations are true, I wouldn’t hold such a story among teens against anyone decades later. I’d even give Obama and Feinstein a pass on that one.

09-16-18, 21:07
I still have trouble weighing this against 65 women who knew him in high school and characterize him as a respectful gentleman.

Maybe the guy cannot handle his drink and it was a one time thing?

Maybe she was so drunk she doesn't know who she was in a dark room with, but remembers spending time with him at the party?

Maybe they were about to get freaky when the friend came in the room and she was playing the innocent virgin.

Not hard to understand why the FBI declined to investigate, it really is hard to prove what happened or didn't.


I'm not even sure this women even met Kavanaugh at any time in her life. Maybe they were both at this party. Maybe not. At this point, I'm thinking this not may not even be a distortion of an event that happened. I'm willing to bet that this whole alleged incident was spun completely out of the ether by this woman and has no basis in fact whatsoever.

Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. That's why people can only be arrested with probable cause. That's why a person can only be convicted when evidence is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. I just hope the GOP stays the course and says we're confirming him, so suck it, bitches!

09-17-18, 00:36
Turns out that Kavanaugh's mother was the judge that handled a foreclosure on Ford's parents.

09-17-18, 05:41
I just hope the GOP stays the course and says we're confirming him, so suck it, bitches!

Three Republican senators weigh in on delaying Kavanaugh vote By Kate Sullivan and Steve Brusk, CNN Updated 12:02 AM ET, Mon September 17, 2018

"Washington (CNN)Three Republican senators have weighed in on postponing a vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination until they hear more from the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

"Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker both say the Senate Judiciary Committee should not vote on Kavanaugh's nomination until they talk to his accuser, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the committee might have to consider delaying the vote, according to reporting by CNN and other news organizations."

09-17-18, 05:42
Turns out that Kavanaugh's mother was the judge that handled a foreclosure on Ford's parents.

Is this from a good source?? Please link to it.

09-17-18, 05:47
Three Republican senators weigh in on delaying Kavanaugh vote By Kate Sullivan and Steve Brusk, CNN Updated 12:02 AM ET, Mon September 17, 2018

"Washington (CNN)Three Republican senators have weighed in on postponing a vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination until they hear more from the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

"Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker both say the Senate Judiciary Committee should not vote on Kavanaugh's nomination until they talk to his accuser, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the committee might have to consider delaying the vote, according to reporting by CNN and other news organizations."

Well Bob Corker being one of those wanting to delay the vote does not surprise me. He has spent a lot of time undermining President Trump and his policies. As a Tennessean I have voted against him in the primaries and am glad he is not running for another term.

Alex V
09-17-18, 07:00
I said it during when Moore was in the special election. Democrats will parade out a sexual assault accuser for every republican candidate that will have an impact on something. Watch. In late October or early November there will be assault allegation against countless Republican candidates.

09-17-18, 07:15
You'll realize what is happening?

They had this for months, but they didn't bring it out until too late in the process. Till the last minute in comittee. For charges that can never be proven or disproven.

We are far enough down this path that they can't get another nominee in there before the election.

The DEms take the House and press or threaten impeachment- and we can't have the swing vote on SCOTUS decided by a POTUS under that cloud.

In the off chance that they get Kavanaugh put aside, and they take back the Senate- Trump won't get another pick. They will hold off for the above and Garland.

This is for all the marbles. The swamp has reached out and played their hand and given us the middle finger.

They tried to Bork him and now they know that he isn't as warm and fuzzy as Goresuch, they are going to try to rail road him.

09-17-18, 07:22
You'll realize what is happening?

They had this for months, but they didn't bring it out until too late in the process. Till the last minute in comittee. For charges that can never be proven or disproven.

We are far enough down this path that they can't get another nominee in there before the election.

The DEms take the House and press or threaten impeachment- and we can't have the swing vote on SCOTUS decided by a POTUS under that cloud.

In the off chance that they get Kavanaugh put aside, and they take back the Senate- Trump won't get another pick. They will hold off for the above and Garland.

This is for all the marbles. The swamp has reached out and played their hand and given us the middle finger.

They tried to Bork him and now they know that he isn't as warm and fuzzy as Goresuch, they are going to try to rail road him.

I believe you are correct in your assessment. The dims don't play fair and this appears well orchestrated.

09-17-18, 07:24
You'll realize what is happening?

They had this for months, but they didn't bring it out until too late in the process. Till the last minute in comittee. For charges that can never be proven or disproven.

We are far enough down this path that they can't get another nominee in there before the election.

The DEms take the House and press or threaten impeachment- and we can't have the swing vote on SCOTUS decided by a POTUS under that cloud.

In the off chance that they get Kavanaugh put aside, and they take back the Senate- Trump won't get another pick. They will hold off for the above and Garland.

This is for all the marbles. The swamp has reached out and played their hand and given us the middle finger.

They tried to Bork him and now they know that he isn't as warm and fuzzy as Goresuch, they are going to try to rail road him.

They wouldn't approve Garland for the same reason they won't approve anyone Trump nominates. Even if he was nominated, they would show the same histrionics they show over anything Trump related. And if the DNC won't do it, the GOP would gladly fill that roll.

Regardless, the Kavanaugh nomination is dead in the water. The Senate knows it, Trump knows it and Kavanaugh knows it. If John Kelly is smart (and I know he is) he'll be advising Trump not to let it proceed to a floor vote. Whether Trump backs off is a different matter entirely, but this has 2018 ramifications as well as 2020 ramifications.

09-17-18, 07:36
They wouldn't approve Garland for the same reason they won't approve anyone Trump nominates. Even if he was nominated, they would show the same histrionics they show over anything Trump related. And if the DNC won't do it, the GOP would gladly fill that roll.

Regardless, the Kavanaugh nomination is dead in the water. The Senate knows it, Trump knows it and Kavanaugh knows it. If John Kelly is smart (and I know he is) he'll be advising Trump not to let it proceed to a floor vote. Whether Trump backs off is a different matter entirely, but this has 2018 ramifications as well as 2020 ramifications.

I wouldn't go that far. If the new standard is that 30 year old charges with out any evidence or any kind of corroboration - we will never get a male on the Supreme Court that has ever spent any time alone with a girl. We might as well start putting Muslims up.

You know the next thing will be a friend that comes forward and remembers all the details.... of course that would contradict the accusers 2012 narrative, but never mind that. Never mind that the therapists notes contradict her story. Never mind that her story contradicts every other woman he has ever dealt with. His wife is pretty high functioning. Time to get her out there and call for the lying witch to be burned.

09-17-18, 07:36
And one more thing. With the seat open and a 4-4 court all the crazy 9th decisions get upheld and Meuller gets to run wild.

I think the line for now is how the Dems have treated this woman. They discounted her story for months and it was leaked by a staffer, after the woman said that she wanted to stay anonymous. Who is victimizing women?

09-17-18, 07:54
I wouldn't go that far. If the new standard is that 30 year old charges with out any evidence or any kind of corroboration - we will never get a male on the Supreme Court that has ever spent any time alone with a girl. We might as well start putting Muslims up.

You know the next thing will be a friend that comes forward and remembers all the details.... of course that would contradict the accusers 2012 narrative, but never mind that. Never mind that the therapists notes contradict her story. Never mind that her story contradicts every other woman he has ever dealt with. His wife is pretty high functioning. Time to get her out there and call for the lying witch to be burned.

Look, I'm all about burning someone to the ground if they are lying. And truth be told, the way DiFi handled this was completely out of bounds. If there's anyone to blame, it's her as this should have been introduced back in early August or July whenever she received it. She weaponized the #metoo movement in a way that's never been done before. It was shady as eff and we all know it. As for the media sniffing around the story, I'd flat guarantee you someone in her office leaked the pertinent info to sic the press dogs on her doorstep. It's not like Buzzfeed is going to connect the dots that easily and figure out who Ford was.

Anyway...even if there is the inkling of a hint this actually happened, it'll hang over the head of Kavanaugh his entire tenure in the SCOTUS. This isn't a Clarence Thomas issue.

If Grassley lets this come to a vote or Mitch McConnell is stupid enough to bring it to the floor for a full Senate vote, they deserve every bit of the anger they'll draw on election day. I'm not saying it is or isn't true, but damned if it isn't political suicide to allow it to come to a vote until the situation is resolved.

