View Full Version : A lot of People in the US have guns, so we banned Alex Jones????

09-08-18, 20:13
In the US, a lot of twisted people have access to guns – that's why Alex Jones and Infowars were too dangerous not to be banned
But there are lots of people who aren’t in their right minds and in America they have access to guns. As part of an attempt to “investigate” and potentially rescue some of those supposedly caught up in the ring, one man turned up with a rifle and fired shots into the restaurant. Jones later backed off, but the damage had been done.

It’s often noted, when debates like this are held, that while speech may be free, there are still limits, even in America with its First Amendment, which is one of the best things about its famed constitution.

Every once in a while I read something so vile that it disgusts me, this one took the lead this week.
Although I may find Jones to be a clown, taking his access away only made him slightly more popular. He's no Poster Boy for the first Amendment, but the Author of this article isn't a US Citizen, so I'm sure She could be two offended, after all there is the entire Atlantic Ocean seperating her from Jones.

09-08-18, 20:56
I stopped reading at UK and don't give a F what anyone there thinks.

09-08-18, 21:11
Alex Jones is a clown.

09-08-18, 22:12
Alex Jones is a clown.

Even clowns have free speech. I don't follow INFOWARS or Alex Jones, and I really am not into Sandy Hook Hoaxes and that sort of thing, but we're getting into dangerous times when we're censoring speech we don't approve of.

09-08-18, 23:13
The real irony to me is that I don't need someone from outside of the US explaining to me how our Constitutional rights need to be regulated by them.

09-08-18, 23:34
The real irony to me is that I don't need someone from outside of the US explaining to me how our Constitutional rights need to be regulated by them.

Yep, apparently some of them didn't get the memo from when we threw their tea in the harbor the first time. When the UK become a crime free utopia where Islamofags can't commit mass murder with a simple kitchen knife I'll consider entertaining their ideas, until then they can FOAD.

09-09-18, 07:44
This is just the beginning. They'll de-platform more mainstream news personalities soon enough. They'll make sure another 2016 election never happens again.

09-09-18, 07:55
I stopped reading at UK and don't give a F what anyone there thinks.This. And I am from there originally.

09-09-18, 07:58
This is just the beginning. They'll de-platform more mainstream news personalities soon enough. They'll make sure another 2016 election never happens again.

LOL at characterizing Alex Jones as “mainstream”. The farther out on the fringe those “news” people are, the easier they are to “de-platform”. Alex Jones was a chip shot.

09-09-18, 09:05
LOL at characterizing Alex Jones as “mainstream”. The farther out on the fringe those “news” people are, the easier they are to “de-platform”. Alex Jones was a chip shot.

Yes he was, but more importantly, he was the guniea pig, to see if they could get away with it, and to gage public reaction..They'll do it again to someone else soon. And as long as nobody says anything, they'll keep doing it. Silencing anybody on the right is the goal here. Frankly this is where Google, Twitter, and the rest of them be to be torn apart, as they are nothing but a information monolopy, the goal of which is to control what you see, say, on the internet or anywhere else, make you a good little minion who'll do as your told, and believe what they tell you. Time to deplatform them.. I figure it's just a matter of time before sites like this are shut down as "too dangerous".

09-09-18, 09:14
Yes he was, but more importantly, he was the guniea pig, to see if they could get away with it, and to gage public reaction..They'll do it again to someone else soon. And as long as nobody says anything, they'll keep doing it. Silencing anybody on the right is the goal here. Frankly this is where Google, Twitter, and the rest of them be to be torn apart, as they are nothing but a information monolopy, the goal of which is to control what you see, say, on the internet or anywhere else, make you a good little minion who'll do as your told, and believe what they tell you. Time to deplatform them.. I figure it's just a matter of time before sites like this are shut down as "too dangerous".

Correct, because now most on the right are saying "so what, he's a clown anyway". Who's next? The next one will be closer to center.

09-09-18, 09:15
Double tap...

