View Full Version : Former President Barack Obama to Speak at University of Illinois.

09-07-18, 12:48

Obama called the times we are living in extraordinary and dangerous times in which politicians on the right have taken advantage of people's simmering economic insecurity.

"Over the past few decades the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party," he said, highlighting its attempts to roll back the social safety net, cut taxes without raising more revenues, rejecting climate change and more.

But Trump is a "symbol, not the cause" of the party's appeals to tribalism and to fear, which wouldn't work in a "healthy democracy," Obama said.

Yet Obama also called out his actions directly, including threatening the freedom of the press and pressuring the Department of Justice to investigate political opponents and protect members of political allies ahead of elections, as Trump has recently done — including during the speech.

"We're supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them," Obama said. "We're supposed to stand up to discrimination, and we're sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers. How hard can that be, saying that Nazis are bad?"

The cure for such actions, Obama said, is by making sure to vote in November's midterm elections.

Interesting, the guy weaponized the FBI, the DOJ and lays a minefield for the guy coming in to office behind him and has the nerve.
I dunno, I think if Bruce Ohr was forced to speak in front of an open meeting and was questioned on his part in the Steele Dossier, Our Former POTUS Barry might be getting some serious heat.

09-07-18, 13:00
A man that ran the federal law enforcement like a 3rd world dictator, has nothing worth hearing. He should be in prison for block investigations into Hezbullah money laundering, ITAR violations, cigarette and stolen cars smuggling. He single handed put $1.5 Billion extra a year into their pockets.

Let me no mention funds going to Muslim Brotherhood and other such groups to foster the so called Arab Spring.

I really should not bring up the money to Iran, and his blocking Israeli actions to end the Mullahs nuke program.

I would rather did up Stalin and let him give a speech.

09-07-18, 13:08
We had 8 years of his dividing this republic. He needs to shut his divisive mouth and go away, the voters have spoken in 2016.

09-07-18, 13:16
He is just trying to get ahead of the bad coming his way !

09-07-18, 13:45
F' that racist commie turd.

09-07-18, 13:51
I believe there was a time when ex Presidents had the good grace and ethics not to speak ill of the guy currently in office.
Once again we lose another good historic president to someone who managed to make Jimmy Carter look like a Statesman and great Leader.

09-07-18, 14:25
Maybe he'll give this speech.

In his own words, Barry Soetoro aka Barrack Hussein Obama- proud to be the first Kenyan to become President of the United States.


09-07-18, 14:30
I wish he and his ilk would just go away. Incredible how he talks about Trump and nothing happened during his 8 years. Please sir, just go away.

09-07-18, 14:46
Economic insecurity?
No, they were tired of the shitty economy.
They voted for real change.
The economy got better.

But please, explain how it was really you that did it... like 3 months after your 8 years of economic tumble weeds.

09-07-18, 14:56
He’s trying to rewrite the narrative in fancy words for his myopic audience. Cause actually history and real events and sound reason doesn’t coincide with his tales.

09-07-18, 15:09
Did you all catch his latst public speaking engagement in Africa . . .


09-07-18, 15:18
How dare the GOP use the economy that the Dems have driven into the ground with illegal immigration, crappy trade deals, and regulations and use that for political gain; that is what the Dems were planning on doing....

09-07-18, 16:06

Obama called the times we are living in extraordinary and dangerous times in which politicians on the right have taken advantage of people's simmering economic insecurity.

"Over the past few decades the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party," he said, highlighting its attempts to roll back the social safety net, cut taxes without raising more revenues, rejecting climate change and more.

But Trump is a "symbol, not the cause" of the party's appeals to tribalism and to fear, which wouldn't work in a "healthy democracy," Obama said.

Yet Obama also called out his actions directly, including threatening the freedom of the press and pressuring the Department of Justice to investigate political opponents and protect members of political allies ahead of elections, as Trump has recently done — including during the speech.

"We're supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them," Obama said. "We're supposed to stand up to discrimination, and we're sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers. How hard can that be, saying that Nazis are bad?"

The cure for such actions, Obama said, is by making sure to vote in November's midterm elections.