09-17-18, 08:05
For example, she can’t remember or remains uncertain about many key details (including the year of the alleged incident); she told nobody contemporaneously (unlike many other alleged victims of sexual assault); and both Mr. Kavanaugh and his friend deny it. There is, as far as we know, no physical evidence. It’s a true “she said, he said” — or, rather, “they said,” since two people deny this incident ever happened.

How the F do you resolve that when she can't even tell you the year it happened? The above is from the NYT by the way. I don't know what you investigate, or how? And isn't that the key?

It all comes down to votes. If any GOP Senator thinks that they are going to get 'back at Trump' for this, they are crazy.

Fine, let her talk. Put her on the dias with the other 65 women, then let his wife speak about how this twit has attacked her man.

09-17-18, 08:15
Regardless, the Kavanaugh nomination is dead in the water. The Senate knows it, Trump knows it and Kavanaugh knows it. If John Kelly is smart (and I know he is) he'll be advising Trump not to let it proceed to a floor vote. Whether Trump backs off is a different matter entirely, but this has 2018 ramifications as well as 2020 ramifications.

Not so sure. Even Meygan Kelly is warning the Dems to be careful what they wish for. She said if anyone thinks Trump will nominate someone less Conservative after this they are crazy.

Speaking of crazy... That woman will be grilled this week and pretty sure her craziness will be exposed as well.

09-17-18, 08:26
I said it during when Moore was in the special election. Democrats will parade out a sexual assault accuser for every republican candidate that will have an impact on something. Watch. In late October or early November there will be assault allegation against countless Republican candidates.

Let's face it, the Moore accusations (plus tons of money, bussing voters and nationwide volunteers calling everyone in Al nonstop) made enough difference that a Democrat got elected, why wouldn't they continue to use this tool in their toolbox. The Moore accusers dropped off after the election, no need to prove anything they claimed.

That's why the "letter" was delayed; everyone knows the lady's testimony would not stand up to any scrutiny or the Dems would have released the information the second they had it in their hands.


09-17-18, 08:51
And an FBI investigation... For an FBI that can't seem to find anything when it comes to HRC and internal issues, I can't wait to see what comes out of that.

09-17-18, 09:05
"These people are all miscreants. The term ‘basket of deplorables’ is far too generous a description for these people who are now Senior Trump advisors," -- Debra Katz

Ford will have to testify under oath. Throw anyone and everyone under the bus if it means stopping the Trump train.

They are all Leftist and Dem operatives.

09-17-18, 10:11
Kavanugh had background checks something like 6 times. Would that include lie detector tests? Would questions like this have come up? What I can see next is a demand that he submit to a lie detector test. It would be interesting if it had already been covered.

Dr. Bullseye
09-17-18, 12:35
Let's review: Dr. Ford is a Psychologist. She revealed this "assault" to another psychologist in marital therapy. She is a psychologist in therapy herself. As it was revealed it was claimed this was a "repressed memory". This woman is a bat-crap-crazy-Bitch, pure and simple. I can't wait until those lawyers in the Senate cross examine her. No me-too soft treatment for this bitch. Before she leaves that hearing all of psychology, repressed memories, and so on should be completely discredited for the crap it is.

09-17-18, 13:15
Weaponized accusations

From November 2016 on I have been and will be repeatedly sexually assaulted by any and all female, male, trans, and LGBTTQQIAAP+ Democrat nominees, appointees, and candidates (including incumbents).


09-17-18, 13:38
There is only one solution:

Trial by group combat:

Team A:
The Accuser
Her husband
Gloria Alred

Team B
His buddy
Judge Napolitano

09-17-18, 14:11
There is only one solution:

Trial by group combat:

Trump Jr. is ready....


09-17-18, 14:33
There is only one solution:

Trial by group combat:

Team A:
The Accuser
Her husband
Gloria Alred
a dozen other leftists

Team B
Gen. Mattis
Dick Cheney

I like this matchup better.

09-17-18, 14:59
You know the whole "It was a repressed memory" thing is a stroke of evil genius. I don't think at that point you can go after them for libel without there being a hell of an out for the accuser. The whole thing is ugly and completely worthy of Feinstien to pull out of her "Pussy Hat."
We are now allowing "repressed" memories from something that happened decades ago to be admitted in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee that for better or worse follow Kavanaugh the rest of his career. Everything he votes on, every opinion he writes will have this accusation as a footnote.
You have to look at the Democrats and admire not their integrity, because they have none at all, but their ability to set a goal and do anything at all to achieve it. This is simply another example of how far they are willing to go to achieve.
When you no longer have a belief in a hereafter breaking six or seven commandments to achieve a goal, even one that might mean the death of millions of innocents, means nothing in order to gain a foothold in this world.
The Socialist Progressives are often quick to point the finger and yell "Hitler", yet they have no qualms in following his footsteps and gain power.

09-17-18, 15:30
You have to look at the Democrats and admire not their integrity, because they have none at all, but their ability to set a goal and do anything at all to achieve it. This is simply another example of how far they are willing to go to achieve.

Not enough helicopters, not enough ocean.

09-17-18, 15:31
delete / disregard

09-17-18, 15:43
You know the whole "It was a repressed memory" thing is a stroke of evil genius. I don't think at that point you can go after them for libel without there being a hell of an out for the accuser. The whole thing is ugly and completely worthy of Feinstien to pull out of her "Pussy Hat."
We are now allowing "repressed" memories from something that happened decades ago to be admitted in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee that for better or worse follow Kavanaugh the rest of his career. Everything he votes on, every opinion he writes will have this accusation as a footnote.
You have to look at the Democrats and admire not their integrity, because they have none at all, but their ability to set a goal and do anything at all to achieve it. This is simply another example of how far they are willing to go to achieve.
When you no longer have a belief in a hereafter breaking six or seven commandments to achieve a goal, even one that might mean the death of millions of innocents, means nothing in order to gain a foothold in this world.
The Socialist Progressives are often quick to point the finger and yell "Hitler", yet they have no qualms in following his footsteps and gain power.

Infalsifiable claims are the easiest to hide behind. But it has no legal traction. It becomes a personal matter for the victim to process so they can get on with a functional life. That she’s still wearing pussy hate tells me her therapy money was poorly spent. Dems will use it as moral justification to deny, which is what they’ve struggled to find. It could easily backfire on them too since they create a circus before this new accusation came forth. Time for Republicans to have some brass and press ahead. They aren’t known for brass.


Alex V
09-17-18, 18:58
Looks like the Thursday vote is off and there is a hearing for both parties on Monday.

09-17-18, 19:10
Is this from a good source?? Please link to it.

I had a link from a decent source, it has been since proven false. Carry on...

09-17-18, 19:16
As always, I'm thoroughly impressed with the left's stratagems. The right has little-to-no knowledge of how to play dirty politics and win. Anymore, the right simply whines and rolls over. The right has tried hard to play this game (you birther kooks) but always comes off looking like Alex Jones. The left, on the other hand, plays ball.

We're way past moral outrage over the left pulling stunts like this. We either do it back, and better, or we lose lots of ground on the new political battlefield.

09-17-18, 19:22
As always, I'm thoroughly impressed with the left's stratagems. The right has little-to-no knowledge of how to play dirty politics and win. Anymore, the right simply whines and rolls over. The right has tried hard to play this game (you birther kooks) but always comes off looking like Alex Jones. The left, on the other hand, plays ball.

We're way past moral outrage over the left pulling stunts like this. We either do it back, and better, or we lose lots of ground on the new political battlefield.

It's like playing a ballgame against a team that constantly cheats and the refs won't throw the flag on them. But if we cheat that flag comes out and the other team stands their smirking. The only way to win is to sucker punch them when the refs aren't looking.

09-17-18, 22:21
Looks like the Thursday vote is off and there is a hearing for both parties on Monday.

'Inch by inch, day by day. Delay delay delay.' That is the chant of the Liberal flock. It has flown into a Winter it can not fly out of and hopes to feast on the RINO flesh until Spring.

It is all they have left. It's do or die.