09-09-18, 09:28
Yes he was, but more importantly, he was the guniea pig, to see if they could get away with it, and to gage public reaction..They'll do it again to someone else soon. And as long as nobody says anything, they'll keep doing it. Silencing anybody on the right is the goal here. Frankly this is where Google, Twitter, and the rest of them be to be torn apart, as they are nothing but a information monolopy, the goal of which is to control what you see, say, on the internet or anywhere else, make you a good little minion who'll do as your told, and believe what they tell you. Time to deplatform them.. I figure it's just a matter of time before sites like this are shut down as "too dangerous".
I don't disagree that we should all be disturbed at the trend wherein online information organizations tailor the messaging that they promote.

I also don't disagree that even clowns should have free speech, but private companies like Apple, Google, Facebook apparently don't have a legal obligation to provide it. As to the government, which does....well, it's already been established that yelling "FIRE!!" in a crowded theater isn't protected as free speech. I'm not saying that Alex Jones is doing that, but his "platform" and his rhetoric does leave the opportunity for some organizations to interpret it that way.

09-09-18, 09:55
I don't disagree that we should all be disturbed at the trend wherein online information organizations tailor the messaging that they promote.

I also don't disagree that even clowns should have free speech, but private companies like Apple, Google, Facebook apparently don't have a legal obligation to provide it. As to the government, which does....well, it's already been established that yelling "FIRE!!" in a crowded theater isn't protected as free speech. I'm not saying that Alex Jones is doing that, but his "platform" and his rhetoric does leave the opportunity for some organizations to interpret it that way.

You simply cannot put the near entirety of the media in to the hands of a few, give them special privileges and tax benifits to operate and then allow them to be the near sole censor of what is and is not free speech.
We complain about Russian oligarchs but have nothing but praise for our own.

09-09-18, 11:04
You simply cannot put the near entirety of the media in to the hands of a few, give them special privileges and tax benifits to operate and then allow them to be the near sole censor of what is and is not free speech.
We complain about Russian oligarchs but have nothing but praise for our own.

BINGO!!!! This is why they need to be broken up, apply the anti- trust laws and chop them up...

09-09-18, 12:01
BINGO!!!! This is why they need to be broken up, apply the anti- trust laws and chop them up...

What next, the internet providers decide which websites they'll block based on opinions that don't reflect their echo chamber community standards? How long do you think firearm forums would last at that point? Oh but it's their business, their rules so we'll just all be complacent until we no longer have a voice.

09-09-18, 12:22
What next, the internet providers decide which websites they'll block based on opinions that don't reflect their echo chamber community standards? How long do you think firearm forums would last at that point? Oh but it's their business, their rules so we'll just all be complacent until we no longer have a voice.

Welcome to Ajit Pai's post-internet neutrality internet.

09-09-18, 12:50
I'm pretty sure the same people who silenced AJ and wrote that article would giggle like school girls if they could shut places like this down.

09-09-18, 15:52
What next, the internet providers decide which websites they'll block based on opinions that don't reflect their echo chamber community standards? How long do you think firearm forums would last at that point? Oh but it's their business, their rules so we'll just all be complacent until we no longer have a voice.

What exactly did people do before the internet came along? There is your answer.

09-09-18, 16:08
Yes he was, but more importantly, he was the guniea pig, to see if they could get away with it, and to gage public reaction..They'll do it again to someone else soon. And as long as nobody says anything, they'll keep doing it. Silencing anybody on the right is the goal here. Frankly this is where Google, Twitter, and the rest of them be to be torn apart, as they are nothing but a information monolopy, the goal of which is to control what you see, say, on the internet or anywhere else, make you a good little minion who'll do as your told, and believe what they tell you. Time to deplatform them.. I figure it's just a matter of time before sites like this are shut down as "too dangerous".

So you have entrenched people like AJ that they are throwing off the island. I doubt that they will go for Rogan or Shapiro, but what they can do now is make sure that new voices don't rise up. People you have never heard of and will never hear of because they don't get the eyeballs or actively removed. It's kind of like grandfathered mag bans- we get to keep the commentators we have, but no new ones. THe other issue is that if you screw up once and they can get a campaign against you, your ability to be online will be taken away.

I don't disagree that we should all be disturbed at the trend wherein online information organizations tailor the messaging that they promote.

