View Full Version : My dog -- Mr. Bones -- RIP

09-11-18, 18:14


My great companion has passed on at a bit over 14 years. Although he had all the signs of a dog his age, he went within a day. Small mercies.

There's a picture of him about 2/3rds of the way down this page.


Right now I don't have the heart to dig up any others. He is missed.

09-11-18, 18:23
My condolences, I find it bewildering that I could love a dog as much as I do. I’m sure you are the same.

Ed L.
09-11-18, 18:30
I am very sorry for your loss. Words are insufficient.

09-11-18, 18:57
I am sorry to hear of your loss. It is difficult to find a greater companion than a dog.

09-11-18, 19:01
Sorry man, btdt. Almost not worth having dogs because "that day" will come. Almost not worth it.

Just remember, you probably provided a better quality of life for 14 years than most people would have.

09-11-18, 19:29
Sorry for you loss, I know how it feels. Go to the pound and pick out a deserving young one. You probably don't feel like it right now, but you'll be glad you did.

09-11-18, 19:31
My condolences, I find it bewildering that I could love a dog as much as I do.
They love you back, just as much!

09-11-18, 19:53
Sorry for you loss, I know how it feels. Go to the pound and pick out a deserving young one. You probably don't feel like it right now, but you'll be glad you did.

Thanks. I am going to wait a bit though. I want to appreciate all that he gave to me (and the family) before "replacing" him. It's pretty fresh; he only died two hours ago.

09-11-18, 19:55
Sorry man. Hurts bad. If dogs could talk, no doubt he’d tell you how much he appreciated the good life and buddyship you gave him, as much as he gave you.

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09-11-18, 20:00
If dogs could talk, no doubt he’d tell you how much he appreciated the good life and buddyship you gave him, as much as he gave you.

Yep, I know it is hard, but take solace knowing that you gave him a good long life, probably better than he would have had otherwise.

26 Inf
09-11-18, 20:24
Sorry for your loss. Honestly, that is all I have. Dogs look into your eyes with all the trust in the world. I don't know that many of us are worthy of the loyalty and trust of a good dog.

09-11-18, 20:24
Sorry for your loss.
Losing your dog is about the worst.

09-11-18, 21:25
Had to part with our old man a few months ago so I get it, Rough shit- condolances.

Dogs are wierd, they really get to you.

09-11-18, 21:57
I’m sorry.

I miss my male dog every day.

09-11-18, 22:09
Had to part with our old man a few months ago so I get it, Rough shit- condolances.

Dogs are wierd, they really get to you.

It's because they are better "people" than most "people." Between the trust they put in you and the loyalty they give in return it's amazing.

There is a famous story of a Samurai who fought and died against overwhelming odds and when his dog found his body he wouldn't let anyone near it for days. The dog eventually died from not eating and drinking because he refused to leave his masters body. They were buried together which is pretty unusual for Japanese culture because of the absolute loyalty the dog showed.

09-12-18, 01:03
I'm very sorry your loss, I know how it feels, I lost my best friend January 15th this years and I miss him daily.

It's because they are better "people" than most "people." Between the trust they put in you and the loyalty they give in return it's amazing.

That is fact.

Alex V
09-12-18, 06:53
A dog will love you more than he will love himself.

I was never a dog person, but when I met my wife she had a 3 year old Teacup Red Sable Pom. A few years later we moved in together and her Pom became our Pom. I instantly became a dog person. Having a dog changes you in the best possibly way. We lost her on April 8th of this year and I am still broken up about it. She would have been 16 in June.

I'm sorry for your loss. The house just isn't the same after the depart.

09-12-18, 09:10
Sorry for you loss. I agree that most of us as humans don't deserve the unconditional love that a dog gives us. You can see it in their eyes when they look at you and if you really think about it, you know deep down you are not worthy of it, but get it anyway. It's a hard loss and sometimes you think it isn't worth it, but I think to never experience it, is even a bigger loss. Like Alex mentions, it changes you for the better and makes you think about what real love and dedication really is.

*as the old saying goes, if you throw your wife (girlfriend) and your dog in a trunk of a car and come back to let them out an hour later, which one is happy to see you?*

09-12-18, 10:57
My great companion has passed on at a bit over 14 years. Although he had all the signs of a dog his age, he went within a day. Small mercies.

There's a picture of him about 2/3rds of the way down this page.


Right now I don't have the heart to dig up any others. He is missed.

Sorry man. Lost mine last Thursday. Very difficult. Very.