09-18-18, 00:26
A claim that is at least 36 years old that the accuser cannot exactly remember as to day, month or year and cannot be exact sure that Kavenaugh was her assailant.
A claim that was first remembered in family therapy, a claim that was a "repressed" memory.
And we are going to delay a vote to hear what exactly from Her ?

09-18-18, 01:22
You know she's got a lot of head trash floating around in that twits head.

Marriage Counseling- who cheated on whom? I wonder how many stories like this are in the therapists notes?

So she went to some DC prep school. How many ties to political operatives does she have?

Can't talk about that. Can't talk about how she is a big lefty. Can't really question anything she says.

Frankly, I REALLY want to see Kavanaugh's wife testify. Too bad his daughters aren't old enough to pick up a spike and kill this vampire.

And sure, Trump is the reason our politics are the way they are.

Was watching MSNBC for some full crazy. Basically, they are saying that if he can't prove her wrong, he shouldn't be on the court.

Yep, the French Revolution is here.

09-18-18, 02:11
A claim that is at least 36 years old that the accuser cannot exactly remember as to day, month or year and cannot be exact sure that Kavenaugh was her assailant.
A claim that was first remembered in family therapy, a claim that was a "repressed" memory.
And we are going to delay a vote to hear what exactly fries. Her ?

It’s only for the GOP to wash their hands of this. So they can say they did their part, gave this nut her 15 minutes of fame. Now that she’s done and, to the surprise of no one, proven to be completely full of shit, we can get onto the business at hand. Then, when the Democrats inevitably come up with something else to delay the vote, The GOP can put its foot down and say we’re not going to keep doing this crap. It also makes accusations that the GOP is rushing the vote that much more baseless.

09-18-18, 05:06
It’s only for the GOP to wash their hands of this. So they can say they did their part, gave this nut her 15 minutes of fame. Now that she’s done and, to the surprise of no one, proven to be completely full of shit, we can get onto the business at hand. Then, when the Democrats inevitably come up with something else to delay the vote, The GOP can put its foot down and say we’re not going to keep doing this crap. It also makes accusations that the GOP is rushing the vote that much more baseless.

Norm McDonald said, and I will paraphrase; eventually this #me too movement is going to accuse someone who is not guilty and cause them to commit suicide. Now I'm all about giving true "victims" of sexual exploitation and violence a platform for them to do so, but honestly at some point it will, or has already gone too far.
I think we've reached the point where all the legitimacy that could ever be achieved from #me too movement has been done. This kind of tactic and others like it have sunk what was a potentially a very powerful tool for people who have been used and abused, it's been politically weaponized by the very Democratic Party who bore a lot of the guilt for some pretty shady behaviors.

09-18-18, 05:14
Norm McDonald said, and I will paraphrase; eventually this #me too movement is going to accuse someone who is not guilty and cause them to commit suicide. Now I'm all about giving true "victims" of sexual exploitation and violence a platform for them to do so, but honestly at some point it will, or has already gone too far.
I think we've reached the point where all the legitimacy that could ever be achieved from #me too movement has been done. This kind of tactic and others like it have sunk what was a potentially a very powerful tool for people who have been used and abused, it's been politically weaponized by the very Democratic Party who bore a lot of the guilt for some pretty shady behaviors.

While the Dems are excellent at playing dirty games and appear to have no shame whatsoever, one thing they never learn is the consequences of crying wolf. They’ve already done it with racism, and now they’re trying to do it with rape. At this point, I’m more skeptical and exasperated than horrified when some woman claims sexual harassment. That’s what happens when you come play the same card over and over.

09-18-18, 06:02
While the Dems are excellent at playing dirty games and appear to have no shame whatsoever, one thing they never learn is the consequences of crying wolf. They’ve already done it with racism, and now they’re trying to do it with rape. At this point, I’m more skeptical and exasperated than horrified when some woman claims sexual harassment. That’s what happens when you come play the same card over and over.

And that's the danger in all of this, they have an absolute over played hand on race, to make my point; some guy in the Coast Guard sends the "Okay" hand sign and suddenly he is flashing "White Power". Now it's pretty widely known that this whole Okay hand sign was started as a joke on some Soccer Mom's and suddenly they thought they were dealing with some skin head Nazi's.
Well, never letting some racism, even if it is nonexistent go to waste, it's jumped on like a fat baby thrown to some cannibals. the irony in all of this is there is real racism, but this aint it.
And there in is the lie.
Just because you can do something untoward to win your case doesn't mean you should.
Your, "I’m more skeptical and exasperated than horrified when some woman claims sexual harassment." is caused by a form of psychological form of media repetition that equally enrages on one level and on another makes us numb to the repetition.
Just as racism has a standard reaction from the masses of the Progressive Socialists, so now too does the claim of sexual harassment even if they are 36 years old and the accuser can't exactly remember the day, month or exact year. The irony that these remembrances came under the auspices of a a private session with a counselor. I'm seriously wondering if the other people in the room gave their permission for this event?
I dunno man, I would like to keep hoping justice will prevail in everything, but "crying Wolf" every event considering race or sex isn't allowing that to happen.

09-18-18, 06:14
The guy who started Talking Dead, Chris Hardwick, made the mistake of dating some whack-job who accused him of sexual assault amongst other things. He didn't even get the chance to respond before he was suspended from his own show, barred from websites he started, and blacklisted across the industry.

He was allowed back to his show in August, because the allegations were complete fabrications. His career will never recover, but what price did she pay for an ex-girlfriend's vengeance? Nothing, of course.

Pound me too really pounded him.


09-18-18, 08:18
The problem is that Kavanaugh isn't fighting against guilt or innocence, he is fighting against women's internalization of of the situation in reference to something that happened to them.



I guess that is the outcome of the #metoo moment. Men get judged based on the worst that a woman believes a man (or a boy) treated her.

Kavanaugh needs to shut up about all of this. Orrin Hatch's comments don't help. Let her tell her story, and stop saying that you are innocent, or trying to figure out what the women actually may have experienced. She is lying. She is part of a highly choreographed and very sophisticated attack meant to provoke and scuttle the nomination- not by proving anything. The ambiguity is meant so that he can't defend himself- and you can't and any attempt to makes it look worse.

The holy hell that should be unleashed on the next dem nominee should be truly spectacular. But you know that they'll put a woman up so that you can't attack her.

Really good feminism working here.

The GOP is defending a man, the Dems are attacking a gender.

09-18-18, 09:55
Evil Party vs. Stupid Party. Mix well and we get Uniparty.

So much for the “benefits” of compulsory education.

Send in the clowns.

09-18-18, 10:00
The GOP is defending a man, the Dems are attacking a gender.

Just when I thought they could not go any lower, they found a way. Maybe there needs to be a statute of limitations on who can come forward on such things in a SCOTUS hearings. Maybe 30 years? I don't think anything will come of it as it's not going to change the minds of any in the GOP who have the majority, but it's an incredible move of desperation that I suspect all but the most "progressive" see for what it is. She will say her bit, he will say his, there will be some Qs and grumbling in the GOP, and they'll get on with it.

Alex V
09-18-18, 10:17
Just when I thought they could not go any lower, they found a way. Maybe there needs to be a statute of limitations on who can come forward on such things in a SCOTUS hearings. Maybe 30 years? I don't think anything will come of it as it's not going to change the minds of any in the GOP who have the majority, but it's an incredible move of desperation that I suspect all but the most "progressive" see for what it is. She will say her bit, he will say his, there will be some Qs and grumbling in the GOP, and they'll get on with it.

I dunno dude... we have a people like Susan Collins who wants the hearing. Meanwhile, the attorney for the accuser has not responded to a request from Congress to attend the Monday hearing. My guess they will not show up until February. By then we may not have enough votes in the Senate to confirm him.

09-18-18, 10:34
I dunno dude... we have a people like Susan Collins who wants the hearing. Meanwhile, the attorney for the accuser has not responded to a request from Congress to attend the Monday hearing. My guess they will not show up until February. By then we may not have enough votes in the Senate to confirm him.

She either shows up now or it's over. Maybe she gets next week. Exactly what would be the rationale for postponing it? An FBI investigation? Of what?