I also don't disagree that even clowns should have free speech, but private companies like Apple, Google, Facebook apparently don't have a legal obligation to provide it. As to the government, which does....well, it's already been established that yelling "FIRE!!" in a crowded theater isn't protected as free speech. I'm not saying that Alex Jones is doing that, but his "platform" and his rhetoric does leave the opportunity for some organizations to interpret it that way.

I would argue that they do. This whole 'private company' thing went out in the 1970s when all the laws and cases said that if you were open for business, you have to take all comers. Universities had to give time and voices to all kinds of craziness, but now that they are through the door, they want to throw out all the normal voices. Companies were compelled to advance or at least be open to the Progressive Bastard Balkanization of 'aggrieved' groups through special legal designations- which are asymmetrically used to protect their special interests and put ours at a distinct legal disadvantage. This is doubly important for companies or industries that work on the network effect where the value and power of the network is non-linear function of size. The internet giants were started on the promise of a wide-open and neutral field of communication. Now that they have reached hegemony, they want to want to change the rules.

As an ideal, you are right. That isn't where we are now and it is dangerous and out of touch with the reality of the situation.

I'm pretty sure the same people who silenced AJ and wrote that article would giggle like school girls if they could shut places like this down.

They are coming for Trump. They are coming for our guns. They are coming for our children's minds. They are coming for you.

SO AJ gets booted because his followers have guns, but Bernie gets no blow back when one of his guys attempts the largest assassination attempt in US history. We don't even talk about it any more. Fifty attempted Arch Duke Ferdinands on a baseball field, but because it was fomented by a lefty, the message is all about forgiveness and coming together. One guy on the spur of the moment drives into a bunch of people and it is an indictment of a whole political party and over half the population.

09-09-18, 17:21
They can come for sites like M4, and will in time.
Death of a thousand cuts.

09-09-18, 18:03
They can come for sites like M4, and will in time.
Death of a thousand cuts.

I hate to say it because it's become redundant, every 2 and 4 years we seem to be facing the potential loss of many of our freedoms. Voices from all over America rose up, many of them changed political parties and brought the POTUS in to office. Since then there have been many acts of violence, but most, nearly all of those have come from the far left.

On one hand we have Maxine Water's calling for confrontation with Officials within the Trump Administration and on the other we have this;
In this official photograph from the White House, Stephen Miller is making a white power symbol with his hands. Three fingers for “w,” the pinched thumb and index making the “p.”
“In some of our intern pictures, I emulated the OK sign the President sometimes makes," he reportedly said. "That was foolish. I should have listened more closely to the Commander-in-Chief and given the thumbs up. I’m proud of my Jewish heritage and strongly reject the hateful views associated with racist white power organizations. I would never make common cause with them.”

The Left is so far gone on this they are seeing "White Power" symbols wherever they look and secret codes in simple pictures of the President, his Staff and now even Interns.
Interesting times my Friends. I won't underestimate them because they are like wounded and cornered animals now.

09-09-18, 21:45
Yep, apparently some of them didn't get the memo from when we threw their tea in the harbor the first time. When the UK become a crime free utopia where Islamofags can't commit mass murder with a simple kitchen knife I'll consider entertaining their ideas, until then they can FOAD.

Post of the week!!! Hear! Hear!

The below is a damn good post too!

So you have entrenched people like AJ that they are throwing off the island. I doubt that they will go for Rogan or Shapiro, but what they can do now is make sure that new voices don't rise up. People you have never heard of and will never hear of because they don't get the eyeballs or actively removed. It's kind of like grandfathered mag bans- we get to keep the commentators we have, but no new ones. THe other issue is that if you screw up once and they can get a campaign against you, your ability to be online will be taken away.

I would argue that they do. This whole 'private company' thing went out in the 1970s when all the laws and cases said that if you were open for business, you have to take all comers. Universities had to give time and voices to all kinds of craziness, but now that they are through the door, they want to throw out all the normal voices. Companies were compelled to advance or at least be open to the Progressive Bastard Balkanization of 'aggrieved' groups through special legal designations- which are asymmetrically used to protect their special interests and put ours at a distinct legal disadvantage. This is doubly important for companies or industries that work on the network effect where the value and power of the network is non-linear function of size. The internet giants were started on the promise of a wide-open and neutral field of communication. Now that they have reached hegemony, they want to want to change the rules.