Interesting, the guy weaponized the FBI, the DOJ and lays a minefield for the guy coming in to office behind him and has the nerve.
I dunno, I think if Bruce Ohr was forced to speak in front of an open meeting and was questioned on his part in the Steele Dossier, Our Former POTUS Barry might be getting some serious heat.

Oh now that is the pot calling the kettle black (pun intended), since it was on Shitstain's watch that this whole Trump bullshit started with his own freaking DoJ!!!

I hated that motherf****r for 8 years and I still hate him.

09-07-18, 16:26
Former President Barack Obama bashed President Trump for taking credit for the strong American economy during a politically charged speech at the University of Illinois on Friday.
“By the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high, and the uninsured rate had hit an all-time low, and wages were rising, and poverty rates were falling. I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said to applause from the audience.
“When you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on – when the job numbers come out … and suddenly Republicans are saying, ‘It’s a miracle!’ I have to kind of remind them: actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016,” he added.
Obama’s remarks came on the heels of the August jobs report, which found that the United States created 201,000 new jobs in August.

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate.

09-07-18, 17:01
If the teleprompter failed, I'm sure it sounded like this. :rolleyes:


09-07-18, 17:05
Former President Barack Obama bashed President Trump for taking credit for the strong American economy during a politically charged speech at the University of Illinois on Friday.
“By the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high, and the uninsured rate had hit an all-time low, and wages were rising, and poverty rates were falling. I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said to applause from the audience.
“When you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on – when the job numbers come out … and suddenly Republicans are saying, ‘It’s a miracle!’ I have to kind of remind them: actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016,” he added.
Obama’s remarks came on the heels of the August jobs report, which found that the United States created 201,000 new jobs in August.

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate.

And BHO and the Progressives totally forget that they said the economy would tank if DJT got in. So really you have a YUGE swing from what they said would happen to what reality is.

09-07-18, 17:16
If the teleprompter failed, I'm sure it sounded like this. :rolleyes:


;) That was good.

09-07-18, 17:37
And BHO and the Progressives totally forget that they said the economy would tank if DJT got in. So really you have a YUGE swing from what they said would happen to what reality is.

AND Obama said what Trump did was impossible, that Trump has no magic wand, that manufacturing wasn’t returning to our shores.

Obama is Wormtongue.

09-07-18, 17:44
Obama, our first failed and pathetic half black president. His gift was deceiving suckers with his mouth. IMHO, he has easily done more to damage to our country than any other president. He sat in a church for years where the preacher said { God Damm, God Damm America !!}, then when it was convenient he threw the preacher under the bus. The current Progressive Socialist/Communist Democratic Party is nothing more than about stealing money from any color of hard working people and giving it to the lazy and mentally challenged, free cheese slackers and * illegal* immigrants/aliens, etc. in exchange for their votes.

For a dysfunctional White House, TRUMP is sure getting a whole bunch of things done, UNLIKE the other previous kick the can down the road administrations that just got us further into the ditch and we were played for suckers by our enemies.
These are the same people who said Hillary Clinton would be president, and we all know how that turned out. Just more fake news by the still butthurt obstructionist and enemy of the people and the totally biased left wing pollsters and media outlets like CNN, etc.
IMHO, Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein’s middle names are Judas and they are both playing the dumb card and *knowingly* turning a blind eye on anything to do with the Hillary Clinton frame job on Donald Trump. At some point they both need fired for obstruction of justice.
Some people though what Jesus Christ said was offensive also. Truth is always offensive to people who don’t accept it, but it will *always* be there, long after the critics have come and gone. Thats right !!
Kavanaugh seated first then Ruth Bader Ginsburg's vacant seat, which shouldn't be too far away next. MAGA !!
The way the obstructionist Demoncrats acted on the first day of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings reminded me of the Manson family trial in 1970. Maxine Water's is playing Charlie.
Trump should tell biased, crooked and corrupt Bobby Mueller , there will be no nothing and to go piss up a rope. The SC’s investigation was based on a lie and is nothing more than a fame job. End the witch hunt insanity and MAGA !!!!!!
All these (CNN type) insane people, just enjoy killing defenseless unborn babies, packing their fudge and taking *** ALL *** your guns so you can not defend yourself from people that wish to kill and harm you and your family. They are totally insane and will turn this country into a ****hole like parts of the country governed by them already are. Wake up America !! MAGA !! **** VOTE*****

09-07-18, 20:05
If the teleprompter failed, I'm sure it sounded like this. :rolleyes:


I appreciate that:sarcastic:

09-07-18, 20:09
Wake up America !! MAGA !! **** VOTE*****

Amen... VOTE VOTE VOTE. Call your friends, call your family, call anyone. JUST VOTE.