I'm pissed, but I'm not panicked. Hold fast. Seriously, if we cave now, you'll never get another conservative man to stand up for a position like this again. Kavanaugh steps aside is an admission of guilt, if he is voted down that is a 'conviction'. How can you let him sit on his current Circuit seat. Not getting the POTUS seat is one thing, absolutely ruining your life and losing everything- who will sign up for that?

This is a Salem Witch Trial that no man is safe from.

Let it play out. The accuser has some real problems. Anyone that comes out now with info backing her up actual discredits he because she said she talked to no one. She is going to have to come out with more specific details, but that actual is a threat to her since any dates that she puts out there, he might or the other guy might be able to discredit.

Since she is the fall person for the left, it would be amazing to see another kid from that time come out and say it was actually him. No legal jeopardy. The guy in the room said that it wasn't Kavanaugh.

I'd still like to know who this woman has been talking to.

When Kavanaugh gets passed by the committee, I put the chances at 20% that the woman kills herself. The ultimate political Kamakazee. Takes out Brett and the GOP with a beautifully tragic note about how even with PoundMeToo that women are still marginalized and not believed. Two shots to the back of the head Clinton style. HRC gives the eulogy and no one in the MSM talks about the irony

Ted Kennedy is laughing right now. Let the girl live, what a rookie mistake.

09-18-18, 11:12
You're all focused on the details and I agree with 99% of what's being said on the details. Don't miss the big picture, which is this: the Dems as a group have NO respect for a democratic election if it doesn't go their way. This cannot be over-emphasized. A foundational requirement of any kind of democracy is that the losing side respects the vote and treats the majority-voted government as legitimate. Since 2016, the Dems don't do this, and are deafeningly loud about not accepting it.

To me this is simple. They have rejected a legitimate election outcome and in doing so have rejected democracy in whole. Anyone who has supported this "resistance" no longer has any right to vote or have their views heard. It would be morally justified to shut them out since they have purposefully separated themselves from the existing system.

09-18-18, 11:17
It would be morally justified to shut them out since they have purposefully separated themselves from the existing system.
And how would you do that?

Alex V
09-18-18, 11:33
She either shows up now or it's over. Maybe she gets next week. Exactly what would be the rationale for postponing it? An FBI investigation? Of what?

The rationale is to delay the vote until after the mid-term election. At that point, there may no longer be enough votes to put him on SCOTUS.

09-18-18, 11:36
Personally, elections suck. Democracy sucks. We are seeing that right now. It isn't a lack of respect for elections that is the problem, it is a throwing away of the fundamental individual rights that has gotten us here- and is why the left is going bonkers. They are pushing the collectivist mantra. You can see it against Brett, it isn't that he is guilty, it is that all men are guilty of something.

We are also seeing what 'feminization' means. It means personal attacks, outside the norms to invalidate people.

Women are back stabbing, rumor mongering disgusting creatures with few loyalties and never forgive or forget someone who crosses them. Run by feelings and dismissive of facts. We are running a country like we are a huge "Heather's" movie.

Welcome to the Chick-ocracy.

No defense needed, you are always guilty.

09-18-18, 12:47

09-18-18, 13:14
I wonder if the accuser's ties to Kavanaugh's mother as a judge, who presided over the accuser's parents foreclosure will be discussed during the hearing or the accuser's husband's ties to Fusion GPS.

There was no foreclosure and it was her brother and F-GPS. No need to bring it up. Trump will tweet about it which means everyone will hear about it.

It's a foregone conclusion that all these people are tied to a singular force of effort and misdirection. There is no longer reason for any person of any walk of life to not believe the Leftist are a criminal organization. That simply is what they do. They commit crimes for the political gain of the Democrat party. Hell even Hillary said just the other day she wants to get rid of the electoral college.

All that remains to defeat them is a cure for LDD ( Leftist Disbelief Disorder ).

09-18-18, 13:19
I wonder if the accuser's ties to Kavanaugh's mother as a judge, who presided over the accuser's parents foreclosure will be discussed during the hearing or the accuser's husband's ties to Fusion GPS.

My prediction is that she will not show on Monday for a public hearing. After that at some point she may agree to a private hearing, of course delayed until the next week. There we will never know what real questions are asked, the democrats will leak fake news and half truths from the private hearing, etc. The delay tactic will be pushed as long as the dems can push it. I have very little faith in the republicans to hold strong on anything let alone this.

09-18-18, 13:22
There was no foreclosure and it was her brother and F-GPS. No need to bring it up. Trump will tweet about it which means everyone will hear about it.
\( Leftist Disbelief Disorder ).

It was not foreclosed on but there was a foreclosure hearing. And yes her brother has connections to Fusion GPS. He worked at the law firm that paid Fusion GPS.

09-18-18, 13:42
The rationale is to delay the vote until after the mid-term election. At that point, there may no longer be enough votes to put him on SCOTUS.

The current make-up of the Senate is valid till noon, 1/3/19, though a majority loss in November would put pressure not to confirm, I am sure folks like Flake would be gleeful to vote no of a vote was forced.

09-18-18, 13:50
It was not foreclosed on but there was a foreclosure hearing. And yes her brother has connections to Fusion GPS. He worked at the law firm that paid Fusion GPS.

My point though is that is always expected of a Leftist. They are not lone wolves. There are always ties to typically multiple things. Just like her lawyer Katz said of a Clinton accuser, 'too bad, so sad, can't help you'. It's the same thing. This is not a 'person' attacking Kavanaugh and the Republican Party. It is Leftist organized crime. But like Comey says... 'not the kind of crime anyone would prosecute'. It's just good old everyday political crime. I mean unless you are an "R" POTUS hopeful like Bob McDonald then it's real crime and you have to have your family and wealth destroyed.

It's the same old story and I wish voting America would hurry up and get fed up with it. These caving RINOs make me sick. Reminds me of that Eagles song lyrics. They stab it with their steely knives but they just can't kill the beast. They just won't finish the job. they were given the power ----by the Dems---- to seal this deal. Weak and pretentious RINOs.

09-18-18, 14:03
The current make-up of the Senate is valid till noon, 1/3/19,

They want him on the bench for the Oct. session though. Not sure which cases are on deck, but that's an aspect as well. Obviously, getting the number of votes is priority though.

09-18-18, 14:36
This #metoo shit has gone WAAAYYY too far.I think it was started with the ultimate goal of taking down President Trump, even to the point of taking down many of their own in the process. They are settling for a SCOTUS nominee instead.

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09-18-18, 14:40
I believe so too. Leftist have no issue devouring their own for the cause.

You know things are off the tracks when Shawn Penn says it's gone too far... on NBC no less.

09-18-18, 14:51
sean penn?! Demons are lining up at Home Depot to purchase space heaters as we speak.

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09-18-18, 14:59
sean penn?! Yep!.... the first few minutes are plugging his new work but he's not exactly on board.


We'll have to contact Rose McGowan for the truth.

09-18-18, 15:02
This is a pretty cool strategy for the left if it ends up succeeding somehow. Every man, in their teens, probably lacked the respect for women that he has now. Weaponizing that general ideal, even if it the individual is innocent, means any male republican is automatically guilty.

09-18-18, 15:19
Their aim is to abolish SCOTUS, which is partly successful through their appointing activist judges. So they win if nobody is appointed, if activists are appointed, they win if Republicans make the same circus next time for Democrat nominees, and if SCOTUS disappears.

They don’t win if Republicans get the courage to confirm by next week. Everyone loses if Republicans don’t become the adults in the room.

09-18-18, 15:43
This is a pretty cool strategy for the left if it ends up succeeding somehow. Every man, in their teens, probably lacked the respect for women that he has now. Weaponizing that general ideal, even if it the individual is innocent, means any male republican is automatically guilty.

When I was young and dumb, I was young and dumb. Drunk, young, and dumb hurt. But that isn't even the point. In the new regime, you don't even have to have been guilty of something then or something by today's standards. If Kavanaugh goes down, it is the end of conservative males in higher positions.

Their aim is to abolish SCOTUS, which is partly successful through their appointing activist judges. So they win if nobody is appointed, if activists are appointed, they win if Republicans make the same circus next time for Democrat nominees, and if SCOTUS disappears.

They don’t win if Republicans get the courage to confirm by next week. Everyone loses if Republicans don’t become the adults in the room.