09-12-18, 11:02
It's because they are better "people" than most "people."
^^This is so true!

09-12-18, 18:20
*as the old saying goes, if you throw your wife (girlfriend) and your dog in a trunk of a car and come back to let them out an hour later, which one is happy to see you?*

I had not heard that version before. Very true.

I have heard that vaudevillian Will Rogers once said: "If dogs don't go to heaven, then I want to go where the dogs go."

Feeling that just now, but not until my time is well and truly run out.

09-12-18, 20:14
Sorry for your loss. I held out for years before I caved to my wife and daughter about getting a dog. My only stipulation was I got to pick the breed once I said okay to having one inside. My choice was a mal/shepherd mix and he's been an absolute rock star of a pet, he'd do anything for me. He's 100% mine and I have fell head over heals for him too. My wife swears that I love him more than them now. I don't even want to think about how it's going to be when I have to experience what you are feeling right now. Prayers for you!

09-12-18, 20:20
That's tough, emotionally wrenching to lose your dog.
I wish you the best.

09-12-18, 20:39

09-12-18, 21:32
Sorry for your loss. It's never easy losing a friend.

09-13-18, 07:39
You know they live short lives but there's a reason for that- it's so you can give another one a home. I have three dogs right now, two are rescues, and am dreading the day one has to be put down.

Mr. Bones was a rescue as well, and he came with a lot of baggage for a three month old. He was afraid of water, stairs, and would not go through a door unless it was wide open. He was also the most indecisive dog in history (this way, no this way, no back to the first way). He was gentle with his pack, but got us into trouble with the town when he got loose and then was chased up and down the block by a group of kids. He had no car sense, and did not like riding in autos. All of the above gradually went away. It took a lot of love and care, but he had a better life than the one he started with (he was found in a dumpster in Fairfax, VA).

09-13-18, 07:39
Double post.

09-13-18, 08:22
Amicus, I have been to war. I have buried friends and family members. By far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life is pet my dog and tell him what a good boy he is as he was put to sleep. I’m tearing up on a flight as I type this. I’d go back to Iraq twice if it meant never having to do that again.

God bless you and Mr. Bones. We can only try to be the person our dogs see us as. As soon as you are ready, you need another dog. This took me 6 months, but I have others as well. It was the best choice I could have made, and I wish I did it sooner. There are so many dogs out there that need the love and home you provide.

Take care.

09-13-18, 13:35
Mr. Bones was a rescue as well, and he came with a lot of baggage for a three month old. He was afraid of water, stairs, and would not go through a door unless it was wide open. He was also the most indecisive dog in history (this way, no this way, no back to the first way). He was gentle with his pack, but got us into trouble with the town when he got loose and then was chased up and down the block by a group of kids. He had no car sense, and did not like riding in autos. All of the above gradually went away. It took a lot of love and care, but he had a better life than the one he started with (he was found in a dumpster in Fairfax, VA).

Really glad you found him. When humans domesticated dogs to the point they depend upon us for survival we gained an obligation to them. Most of my dogs have been rescues of some kind. I don't mind the work as much as I mind the fact that rescues typically come with hereditary health issues which translate to shorter life spans and each time it feels like it take a couple years from my life.

Amicus, I have been to war. I have buried friends and family members. By far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life is pet my dog and tell him what a good boy he is as he was put to sleep. I’m tearing up on a flight as I type this. I’d go back to Iraq twice if it meant never having to do that again.

God bless you and Mr. Bones. We can only try to be the person our dogs see us as. As soon as you are ready, you need another dog. This took me 6 months, but I have others as well. It was the best choice I could have made, and I wish I did it sooner. There are so many dogs out there that need the love and home you provide.

Take care.

Only thing you can do is make sure they have all the "good days" that they have in them and spare them as many "bad days" as you can. And the only thing worse than holding them and while they are put down is digging that hole.

Dr. Bullseye
09-13-18, 23:00
I had not heard that version before. Very true.

I have heard that vaudevillian Will Rogers once said: "If dogs don't go to heaven, then I want to go where the dogs go."

Feeling that just now, but not until my time is well and truly run out.

"If dogs don't go to heaven, then I want to go where the dogs go."

This is exactly how I feel. If dogs don't go to heaven, then shove heaven up your butt.

You have my sincere and deepest sympathy for your loss as someone who has experienced it.