Obama is a loser's loser and he spawns the likes of Corey Booker and Kamala Harris who are even more shallow if that is actually possible.

That's the problem with a true Leftist. They just don't go away, rules don't apply to them, they just keep on screaming and crying.

I think I actually despise Barry more now than when he was POTUS. At least when he was POTUS he rallied the 2A supporters.

09-07-18, 20:19
I think this whole thing is beginning to smell like desperation.
Obama couldn't make it through an entire speech without name dropping Trump and the term Nazi back to back.
Corey Spartacus Booker managed to make a fool of himself and Kamala Harris to come off like a shrew.
The people who voted for Trump won't forgive or forget this behaviour.

09-07-18, 20:25
The people who voted for Trump won't forgive or forget this behaviour.

I just hope they don't take Trump for granted. Most POTUS have a lot to gain. He has had a lot to lose. Can you imagine trying to live with the Dem legal machine up your a** 24/7... and your family... and all your businesses... and they not caring one iota how it impacts his ability to run the country? The latter is a bit ironic as he seems to be doing quite well in spite of it.

09-07-18, 20:41
Remember Obama said more than once, he had a *gift*. And the gift he has is being able to deceive many people by his speech or words, just like Jim Jones or David Coresh , etc. did.

09-08-18, 15:50
The POS refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech


09-08-18, 17:12
What a maroon.

09-09-18, 13:27

09-09-18, 15:16

09-09-18, 19:31
Thomas Sowell is one of 3 or 4 black guys who I would have voted for POTUS in a heartbeat over anyone running (to include Trump)! Skin color is irrelevant but I use him as one of the examples when someone mentions that a black guy running as a Republican could never win. Sorry to break it to you but blacks are not the exclusive buy-ins of the Left.

09-09-18, 20:28
Sowell is a boss.

The left only plays the racist narrative to keep their own base deceived.

Recently in Colorado, a white democrat beat a black republican for the senate seat. Guess who the democrats didn’t vote for...? ;). It’s ideology over race every time for both parties.

09-10-18, 06:38
Thomas Sowell is one of 3 or 4 black guys who I would have voted for POTUS in a heartbeat over anyone running (to include Trump)! Skin color is irrelevant but I use him as one of the examples when someone mentions that a black guy running as a Republican could never win. Sorry to break it to you but blacks are not the exclusive buy-ins of the Left.

Dr. Sowell is legit. However, even he was product of the radical 60's and was a Marxist who obtained a job with .gov to do what Alinsky called for; "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."

I wished he was in public office, he'd have my vote.


09-10-18, 07:41
If it was good under Obama, doesn't it mean that it is better under Trump?

My Dad explained to me that the US Economy is a supertanker, it takes a lot to move it and for it to change direction. That said, two years since Trump was elected, this is his economy now. AND they have been raising interest rates since Trump got in, a huge headwind for an almost free money economy under Obama.

09-10-18, 08:55
oblamo campaigned for Trump for at least 8 years.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

09-10-18, 12:33
If it was good under Obama, doesn't it mean that it is better under Trump?

My Dad explained to me that the US Economy is a supertanker, it takes a lot to move it and for it to change direction. That said, two years since Trump was elected, this is his economy now. AND they have been raising interest rates since Trump got in, a huge headwind for an almost free money economy under Obama.

The week after the election, the economy improved with a secret ingredient called Optimism. Stocks jumped and everything with it. Morale on the supertanker jumped because they knew the captain coming aboard had read the owners manual.

This optimism cannot be underestimated and it was non-existent with Obama. It also indicates the economy was pessimistic with the prospect of Hillary otherwise it would have jumped sooner, continuing the Obama economy.