They LOVE the courts because you can decree and block anything you want. They know the courts will slide their way and then they get to spend money and the courts are to blame.

09-18-18, 19:33

09-18-18, 19:42


That is the one I was referring to on page 5 post #99 but couldn't find it with my Google-fu.

09-18-18, 21:15
Now the accuser is demanding the fbi investigate before she testifies before the senate. Screw that! Obvious delaying tactics by the dems.

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09-18-18, 21:15

09-18-18, 21:29
Now the accuser is demanding the fbi investigate before she testifies before the senate. Screw that! Obvious delaying tactics by the dems.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

Witch hunt...

It would be interesting to hear what this ‘investigation’ would entail...

I really don’t think they have a plan, they just are trying to move the peg one week at a time.

And cue the next bimbo for Friday or the weekend.

That and Ford attempting suicide after the committee vote.

09-18-18, 21:45
Now the accuser is demanding the fbi investigate before she testifies before the senate. Screw that! Obvious delaying tactics by the dems.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

Kinda like what they did in the 2000 election:
Florida: “we recounted and Bush still won.”
Dems: “count again.”
FL: “we counted again. Bush still won.”
Dems: “count again.”
FL: “counted again. Bush still won!”
Dems: “count it again, and if the vote went for Bush but you think that ballot might have had second thoughts, count it for Gore.”
FL: “we’re sorry, but Bush still won.”
Dems: “still not buying it. Send it to the courts and let them decide.”

Even if a full investigation comes up with nothing, the Dems will want another investigation. Then another. Then another. If nothing comes of that, they’ll try and change the law, probably to make sexual assault a federal crime with no statute of limitations, retroactive to any crimes committed before the law was passed. And, they would make a single accusation to be probable cause for arrest. That’s the Dems MO: if you don’t like reality, change reality and the definition of everything around you.

09-19-18, 00:04
From the New York Times

Correction: September 18, 2018

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction: An earlier version of this article misstated what Mark Judge told the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said that he does not remember the episode, not that he does.

Translation: In the most important story of the week or perhaps the year.... .we almost got it right the first time..... ;-/ ... nah! We lied!!

So apparently "Dr. Ballsey" isn't going to testify until the FBI does a "Russia Investigation" on him. .... and you can bet your ass at least one RINO bitch will buy into that act. These people are a scourge on America.

09-19-18, 01:47
Why is the story not about how Dem operatives outed a sexual assault victim against her will? Isn't that the holiest of holies?

Funny thing is, that I find it hard to believe that that these dopes don't realize that the FBI is going to look at it the other way too- who she has been talking to and why for the past 6 months.

That and find out who leaked it.

I still want Brett's wife put the Dems on that committee in their place. These men that get accused are sons, husbands and fathers.

Also, they realize if they get him to step aside, they will have to then go and impeach him from his current seat. You can't Roy Moore this and have all the outrage go away after they 'win'. The problem is that you actually have to run a trial then, with things like evidence and the rule of law. (I assume this would be like the POTUS impeachment process). OR if Trump loses in 2020, come after him for a perjury charge. That would be a hoot of a trial. Imagine all the other stuff they'll throw at him to get him to cave.

Or are we going to get another special prosecutor to investigate this?

09-19-18, 06:57
Saw a tweet that grassley cancelled the vote. Remember this in November. Need a red wave like never seen before.

09-19-18, 07:21
Why is the story not about how ...

... about how Katz is the new Nifong?

09-19-18, 07:51
Why is the story not about how Dem operatives outed a sexual assault victim against her will?

She is the operative. Now how they got to her, how this came to be a 6 year plan with records that have mistakes like a swim party with 2 guys and one girl, 4 guys and 1 girl, 4 guys and 2 girls.

I was also curious, of all the attempted rapes on record. I wonder how many were carried out by stumbling drunks. I've seen people at DUI checks and they are near stumbling drunk and imo not capable of attempting to rape someone. So how can someone that is falling down drunk attempt to rape someone?

IMO, the words 'stumbling drunk' were instructed into her letter as they meshed well with the book that Kavanaugh's friend wrote. The words "attempted rape" were inserted as they fit the exact profile that Katz has previously claimed would be needed to have a case.

Katz, speaking to the newspaper, added, ''If it's one time, it has to be severe, almost a sexual assault, not just a touching of somebody's breast or buttocks or even forceful kissing.” -- re: Paula Jones vs Clinton

Reads like a script. Why is this a stretch for two rabid Leftists to concoct when one is a psychologist and the other a lawyer in the land of Hollywood make believe. If someone said they had a talking horse that Kavanaugh abused in high school the Dems in the Senate would say they believe it just as a matter of fact way they handle day to day life.

09-19-18, 07:55
Saw a tweet that grassley cancelled the vote. Remember this in November. Need a red wave like never seen before.

Are you talking about the Thursday vote that was planned for the committee tomorrow? That wasn't going to happen. I think the Dems are just trying to delay for any reason and were baiting the GOP to attack her and push the process. The GOP kind of called their bluff by offering to have her testify. Her lawyer now saying that we need to put that off starts to smell really bad. Get out of the echo chamber of the MSM and people are looking at this and realize it is a political circus.

I love how her lawyer says that this is only 48 hours old- as if she hadn't been angling for this since July.

The Dems know the jig is up when Ford gets up there and starts singing "I don't remember, I don't recall" from Peter Gabriel.

Of course, if she nails down a date and Brett can prove that he was somewhere else, she'll jus revise the date.

TB-AV: Remember, it wasn't just an attempted rape, it was also borderline murder because of the hand on her mouth.

No sex and the girl lives. Or as Ted Kennedy called it, Tuesday.

The next step is to say that Kavanugh did it, but he was drunk and it was traumatizing to him, so he has purged the memory.

09-19-18, 08:14
TB-AV: Remember, it wasn't just an attempted rape, it was also borderline murder because of the hand on her mouth.

Oh right right... I forgot about the attempted murder. Now she realized he was so drunk that he would involuntary murder her but fully capable of raping her. That makes perfect sense.

I imagine when the Dems question Judge K. they will ask... "So which weekend where you in town that this could have happened?".... Ok, we see... so Dr. Ballsey, when did this occur? " What he said, that weekend he was home" Very good so we have agreement on when this attempted rape/murder occurred. Now Judge K. have you ever touched a woman? "Yes"... ok, so we have motive, and patterns of criminal activity.

Still though what pisses me off more than these Leftists and Dem politicians are the RINOs. The pretentious little traitors.

09-19-18, 08:41
Saw a tweet that grassley cancelled the vote. Remember this in November. Need a red wave like never seen before.

Cancelled the Thursday vote but not delaying the accuser’s testimony. He’s calling their bluff.


09-19-18, 10:36
Cancelled the Thursday vote but not delaying the accuser’s testimony. He’s calling their bluff.


Yup, saw a interesting atricle over at Zero Hedge, the jist of it that I got was, this Ford woman thought she could do this and get by unscathed, it's now dawning on her that she's being used as the scarifical lamb, if she testifys, everything she says will be recorded,wrote down, and I've no doubt that under hard questioning she'd fall apart.. It also dosen't help that according to ZH, fineswine commented that she's not sure how much of her story is true..The dems know this too. According to the ZH article, RINOS are now starting to fall in line behind Kavanaugh.. The wheels are coming off.. If this Ford woman dosen't show up on Monday, then, it's over...

Read that supposdly back in the 80's-90's Kavanaugh's mother (who I guess is/was a judge) presided over a house foreclousure case in which Ford's parents lost and were evicted from their house..if that's true (and I have no idea if any of this is) then, there's your motive..revenge...

09-19-18, 11:05
Truth doesn't matter to most, left or right. Perception, personal belief and opinion and group think is reality, unfortunately and the Left is playing that game much better than the Right.

Fact- Kavanaugh is already guilty in the minds of 1/2 the nation. The media says so, it is being repeated over and over and it will stick.

Doesn't matter that likely he is NOT guilty, the perception is already reality.

This is the new front lines. It's the war on reality and it exists in the mind. It's easy to manipulate mush minded morons who are under nourished, complacent, angry and out for revenge because their "side" didn't win like they were promised and entitled to.