09-15-18, 11:21
My wife has suggested and volunteered to put together an old-fashioned picture album with photos of Mr. Bones. We've never done that for any of our pets. She showed me a Polaroid (where'd she get that?) of our (then) nine year old son with our new puppy sitting between his feet. I had never seen it before.

NOTE: My grandfather flew with the RAF in WWI, and was attached to the American 94th Pursuit Squadron as a military advisor. When he settled down in Hawaii in the 1930s, he had a collection of dachshunds named after German/Prussian military figures. My mother was never able to remember all their names, but there was a "Tirpy" (von Tirpitz), a "Willy" (Wilhelm II), and a "Bizzy" (von Bismark).

09-17-18, 15:53
Thanks. I am going to wait a bit though. I want to appreciate all that he gave to me (and the family) before "replacing" him. It's pretty fresh; he only died two hours ago.

Very sorry. When I stop and think about how good dogs really are, it is bewildering. I often think we don't deserve them, but I find comfort in giving them a good life.

02-11-20, 18:54
I am necroposting my own thread. I guess that's OK.

I promised my wife that we would get a new kitchen, and that took almost all of 2019. Planning began in February, and work began in June. People constantly in and out; I ate from a microwave or takeout until October. No time or opportunity for a puppy (hell, we didn't even have a back door).

Then things changed, and my wife's mother's cleaning lady's sister's dog had a huge litter of Golden Retrievers. We got the runt in December. Meet my new girl Lavender Lava (pics from when we got her at two months):



In the arms of Son of Commander Paisley


I still miss Mr. Bones, but Lava is her own sort. Even though she is the runt, she is growing like crazy, now about 30 lbs. at 4 months.

02-11-20, 19:05
Congratulations, love runts for some reason

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Coal Dragger
02-11-20, 20:24
I’ve read that runts are not necessarily going to be small, many are the last pups conceived during the female’s heat cycle if the dogs are coupling multiple times. So a runt might just be tail end Charlie on conception and therefore a week younger than his or her litter mates.

Good looking girl, she’s going to have a great time.

Coal Dragger
02-11-20, 20:27
Not to go off topic but our new pup has now been with us for a year. The tables have turned.... https://i.ibb.co/wKtsKJr/62-B00-A67-5-F24-4623-80-BC-D1-C58-F01-E909.jpg (https://ibb.co/THyLHKq)
https://i.ibb.co/rQKvX77/20-F884-D6-28-B1-462-A-9485-F804216908-E3.jpg (https://ibb.co/cyKxsgg)
diy body mask for dry skin (https://clueyblog.com/5-homemade-banana-face-masks)

Coal Dragger
02-11-20, 20:29
He’s quite patient with the boy.

https://i.ibb.co/258WbpK/73-A9-A834-00-C0-4-F51-9-AE8-DABCF9-A33-C63.jpg (https://ibb.co/zN8Qktf)
diy body mask for dry skin (https://clueyblog.com/5-homemade-banana-face-masks)

02-11-20, 21:50
I’ve read that runts are not necessarily going to be small, many are the last pups conceived during the female’s heat cycle if the dogs are coupling multiple times. So a runt might just be tail end Charlie on conception and therefore a week younger than his or her litter mates.

Good looking girl, she’s going to have a great time.

That might explain a few things. The litter was 12 pups (!), nine male and three female. The sire and bitch live at the same farm, so the opportunity for multiple ... coupling ... was there. The bitch suckled in shifts to accommodate them all, so there was no weak runt who failed to develop because he was the ninth pup trying for eight tits.

According to the owner, the bitch was pretty relieved when the puppies were weaned.

Sadly, one of the male puppies has died: he was never quite right (according to the bitch's owner), and she kept him at the farm until he just lay down and expired one day.

02-12-20, 05:21
Congrats! We just got a pup after losing our Siberian Husky almost two years ago. He was my first dog...it hurt bad. Finally came around and picked up our new black lab pup last weekend, he's going to be a great dog. Looks Like Lava will be too...love her everyday.

04-27-20, 20:10
Update on Lavender Lava. Six and a half months old, 53 pounds (two months/10 pounds in pics above), sometimes a terror, sometimes a sweetie, and she just took my spot on the couch.



04-27-20, 21:45
What a sweet dog! I am glad she brings your family happiness.

04-27-20, 22:00
Update on Lavender Lava. Six and a half months old, 53 pounds (two months/10 pounds in pics above), sometimes a terror, sometimes a sweetie, and she just took my spot on the couch.



That dog is beautiful. I hope she brings you happiness, the way that only a dog can do.