View Full Version : "Deep State" decides DJT must go. What might this look like?

09-07-18, 06:54
We know they want him gone. They sure as hell don't want him to run/win again.

They'd love to impeach him. And there is no doubt the Republican party would go with it. And unlike like Slick Willie, they would convict him.

Is this their only recourse? I think not. What other methods may be attempted?

Certainly black mail to get him to step down or not run.

What about poison? Biological/germ exposure? Helo/plane crash?

To go this route it would have to look like an accident or natural causes.

What do you think such an endeavor barring a failure to impeach might look like?

09-07-18, 07:31
Interesting topic. But I don't want to speculate for caution over (1) not wanting to find out what a SS interview is like, and (2) not wanting to be blamed in any way if my speculation were to be accurate. YMMV

You can read up on the "Qanon" stuff if you want to read claims of attempts that have already happened.

09-07-18, 07:50
So here you go, this explains it pretty clearly. I don't think it's going to happen, it's just a wet dream the left keeps having. They've yet to come to understand that they're hurting themselves by alienating the American Voters.
If they still taught History Civics and Government in schools a lot of this type of behavior would stop, it would be too easy to call out the villains because people would understand their crimes.
As it is we have a Legislative Branch that seems to allow the legislation to be done by various three letter agencies. The EPA and the BLM have no legislative power, but don't tell that to them, they legislate by regulation and call regulations laws.

09-07-18, 09:23
All this left stuff now is about posturing for the 2020 election (and the 2018 to some degree). There are plenty of people in gov wanting Trump to fail, but Trump has too much backing and a direct link to the public, so they can't actually compartmentalize and remove him.

09-07-18, 09:27
All this left stuff now is about posturing for the 2020 election (and the 2018 to some degree). There are plenty of people in gov wanting Trump to fail, but Trump has too much backing and a direct link to the public, so they can't actually compartmentalize and remove him.

If you ever watch his rallies, you have to admire his skill with the crowds. He is genuinely loved by a lot of Americans, he's part crazy Uncle that you only see twice a year and part the human embodyment of the giant middle finger we would all like to give the left if given the opportunity.
I think if it went too far a lot of Americans would stand up against any effort to oust him.

Doc Safari
09-07-18, 09:27
I think Trump is going to amaze everyone by triumphing.

09-07-18, 09:54
I think Trump is going to amaze everyone by triumphing.

At what point do middle of the road people start asking the left about all the doom and gloom predictions that they made about a Trump presidency not coming true?

Doc Safari
09-07-18, 09:57
At what point do middle of the road people start asking the left about all the doom and gloom predictions that they made about a Trump presidency not coming true?

It's actually simpler than that: as long as the economy is good, he's not going to be thrown out of office. ( I was going to say "bulletproof" but I suppose the Deep State still has that option--unfortunately).

It wouldn't surprise me if certain Deep State powers activate someone to step outside the box to get rid of him.

09-07-18, 10:57
I knew the left was going to go full retard.

Beyond what they did with Reagan.

The surprise has been how hard the right has been cobbling and hamstringing him.

09-07-18, 11:14
I knew the left was going to go full retard.

Beyond what they did with Reagan.

The surprise has been how hard the right has been cobbling and hamstringing him.

Two parties with two names. They are the same snake and it loves it's swamp.

09-07-18, 14:37
Two parties with two names. They are the same snake and it loves it's swamp.

Yes. Unfortunately.