I cringe at what the pendulum swinging back to the left will look like and how it will affect this nation.

This is all a circus. The dog and pony show is embarrassing and pathetic. I'm sickened to my very core to see what is happening.

The people on the left lapping it up and loving it because it feels like pay back to Trump and his constituents, are disgusting and dangerous people. The very Democratic principles they espouse are easily set aside and ignored when it fits their end goals. That's dangerous.

This Nation, our political systems and future in general is being held together with masking tape and twine right now.

09-19-18, 11:13
Time to add more victims...

09-19-18, 11:44
Truth doesn't matter to most, left or right. Perception, personal belief and opinion and group think is reality, unfortunately and the Left is playing that game much better than the Right.

Fact- Kavanaugh is already guilty in the minds of 1/2 the nation. The media says so, it is being repeated over and over and it will stick.

Doesn't matter that likely he is NOT guilty, the perception is already reality.

This is the new front lines. It's the war on reality and it exists in the mind. It's easy to manipulate mush minded morons who are under nourished, complacent, angry and out for revenge because their "side" didn't win like they were promised and entitled to.

I cringe at what the pendulum swinging back to the left will look like and how it will affect this nation.

This is all a circus. The dog and pony show is embarrassing and pathetic. I'm sickened to my very core to see what is happening.

The people on the left lapping it up and loving it because it feels like pay back to Trump and his constituents, are disgusting and dangerous people. The very Democratic principles they espouse are easily set aside and ignored when it fits their end goals. That's dangerous.

This Nation, our political systems and future in general is being held together with masking tape and twine right now.

He may be guilty in the minds of 1/2 the nation, but that dosen't matter..What matters is that 51 republicans think he isn't...IMO, Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed.. this whole thing is falling apart, and the dems know it. It was a shitty thing to do and was done out of desperation, as that's all they have left..

09-19-18, 11:46
If you have a teenage Son, I hope you sit him down and explain what's going on and perhaps read a few of the posts here.
This is nuts and it takes a couple of years of dating to get to know the signs of Kra Kra Krazy, it would be some good information to impart on a young man.

09-19-18, 12:24
If you have a teenage Son, I hope you sit him down and explain what's going on and perhaps read a few of the posts here.
This is nuts and it takes a couple of years of dating to get to know the signs of Kra Kra Krazy, it would be some good information to impart on a young man.

Already done with my 13 year old. Hell, my wife talked to him about it- and not from the Progressive 'all men are evil' POV, but from the chicks are crazy point of view.

But the reality is that having tackle makes you vulnerable. All men are vulnerable to this attack no matter how innocent they are.

How they link to the witch trials isn't being made is crazy. Burn the Warlock!!!!

09-19-18, 12:24
Sounds like 5th generation warfare—the house of mirrors.

09-19-18, 12:56
what needs to happen is the fake accuser and the losers involved with this sued to the poor house and loose any and all power if they are in that position etc...

sadly the right is always on defense rather then turn that back around not letting them get away with it again and again and again

basically make the leaders accountable which is not happening anymore

09-19-18, 12:57
The left created flexible morality.
They've defended Bill Clinton to the end. Yet if we judge Bill Clinton by the same moral standards as Kavanaugh, Bill by all accounts is a serial rapist.
I'm sorry, they can't have it both ways.

09-19-18, 13:50
If you have a teenage Son, I hope you sit him down and explain what's going on and perhaps read a few of the posts here.
This is nuts and it takes a couple of years of dating to get to know the signs of Kra Kra Krazy, it would be some good information to impart on a young man.

If you believe Kavanaugh, and I do, he did not do anything relating to this accuser. What are we going to tell our sons - document that they were never within a mile of any woman, ever? You would basically have to live under Shariah sex separation, with proof of that for your entire life, to completely fend off this kind of accusation.

09-19-18, 14:09

Women are going to be drinking their chardonays getting drunk enough to dyke out when they finally get sex robots right. You think internet porn is corrosive to male-female relations, wait until everyone gets a young Elle McPherson or Kathy Ireland that puts out and makes sandwhiches. Not saying that it is a good thing, but as the comedian Dave Chappell would say 'The price of pussy is falling'. That nice cars, clothes and watches sold to men will plummet. No robot gives a crap about that.

09-19-18, 16:26
There is no defense against women like this.

Lady in video below not Dr. Ballsey

Now she claims to have been abused. So I expect she is mentally damaged in that regard.
She admits to being a drug adict -- again mentally damaged
She admits to being an alcoholic - again mentally damaged

However even her blacked out states if someone were to accuse her of something, she would simply say I want to take responsibility and make it right. Ok, well I'll accuse you of something. I think in one of your black out states you became responsible for a Jane or John Doe murder that is yet to be solved. Not sure when, where, how you did it, but I just feel like you must have done at least one.

Now go make it better. ----- that's what that idiot believes. What a load of crap.


I would love for some guy to come out of the woodwork and say hold on hold. I went to that school. It wasn't Kavanaugh. Ford was drunk out of her mind, she showed up to crash a party. Was coming on to the guys, and was so drunk she had to be told to leave. Don't remember when or where but it did happen.

There is no defense against nonsense like this. You claim your own made up chain of evidence ( therapist notes ) are wrong. It's insanity. irrational behavior is the calling card of Liberals and it is in full bloom across the board.

that guy Lawrence O'Donnell is total jackass. I've heard his name before but never actually listened to his viewpoints. Jeeze... he's a jackass. Sort of like Max Headrom that didn't make it out of beta testing.

09-19-18, 18:05
I'm actually looking forward to seeing Booker and Harris make asses out of themselves. Someone writes really interesting questions for Kamala- sophisticated versions of "When did you stop beating your wife"

Let's start betting on if Booker has a...

I'm King Kong
Where's Waldo


Grassely needs to start out by apologizing to Dr. Ford for how she was outed by the dems as an assault survivor and had her basic fundamental rights violated.

09-19-18, 18:33
Dr. Ford my ass. She'll get ZERO respect from me. Lying bitch.

09-19-18, 18:37
Truth doesn't matter to most, left or right. Perception, personal belief and opinion and group think is reality, unfortunately and the Left is playing that game much better than the Right.

Fact- Kavanaugh is already guilty in the minds of 1/2 the nation. The media says so, it is being repeated over and over and it will stick.

Doesn't matter that likely he is NOT guilty, the perception is already reality.

This is the new front lines. It's the war on reality and it exists in the mind. It's easy to manipulate mush minded morons who are under nourished, complacent, angry and out for revenge because their "side" didn't win like they were promised and entitled to.

I cringe at what the pendulum swinging back to the left will look like and how it will affect this nation.

This is all a circus. The dog and pony show is embarrassing and pathetic. I'm sickened to my very core to see what is happening.

The people on the left lapping it up and loving it because it feels like pay back to Trump and his constituents, are disgusting and dangerous people. The very Democratic principles they espouse are easily set aside and ignored when it fits their end goals. That's dangerous.

This Nation, our political systems and future in general is being held together with masking tape and twine right now.

And the other half can't stand the first half and their Socialistic leanings. I PROUDLY stand on one side of the Great National Divide. ZERO interest in a kumbayah moment. They can pound sand.

09-19-18, 19:19
Grassely needs to start out by apologizing to Dr. Ford for how she was outed by the dems as an assault survivor and had her basic fundamental rights violated.

Abso-fkn-lutely! .. and he needs to go on about it at leeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnggggth. He needs to insist that all ( seated to his left ) DiFi had to do was come to him and everything could have been handled privately. A panel of interviewers such as himself and Booker, Ashoo, Feinstein, Harris, could have gone to her privately to get questions answered. He needs to play that one up for a good 10 minutes.

If only Ashoo and Feinstein had been willing to simply step across the isle and ask for a simple private meeting she could have remained out of the picture and not had her life ruined.

Such is life though. When you set out to ruin somone's life there can be an opposite and equal reaction.

You see they have some other woman now that is a Trump hater and works in Mexico that says she remembers it. No details, no first hand knowledge, but she knows it happened. she posted a Facebook notice long enough for it to "serve it's purpose" in her words. Now she wants to be left alone and has no more to say to anyone. I sure hope that as an arts curator in Mexico City that when the FBI investigates they don't accidentally stumble on her slipping money, art, people back and forth across the border. That would be embarrassing.