As an ideal, you are right. That isn't where we are now and it is dangerous and out of touch with the reality of the situation.

They are coming for Trump. They are coming for our guns. They are coming for our children's minds. They are coming for you.

SO AJ gets booted because his followers have guns, but Bernie gets no blow back when one of his guys attempts the largest assassination attempt in US history. We don't even talk about it any more. Fifty attempted Arch Duke Ferdinands on a baseball field, but because it was fomented by a lefty, the message is all about forgiveness and coming together. One guy on the spur of the moment drives into a bunch of people and it is an indictment of a whole political party and over half the population.

Doc Safari
09-10-18, 10:49
This is just the beginning. They'll de-platform more mainstream news personalities soon enough. They'll make sure another 2016 election never happens again.

And you win the internet for the day. These left wing loons are JUST GETTING STARTED. Too bad Rush Limbaugh is getting up there in years. Once he's gone I'm afraid the conservative wave is over.

09-10-18, 19:26
What next, the internet providers decide which websites they'll block based on opinions that don't reflect their echo chamber community standards? How long do you think firearm forums would last at that point? Oh but it's their business, their rules so we'll just all be complacent until we no longer have a voice.

That' precisely the idea, at some point they'll want to do what they're doing in China now..assign some sort of "rating" on you, get too out of line, say things on line, or at work, collage they don't like, and that'll affect other things..want that morgage from the bank? "Oh, we see you're a gun owner, and a NRA member, and you vote republican, sorry you're too dangerous to loan money to." Or you got into a arguement with your history professor, over the meaning of the bill of rights, "we're sorry we can't promote you to the head of the dept, we feel you're too radical.." THAT'S THE FUTURE if these bastards go unchecked..They will control every facet of your life..

09-11-18, 14:02
That' precisely the idea, at some point they'll want to do what they're doing in China now..assign some sort of "rating" on you, get too out of line, say things on line, or at work, collage they don't like, and that'll affect other things..want that morgage from the bank? "Oh, we see you're a gun owner, and a NRA member, and you vote republican, sorry you're too dangerous to loan money to." Or you got into a arguement with your history professor, over the meaning of the bill of rights, "we're sorry we can't promote you to the head of the dept, we feel you're too radical.." THAT'S THE FUTURE if these bastards go unchecked..They will control every facet of your life..

The irony is this is EXACTLY what we should be doing to the left, just look out how they run the MSM and academia.

09-12-18, 08:16
The irony is this is EXACTLY what we should be doing to the left, just look out how they run the MSM and academia.

Well, I thought about that.. And instead of wasting time and money watching these bastards, why not must simply round them up, take them to the nearest international airport, put then on a plane to the communist country of their choice one way of course, and before they leave take hair, DNA samples, in case they try to sneak back in. Make it clear to them that the very second the plane lifts off the ground, their citizenship in this country is null and void.. If I remember history correctly (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) after the revolutionary war, Torries were rounded up in different cities, and basically told that there would be a boat docked in the harbor, going back to England, and it was strongly suggested that they be on board with whatever they could carry. After fighting a long war,our new country was'nt about to put up with a bunch of whiny bastards who were still loyal to the king, they want to be loyal to the king, fine, go to England and do it..The same should apply to all Marxist, Communists, Socialists, and any other group that is intent on tearing this countey apart so they could rebuild in in their fashion.. GTFO, AND DON'T COME BACK, EVER!!!!!!

09-12-18, 09:55
Actually they nip this dissent in the bud pretty early since they now own the Public Schools and Universities.
Any deviation from the required party line in any subject, no matter how nonpolitical it may look from the outside is frowned upon. If they wanted you to think independently, they wouldn't take your tax dollars and then require you to be there under penalty of law and comply and participate.
Then if you've played the game and go on to a University, they make sure you are surrounded, not by the greatest minds available, but by diversity. Now diversity doesn't mean differing opinions and insightful curious minds, it's more about your sex, your sexual preference, the melanin content of your skin and where you were born and to whom.
Is it any wonder that our Nation has declined when we've had our education system, the greatest decider of who achieves taken over by Progressive Liberals who only want to destroy our Country?
No what we are seeing is the banning of idea's who have managed to slip through the nets of the processes they have designed to destroy us.