I see where Piper Perabo was one of the Kavanaugh hearing interrupters and got arrested. I heard politicians had to give out those tickets in order to get inside that environment. The Dems and Hollywood. Oh what a tangled and demented web.

09-19-18, 19:26
And the other half can't stand the first half and their Socialistic leanings. I PROUDLY stand on one side of the Great National Divide. ZERO interest in a kumbayah moment. They can pound sand.

This^^^^^ Now only if the gutless Republicans would make the same stand. They need to stop capitulating since that won't win anyone over from the other side.

09-19-18, 19:45
Corker has come around. Which should mean a yes vote. Flake has said the same. No hearing then push it through.

I think that's all that is needed. It might take them two and the VP.

Dare i say it.... Trump is actually handling this well. I hope the GOP can keep their pie holes shut and fingers off the keys between now and Monday afternoon.

09-19-18, 20:12
Abso-fkn-lutely! .. and he needs to go on about it at leeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnggggth. He needs to insist that all ( seated to his left ) DiFi had to do was come to him and everything could have been handled privately. A panel of interviewers such as himself and Booker, Ashoo, Feinstein, Harris, could have gone to her privately to get questions answered. He needs to play that one up for a good 10 minutes.

If only Ashoo and Feinstein had been willing to simply step across the isle and ask for a simple private meeting she could have remained out of the picture and not had her life ruined.
I like this strategy alot! I hope he is a member here (anonymously, of course) and reading this thread.

09-19-18, 20:48
If you believe Kavanaugh, and I do, he did not do anything relating to this accuser. What are we going to tell our sons - document that they were never within a mile of any woman, ever? You would basically have to live under Shariah sex separation, with proof of that for your entire life, to completely fend off this kind of accusation.

If you have a normal household with a normal family your Son is very likely to grow in to a Man without coming in direct contact with crazy.
He's going to see you love and respect your Wife, his Mother and that will be his norm for finding a mate.
This makes him very vulnerable to crazy.
I would agree this isn't the exact Kavenaugh experience, but I would submit to you it is pretty essential to the health and well being of a young Man.

09-19-18, 22:34
And the other half can't stand the first half and their Socialistic leanings. I PROUDLY stand on one side of the Great National Divide. ZERO interest in a kumbayah moment. They can pound sand.

I have no interest in such a moment either. They should vote and confirm, it should've happened already.

Merely emphasizing the specific way in which political battles are being fought and how many are buying into it; and the danger of it all.

Once confirmed it'll be yet another talking point to foment greater anger and negativity towards the Republican Party, they are warping reality one mind at a time and it will have dire consequences if we don't start playing the game better and smarter.

09-19-18, 23:03
This makes him very vulnerable to crazy.

There is a girl right now on the news. She was home schooled. Had no boy friends. She was abducted / raped... something. I'm not sure what happened to her. Her teacher ( after home school? ) kissed her in class.... At any rate it's a major news story right now. I don't know the facts but it's front page news. The part I heard her say about being kissed... she was like... I just didn't know what to think... this was an older man kissing her btw.

Anyway... same thing. People of any age that have never been exposed to anything but love and fun have no concept of crazy. On the flip side, they can go out on their own, fall off the deep end and become the crazy they have never seen.

You know the preacher's daughter.

To me, this whole ordeal sounds like 40 years ago someone whispered a half truth into someone's ear. Now you have several generations later and the output sounds like a Sonic Youth song being broadcast over the Grand Canyon.

Where the hell is Sigmond when we need him?

09-20-18, 06:30
This is about the most accurate summary I have read from the media: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/coincidence-media-follow-democrats-lead-and-want-brett-kavanaugh-to-withdraw

He pretty much nails the whole thing and just why we should not lend the situation any credence.


09-20-18, 08:22
To me, this whole ordeal sounds like 40 years ago someone whispered a half truth into someone's ear. Now you have several generations later and the output sounds like a Sonic Youth song being broadcast over the Grand Canyon.

The accuser's yearbook and photos were downloaded by someone before being scrubbed from the web (which they otherwise have been now). Read here:


Basically she and classmates were wild, drunken partiers. Credibility rating: -0.

09-20-18, 08:31

All of the evidence compiled so far against Kavanaugh.

09-20-18, 08:53
All of the evidence compiled so far against Kavanaugh.

That says it all. He's obviously a white male, and he even looks vaguely conservative and/or Christian. Disqualified.

09-20-18, 10:48
That says it all. He's obviously a white male, and he even looks vaguely conservative and/or Christian. Disqualified.

This whole thing is one more shovel full of dirt from the hole the left is digging for itself.

09-20-18, 11:31
Another poor white boy, who will be cursed the rest of his life, how sad.


09-20-18, 12:31
Basically she and classmates were wild, drunken partiers. Credibility rating: -0.

Wow! that is some pretty damning evidence.

Limbaugh just had an interesting comment. Everyone has been wondering about the 2012 exposure. Then he stated that in 2012 Romney was in the fray for POTUS and had mentioned Kavanaugh as a potential choice. That would certainly tie the 2012 therapy session into the script.

The yearbook explains why DiFi kept this under wraps until the last minute. Limbaugh is talking about the yearbook now so the cat is out of the bag.

Well I got my wish. Someone came forward with evidence of her being a drunk. I think I will wish to win the lottery tomorrow.

09-20-18, 12:35
Someone came forward with evidence of her being a drunk.

That and if her classmates / friends we're polled they would probably say that she "got around". Of course then the left would decry "slut shaming".

09-20-18, 12:39
It only happened in her drunken fantasy. Besides being a looney Democratic professor in the land of the fruits, nuts and fudge packers, she doesn't remember a lot of key facts about what, where and aledged something might have taken place some 36 years ago. Also, some women do not take rejection lightly.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 14:35
All I can say is that with all the high-powered positions and background checks this man has been through during his entire career I find it hard to believe an incident like this would not have been discovered decades ago if it were true. It's just another Clarence Thomas style hit job and this one isn't flying either.

If the left had been smart, they would have just discovered child porn on his computer....

09-20-18, 15:00

Funny, the fact that Ford brought up Kavanaugh in 2012 is proof of her validity of her claims- but Brett was even then mentioned in the press as a possible SCOTUS pick. She laid the trap, but just a bit early. Like a tree, the best time to plant is now or years ago...

One interesting thing is that Goresuch and Brett are both on Romney's list in that CNN article, so that kind of blows up the idea Trump's picks are crazy right wingers...

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 15:07

Funny, the fact that Ford brought up Kavanaugh in 2012 is proof of her validity of her claims- but Brett was even then mentioned in the press as a possible SCOTUS pick. She laid the trap, but just a bit early. Like a tree, the best time to plant is now or years ago...

One interesting thing is that Goresuch and Brett are both on Romney's list in that CNN article, so that kind of blows up the idea Trump's picks are crazy right wingers...

I did not know this had been brought up years ago. Still, the chance to make something of this passed a long time ago. I don't necessarily believe her story is true even if it's old news.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 15:13

Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be exonerated of wrongdoing and will be confirmed to his post on the US Supreme Court, according to Ed Whelan - a former clerk to USSC Justice Antonin Scalia and current president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a conservative think tank.

Is Whelan implying that Christine Ford has mistaken Kavanaugh for someone else ? Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) recently suggested, to the dismay of some, that this might be the case when he said Ford might be “mixed up.”

Whelan did link to a Yahoo story saying this may be a case of “mistaken identity.”

My take: Wow. Pass the hookah.

09-20-18, 15:21
At the range this am, of course the discussion was Kavanaugh. Retired FBI friend said, they only go back to the 18th birthday, anything below that is off base (maybe not his word selection, but mine)

09-20-18, 15:44
If the left had been smart, they would have just discovered child porn on his computer....

That'll be discovered on the morning of the confirmation hearing...

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 15:46
That'll be discovered on the morning of the confirmation hearing...

And Diane Fineswine will be the one to introduce it.

09-20-18, 15:46
At the range this am, of course the discussion was Kavanaugh. Retired FBI friend said, they only go back to the 18th birthday, anything below that is off base (maybe not his word selection, but mine)

I thought I had heard of investigators going back to high-school teachers?

09-20-18, 17:09

Funny, the fact that Ford brought up Kavanaugh in 2012 is proof of her validity of her claims- but Brett was even then mentioned in the press as a possible SCOTUS pick. She laid the trap, but just a bit early. Like a tree, the best time to plant is now or years ago...

One interesting thing is that Goresuch and Brett are both on Romney's list in that CNN article, so that kind of blows up the idea Trump's picks are crazy right wingers...

From what I have read she brought it up to her therapist in 2012 but didn't mention a name. Also from the released notes it looks like she didn't actually mention his name at the time. Also her story then was different than what she is saying now. She told her therapist that there were 4 involved but now saying only 2.


Ford can’t remember the year the incident happened, she can’t remember how she got to the house party, or how she got home. She told no one about it at the time and the issue came to the forefront during a couples therapy session six years ago. Her therapist’s notes never mention Kavanaugh and actually mention four boys involved, although she says there were only two.

09-20-18, 17:18
Just for reference, the statement that Thomas made before the Senate committee about the Anita hill charges

Judge Thomas: Senator, I would like to start by saying unequivocally, uncategorically, that I deny each and every single allegation against me today that suggested in any way that I had conversations of a sexual nature or about pornographic material with Anita Hill, that I ever attempted to date her, that I ever had any personal sexual interest in her, or that I in any way ever harassed her.

A second, and I think more important point. I think that this today is a travesty. I think that it is disgusting. I think that this hearing should never occur in America. This is a case in which this sleaze, this dirt, was searched for by staffers of members of this committee, was then leaked to the media, and this committee and this body validated it and displayed it at prime time over our entire nation. How would any member on this committee, any person in this room, or any person in this country, would like sleaze said about him or her in this fashion? Or this dirt dredged up and this gossip and these lies displayed in this manner? How would any person like it?

The Supreme Court is not worth it. No job is worth it. I am not here for that. I am here for my name, my family, my life, and my integrity. I think something is dreadfully wrong with this country when any person, any person in this free country would be subjected to this.

This is not a closed room. There was an FBI investigation. This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace.

And from my standpoint as a black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. -- U.S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree.

09-20-18, 17:47
Just for reference, the statement that Thomas made before the Senate committee about the Anita hill charges

Listening to him speak it is even better.

09-20-18, 18:06
From what I have read she brought it up to her therapist in 2012 but didn't mention a name. Also from the released notes it looks like she didn't actually mention his name at the time. Also her story then was different than what she is saying now. She told her therapist that there were 4 involved but now saying only 2.

Yeah, it was a "repressed memory". Uh huh. Gimme a freaking break.

09-20-18, 18:32
So how does Finestien get a pass on sitting on this information without some sort of penalty?
I'm just saying that if Cory Booker put his toe over the line, Finestien Cha-cha'ed all over the boundary of ethical standards.

09-20-18, 18:47
So how does Finestien get a pass on sitting on this information without some sort of penalty?
I'm just saying that if Cory Booker put his toe over the line, Finestien Cha-cha'ed all over the boundary of ethical standards.




09-20-18, 19:13

I know from things she has told me, including her need to have more than one exit door in her bedroom to prevent her from being trapped, that this event was serious enough to have a lasting impact on her life," his statement read.

When my wife and I were looking at houses, she preferred ones with a front and back stairway- funny that those are also bigger houses.

You know the lady has another assault in her past, right? Can we just nod on that? She has more issues than Brett.

Oddly, it seems she couldn’t shut up about it this summer, after being silent for 36 years... I still love the ‘nothing to gain’ line. Hell, just look at Stormy Daniels- and no one is going to invite Stormy to their little parties.

I’m just trying to figure out what they’ll use as the next delay. Of course they will say that there needs to be an investigation, but they have already played that card. I’m still putting money on a suicide attempt. An overdose, brain swelling and an induced coma until mid Nov.....

Cruz is on the committee, right? The guy is creepy, but I think he can put the smack down on DiFi.

Here’s hoping that they put Brett’s wife right behind her, and when Ford is done testifying, She stands up and start asking where her justice is- where the justice for her daughters is.

09-20-18, 19:15








09-21-18, 08:49
I hope the GOP can keep their pie holes shut and fingers off the keys between now and Monday afternoon.

Oh well.... I never expected them to actually be able to do that.....

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) on Thursday mocked the sexual misconduct accusations brought against President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

"Did you hear about this?" Norman, who has represented South Carolina's 5th Congressional District since 2017, said at an election debate, according to The Post and Courier.

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg came out saying she was groped by Abraham Lincoln," he quipped about the 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice.

Couldn't just sit back and watch the Dems burn themselves at the stake. Nope... had to be a comedian.

09-21-18, 10:23
Couldn't just sit back and watch the Dems burn themselves at the stake. Nope... had to be a comedian.

You obviously didnt see the meme that is floating around about that... Im sure he did and thought it was funny, just as I did.

09-21-18, 11:54
Just watched six women who spoke in favor of Kavanaugh and supported by another 69 on the stage. Following their individual comments, they took questions. Very hard to hear the questions, but they handled it well. Impressed that they refused to get into hearsay and politics.


EDIT: No need to scroll, the link starts at the beginning.

09-21-18, 12:15
Just watched six women who spoke in favor of Kavanaugh and supported by another 69 on the stage. Following their individual comments, they took questions. Very hard to hear the questions, but they handled it well. Impressed that they refused to get into hearsay and politics.

scroll to 44:00 of the video

It would be nice if these women would testify at the hearings after the high school floozie has her say.

09-21-18, 12:22
It would be nice if these women would testify at the hearings after the high school floozie has her say.

Needs to be a statute of limitations on this nonsense. I mean, come on. I did say mean things to a girl in Junior high for which i was called into the principles office.

09-21-18, 12:59
Needs to be a statute of limitations on this nonsense.

That why Katz had her carefully word her memory. No limitations in MD.

09-21-18, 13:13
You obviously didnt see the meme that is floating around about that... Im sure he did and thought it was funny, just as I did.

If all the "Rs" were willing to call a spade a spade it would be ok. But when this hangs in the balance by just one R, which it does, then they should save the jokes until after the confirmation party.

It is funny, the claims and requests are a mockery of our justice system..... but... now is not the time to be telling jokes, counting winnings, there is a really big pot of chips still on the table.

The meme about killing a deal by the jawbone of an ass is funny too.

Get Judge K. confirmed and then joke around. He is the last possible appointment before mid-terms and is a historic win that lasts for decades to come. Someone needs to slap all the Rs upside the head and tell them to get back in line until the final whistle blows. They truly are stupid enough to blow this if given enough rope.

But yeah, the memes are funny. Just ill advised for an elected person to be playing with right now.

09-21-18, 14:18
If all the "Rs" were willing to call a spade a spade it would be ok. But when this hangs in the balance by just one R, which it does, then they should save the jokes until after the confirmation party.

It is funny, the claims and requests are a mockery of our justice system..... but... now is not the time to be telling jokes, counting winnings, there is a really big pot of chips still on the table.

The meme about killing a deal by the jawbone of an ass is funny too.

Get Judge K. confirmed and then joke around. He is the last possible appointment before mid-terms and is a historic win that lasts for decades to come. Someone needs to slap all the Rs upside the head and tell them to get back in line until the final whistle blows. They truly are stupid enough to blow this if given enough rope.

But yeah, the memes are funny. Just ill advised for an elected person to be playing with right now.

More confirmation, less memes, I say!

09-21-18, 14:53
Tending to confirm what 99% of the people here already knew, a story provides some evidence that the Ford thing was purely an orchestrated political hit:


09-21-18, 18:44
Just couldn't pass this up

http://i.imgur.com/RUZz898.jpg (https://imgur.com/RUZz898)

09-21-18, 19:05
Deadline for a response from Ford on a Wednesday testimony has been moved to 2200 hrs. tonight. I guess that's eastern daylight time. Hopefully no response or no to Wednesday means a vote on Monday.

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09-21-18, 19:21
When Ginsburg finally keels over, I hope Trump nominates Hillary for SCOTUS. I would look forward to the detailed investigations and discovery...